Past Simple and Past Continuous Grammar Drills - 124635

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Past Simple Past Continuous

Ex. 1. Chose past simple or past continuous

 While I __________________ (drive) a car, the police __________________(stop) me.

 When you ________________(call) me, I _________________________(watch) a film.

 While you __________________________(have) lunch, he _____________ (come) to the house.

 She____________________(clean) the house when Barbara__________________(faint).

 They________________________(stop) while they___________________________(travel).

 When he ________________ (see) Kate, she ___________________________(dance).

 While Lori_______________________(read), Steve_________________________(watch) YouTube.

 We________________________(sleep) when they____________________(break) into our house.

 Evie__________________(jump) out of the bus while it________________________(drive)!

 When we_______________________(leave) the house, it ____________________________(rain).

 While he_______________________(play) tennis, he___________________ (twist) his ankle.

 Claudia________________________ (sing) when the vase_________________________(break).

 Kate _______________________________(sleep) while I ___________________________(work).

 When Layla______________(finish) her homework, her mother ______________(cook) dinner.

 While you__________________________(paint) picture, I ____________________________(draw).

 I______________________(talk) with my sister when David __________________(call) me.

 They________________(take) out the rubbish while she ____________________________(relax).

 When I__________________________(hear) the noise, you______________(be) in the kitchen.

 While Charlie __________________________ (swim),we _________________________(sunbath).

 I____________________ (have) a shower when someone_______________(knock) at the door.

 She__________________________(leave) the house while it_________________________(snow).

 When the plane____________________(take) off, we ______________________(wave) goodbye.

 While I________________________(listen) to music, the radio _________________(turn) off.

 Daniel ______________________(go) down the street when he ________________ (meet) Harry.

 The police ______________________(stop) me while I _______________________(drive) fast.

 You _________________________ (joke) when Tommy_____________________(fall) of the chair.

Past Simple Past Continuous

Ex. 2. Chose past simple or past continuous

 Amelia_____________________________________( do ) her homework yesterday.

 Robert ___________________________________________(go ) on holidays last year.

 You__________________________________________ ( watch ) TV at. 3 p.m. yesterday.

 She_________________________________________ ( bake ) cakes all evening yesterday. 2

 They ___________________________________________ ( buy ) a house five years ago.

 We___________________________________________ ( move ) to New York in 2010.

 Jacob ________________________________________ ( meet )with his friend last month.

 George and Oscar_________________________ ( be ) best friends in their boyhood days.

 Megan_________________________________________ ( create ) new fashion.

 Tracy____________________________________________ ( practice ) football all last month.

 I__________________________________________ ( dance ) in my childhood.

 You________________________________________________ (walk) 10 km yesterday.

 They___________________________________ ( offer ) me a new job.

 She_______________________________________ (sleep ) throughout the night.

 We________________________________________________________ (win) the match.

 My sister________________________________________________ ( lose ) her keys.

 Madison______________________________________________ (send) a letter two days ago.

 Joe____________________________________ ( play) computer games all afternoon yesterday.

 I__________________________________________________ (decide) to go to the University.

 You__________________________________________ (report) the crime.

 His brother______________________________________ (broke ) his leg.

 She ________________________________________ (leave) the house yesterday evening.

 We________________________________________________ (talk ) about us all last night.

 He_______________________________________________ (tell) her that he lived in France.

 They child__________________________________________ ( fall ) of his bike.

Past Simple Past Continuous

 I____________________________________________ (sing) all evening.

 You______________________________________ (think ) about your boyfriend all night.

 They _____________________________________ (not/play ) tennis all morning yesterday.

 He_____________________________________________ (not/watch ) TV series all last week.

 My family_______________________________________ ( ride ) bikes all weekend.

 Lucy________________________________________ ( not/sleep ) at 9 o’clock this morning.

 We______________________________________________ (not/speak ) to the waiter last night.

 She ___________________________________________(not/have) a baby in February.

 I_________________________________ (not/drink ) all juice.

 You_________________________________ (not/give) me an apple.

 He_________________________________ (not/keep) a cat at the house.

 She _________________________________ (not/scroll) the Facebook page all evening.

 We_________________________________ (not/ work ) all weekend.

 Her sister________________________________ (not/paint) a picture at 3 o’ clock yesterday.

 The children_________________________________ (not/bounce) on the trampoline.

 I_________________________________ (not/run) in the park at 2 o’clock.

 David__________________________ (not/dance) in the National Theatre yesterday evening.

 Mike_________________________________ (not/build) a house.

 We_________________________________ (not/travel) alone. We were with other people.

 It_________________________________ (not/rain) all week.

 She_________________________________ (not/visit) her grandmother last week.

 We _________________________________ (not/look) for his daughter.

 They_________________________________ (not/eat) their lunch when we came.

 The film_________________________________ (not/start ) on time.

 I_________________________________ (not/ listen ) to music when my mother called me.

 Our friends_________________________________ (not/stay) at the hotel in Greece.

 My mother_________________________________ (not/finish) her project yesterday.

 I_________________________________ (not/say) anything.

Past Simple Past Continuous

 She_________________________________ (not/remember) about our deal.

 We_________________________________ (not/go) to the cinema when you met us.

 Alice_________________________________ (not/make ) a cake when I came.

 __________ you ___________________________ ( ask ) her for help ? Yes, _____________

 __________ he ___________________________ (approve) your choice? No, _____________

 _______ she _______________________ (bake) a cake yesterday morning? Yes, _____________

 __________ they __________________ (bring) any food? No, _____________

 __________ we____________________________ ( buy ) any fizzy drinks? No, _____________

 __________ Sophie___________________ ( catch ) the ball at 12 o’clock? Yes, _____________

 __________ Connor ______________________ (cry) all evening? Yes, _____________

 __________ Emily________________________ (destroy) her doll? Yes, _____________

 ______ Ava _______________________ ( drive ) to school in the morning? Yes, ___________

 __________ Tom and James ___________________ (dive) in the sea? No, _____________

 __________ they ________________________ (enjoy) the party? No, _____________

 ______ you _____________________ ( explore ) the cave all night? Yes, _____________

 __________ it ___________________________ ( fit ) me ? Yes, _____________

 __________ you ___________________ ( forget ) about our meeting? Yes, _____________

 __________ I__________________________ ( give ) you my book? Yes, _____________

 ______ he______________________ ( iron ) his clothes all afternoon? No, _____________

 ______ she ____________________ ( listen ) to music in the evening? No, _____________

 __________ we _______________________ ( need) my help yesterday? Yes, _____________

 __________ they ____________________ ( read ) a book since 5 p.m ? Yes, _____________

 ______ we ________________ ( run ) in the park for a long time yesterday? Yes, ___________

 __________ you __________________________ ( ski ) all winter? No, _____________

 __________ Daryl_______________________ ( study ) all night? Yes, _____________

 __________ Joe _________________________ ( swim ) in the pool ? Yes, _____________

 ______ Harry____________________ (think) about his girlfriend again? No, _____________

 __________ Victoria__________________________ ( win ) a contest? Yes, _____________

Past Simple Past Continuous

 __________ Emma and Mia ______________________ (play) together? No, _____________

 __________ our friends _____________________ (come ) last night? Yes, _____________

 __________ Lily and Jake_________________________ (fight) again ? No, _____________

 __________ Michelle and I____________________________ (fall) in love? Yes, ____________

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