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Visual Vocabulary Overseas Counseling
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Abate (v)
Pronunciation [uh-beyt]
Meaning If sth abates, it becomes less strong
Synonym Lessen, Reduce, Lighten
Link Ab (now) + Ate
Link S Mote abate mat kar, you need to abate your weight

Usage : 1) The controversy refused to abate and the Congress was flooded
with all sorts of questions.
2) Corruption looms large over our economy and has shown no signs
of abating.


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Abject (adj)
Pronunciation [ab-jekt]
Meaning If something is in abject condition it is in very bad
Synonym Wretched, Miserable, Degraded
Link Ab (now) + Jacket
Link S Ab this jacket is in abject condition, you need to
purchase a new one for the party.

Usage : 1) Recent U.S. foreign policy has been an abject failure.

2) Slavery is abject as a slave is denied the decent life of a
human being.

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Acerbity (n)
Pronunciation [uh-sur-bi-tee]
Meaning Harshness, bitterness of speech and temper.
Synonym Astringency, Acidity, Asperity
Link asar (effect ) + beti (daughter )
Link S When there was no asar on his beti, dad spoke with

Usage : 1) A person's acerbity makes him very harsh and cruel in his
speech to others.
2) The customer made his displeasure known with more
acerbity than was necessary.
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Cohabit (v)
Pronunciation [koh-hab-it]
Meaning To live together and have a sexual relationship without
Link Habit
Link S In Indian society, to cohabit is not considered a good

Usage : 1) The polite and easy-going McIlroy is cohabiting with his

ex- girlfriend.
2) Shyna refused to cohabit with her boyfriend before

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Calumny (n)
Pronunciation [kal-uh m-nee]
Meaning A false statement about a person intended to damage
his reputation
Synonym Slander, Vilification, Libel
Link Kaali (Black) + Money
Link S Ramona debunked the various calumnies which
accused her of garnering loads of Kaali (Black) Money.

Usage : 1) The democrat leader accused the press of publishing

vicious calumnies.
2) Do not lose your focus; these calumnies are intended to
make you feel low.
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Pronunciation [dee-frok]
Meaning to remove a priest or minister of church from authority.
Synonym remove, depose, dispossess
Link Frock
Link S When the priest appeared in front of media wearing a
girls frock, the head priest defrocked him.

Usage : 1) The archbishop of Detroit has threatened to defrock

priests and deacons who attended a liberal Catholic
2) The Vatican says only a tiny percentage of priests abuse
children, and that it is taking steps to fight the problem,
including defrocking them .

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Pronunciation [dahy-uh-bol-ik-al]
Meaning extremely bad or annoying, devilish
Synonym fiendish
Link Daayan (witch) +boli (spoke) +kal (tomorrow)
Link S A diabolical nightmare : Dayan boli “I will eat all of you

Usage : 1) The tow truck accidentally gets mixed up with a

diabolical plot involving a group who want to sabotage
the Grand Prix.
2) I have never come up against somebody equally
powerful and diabolical.
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Pronunciation [en-jen-der]
Meaning To cause, to produce, or give to sth.
Synonym Beget, Procreate, Spawn
Link Gender
Link S Mating of male & female genders engenders offspring.

Usage : 1) The delay in tackling the issue engendered many

2) Such rare occasions engender faith in the ability of
police forces.

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Pronunciation [fawrd, fohrd]
Meaning 1) shallow part of the river (n)
2) To cross the river through shallow part (v).
Synonym Portage, shallow
Link ford car
Link S I forded the river in my new ford car.

Usage : 1) Due to the rapid water and uncertain depth of the

river, I was not sure that I could ford the river. (Verb)
2) The church of St John the Baptist stands close to the
site of an ancient ford of the river (noun)
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Gait (n)
Pronunciation [geyt]
Meaning Way of walking
Synonym stride, tramp, march
Link gate
Link S Some lose character guys were standing at our college
gate and were commenting on the gait of sexy girls.

Usage : 1) Ever since breaking his leg in a car accident, Joseph

walked with an awkward gait.
2) The shuffling gait of the gigantic, unwieldy man, who
had grown gray stooping over his work, had gained a
certain majestic dignity.

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Pronunciation [gluht-n]
Meaning someone who eats too much, greedily (disapproving)
Synonym greedy person, overeater
Link mutton
Link S A glutton ate one ton mutton

Usage : 1) She was a glutton and ate all the supplies before the rest
of the tribe even knew she was in the storehouse.
2) Some people are gluttons for punishment, others for
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Aberrant (adj)
Pronunciation [uh-ber-uhnt]
Meaning Not socially acceptable, Abnormal
Synonym Deviant, Unusual, Irregular
Link Ab (now) + Rent
Link S Ab rent in these buildings is aberrant.

Usage : 1) To give up on the possibility of change, to doubt that we're up

to the task, is socially aberrant.
2) The candidate was rejected because of his aberrant behavior.

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Pronunciation [bih-smurch]
Meaning If you besmirch someone's reputation, you defame
Synonym Defame, To slander, Tarnish
Link Bees (20) + Mirch (Chilly).
Link S The waiter besmirched the chef's reputation by blaming
the chef for adding bees mirch in the curry.

Usage : 1) “ To besmirch my image, the opposition party leaders are

making wild allegations against me”, he charged.
2) But unfortunately, the little Earl cared little for the game
or the rivalry & simply aims to besmirch & insult others.
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Pronunciation [brou-beet]
Meaning To threaten or frighten sbd. in order to get sth done.
Synonym Bully, Intimidate, Frighten
Link brown + beat
Link S This big guy is trying to brow-beat me by telling me that
he will beat me and make my eyes brown.

Usage : 1) The state government has been relying altogether on

forcible land acquisition and is using repressive means to
browbeat the protesting land owners.
2) The new chief justice warned ministers not to browbeat
judges over how anti-terror laws and other legislation
should be applied.

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Pronunciation [broo- sk]
Meaning 1) rough and abrupt in manner or speech
2) using few words and often sounding rude.
Synonym terse, blunt, curt
Link Brush + Kyon (why)
Link S Dad spoke in brusque tone “brush kyon nahi kar rahe? “

Usage : 1) The actor plays the role of a pervert with a brusque

impatience and a dash of sadism that threatens to erupt
into violence.
2) Brusque and unpleasant, the magician stirred up a lake
of molten lava and started laughing.
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Carouse (v)
Pronunciation [kuh-rouz]
Meaning To merry by drinking alcoholic beverages
Synonym Revel, Celebrate
Link Car + Use
Link S Outside the saloon(wine & beer shop), people were
using car for carousing.

Usage : 1) During college days, my gang and I loved to carouse.

2) Our high school prom party soon degenerated into an
ugly carousal.

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Pronunciation [def-er-uh ns]
Meaning Polite respectful attitude towards someone/sth.
bcoz. they hold some important position.
Synonym Veneration, Homage, Reverence
Link the + reference
Link S When he gave my dad's reference I gave him due

Usage : 1) The person at the conference failed to provide any

evidence to support his contention that he is a scientist
deserving any deference due to authority.
2) Out of deference, I allowed the old man to enter first.
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Pronunciation [eer-mahrk]
Meaning To reserve or keep aside something for some purpose
Synonym Reserve, Set aside, Hallmark
Link Ear + Mark
Link S I have earmarked this amount to remove this mark from
my ear.

Usage : 1) Government earmarked $ 220 million for erecting new

school buildings.
2) Rachel is not a miser; she has earmarked this bonus for
repaying her loans.

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Pronunciation [fas-il, fas-ahyl]
Meaning easily accomplished
Synonym effortless, easy
Link fisal (slip)
Link S Facile speaker ki tongue fislati hai

Usage : 1) The gifted young man put forth a very facile solution to
the problem.
2) The politician gave a very facile excuse for the tax
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Pronunciation [mas-ti-keyt]
Meaning to chew food
Synonym chew, nibble, gnaw
Link masti (fun) + cut
Link S Mom cut the pizza into slices and we masticated the
pizza with masti

Usage : 1) I lost count after listing more than thirty different

kinds, all plucked and then masticated with our teeth
as we walked along.
2) The steak was so hard that I had to masticate it for a
few minutes to make sure it was properly digested.

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Pronunciation [in-suh-luhns]
Meaning Rudeness & lack of respect
Synonym Pertness, Impudence
Link Shoe Sole
Link S Keeping her shoe sole on the table reflects her insolence
towards elders.

Usage : 1) His daughter's insolence shocked everybody in the

2) The boss groaned: such insolence can never be tolerated
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Pronunciation [in-kahr-suh-reyt]
Meaning To imprison, to put sbd in a prison or a place from
where he cannot escape.
Synonym Immure, Imprison
Link Car + rate
Link S The traffic cop threatened to incarcerated me, when I
refused to pay him the per car rate

Usage : 1) Thousands were incarcerated during the curfew in the

2) Brutally beaten and incarcerated, the magician
threatened to destroy the king's lineage.

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Nostrum (n)
Pronunciation [nos-truhm]
Meaning Questionable medicine; a medicine with exaggerated
Synonym quack medicine
Link nose + drum
Link S After eating a nostrum the patient's nose swelled like a

Usage : 1) The charlatan entered the bar nightly to peddle his

supposed nostrum for every disease
2) James is put to work at country fairs, promoting a
nostrum for pain relief.
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Pronunciation [oh-nuhs]
Meaning Blame or responsibility, esp. for something wrong
Synonym Responsibility
Link Nurse
Link S The onus of bad caretaking lies with the nurse

Usage : 1) The onus of proof lies with the prosecution.

2) The onus of deducting TDS from employee's salary &
depositing it to the government lies with the employer

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Pronunciation [ran-sid]
Meaning If something is Rancid, it tastes or smells bad because It
is no longer fresh
Synonym Rank, Stale
Link Rain + Acid
Link S Due to direct contact with the acid rain, the fruits
became rancid.

Usage : 1) The sickly sweet odor of rancid juice boxes, stacked in

waist-high bales, made me barf.
2) The room was filled with strong smell of coffee grounds
mixed & unbearable stink of rancid meat.

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Raucous (adj)
Pronunciation [raw-kuhs]
Meaning Loud, rough or abrupt in an unpleasant manner
Synonym Harsh, Strident, Grating
Link Rakshas (Demons)
Link S The children were frightened by the raucous laughter of
the rakshas

Usage 1) She sometimes unnerved her colleagues with her

irritating sense of humour and her raucous laugh.
2) Parents were screeching at the kids, and the kids were
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Tepid (adj)
Pronunciation [tep-id]
Meaning Moderately warm
Synonym Lukewarm
Link Teapot + lid
Link S The employer rebuked his servant, “You forgot to cover
the teapot with its lid and now the tea has become

Usage : 1) The newbie actor met the director with great fervour but
the response he got was rather tepid.
2) All of his recent books garnered tepid reviews and bare-
minimum sales.

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Pronunciation [im-pen-ding]
Meaning About to happen
Synonym Imminent
Link Pending
Link S As most of his work remains pending, I feel his
dismissal is impending.

Usage : 1) The hike in railway fares is impending, unless the

steep hike in diesel is rolled back.
2) After the recent terrorist strike in the city, a long
curfew is impending.
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Mangy (adj)
Pronunciation [meyn-jee]
Meaning dirty and in bad situation
Synonym Squalid, scabby
Link Mango
Link S the small child looked mangy after eating mango.

Usage : 1) The children were living in such mangy conditions that

they were removed from the home and placed in foster
2) The mangy house was crawling with spiders and

Visual Vocabulary Overseas Counseling

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Mirth (n)
Pronunciation [murth]
Meaning happiness, esp. when accompanied with laughter.
Synonym gaiety, merriment
Link birth
Link S After the birth of a baby boy there was mirth in the

Usage : 1) There is nothing that comforts and strengthens the

heart so much as honest mirth, stimulated by good
2) All the little boys and girls in the boarding school jumped
around and started clapping their hands in mirth when
they knew came to know that they were going to attend
the New Year's Eve bash.
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Nebulous (adj)
Pronunciation [neb-yuh-luhs]
Meaning Unclear
Synonym murky, cloudy, misty, vague
Link Nimbu (lemon) + rus (essence)
Link S After adding Nimbu rus to water, the water turned

Usage : 1) His last words were nebulous; no one could tell what
he really wanted to have in his will.
2) I was unable to see through the nebulous fog.

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Nubile (adj)
Pronunciation [noo-bil, -bahyl]
Meaning If you describe a woman as nubile you mean that the
woman is mature enough for marriage
Synonym bridal, marriageable , sexually attractive
Link new + bai (maid)
Link S Our new bai is nubile

Usage : 1) Despite an outdoor audience of thousands, the nubile

girls grinding on the balcony stopped dancing and sat
beside their stripper poles.
2) Evolution, in short, favors nubile females who still look
as though they have a great many years of fertility ahead
of them.
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Pronunciation [ped-nt]
Meaning A person who over-emphasizes on rules or bookish
Synonym Hairsplitter
Link Dant (Scolding)
Link S The new teacher is a pedant, har baat pe dant

Usage : 1) The class was fed up of the professors pedantic

teaching style.
2) Amitabh bacchan's role in the movie “Mohabbatein”,
easily qualifies as the role of a pedant.

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Platitude (n)
Pronunciation [plat-i-tood, -tyood]
Meaning A statement that has been repeated so many times
before that it lost its meaning or no longer interesting.
Synonym Cliché, Bromide
Link Play + Attitude
Link S Parents often tell their children, “Tera play attitude hai,
tera play attitude hai”, It’s their favorite platitude.

Usage : 1) The opposition leader's speech was full of platitudes &

empty promises.
2) Quote from a famous thinker- “The aphorism: a
platitude that swerves, or slides all the way around”
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Pronunciation [pruh-mis-kyoo-uhs]
Meaning 1) Having many sexual partners on casual basis
2) Casual, Haphazard
Link Promise
Link S A promiscuous girl promised many men but betrayed all
of them

Usage : 1) Unfortunate enough for Sandra, doctors did not take

seriously the consequences of promiscuous antibiotic
2) Her promiscuity can cost her her job, her love and even
her life.

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Pronunciation [rav-uh-nuhs]
Meaning 1) Extremely hungry
2) Intensely eager for gratification or satisfaction
Synonym Famished, Voracious
Link Raavan (Mythological demon of Ramayana)
Link S Raavan’s brother Kumbhkarna was feeling ravenous
after he woke from his long sleep.

Usage : 1) The ravenous dog upset several garbage bins in search

of his food.
2) ”What's in the lunch”, I am absolutely ravenous.
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Salacious (adj)
Pronunciation [suh-ley-shuhs]
Meaning Lustful, obscene
Synonym lecherous, lustful
Link Saala (Brother in law)
Link S A few days ago, my Saala was watching a salacious

Usage : 1) The market is flooded with salacious & titillating videos.

2) Narrating Salacious stories, was undoubtedly Kremlin's

Visual Vocabulary Overseas Counseling

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Skinflint (n)
Pronunciation [skin-flint]
Meaning A miser
Synonym Niggard, Scrooge
Link Skin + fly
Link S A skinflint does not even leave skin of a fly.

Usage : 1) Most businesses in the province have so far proved

skinflintish in spending on research and development.
2) Justin was an old skinflint; he never thought of taking his
wife out for a vacation or even a romantic dinner.
our recent gre scorers : 2012

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M.A.I.T, 325 N.S.I.T, 325 A.I.T, 324 REC K, 324 Thapar Uni., 324

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B.V.P, 323 D.C.E, 323 C.I.T.M, 322 M.A.I.T, 322 BITS PILANI, 321

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Visual Vocabulary Overseas Counseling

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