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Example for chapter 2 – Reactors and reaction rates

Example 1:
In laboratory experiments, ozone was added to a beaker (batch) of water and the
concentration of ozone remaining was measured periodically. The initial
concentration of ozone, C0, was 5 mg/L for all experiments. The fraction of ozone
remaining in the water at pH values of 7.6, 8.5, and 9.2 are presented in the
following table (from Stumm, 1956):

Determine the reaction order and reaction rate constant for the decomposition of
ozone in water at three pH values (7.6, 8.5, and 9.2), considering zero-, first-, and
second-order reactions.
Example 2:
Example 6-2 Effluent concentration from a CMFR A CMFR has an influent
concentration of 200 mg/L and a first-order reaction rate constant of 4 d−1.
Assuming steady-state conditions, calculate the effluent concentration for a
hydraulic detention time of 12 h. Calculate the required hydraulic detention time
for an effluent concentration of 10 mg/L.

Example 6-3 Steady-state operation for PFR

Calculate the required hydraulic detention time for a first-order reaction occurring
in a PFR for steady-state operation. The influent concentration of C0 is 5 mg/L and
the treatment objective is C = 0.5 mg/L. The reaction rate constant k = 0.2 min−1.
Compare the detention time required for a PFR to that obtained for a CMFR at a
flow rate of 25 L/min.
Example 6-11 Estimating value of Is
A water treatment plant must dose the water with 30 mg/L of alum so that the
coefficient of variation of the blend is 5 percent or less (COV ≤ 5 percent). Estimate
the Is that characterizes the magnitude of the blending job (the mixer’s
specification). It may be assumed that the alum solution has a strength of 651 g/L.
Hint: Both σu and σm must be on the same basis. Because σu is estimated as a
volume fraction (σu(vol)), σm must also be expressed as a volume fraction (σm(vol))
for Is to be properly determined.
Example 6-12 Design of static mixer to achieve the specified degree of blending
A pilot plant is to be designed to add 30 mg/L of alum to a design flow of 5 L/min.
The blend specification is that COV ≤ 5 percent. Estimate the length of a static mixer
required for this degree of blending. Use a design velocity of ≤2 m/s. Assume that
the mixing device inserts come in units 1.5 diameters in length and are available in
diameters of 12.5 and 20 mm. Use a whole number of inserts to achieve a
reasonable safety factor. Finally, estimate the length of time required for the water
to achieve the required degree of blending and the head loss through the mixer.

Example 6-7 Effluent concetration calculation for first-order reaction

Use the following values for the calculations:
C0 = 200 mg/L k = 0.0746 min−1 −r = kC; t = 76.6 min
Determine the effluent concentration of PFR and CMFR.

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