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represented by


M/s: VARAHI ENTERPRISES having office at FLAT NO.201, SRI SAI

TELANGANA, 500047.


The Parties shall NOT disclose any contact revealed by ether party to ANY THIRD
PARTY/PARTIES as they fully recognized such information and contact(s) of the respective party,
and shall NOT enter into DIRECT and or INDIRECT offers negotiations and / or transaction
with such contacts revealed by other party who made the contact(s) available.

This Agreement is entered into between and among the parties identified above, signatory hereto, to
provide tor the exclusive representation provided hereto and to protect the parties against circumventing
or “going around” each other and to protect the representation each party possesses.

1. The parties agree that this Agreement shall at all times be subject to and conform to rules
promulgated by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as applicable hereto.
2. The parties will not, in any manner, solicit, nor accept any business from sources nor their
affiliates, that are made available by the other party to this Agreement, at any time, nor in any
manner, without express written permission of the party who made the sources available.
3. The parties maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other’s business sources and their
affiliates and associates and will disclose only to named parties pursuant to the express written
permission of the party who made available such sources.
4. The parties will not in anyway whatsoever, circumvent or attempt to circumvent each other, or
any of the other parties involved in any of the projects, negotiations or transactions, the parties
are desirous of entering into and to the best of their abilities assure one another that the original
project or transaction codes will not be altered.
5. The parties will not disclose the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax or telex numbers of
the contact(s) revealed by any party to third parties and that they each recognize such contacts to
be exclusive and valuable contacts of the respective party, and that they will not enter into any
direct negotiations or transactions with such revealed by either party.
6. That in the event of circumvention by any party, directly or indirectly, the circumvented party
shall be liable for the moral and pecuniary damages to which it has given rise.
7. This Agreement is valid, enforceable and effective for any and all negotiations, projects
achievements or transactions between and among the parties hereto and enforceable in country
and nation where any commerce and business is conducted.
8. The duration of this Agreement shall be valid for 2 months initially. If both parties interested to
extend later, it may be extended accordingly.
9. In the event that any party fails to honor this Agreement or any dispute arising here under, the
parties hereto consent, stipulate and agree that when a dispute arises as to any term of
enforcement of this Agreement, same shall be submitted for binding arbiEation pursuant to the
Rules of Arbitration as promulgated by the International Chamber of Commerce conducted in
English language, with the venue to be in the Court of Law in Hyderabad.
10. No party shall be in violation of this Agreement when the violation is caused by majored force.
Including but not limited to an act of God, War, Disturbance and Theft.
11. Commissions will be disbursed deducting TDS on order Basis.

This is a Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure and Working Agreement. The parties participating have
signed this Agreement on the date by their signature. This Agreement shall apply specifically to Projects
Achievements, Negotiations and Transactions, in order to accomplish its goal with respect to the
project(s) being negotiated among the parties hereto. This Agreement shall also apply to any and all
future business relationships between and identified among the parties.

In Witness Whereof, and intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to
be executed in this 9th December, 2023.

Signature nature

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