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Text Completion

For questions 1-6, select one entry for each Q4. Historically, arguments against women’s
blank from the corresponding column of suffrage (i)______ from the claim that women
choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best would cancel out their husbands’ votes to the
completes the text. charge that women would merely (ii)_______
their husbands’ preferences, thus making their
Q1. If animal parents were judged by human votes redundant. Such arguments, while once
standards, the cuckoo would be one of nature’s convincing, today seem (iii) _______ indeed.
more _______ creatures, blithely laying its eggs
in the nest of other birds, leaving the incubating
and nurturing to them. D .
A. Ran the gauntlet G.Ponderous
A. Mettlesome
B. Ran the gamut E. Ape H. Shabby
B. Industrious
C. Held the line F. Disclaim I. Cogent
C. Domestic

D. Lacklustre

E. Feckless Q5. The successful tech company faces an iron-

ic problem in the fall quarter; people are so ex-
cited about the next (i) _______ of its product,
which will be released over the holidays, that
Q2. In interviews, despots are often surprisingly they refuse to purchase the (ii) ______ version.
_____; this helps to explain how seemingly aw-
ful people are able to command so many fol-
lowers. A. Ingenuity D. Obsolete

A. Malign B. Implication E. Current

B. Indignant C. Iteration F. Practical

C. Forgiving

D. Personable
Q6. The American system of government is
E. Munificent wonderfully responsive to crisis, but seemingly
(i)______ to perennial problems, limping along
with (ii)_______ solutions to (iii)________
Q3. There are number of theories to explain
these events and, since even the experts dis- A. Empathetic D. Faddish G. Coarse
agree, it is (i)_______ the rest of us in our role
as responsible scholars to (ii) ______ dogmatic B. Obliging E. Tendentious H. Chronic
C. Indifferent F. Makeshift I. Acute
A. Paradoxical for D. Quarrel over

B. Incumbent on E. Issue forth

C. Opportune for F. Refrain from

Critical Reasoning

Columnist: George Orwell‟s book 1984 seems

The recent decline in the employment rate was
to have exercised a lot of influence on many
spurred by predictions of slow economic growth
intellectuals. One thousand readers of the most
in the coming year. However, those predictions
intellectually stimulating national daily were sur-
would not have affected the employment rate if
veyed and asked to name the one book that had
it had not been for the lack of capital reserves of
the most influence on their lives. The book cho-
major industries. So if major industries increase
sen most often was the Bible; 1984 was second.
their capital reserves, the employment rate will
not decline in the future.
The answer to which one of the following
questions would most help in evaluating the Q2. Which of the following, if true, casts the
columnist’s argument? most doubt on the validity of the argument
A. How many of those surveyed had actually above?
read the books they chose? A. Major industry foresaw the drop in employ-
B. How many books had each person surveyed
read? B. Some major industries had appreciable capi-
tal reserves.
C. Did people speak the truth while answering C. An increase in labour costs could adversely
the survey question? affect the employment rate.

D. The government could pass legislation man-

D. Overall how many book titles were nominat- dating that major industries set aside a fixed
ed by these 1000 people? amount as capital reserves every year.

E. How many people chose 1984? E. The drop in the employment rate was more
severe this year than last.
Reading Comprehension -1

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following Q1. The passage cites all of the following as
reading passage. reasons for the inclusion of operatic elements
into the rock music genre in the 1970’s EX-
In keeping with the notable incorporation of CEPT:
operatic elements into the rock music lexicon,
the genre in the 1970’s experienced a significant A. changes in concert equipment changed the
shift in emphasis away from recording and to- way shows could be delivered.
ward music performance itself. Several factors
effected this change. First, the extended length B. Pink Floyd’s dramatic staging served to
and the moralising subject matter of songs of promote an influential album.
the era rendered them less appropriate for radio
play and more suitable for public presentation. C. shifts in the content of the music contributed
Additionally, the advent of the concept album, to the songs having a more “story-telling”
in which multiple tracks revolved around a sin- quality.
gle unifying narrative or theme, furnished a ba-
sis upon which similarly calibrated perfor- D. one medium through which rock songs had
mances could be enacted. Finally, as PA system typically been delivered to the public be-
technology improved, it became possible to hold came less conducive to the genre.
concerts with 100,000 people or more, which
encouraged artists to craft concerts that diverged E. artists altered their performances to reflect
from the merely musical toward the experien- changes in the modern concert ambiance.
tial. Bands began conceiving of their perfor-
mances as shows, more akin to musical theatre Q2. In the context of the passage, the word
guided by plot and setting than to the traditional effected (line 3) most nearly means
concert guided by the omnipresent set-list. In-
stead of simply playing one song after another, A. influenced
therefore, bands developed full performance
medleys revolving around specific motifs, and B. moved forward
punctuated by bombastic light shows, costume
changes, and other massive stunts. For example, C. transformed
the popular British band Pink Floyd famously
built a barrier in the middle of stage during one D. determined
performance then had it dramatically knocked
down mid-show as a promotion for their new E. brought about
album The Wall.
Reading Comprehension -2

Measuring more than five feet tall and ten feet Q1. For what purpose does the author in-
long, the Javan rhinoceros is often called the clude the last sentence of the passage? A. To
rarest large mammal on earth. None exist in demonstrate that the Vietnamese herd has better
zoos. Like the Indian rhino, the Javan has only odds of surviving than the Indonesian herd.
one horn; African and Sumatran rhinos have B. To illustrate that human benevolence can be
two. While the Javan rhino habitat once extend- just as detrimental to the survival of a species as
ed across southern Asia, now there are fewer can human maltreatment.
than one hundred of the animals in Indonesia
and under a dozen in Vietnam. Very little is C. To reinforce the idea that the Indonesian herd
known about Javan rhinos because they lead of the Javan rhino species will not survive.
secretive and solitary lives in remote jungles. D. To support the fact that good actions on part
Till today, scientists debate whether females of humans can increase the chances of survival
even have horns, and most scientific work has of the Javan rhinoceros species
had to rely on DNA garnered from dung. E. To support the contention that the Javan rhino
species may not be able to recover from its cur-
The near extinction of the Javan rhino is the rent state
direct result of human actions. For centuries,
farmers, who favoured the same habitat, viewed Q2. Which of the following best expresses the
them as crop eating pests and shot them on author’s attitude toward the likely fate of the
sight. During the colonial period, hunters Javan Rhino?
slaughtered thousands. Now, human efforts to A. slightly optimistic about the species’ long-
save them may well prove futile. The Viet- term survival
namese herd is probably doomed, as too few B. resigned to the extinction of the species
remain to maintain the necessary genetic varia- C. ambivalent about the long-term outcome for
tion. Rhinos from Java cannot supplement the the species
Vietnamese numbers because in the millions of D. pessimistic about the species’ chance for sur-
years since Indonesia separated from the main- vival
land, the two groups have evolved into separate
sub-species. In Indonesia, the rhinos are pro- E. uncertain about the ongoing impact of farm-
tected on the Ujung Kulon peninsula, which is ers and hunters
unsettled by humans, and still have sufficient Q3. Which of the following can be inferred
genetic diversity to have a chance at survival. from the passage?
Ironically, however, the lack of human distur- A. More is known about the genetics of the Ja-
bance allows mature forests to replace the van rhino than is known about its mating pat-
shrubby vegetation the animals prefer. Thus, terns
human benevolence may prove little better for
these rhinos than past human maltreatment. B. Javan rhinos are one of the most endangered
animal species on the planet.
C. Hunters killed more Javan rhinos in Indone-
sia than in Vietnam.
D. Most animal extinctions are the result of hu-
man actions.
E. Genetic diversity is the most important factor
for the survival of a species.
Sentence Equivalence

For questions 1-5, select the two answer Q3. Lady Astor once commented to Winston
choices that, when used to complete the sen- Churchill, “If I were married to you, I’d put poi-
tence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a son in your coffee.”
whole and produce completed sentences that Churchill’s famous ______: “Nancy, if you were
are alike in my wife, I’d drink it.”
A. anecdote
Q1. In previous decades, it was simply assumed B. aphorism
that fathers of young children would work full-
time and at the same intensity as they did before C. retort
becoming parents, but today, increasing num-
bers of men — wanting to further their careers D. recrimination
but also wanting to spend time with their chil-
dren — are more _________ about this E. rejoinder
F. maxim
A. stolid

B. ambiguous Q4. Most Physics books are dense and abstruse,

whereas Richard Feynman can describe the
C. whimsical most recondite mysteries with impressive
_______ .
D. ambivalent
A. luridness
E. equivocal
B. sagacity
F. officious
C. prowess
Q2. Many young employees actively seek out
mentors, but when managers attempt to mentor D. panache
young employees who have not sought out men-
toring, the help often comes across as presump- E. limpidity
tuous and _______.
F. lucidity
A. baneful

B. noxious

C. patronising

D. amenable

E. pragmatic

F. condescending

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