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HỌC KỲ 2 NĂM HỌC 2022 – 2023

(Phần dành cho sinh viên/ học viên)

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Ngày thi: 03/6/2023 Tổng số trang: … Lớp: 2342ENTH1511
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Điểm kết luận: GV chấm thi 1:

GV chấm thi 2:
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GV chấm 1:

Câu 1: … điểm

Câu 2: … điểm

Cộng … điểm

GV chấm 2:

Câu 1: … điểm

Câu 2: … điểm

Cộng … điểm

Nội dung chấm GV chấm 1 GV chấm 2

Câu 1 1. (1 pt)
(5 pts) 2. (2 pts)
3. (2 pts)
Câu 2 Task fulfillment (2
(5 pts) pts)
Organization (1 pt)
Vocabulary (1 pt)
Grammar (1 pt)
Tổng điểm
Bài làm
Câu 1:
The costs and benefits of global warming will differ widely from region to region, and
the more drastic the climatic change, the worse the effects will be. inhabitants in some
temperate zones may profit from warmer winters, more plentiful rainfall, and larger food
production zones, but inhabitants in other places will experience more frequent heat
waves, coastal erosion, rising sea levels, more irregular rainfall, and droughts. It's
possible that the crops, native plants, and domesticated and wild animals that provide
food for local residents won't be able to adjust to local or regional climatic changes.
When predicted effects of global warming appear to be on a "collision course" with
present societal tendencies, the issues seem especially clear. Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel.
The notion that the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will
become is a commonly accepted view among a vast majority of climate experts. In my
opinion, the writer is absolutely correct in asserting this view, as numerous studies have
demonstrated the harmful effects that excessive carbon emissions have on our
environment.It is a well-documented fact that global warming can lead to devastating
consequences such as rising sea levels, loss of biodiversity, and more frequent natural
disasters. These negative consequences are exacerbated as the climate change continues
to worsen, with some of the more extreme potential outcomes including the displacement
of entire populations and the all but irreversible loss of precious ecosystems.However, it
should be noted that there are some potential benefits that come with global warming. For
example, warmer temperatures might create conditions more favorable for agriculture in
some regions, leading to an increase in crop yields. Additionally, the opening up of
previously frozen regions in the Arctic could open up new opportunities for trade and
resource extraction. Overall though, the costs of global warming far outweigh the
potential benefits. Even in the regions that might be able to reap some benefits from
warmer temperatures, the costs of rising sea levels and other negative outcomes threaten
to offset the gains. Additionally, it should be noted that the benefits of global warming are
far from guaranteed, and a far more likely outcome is that the vast majority of the world
will simply suffer due to increased extreme weather and other catastrophic outcomes.In
conclusion, I wholeheartedly agree with the writer's assertion that the larger the change in
climate, the more negative the consequences will become. While there may be some
potential benefits to global warming, they are vastly outweighed by the deeply
concerning array of negative consequences that are likely to occur if dramatic action is
not taken to reduce carbon emissions. It is crucial that policymakers take action now to
combat climate change, as the consequences of inaction are simply too dire to ignore.
Global warming is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. With rising
temperatures and increasing carbon emissions, our planet is facing a crisis that requires
immediate action. While there are many reasons for global warming, there are also many
solutions that we can adopt to combat this issue. One of the most effective solutions to
global warming is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This can be done by investing in
renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. By transitioning to renewable
energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint and decrease the amount of greenhouse gases
that are released into the atmosphere. Another effective solution is to promote sustainable
land use practices. This involves implementing measures such as reforestation,
conservation of wetlands, and reducing deforestation. These actions can help to absorb
carbon from the atmosphere and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released.
Finally, we can also take steps to reduce our overall consumption. By using energy-
efficient appliances, driving less, and consuming less meat, we can reduce our carbon
footprint and help to combat global warming. In conclusion, global warming is a complex
issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address it. While these solutions may seem
small, they can have a significant impact when implemented on a global scale.
Câu 2:
Dear Peter,
I hope this email finds you well. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay with me and
had the opportunity to meet some of my friends. It was great having you over and
showing you around our city, and I am happy to hear that you had a good time.
Regarding Tim and Eddie, they are doing well. They are still playing music together as a
band and have been practicing regularly. Since the last time you saw them, they have
played at a few local gigs in town and have received great feedback from the audience.I
hope this answers your questions.
Ruth did get the job at the museum and is really enjoying it so far. She told me that she
loves the work environment and the opportunity to learn new things every day. Richard
and Anna have not gone traveling yet, but they are planning a trip to Europe in the fall.
They are both really excited about it and have been doing a lot of research to make sure
they have everything planned out perfectly.I hope that answers your questions.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Do keep in touch and let me
know if there is anything else I can assist you with.
Best regards,
[Your Name]


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