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Exercises on grammar ( SO and SUCH )

Choose the correct answer:

1.The sign by the lake says that the water is.................. to drink.
a) too dirty b) dirty enough c) so dirty d) such dirty
2.Nobody has been to the top of this mountain because it is too dangerous .....................
a) climb b) climbs c) climbing d) to climb
3.This book is..................... famous that nearly everyone has read it.
a) very b) quite c) so d) such
4.The phone is .................... for her to buy. She doesn't have enough money.
a) expensive enough b) too expensive
c) so expensive d such an expensive
5.I wanted to buy a new phone but it was.................. expensive for me to buy.
a) to b) too c) two d) tow
6.The hat wasn't big enough ....................
a) for me to wear b) to me to wear c) to wearing d) wear
7.The boys ran ................... to win the race.
a) too slowly b) very slowly c) too slow d) slowly enough
8.Ola is ................. to pass the exam easily.
a) so intelligent b) intelligent enough c) enough intelligent d) too intelligent
9.It is .................... big car that al l the family can travel in it.
a) so b) such c) enough d) such a
10. Ahmed thinks that it is .................... hot to play tennis in the park today.
a) so b) such c) enough d) too
11.I worked.............. hours that I didn’t have any time to myself.
a) too long b) so long c) such a long d) such long
12.The question was .................... difficult that nobody could answer it.
a) so b) such c) enough d) too
13.She is such ............. tennis player that she wins all her matches.
a) a good b) good c) well d) badly
14.She plays tennis so ................ that she wins all her matches.
a) a good b) good c) well d) bad
15.I’m not …............. to reach the shelf.
a) too b) so c) enough tall d) tall enough
16.My sister is .................... to go to school. She is only two.
a) so old b) too old c) not old enough d) such old
17.The light from the sun is ........................strong that you cannot look at it.
a) such b) enough c) so d) too
18.So quickly.................... that the others couldn't catch up with him.
a) he had run b) he run c) did he run d) run
19.This bag is very heavy. I'm not strong ....................... to lift it!
a) such b) too c) so d) enough
20.There are times when you can’t work..................... to live comfortably.
a) enough hard b) hard enough c) hardly enough d) too hard
21.The bus went ........................... slowly that it was quicker to walk!
a) enough b) too c) so d) such
22.So strong................ that we couldn't open the window.
a) the wind is b) the wind was c) the wind d) was the wind
23.This is..................... an exciting book that I don't want to stop reading it!
a) such b) enough c) so d) too
24.This is.................. an old tree that it is amazing it is still alive.
a) such b) so c) too d) enough
25.Hana didn't feel ............... enough to come to school.
a) ill b) well c) sick d) difficult
26.I’m.................. busy to go to work every day.
a) enough b) too c) so d) such
27.Sometimes I worked................... hard that I had to work until late at night.
a) so b) such c) extremely d) too
28.Other freelance workers find doing their accounts is.................. for them to do on their own.
a) difficult enough b) too difficult c) so difficult d) such difficult
29.Rami is careful............... to make very few mistakes.
a) such b) so c) very d) enough
30.He ran the company so................. that it made huge losses.
a) bad b) badly c) good d) well
31.So exhausted...................... that she went straight to bed.
a) did she b) will she c) she was d) was she
32.He left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was................. to drink
a) hot enough b) too hot c) very hot d) so hot
33.He wasn't strong enough.............. that heavy box.
a)that left b) that he lifted c) lift d) to lift
34.Sara and Ola are ................. crazy girls that I never know what they are going to do next.
a) so b) too c) such a d) such
35.Ghada speaks English so ................ that I thought she was American.
a) fluency b) much fluent c) fluently d) fluent

36.Ghada is so ................ in English that I thought she was American.

a) fluency b) much fluent c) fluently d) fluent
37.It was such a beautiful day .................... we could not sit at home.
a) that b) this c) then d) than
38.She had .................. many problems that she didn’t know what to do.
a) too b) such c) such a d) so
39.He was so nervous............ his glasses
a) to break b) and breaks c) that he broke d) he broke
40.She is.............. shy that she doesn't want to come with us.
a) too b) so c) very d) extremely
41.They are .................... nice children! Everybody loves them!
a) such b) such a c) a very d) so
42.Algebra is too complicated............. to understand.
a) by me b) with me c) to me d) for me
43.Algebra isn’t easy enough for me................ .
a) that understand b) that I understand c) understand d) to understand
44.It was............. cold weather that there was ice on our car windscreen.
a) such b) such a c) very d) a very
45.They were ................... that they were invited to parties every weekend.
a) such popular b) such a popular couple c) so a popular couple d) so popular couple
46.The weather was............. cold that there was ice on our car windscreen.
a) so b) too c) very d) such
47.It is ….......... good book that I can't put it down.
a) such b) such a c) very d) a very
48.You aren’t .........… enough to be out so late at night.
a) old b) the oldest c) older d) oldest
49.This bag isn’t …......... for me to carry. Can you help me?
a) very light b) too light c) so light d) light enough
50.You can’t drive yet. You’re not old enough. You are ...........… to drive.
a) such young b) very young c) so young d) too young
51.My mother is .............. wise that people often ask her for advice.
a) so b) too c) enough d) such a

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