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Tutorial 5

CE 3030: Water Resources Engineering

1. The following data were collected for a stream at a gauging station. Compute the discharge

Immersion of current meter below water surface

d (m) at 0.6 d at 0.2 d at 0.8d
Rev Sec Rev Sec Rev Sec
1.6 11 46
3.5 35 54 22 55
6 41 59 31 56
9.2 46 60 34 58
5.4 33 52 32 51
3.1 35 51 30 52
1.6 16 46
Rating equation of current meter :v = 0.3N+0.05, N =rps, v=velocity(m/sec). Rev- revolutions. Sec- time in

2. Following are the data of gauge and discharge collected at a particular section of the river by stream gauging
operation. Develop a gauge-discharge relationship for this stream at this section for use in estimating the
discharge for a known gauge reading. Use the relationship:

𝑄 = 𝐶𝑟 ∗ (𝐺 − 𝑎)𝛽, Where, Q is the stream discharge, G is the gauge height, a = constant which represents the
gauge reading corresponding to zero discharge. For the given problem, take ‘a’ as 7.50m.

Gauge reading(m) Discharge(m3/s)

7.65 15
7.7 30
777 57
7.8 39
7.9 60
7.91 100
8.08 150
8.48 170
8.98 400
9.3 600
9.5 800
10.5 1500
11.1 2000
11.7 2400

Linear regression is a way to model the relationship between two variables. You might also recognize the
equation as the slope formula. The equation has the form Y= a + bX, where Y is the dependent variable (that’s
the variable that goes on the Y axis), X is the independent variable (i.e. it is plotted on the X axis), b is
the slope of the line and a is the y-intercept. a and b are given by:

3. Determine K and X for the Muskingum routing method using the data given below for a river from February
26 to March 4. Consider four values for X: 0,0.1,0.2 and 0.3.

Date (Dt = 0.5 days) Inflow(m3/s) Outflow(m3/s)

2/26/2022 am 62.26 5.66
pm 410.35 198.1
2/27/2022 am 803.72 331.11
pm 899.94 466.95
2/28/2022 am 840.51 679.2
pm 715.99 823.53
3/1/2022 am 577.32 803.72
pm 461.29 673.54
3/2/2022 am 356.58 549.02
pm 263.19 432.99
3/3/2022 am 189.61 316.96
pm 141.5 232.06
3/4/2022 am 116.03 181.12
pm 101.88 147.16
3/5/2022 am 67.92 130.18

4. Route the hydrograph given below, using Muskingum method. Use Dt = 1hr, X= 0.3, K=0.85hr.

0 0
1 22.64
2 56.6
3 118.86
4 147.16
5 124.52
6 90.56
7 70.75
8 56.6
9 42.45
10 28.3
11 19.81
12 11.32
13 0

5. The inflow hydrograph to a detention basin is given below (Table 5a). Assuming that the basin is initially
empty, estimate the outflow hydrograph for the basin. Elevation-discharge-area of cross section data for the
basin is given below in Table 5b.

Table 5a. Table for inflow hydrograph

Time (min) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Inflow (m3/s) 0.00 0.78 1.36 1.66 1.47 2.06 2.39 1.72 1.54 1.56 1.67 1.28 1.54
Time (min) 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Inflow (m3/s) 1.54 1.32 0.47 0.48 1.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 5 b Head-Discharge-Area of cross section of the basin

Head (m) Discharge(m3/s) Area(m2)

0 0 0
0.15 0.0849 4450
0.3 0.2264 4688
0.45 0.4811 4897
0.6 0.849 5148
0.75 1.2169 5660
0.9 1.698 5889
1.05 2.2074 6100
1.2 2.7451 6145
1.35 3.3111 6458
1.5 3.8771 6600
6. The inflow hydrograph to a river reach is given in the table below. Determine the
outflow hydrograph from this reach if K = 2.3 h, X = 0.15, and ∆t is 1 hour. The
initial outflow is 85 ft3/sec. Draw the inflow and outflow hydrograph.

Routing Inflow(ft3/s)

1 93
2 137
3 208
4 320
5 442
6 546
7 630
8 678
9 691
10 675
11 634
12 571
13 477
14 390
15 329
16 247
17 184
18 134
19 108
20 90

7. A reservoir has the following elevation, discharge and storage relationship: When the
reservoir level is at 100.5 m the following flood hydrograph entered the reservoir:

Elevation Storage Outflow discharge

(m) (106m3) (m3/Sec)
100 3.35 0
2 3.472 10
3 3.38 26
4 4.383 46
5 4.882 72
6 5.37 100
7 5.527 116
8 5.856 130

0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
Discharge (m3/sec) 10 20 55 80 73 58 46 36 55 20 15 13 11

• the outflow hydrograph
• the reservoir elevation vs time curve during the passage of flood wave

8. Route the following flood hydrograph through the reservoir of previous question by
Goodrich method, for the given inflow hydrograph:

Time (h) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Discharge 10 30 85 140 125 96 75 60 46 35 25 20

9. Show that in the level pool routing the peak of the outflow hydrograph must intersect
the inflow hydrograph.

10. The following inflow and outflow hydrographs were observed in a river reach.
Estimate the values of K and x applicable to this reach for use in the Muskingum

Routing Inflo Outflo

Period w w
1 5 5
6 20 6
12 50 12
18 50 29
24 32 38
30 22 35
36 15 29
42 10 23
48 7 17
54 5 13
60 5 9
66 5 7


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