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2 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

So, because we are enamoured to distill excellence in
whatever we do, we intentionally mapped out plans,
put in the work, and sourced the best minds to breathe
life into this vision.
To deliver this thought leadership platform that serves
practical insights, we toured Nigeria and quite a few
other African countries like Ghana both virtually and
physically. And we came up with the most inspiring and
solution-oriented content, just to give you a reflection
of excellence.
Thus in this inaugural edition of the magazine, we
are serving you the finest wine, our first strength. It
features a plethora of industry leaders, game changers,
culture shapers and global transformers of African
heritage who shared igniting insights for attaining peak
performance in their own space.
We have quality articles on creativity, problem solving &
change; leadership & entrepreneurship; environment,
social & governance; personal growth & transformation;
process, innovation & technology; people, productivity

& synergy among a host of others from the African
hat a fantastic way to start the New Year!
continent. And we have some brain teasers, too. All
It all began in 2012 when we started
these align with our quest to build Africa, one mind at
CHAMP, a consulting firm, providing
a time.
executive coaching for C-level
executives, workforce development for And back in the office again in the first week of January
their teams & advisory services for their 2023, I flipped through the mind-blowing pages of
organizations. While we facilitated the growth of our journey. All the little manoeuvers and behind-the-
these executives, we soon realized the need to create scenes were just amazing! We couldn’t be more proud
a platform where they could share and gain insights of this moment.
while getting more exposure. We are utterly excited to share this dream with you
Fast forward to 2022. It was indeed a year for us to today. We couldn’t have come this far without your
reflect on what we wanted to achieve – a thought- continuous support. We can’t wait to serve you yet
leadership platform or a news tabloid. It was a time to another sumptuous edition for your growth.
find our bearings, define our vision, and go back to the We hope to keep dishing out enriching nuggets that
drawing board over and over again until we felt that will get you on a fast track in your vocation, enable you
seamless satisfaction. And voila! Creating a thought to build profitable growth and leave a legacy for Africa
leadership platform just made perfect sense. and the world. Do watch out for future editions. From
Of course, we thought it was easy-peasy until we began all of us at The Peak Performer Africa, we say cheers to
to collate the necessary information for our thriving excellence!
audience. Things became clearer to us. There were days
we were tense, nervous, grew cold feet, and somewhat
unsure of the eventuality, especially with the general
election gathering momentum. But then we knew it
Dr AbiolaSalami
had to be now or never. Editor-in-Chief

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 3




Problem-solving skills are TO DRIVE PEAK
PERFORMANCE In a world full of game players,
fundamental for success in award-winning Ghanaian
practically every field. As times continue to
Celebrity blogger, Ameyaw
challenge the status quo of
Debrah, has distinguished himself
skills, knowledge and process
so do great leaders.
Find out all you need to
get this unique generation
motivated and productive at work

Every individual has a dream.
For some, it is to set new records GLOCALISATION: DR IBIENE
while for others it is to propel their PETER ADEWALE’S NUGGETS FOR

15 24
academic portfolios. QUEST IN LEADING CEOS TO
For Niyi Adesanya Leadership
Bootcamp (NALB) it is five years
down and forever to go in its noble
quest to impact individuals and
organisations in Nigeria and Africa...



“Watch out what you ask for, you NIKE BAJOMO’S CHAMPIONING

37 28
just may get it.” As it turns out STRIVE FOR ESG FOR
there’s a whole lot more truth in this EXCELLENCE SUSTAINABLE
statement than we ever knew.


It takes an honest self-assessment This debut edition of
There are many reasons Xplore Africa details
to reveal that the person you see
to separate planning from freedom from colonialism
in the mirror could be the biggest
strategy. This article explores across the continent.
challenge on your team.
some of them.

4 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

September 20th - 22nd, 2023.




Worldclass Performance Strategist Harvard University
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Registration Fee:
For enquiries call
per participant +23490901234567
(Inclusive of 3 nights stay
APRIL — JUNE 2023 at Eko Hotel & Suites) | 5

Problem-solving skills are
fundamental for success in
practically every field. You need
to be able to identify a problem,
think through, and synthesize
relevant information and knowledge
to arrive at a solution. This will
enable you to tackle issues as they
arise rather than being thrown off
balance by them.

You can read similar articles on

OU CAN IMPROVE YOUR problem-solving skills something external that’s creating the
with practice, dedication, and persistence. The problem, or is there an internal factor that’s
strategies discussed in this article will help you causing you to struggle? Be willing to ask
improve your problem-solving skills so that you will questions that will help you get to the heart
always be prepared to effectively confront life’s unexpected of the issue and identify potential areas of
challenges. improvement.
A. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. When you’re trying to As Clayton Christensen said, “Questions are
solve a problem, one of the first things you want to do is ask places in your mind where answers fit. If you
yourself the right questions. haven’t asked the question, the answer has
Start by identifying what kind of problem you’re dealing with. nowhere to go.”
Is it a goal that you want to achieve? A decision that you B. BRAINSTORM WITH OTHERS. Some-
need to make? An area of your life that you want to improve? times, the best way to solve a problem is to
Find out the root cause of the problem. do some creative brainstorming. None of us
What is the source of the issue that you’re facing? Is there is as brilliant or as effective as all of us.

6 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


tackle each piece individually.

This can be especially useful when you’re trying to solve
a problem that involves multiple steps or is extremely
With this approach, you will be able to focus on one part
of the problem at a time, which will help you get through
the challenge more quickly.
You’ll also be able to identify solutions for each part of
the problem more easily because you won’t be looking
at the whole problem at once.
TANGENTS. Sometimes, when you’re trying to solve a
problem, you’ll find that you start researching different
tangential issues that seem relevant. That’s normal!
When you’re focused on solving a problem, your brain
will naturally try to solve other related problems. That’s
because the human brain is programmed to look for
connections and relationships — it’s how we learn new
Don’t shy away from researching tangents when you’re
trying to solve a problem. If you’re learning new things
and they seem relevant to solving the
problem, keep going. The more
you understand the problem,
the easier it will be to solve,
plus you might discover
new solutions you hadn’t
Thus, you can arrive at a thought of before.
solution quicker when E. LEARN FROM
you discuss the problem FAILURE. There’s no
with others. If you work such thing as a perfect
in a team or collaborate plan, and things can
often, consider bringing go wrong. When they
the problem to your group do, it is best to view
and brainstorming ideas for that failure as a learning
solutions. event. Pick the issue
You can then combine ideas and apart, figure out where you
suggestions, and come up with better went wrong, learn from your
solutions. Furthermore, brainstorming is a mistakes, and move on.
great way to build successful team relationships It may be tempting to remain at that point
and collaborate with others. of failure and berate yourself. However, your time is
C. CRUSH THE PROBLEM INTO PIECES. One better spent analyzing the erroneous steps you took and
other way to approach a challenging problem is ensuring that you do not make the same mistake again.
to break it down into smaller pieces and then

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 7

Available in print, digital & virtual course formats

8 | APRIL — JUNE 2023



earching for ways to inspire Gen Zs
at work? Find out all you need to get
this unique generation motivated and
productive at work in this post.
Millennials have been the focus of many
workplace conversations and articles, but Gen Z
is the real decisive factor in your organization.
The generation born between 1997 and 2012
is now coming into adulthood with a lot of
potential in the workplace. They are poised
to become the most educated cohort ever in
These young adults are tech-savvy and prefer
virtual collaboration over face-to-face meetings.
Studies have shown that Generation Z makes up
about 30 percent of the world’s population and
will constitute 27% of the workforce by 2025.
So it is important that you understand them and
know how best to motivate them.

You can read similar articles on

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 9


Take a more risk-aware be aware that Gen Zers may have
approach to business. different communication preferences
than other generations.
As with their communication For example, while millennials may
preferences, the desire of Gen Zs prefer to communicate via email,
to take a more risk-aware approach Gen Zers may prefer Google Meet or
to business can be seen in the way Zoom. They also have very different
they shop. Compared to preceding technology needs from other
generations, they are much more generations.
likely to search online for information
You may want to invest in virtual
and to read reviews before making
reality, artificial intelligence, interactive
a purchase. This desire to make
robots, and other technologies that
informed decisions is likely to translate
meet the needs of this generation.
into their approach to business.
Recruit differently for Gen Zers may also be more likely to Offer flexibility and
Gen Z employees. invest in companies that support social opportunities to
causes, either through philanthropy
When recruiting Gen Z employees, make meaningful
or through programs that offer lower
managers may want to do things contributions.
carbon emissions or more sustainable
differently than they do for other materials, for example. When it comes to compensation and
In a survey of Gen Zers, 69% reported benefits, Gen Zers prefer the same
For example, managers may want to that they are likely to purchase from a things that other generations care
place less emphasis on face-to-face company that supports a cause they about.
interviews. Instead, they may want to care about. However, they are also likely to
rely heavily on online assessments and
You can therefore inspire Gen Zs and place a higher priority on work-life
video interviews.
keep them engaged by highlighting balance. Hence, managers can offer
This can help recruiters reduce the the importance of social issues, for more remote work opportunities to
time they spend on each hire and example through advocacy and accommodate their desire to strike
make the process more accessible community service. a balance between work and other
to Gen Z candidates who may not interests.
have the same flexibility to travel for Don’t underestimate Another way to inspire Gen Zers
interviews that older generations
the influence of is to communicate clearly and be
collaboration tools. transparent about the company’s
Managers may also want to consider goals and priorities.
using different types of rewards and Designing your workspace to
Encourage them to share their
incentives to attract Gen Z employees. encourage collaboration is another
ideas and suggestions for how the
For example, Gen Zers are drawn to way to inspire Gen Z employees.
organization can be more successful.
work that offers the chance to solve Contrary to the general assumption When you make them feel that
real problems, make an impact, and that Gen Zers don’t want to be in the they are an important part of the
be creative. same room with their colleagues, Gen organization, they will be motivated
Managers can meet these needs by Zers actually crave communication. In to learn relevant skills that will
adjusting their job descriptions and fact, many Gen Zers prefer to work equip them to make meaningful
recruitment materials to highlight in teams than alone, although they contributions.
these opportunities. may prefer to do it via technology like
video conferences.
When managers choose
communication tools, they need to

Generation Z (or more commonly Gen Z for short), colloquially known as

WHO REALLY zoomers, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding
ARE THE GEN ZS? Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late
1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years.

10 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

The Peak Performing
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APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 11

A Practical Guide
to Working
Under Pressure
You can also find this article on

or many women in highly
demanding careers, working under
pressure is par for the course.
From meeting an aggressive deadline to
juggling multiple projects and tackling a
high-pressure presentation, we all have to
perform when the heat is on.
Of course, this is not limited to one gender; But while stress and pressure are unavoidable,
however, the situation is likely to take a heavier they don’t have to become your constant
toll on women for quite a few reasons including companions. You can learn how to work under
cultural expectations. pressure more effectively and even thrive when
According to Deloitte’s Women @ Work report, the stakes are high.
women now make up almost half (43%) of Many successful women have mastered the art
the global workforce and tend to outperform of working under pressure, leaving a trail that
men when it comes to some key performance others can follow by adopting the same mindset
indicators such as work-life balance and job and taking corresponding action.
satisfaction. In this piece, we will explore some proven tips
This is why we’re seeing more and more women that will equip you to better manage stress,
take on leadership roles as well as reinvent the adapt to changing circumstances, and excel in
ways they handle projects especially when they challenging situations.
have to work from home or any other remote
location. Know your limits and set boundaries to reduce
chances of working under pressure
Being a peak-performing woman comes with its
Being at the top of your game can often mean
own set of challenges. Among other things, you
long days, high-pressure projects, and lots of
have to balance work with personal life while
travel. This is especially true in senior-level roles.
dealing with gender stereotypes along the way,
If you’re particularly bad at setting boundaries,
all of which further compound the pressure at
working in a job like this can lead to burnout.

12 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


Leverage your support network. but it’s also important to know

Delegate tasks that you don’t when it’s time to re-enter the
necessarily have to do yourself. workplace and be ready to hit
That way, you are empowering the ground running.
others while saving yourself Take time off when you need it
some stress. and be mindful of the way your
Another good option to explore body, emotions, and mind are
is hiring virtual assistants. feeling when returning to the
Normalize saying no when Find ways to recharge your
necessary to avoid working
batteries when you need to, so
under pressure
that you will have the energy
Being a peak-performing woman
and full presence of mind to
also means knowing when
tackle challenges at work.
and how to say no. Don’t feel
pressured to do everything that’s Conclusion
asked of you. There are many ways that you
Sometimes you need to say can manage pressure as a
no to certain projects if they’re peak-performing woman. It all
too time-consuming or don’t boils down to being mindful
advance your goals. of ways to keep yourself on
As you work towards growing Refuse to take on too many track, avoiding stress triggers,
your career and moving up projects at once, Say no to delegating responsibilities,
the ladder, it’s crucial that you visiting clients or team members communicating effectively, and
understand your limits and set at the office if you can easily being mindful of your limits.
boundaries that work for your communicate with them Keep these tips in mind so that
particular needs and goals. remotely. Saying no to the things you can achieve your personal
Be clear about the time that don’t add to your career and professional goals in the
commitments you can path or help advance your most efficient way possible.
realistically make and don’t goals is essential if you want Always remember that pressure
be afraid to politely turn down to constantly be at your best doesn’t have to get the better
projects that will add needless without burning out. of you. You can maintain your
pressure to your workload. You also need to be mindful of composure and still do your best
who you’re communicating with work even while working under
Don’t be afraid to ask for help and how often. Keep the people pressure.
when you need it that you need to communicate
While many women are rising with close and others at arm’s
into leadership in the workplace, length. Loved this article? Then
there is still a significant gap in
you absolutely want to get
the executive ranks. Take time to care for yourself
your copy of The Peak
As such, if you’re a woman at and recharge
Performing Woman’s
the top of your game and you’re As we observed earlier, there
Companion by Dr. Abiola
looking to scale your operations, are many ways women are
Salami for more practical
you may find yourself needing outperforming men in today’s
insights on a wide range
help from time to time. workplace. This includes work-
of relevant issues. Visit
Leveraging your support life balance.
network is key when working Many women are taking time africa/woman-guidebook/ to
under pressure. off to care for their families or pre-order your copy.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. themselves. This is a great thing,

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 13

14 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


From a thought leader to a foremost credentialled IT
Assurance expert, there is a lot you don’t know about Dr
Obadare Peter Adewale. He is the Co-founder and Chief
Visionary Officer of Digital Encode Ltd, a leading consulting
and integration firm founded in 2003 that specialises in
the design, management, and security of business-critical
networks, telecommunications environments and other
information technology infrastructures.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 15


Today, Adewale is one titanic recognition, especially being an based loopholes, inadequate
character who has attained indigenous company in healthy cybersecurity leadership
monumental feats with over 52 competition with the most popular participation, usage of end-of-
certifications and counting to his brands of those days. However, life technology tools (Hardware
credit. fast-tracking that journey to this and Software), system patches
day, Digital Encode Limited is a mismanagement and business
First, he is saddled with “Global Brand” that is actively email compromise as a result of
governance responsibilities like rendering IT assurance services social engineering.
strategic yearly projection amid the to both indigenous and foreign
We have been able to assist our
Red Ocean business environment, corporations across the globe.
partners with services that could
then positive disruptive business This, in summary, expresses
create reasonable assurance against
transformation growth ideations positive growth. I remain resolute
the aforementioned cyber maladies
and its realisation, formation with entrepreneurship skills which
by sensitising the leadership,
of mutual collaborations or have been my bedrock over the
starting with their boards and
alliances with like-minded industry years. They are vision-mindedness,
C’levels, implementing standards
stakeholders that fit into the discipline, focus, value-driven,
for their organisation such as
company’s vision DNA among doggedness to succeed, business
Information security management
others. In this exclusive interview resilience, fairness and credibility.
system (ISO 27001:2022),
with TPP, he speaks on the need
Cybersecurity guidelines (ISO
to build leadership capacity and You Have Achieved Something
27032:2012), Cloud Security
capability within the team that are One Can Consider Monumental
guidelines (ISO 27017:2015),
relevant to the economic growth of In The Tech Space With
Vulnerabilities and Penetration Test
today’s mentality. Countless Certificates to Your
with the inclusion of remediation
Credit. What Is the Drive?
supports and execution of Social
It is on record that I have been the
Engineering simulation tests at the
foremost credentialled IT Assurance
various strata of the organisation.
expert with over 52 certifications
Also, implementation of Payment
and still counting. The drive is
Card Industry Security Standard
simple; technology is evolving daily;
(PCIDSS) for those with card
they enable diverse businesses and
services operations. To ensure
new risks are emerging, too. To be
cyber maturity in these areas,
a seasoned expert in this dynamic
we engage our partners (loyal
field as a positive change agent as
customers) consistently for
well as being resourceful to both
continual improvement practices.
private and public sectors, it is
expedient that I always detox stale
Every Organisation Is Defined by
information and relearn new skills.
The Processes And Cultures That
To verify these new knowledge
Influence Its Operation. How
areas, I validate them with globally
Have You Managed To Build A
recognised certifications for my all-
Culture Of Excellence At Digital
time relevance.
Encode Ltd?
At Digital Encode Limited, our
What Are The Biggest
value system is based on integrity in
Cybersecurity Threats Right
all we do. Thus, we embrace these
What Has Been the Growth Now And How Have You Helped
three core values namely: we are
Trajectory of Digital Encode Ltd Your Clients to Address This?
customer driven; we understand
and What Entrepreneurial Skills The biggest cyber threats
our esteemed customers’ present
Would You Say Guided You So are inadequate competency
and future need to continuously act
Far? developments of the workforce,
to exceed their expectations; and
I must say transparently, at the ransomware, vulnerabilities
to be their trusted advisor.
inauguration of the business, it emanating from third-party
was not a smooth ride to gain vendors or suppliers, cloud- We are performance-driven; setting

16 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


To be a seasoned
expert in this
dynamic field as
a positive change
agent as well as
being resourceful
to both private and
public sectors, it
is expedient that I
always detox stale
information and
relearn new skills.

Dr Obadare Peter

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 17

aggressive performance targets to
measure our success by benchmarking
ourselves globally. We value our
people and their diversity. We value
fairness in our dealings and recognise
individual and team performance. We
value an entrepreneurial and proactive
Also, we strongly believe in active
learning and will invest in the ongoing
development of our skills. All these
have helped us to build a culture of
distinction at our organisation and in
the marketplace.

You Served As Technical Partner

To CBN For Over A Decade. To “Japa syndrome” is a trending slogan Navigating through the challenges
What Extent Do You Think Public- in the business ecosystem of today, does not come easy. But my key
Private Partnerships Contribute which is not different from “Andrew is strength, which is coincidentally that
To A Nation’s Growth And checking out of the country”. Nigeria of my Co-founder too, was relevant
Development? must survive these days. My thought is sound knowledge in specific areas
No nation’s public sector works in very simple and explicit; be strategic that the industry needs which are in
isolation when it comes to nation- to build capacity and capability that tandem with our vision and mission
building. I must say, it is of high are relevant for the economic growth drive.
necessity and it is expedient that of today’s mentality. If you have We developed the best-seasoned
mutual relationships established by not mentally “Japa” to acquire the skills and pioneered the indigenous
both parties are robust and healthy germane skills you need for value evolution of IT assurance consultancy
in an objective mannerism to tackle creation, it does not matter where the services through active awareness
the growing technological and fellow is, the person’s quality of life with stakeholders and service value
cybersecurity challenges within their in terms of earning power will still be creation. Our loyal customers are still
sovereignty and beyond. stunted. on the journey with us to date.
The public sector must provide the It is even worse abroad because it
enabling environment in terms of is no man’s land. This means it will Could You List Five Books that
policies, regulations and national be tougher to cope with survival Transformed Your Mindset?
critical infrastructures as a stakeholder because you will be competing with I’m an avid reader, but will just limit
for the private sector to leverage. global brains. In summary, wealth some of the books to five. They are
And in return, the private sector must gravitates towards value creators, not the Holy Bible; It’s Not Over Till It’s
be committed to excellent service consumers. And a diamond in Nigeria Over by Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo;
delivery, job creation, and fulfilment is a diamond in any part of the world. The Assignment Vol1 – The Dream
of their statutory duties and actively Be sensitive, and keep upgrading your & The Destiny by Mike Murdock;
engage the government of the day skills, and areas of relevance to thrive Towards Mental Exploits by Bishop
through their associations or special in your field. David Oyedepo; The Road Ahead by
interest group, to deliberate on matters Bill Gates, Rick Adamson et al.
that could impact the confidentiality, Of All The Hurdles You Have Had
integrity and availability of any To Overcome, Which Was The Most Is There Any Other Thing You
organisation’s asset which could be Challenging For You And How Did Would Like To Add?
people-based, process or technology. You Navigate It? On a final note, nothing great is
The most challenging period in our achieved in isolation. As a chief
There Is A Global Talent journey as a company was gaining visionary officer, your unwavering
Movement Awakening In Nigeria market share while at the starting organisation vision, mission, objectives
Called “Japa Syndrome”. What phase. Proving to prospective clients and strategy are your core strength
Are Your Thoughts For Both that you can create the same value and tools, with the trained people
Those Considering Taking The as the expatriate organisations that resource being your collaborative
Opportunity And Those Who Have competed with our organisation was greatest assets.
Chosen To Build Locally? very tough.

18 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 19


You can read similar articles on

planning from strategy. This article explores
some of them.
Even though planning and strategy are often used
interchangeably, they are two different concepts.
For example, if you have to develop a document with insights You can compare planning and strategy to the process
and ideas on how to promote, sell, and distribute your of solving a puzzle. Strategy paints a picture of the end
company’s products and services, are you going to work on a result while planning arranges the pieces of the puzzle
marketing plan or a marketing strategy? to bring that picture to life.

You are probably trying to figure out which one would be Many organizations default to planning instead of
appropriate and why. strategy because planning is easier. It is essentially
about determining what you want to do and how you
Things get even fuzzier when you start to talk about want to allocate your resources.
developing a strategic plan. What exactly is a strategic plan?
Are you developing a strategy or a plan? But planning without a strategy is futile, or at best,
ineffective. If you make a plan without first creating a
The essence of asking these questions is not to have you strategy, you’re probably not going to feel happy and
answer them right away. The purpose is to have you think satisfied when you achieve your goals.
deliberately about these concepts as we work towards gaining
a clear understanding of each one. You will not be able to determine when the outcomes
have been achieved because you did not define those
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLANNING outcomes in the first place.
Worse, you are likely to keep changing directions along
Strategy is about making decisions that will lead to the desired the way, which makes it less likely that you will ever get
outcome. Planning is about translating those decisions into to where you want to go.
definite action steps.
On the other hand, strategy is based on a set of
The point of strategy is to use a variety of tactics to get what assumptions that must have been tested and validated.
you want. Planning is meant to break down a strategy into It also takes into account everything that could change
specific, manageable steps that can be carried out over time. the chances of getting the desired result.
Strategy tells you where to go and what to focus on. Planning In a presentation at Harvard Business School, Roger
tells you when and how to get there. Martin, Professor Emeritus at University of Toronto’s
Strategy provides the rationale and the basis for working Rotman School of Management, defines strategy as ‘an
towards certain desired outcomes. Planning involves integrative set of choices that positions you on a playing
clarifying the required commitments for executing the field of your choice in a way that you win.’ In other
strategy. words, without a strategy, you are not playing to win;
you are simply ‘playing to play’.

20 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

An impressive plan will not necessarily create meaningful progress
or sustainable growth. But a well thought-out strategy will always
lead to an execution plan that gives you an edge over the competition. DIFFERENT FACULTIES:
This is why Felix Oberholzer-Gee, author of Better, Simpler Strategy, To come up with a
describes strategy as a plan for creating value. It’s easier to plan for strategy, you need to be
multiple scenarios when you separate planning from strategy. Strategy able to see far into the
is like setting out on a journey without a clear purpose or direction. future and know a lot
And developing a strategy without an execution plan is like painting the about your industry and
picture of a desired outcome and then going to sleep. the business
environment as a whole.
As Alan Lakein observed, “Planning is bringing the future into the This is different from
present so that you can do something about it now.” It is therefore being able to figure out
evident that both strategy and planning are indispensable to business what steps need to be
success. taken to put the strategy
But business leaders need to know that the two concepts are different into action and get the
and approach each one in the right way. This distinction is important desired results.
for the following reasons.

By coming up with a clear strategy
Keeping planning and strategy separate will help and using that as the basis for your
you figure out what success means for your planning, you will be able to figure
business. You will be able to identify long-term out where your company stands
goals and their corresponding short-term objectives. relative to other players in the
If you lump planning and strategy together, you are industry. This will help you
in prime position for a rude awakening when you understand where your strengths
find out that you have achieved your goal, but it is lie and how you can use them to
not what you wanted. What’s the use of gaining your advantage.
speed when you are headed in the wrong direction?


When you make a ORGANIZATION:
distinction between When you Once you have developed a
planning and strategy, you understand the clear and simple strategy, it
will be able to set your differ-ence between will be easier to plan for
priorities right. It will help strategy and different scenarios. You can
you focus on the planning, you will be anticipate risks that could stop
objectives and key results better positioned to you from getting what you
that truly matter and allocate resources want and new opportunities
avoid being distracted by in a way that is that you can take advantage
demands that appear to both efficient and of. This will help you to be
be urgent but are actually effective. Ultimately, proactive in your response to
not important. You will this will minimize situations. As a result, you will
also be able to find your waste while also be able to build a business that
own way to success increasing your endures despite changes in the
instead of playing the return on invested external environment.
comparison game. capital.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 21

…in the pursuit of greatness

Rate Sheet
…in the pursuit of greatness


COLOUR Rate Sheet

Full Page (ROP) 16X12 N 750,000.00

Half Page 8X12 N450,000.00
Quarter Page 8X6 N250,000.00
Full Page (ROP) 16X12
Half Page
COLOUR 8X12 N450,000.00
Full PagePage
(ROP) 8X6 N250,000.00
N 375,000.00
Quarter Page RATE
Full Page (ROP) N 375,000.00
Half Page
Quarter Page N150,000.00
Front Cover Strip 2X10 N 900,000.00
Inside Front Cover 16X12 N900,000.00
Page 3 (Opp. IFC) 16X12 N900,000.00
Front Cover
Inside Strip
Back Cover 2X10
16X12 NN900,000.00
Inside Front Cover 16X12 N900,000.00
Outside Back Cover 16X12 N1,200,000.00
Page 3 (Opp. IFC) 16X12 N900,000.00
Double Spread 16X12 N1,200,000.00
Inside Back Cover 16X12 N900,000.00
Centrespread 16X12 N1,500,000.00
Outside Back Cover 16X12 N1,200,000.00
Cover Story N5,000,000.00
Double Spread 16X12 N1,200,000.00
Centrespread 16X12 N1,500,000.00
Cover Story N5,000,000.00
…in the pursuit of greatness

…in the pursuit of greatness



…in the pursuit of greatness
(Website) RATE InnerADVERTS
Page Medium RATE
A. Pre event N150,000.00 Rectangle (300X250) per week
Publicity SITE POST &
N250,000.00 SOCIAL MEDIA
Inner Page Medium N75,250.00
B. Pre
event N150,000.00 Rectangle (300X250) per week
Publicity RATE
N250,000.00 ADVERTS RATE
B. Post
C. A + Bevent N350,000.00
(Website) Inner Page Medium N75,250.00
A. Pre event N150,000.00 A. Homepage
Rectangle (300X250) N376,250.00
per week
C. A + B N350,000.00
A. Pre event
Publicity N50,000.00
N250,000.00 Masthead (728X90)
B. Post event N70,000.00 A. Homepage N376,250.00
B. Pre
Publicityevent N50,000.00 Masthead (728X90)
B. Inner Section N376,250.00
C. A + B N70,000.00
N350,000.00 Masthead (728X90)
B. Post
C. A + Bevent N120,000.00 B. Inner Section N376,250.00
Publicity A. Homepage
Masthead (728X90) N376,250.00
A. Pre event
(Website + N50,000.00 Masthead
A. Guest(728X90)
Posts & N100,000.00
C. A + B N120,000.00
Publicity N70,000.00 Articles
B. +
Pre event
Post event N180,000.00 A. Inner
B. Guest Posts &
Section N100,000.00
Publicity Articles
Masthead (728X90)
B. Personality N250,000.00
C. Pre
B. A
event N180,000.00
Publicity B. Personality N250,000.00
(Website +
B. Post event N300,000.00 A. Guest Posts & N100,000.00
Instagram) Articles
A. Pre event N180,000.00
Publicity B. Personality N250,000.00
B. Post event N300,000.00


You may not have heard of Dr Ibiene Ogolo, but you must
have come across Azuri Peninsula in the glorious Eko
Atlantic City in the Victoria Island of Lagos State, Nigeria.
Yes, that is one of the feats of Ogolo, who is classified as
the true definition of “not all heroes wear capes”.
HE DOUBLES AS THE member of the company, including The fourth thing to consider is to
founder of IBIENE.Com, those decisions and actions of use the Change Approach. One of
a lifestyle magazine that which they are not aware. Whether the CEO’s most critical roles is to
celebrates and hopes to you believe it or not, this same create an environment of continual
preserve awe-inspiring cultures person is responsible for peak reinvention, even if such an
in Africa through documentation. performance in the organisation, environment produces anxiety and
This pacesetter has delved into whether for her (him)self or the confusion, leads to some strategic
other sectors including agriculture, employees. mistakes, and temporarily hurts
mining and solid minerals among The first is to have immense respect financial performance. Change
others. Owing to her exceptional and appreciation for a strong comes with its ups and downs,
contributions, she was decorated foundation. High performers right?
as the Most Influential People of are committed to mastering the For the fifth, let me go with
African Descent (MIPAD). With over fundamentals, rather than trying to some don’ts of a CEO; from
25 years of experience in various shortcut or skip steps. If you want failing to diagnose the execution
sectors, this seasoned professional to thrive in the world of business weaknesses of their businesses
captures five key things every CEO today, you need to be willing to to make decisions about their
must heed to drive excellence. sacrifice instant gratification to teams too quickly, neglecting
build a solid foundation for success relationships with the execution
Could You Take Us Down
that can sustain those results over side of the business and failing
Memory Lane On The Most
Remarkable Moments In Your the long haul. to develop a coherent, efficient
Career? Secondly, be open to feedback. strategy deployment process while
I have so many examples to share Instead of taking feedback maintaining execution excellence.
but will bring to light the day I personally, welcome it. High
How Do You Drive Synergy In
officially accepted the offer to run performers are coachable. When
Your Team?
Eko Development company from someone offers you feedback,
I learn synergy from a few sports
scratch. I saw an opportunity to especially someone competent,
teams. As we can all see from the
not only express myself but do that whose opinion and results are
ongoing FIFA World Cup, they
which seemed impossible since I valid, they are giving you the gift of
play different roles with a common
had never held nor managed such pointing out blind spots you may
aim in mind – to put the ball in the
a portfolio. not have otherwise recognised
Off I went to the drawing board and are using their expertise and
experience to show you a more This is also needed in every
to ascertain the skills required and
effective and/or efficient way. organisation but getting everyone
was blessed with the best bosses in
That’s how you excel in those areas to take care of their responsibility
the industry who not only groomed
you are seeking improvement. while working towards a common
me but set such high standards
goal can be tasking for some
that I was determined to surpass. The third is to remain hyper-aware
CEOs.So, here’s what I would
Yes, the road was filled with loads of your mindset, habits and focus.
of obstacles and challenges but As a high performer, your main
today when anyone looks at objective is to show up as the best } SOW COMMITMENT: Truth
the skyline of Lagos my name is version of yourself and do that with is, being a member of a team
imprinted in the sands of time. consistency. Then you can hold requires personal commit-
Kindly visit the AZURI TOWERS to others to that same standard. ment and dedication to the
see what determination can create,
and deliver.
The CEO is ultimately responsible for
What Are The Top Five Things
Every CEO Must Pay Attention every decision and action of every
To Drive Peak Performance?
The CEO’s job is like no other in
member of the company, including
the organisation. It is infinite. The those decisions and actions of which
CEO is ultimately responsible for
every decision and action of every they are not aware.
APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 25

overall success of a team. This ties closely into

empowerment because a team can’t function
properly if no one trusts their teammates to
have their back.
} BE CLEAR: For a team to cooperate properly,
everyone on the team needs to know what the
objective is, and everyone’s objective needs
to be the same. Be clear not just in words, but
in action.
Make synergy just more than a buzzword. You
can appreciate teams who succeed with the
synergy idea so others can learn from them.
} COMMUNICATE: Once everyone knows
where the hoop is, the team needs to com-
municate so each player knows what his or her
teammates need from them. There are times
you’ll need to be polite and other times you
need to be direct.


With the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot has 3. DECISION-MAKING
changed for businesses, causing the CEO’s As the CEO, you’re the captain of the ship, hence the
concerns to multiply. Here are some I would need to be a strong decision-maker. With the current
be concerned about: realities, each day, you’ll be faced with decisions like
terminating an employee or making key financial
1. CLEAR VISION choices. Some of these decisions will not be as diffi-
What is your company’s vision? If a visitor walks into cult to make as others.
your building and is opportune to ask three people,
can they articulate it? Can they describe what the
vision means to them and how the work they do Imagine being a fish trying to swim upstream. It’s
supports the vision and brings meaning to their jobs? tough to make progress. That’s what happens when
your key players are not all on the same page.
One of the driving forces behind company growth is
a team that’s inspired and motivated to show up to From payment of workers’ wages at the end of the
work every day and accomplish goals. With that said, month to expenditures running into multiple millions
one of the top leadership challenges is inspiring and as well as the question of “how much did we make in
motivating your team to be the best they can be. the end?” Any CEO, at some point in their career, have
When employees show up to work every day, they had the above points keep them awake at night.
want to know why they’re there.

26 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


ESG for
Dr Bankole Allibay is an environmental, social
and governance (ESG) expert cum Global Social
Performance Lead whose expansive knowledge and
wealth of experience exceeds many frontiers. With
numerous recognitions and achievements under
his belt, the Certified Process Analyst underscores
the need for organisations, governments and their
stakeholders to redirect their focus towards managing
ESG risks, impact and opportunities to stabilise
businesses and build a sustainable framework. He
speaks extensively with TPP also about ESG as the life
wire of any sustainable organisation.

You can read similar articles on

28 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


As An ESG Expert, What Are Those Major organisations with strong corporate cultures. The list is
Sustainable And Ethical Practices Every Organi- endless, depending on the nature of the business.
sation Needs For Peak Performance?
Each of the three pillars of ESG – Environmental, Social Who Should Pay Attention To Esg, In Terms Of
and Governance – has ethical standards and practices Employees, Employers And Or Consumers To
every organisation should inculcate. At the base of ESG Attain Sterling Growth?
is understanding the level of environmen-tal, social ESG is everyone’s business. From employers/business
and governance exposure in terms of risks and impact. owners, employees and consumers to society at
The core of ESG practice applies to all organisations large. However, the implementation of ESG should
regardless of their size, scope or indus-try of practice. be champi-oned by corporates and governments
because they are keychain sections of the wider
Some of the core sections of ESG practice include
sustainability discourse. The government
environmental and social risk screening, environmental
should collaboratively develop construc-
and social impact assessment, management planning,
tive and supportive sustainability
implementation support, risk ranking, risk and impact
and particularly on ESG policies to
management monitoring, and other emerging and
promote the sustainability and the
cross-cutting issues. Technical subject matter areas in
ESG journey of the country.
this domain could include resource efficiency, waste
management, equality, occupational health and safety The corporates should play
(OHS), human rights, product safety instrumentation, their part by contributing
stakeholders engagement and FPIC, and good to the policy discourse and
stakeholder engagement and FPIC among several complying with regulations
other critical risk and impact issues. and other best practices. The
shareholders, stakeholders and
From the foregoing, it is evident that, unlike CSR, ESG
the wider public continue to
is not optional or just a “good thing to do”. It is the life
retain the position of demanding
wire of any sustainable organisation.
accountability for these processes
What Are Some Of Those Corporate Policies That and procedures. In earnest,
Can Address Social Behaviour In The Workplace? everybody has a role to
ESG is a critical part of our existence as we have it play.
today, not just a subset of sustainability practice. At
the corporate level, I could go as far as saying that
any business establishment without a responsive ESG
and indeed a sustainability framework does not have a
For the most part, ESG and the wider sustainability
frame-works help organisations to proactively measure
their risks and business-wide exposure and help adapt
the business module to a safe or, at least, calculated
risk mode. In this case, ESG helps stabilise businesses.
It helps to protect revenue by proactively managing
volatility and potentiali-ties that can disrupt business
ESG also helps to prevent reputational risk, which
has been voted to be the biggest in current times
as many investments and related transactions are
made based on perceptions. ESG helps create
accountability to the planet, the people and the
wider ecosystem. ESG promotes a corporate culture
of equal opportunity and win-win. For the market, a
strong ESG commitment is often a USP for high-end

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 29

we know it today. They are all little CSR be timed to value-driven
questions that almost every adult outcomes.
SPOTLIGHT has to make or is currently deciding
daily. As little as they are, the Since ESG Has Become An
sustainability of our environ-ment Integral Part Of The World And
For the most part, and indeed our survival depends Even The Environment, What
ESG and the wider on some of these questions. Are Some Of Those Values It
sustainability Creates In The Corporate World,
At What Point Should Especially?
frame-works help Organisations Begin to Address
organisations Passion. I am passionate about a
Corporate Social Responsibility?
sustainable ecosystem. As the son
to proactively Although it is important to address
of a trained farmer, I learnt from a
measure their risks ESG before addressing CSR,
very young age that if we do not
regardless, every organisation
and business-wide take care of the planet, we naturally
should have a CSR Plan, a “give
exposure and help back” strategy, as part of the
incapacitate the planet to take care
adapt the business of us. Poor soils cannot produce
core organisational growth plan.
optimal yields. I learnt from home
module to a safe or, A bespoke CSR plan is useful for
that if we destroy the ecosystem, we
at least, calculated every organi-sation. There is no
technically disenfranchise ourselves
prescriptive entry point timeline for
risk mode. from benefiting from the natural
CSR. However, it is recommended
ecosystem, which to a large extent,
that CSR plan and practice should
our world depends on. At every
be market aligned to ensure that
point in time, I want to do more. I
How Can We Make the it is not just a “zero-sum” handout
want to be more and want to aspire
Environment More Sustain-able, system, but a complementary
more for a more sustainable world.
Using An Everyday Illustration toolkit to reinforce business goals
For Better Com-prehension? possibly as part of the marketing As A Global Social Performance
We can make the environment more mix. So, it is recommended that Lead, Could You Share
sustainable by using a lifecycle A Significant Lesson Or
approach and thinking organically Challenge Stunting The Overall
about environ-mental sustainability. Performance In The Workplace
We can do this by asking the right And The Possible Way Out?
questions before our actions: ESG is the heartbeat of the
what are the implications of wider sustainability practice.
our individual, corporate and Organisations need to face their
even collective actions on the fears and conquer them. Every
environment? Simple decisions organisation needs to understand
such as, should I buy bottled water their ESG exposures and proactively
or buy a lifelong water bottle? plan on managing them promptly.
Should I buy from a company that This process is pertinent in the
has a good HR policy or should I planning and implementation of
just buy from a cheap company ESG. Every organisation is
that uses forced and child labour? expected to retain the service of
Should I use solar or buy a noisy qualified ESG professionals. Many
diesel generator? Should I support organisations would claim not
gender equality in the workplace or to see value in ESG practice, or
not? Should I use resource-efficient engage in green-washing. These
appliances? etc. are symptoms of unqualified
These daily questions determine professionals. ESG is not a cost to
the future of our environ-mental the business. It is a value add to
sustainability and to some degree, strength-en the business resilience
the survival of the human race as and drive optimal benefit for all
immediate and wider stakeholders.

32 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

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APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 33


You can read similar articles on

t started with reminisces about the good old my introduction to the entertainment and lifestyle space.
days when men were boys and searching When I left Ovation, I joined another project from the
for their bearings in life. Then the Netherlands called Voices of Africa.
conversations deliberately took a natural They gave mobile phones to journalists across Africa
twist into how he’s dishing the right content to create content within the phone, shoot videos, edit
one day at a time. Truly, when it comes to everything on the phone and upload to the server where
individuals who have displayed immeasurable consistency they would carry it through.”
in giving the new media a facelift, it is Debrah. Over the
years, he has continued to take Ghana and the world where He soon got inundated by a handful of bloggers from all over
they should go. “For almost two decades, I’ve been writing, the world when he was invited to speak at a forum in South
publishing, and creating content,” says Debrah delightfully. Africa about digital technology and what they were doing
“The earliest stage I won an award as the Best Publishing with their project. “I listened to their stories and what they
Student was when I was at Kwame Nkrumah University were doing. When I got back to Ghana I said, ‘I’m already
of Science and Technology. That award was sponsored by doing something like this. Let me start properly and do it
Ovation Magazine.” fully’.” Debrah rolled up his sleeves and got his blog off the
ground in 2010.
The lifestyle blogger also reflected about his days as a rookie.
“I served as a corper with the National Youth Service Corp “I started with my blog, taking it seriously and plugging
(NYSC). I did my service with Ovation Magazine. That was it into social media. Over the period that saw exponential

34 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

angle that somebody else might miss “I’m getting quite old and they are still
out on in terms of communicating. So very young,” he chipped in. “They do
for me, having a good listening ear, understand a certain segment of the
and being observant and analytical are online audience and it is important to
some things that have helped me so tap into those things so that altogether
far.” we can create a platform and do what
Indeed, Debrah concedes that no is appreciated by all the people that we
profession is a bed of roses. Even an want to reach out to.”
influencer experiences some hiccups As a big player in blogging and
here and there. “My toughest work influencing, the Kwame Nkrumah
experience should be the last major alumna considers the calendar, social
project I took out which was to lead media and brief notes as his daily
a team to manage content on Scooper compass. “Sometimes, some-thing
News. I became their Editor-in-Chief as basic as a calendar allows me to
in Ghana for a year,” he recounted. “It organise my meetings,” he admitted.
growth across platforms, my social was difficult because it was the time “Being able to answer emails is one
media became a big enough audience when the Covenant came in. We were thing really because sometimes it
to turn into what has now become supposed to create a lot of content gets so overloaded that I don’t get the
influencing as well,” he enthused daily and we were not seeing it the way time to reply to some messages. You
gleefully. “Although I didn’t start as we wanted it to go. may miss some opportunities that are
somebody who wanted to become According to the freelance journalist, coming.”
an influencer based on the audience it is one thing to have a team, it is Throughout the day, he pointed out,
that I developed, the growth over the another to effectively lead them, I create a certain way that I’m able to
period somewhat became some form especially in harnessing people power. reply to almost every email. Accord-ing
of influencing individuals, groups and He expressed, “My style has been that to the graduate in Publishing, he uses
brands.” easy going. I let people find themselves social media sometimes also to get a
As the world is experiencing radical and try what they want to do. Although pulse of what is going on. “Beyond my
and disruptive changes at an admirable generally, I have created that on certain schedule, especially since we create
speed, Debrah daily learns the ropes days I want this out and that. I pretty content and some of this content is
of blogging just to stay afloat with much don’t direct them anymore on real-time, it’s important for me also
industry trends. “I think it’s important how to do it. I just let them freely to have that disruption and know that
to be abreast of all these trends because operate. Sometimes there’s a little lag this is happening let me address it, and
things are changing rapidly. Even last here and there but by and large, they let me see how I can be part of that
week, I spent five days doing audience understand that that’s my style and conversation.”
research with DW Academy. It’s most of them don’t want to abuse it.” Ultimately, Debrah is intoxicated with
important to learn the new trends, how Although Debrah is the architect of the excitement about how the internet
consumer behaviour is forming around ideas, he tunes in to his team because space and social media have allowed
the platform and other things so that people in Africa to become clear and
as a provider of content and somebody
that communicates with these people, Although I didn’t take part in conver-sations that are
being heard everywhere in the world.
you understand the various sorts of start as somebody He gives his final words, “Now and
demographics and tiers of those you’re who wanted then, I post some-thing that connects
communicating to,” he recommended.
to become an to the continents, and people abroad.
Debrah, however, highlighted how the influencer based It wouldn’t have been possible. I just
writing style on Instagram and Twitter hope that a lot of our youth, especially,
are distinct. “I try to understand my
on the audience see this potential and grab the use fully
audience and find myself in that space that I developed, because sometimes the fan, the trolling
so that I get to consume myself and the growth over the and all those fan styles wash away all
what I’m giving them in the midst of period somewhat the importance this platform can give
what is cool for them.” While he is at it, to us. Whether people are telling each
he believes that the chief skill that has
became some form other about the service, I think people
stood him out is his ability to listen and of influencing should use the opportunities in this
observe. “I realised that sometimes just individuals, groups space to their benefit rather than focus
being able to observe will give you an and brands. on fans and trolling.”

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 35

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Nike Bajomo’s
Strive for Excellence
at StanbicIBTC
Putting your best foot forward to excel is
synonymous with Nike Bajomo, the Executive
Director, Business Development, Stanbic
IBTC Pension Managers Ltd. With a career
spanning over three decades in the
financial and information technology
sectors, Bajomo has undeniably grown in
leaps and bounds.
As one who is effortlessly steering
the affairs of strategic and directional
leadership in areas like sales and
relationship management among others,
she is a reflection of a leader who
doesn’t only believe in herself, but also
in the strength of her team and the
competence of their skills. She
shares with TPP how giving the
right tools and resources and
going the extra mile to become
more innovative is part of her
drive for excellence.

Could You Take Us Down Memory Lane

On Your Most Remarkable Moments in
The Financial Services And Information
Technology Sectors?
It has been an interesting 30-year-plus
journey. I believe I have had many
remarkable moments. Looking back,
for most of the roles I took up, I



Build relationships
that go beyond the
workplace and find
opportunities to
connect with as many
people as you can.

I have worked in since then was

related to sales, relationship
management, partnerships and
strategy. I remember that when
I joined an IT company in those
early years, I was Head of Sales
and Marketing for a product I did
not know about. The product was
novel in the country at the time,
and the scary part was the fact
that my predecessor was unable
to make a sale before she left the
company. Eight and a half months
later, I recorded sales of over 1,500
There are 7 lessons I learnt from
both episodes are: (i) we have
more capacity than we can ever
imagine; (ii) the comfort zone is
the worst place to be; (iii) take on
the challenge, one day at a time;
(iv) seek to understand what is
required to succeed in the role and
pursue excellence in every area; (v)
take feedback; (vi)never give up;
(vii) integrity is the most important
realise I did not always have the AGM in the bank called to inform
full complement of skills required me that I had been deployed to sales
What Are Daily Habits for
for the roles. But once I got the and relationship management. It
Positively Connecting With Your
opportunity, I did my best to excel. was, probably, the worst news I had
I started my career in the banking ever heard. I whined and gave all
First, I have to say I am still a work
sector in 1991. For the first the reasons that I was incompetent
in progress and learning to improve/
eight years, all I did was branch for the role. The AGM responded
upskill on these habits. Once upon a
operations. I was so proficient in that he had watched me keenly
time, I believed that when anyone
every unit of the branch I worked. in the operations role over a few
comes to work, they should focus
I rose quickly and became the Head months and was fully persuaded
on their deliverables and get the
of Operations in a particular branch. that my skills were underutilised.
job done. That means “Drop your
My competence in the role was He insisted that I will do better in
problems at the door before you
never in doubt. sales and relationship management.
come into the office. You can pick
One grim afternoon in 1999, an 23 years later, every role I have them up again on your way out”. For
engaged in all four organisations those of us who started work back

38 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


in the 90s, I am sure this position Recognise even small achievements

is not strange. We were treated and praise the team members in
that way and did not know any meetings or via emails.
better when we became managers These corporate values work all the
of people and teams. How wrong! time. People like and need to feel
Down the road, I found out that we valued, respected, and appreciated.
need people’s hearts and minds to They like to know that their
execute tasks that can deliver the opinions matter. More importantly,
kind of experience we desire for I do my utmost best to live the
our clients. You cannot give what values, thereby encouraging others
you do not have. to do the same.
Some of the habits I engage in
is building relationships that go How Do You Avoid
beyond the workplace and finding Micromanaging In Today’s
opportunities to connect with as World of Work?
many as I can as individuals and not Trust your people. Trust is critical
just colleagues. Share resources, when it comes to managing people
knowledge, and information. I do and getting work done. I believe
my best to be real and approachable, I have invested in that quite a bit
sharing my journey and experiences over the years and I’m grateful for
in both my personal and work life to the crop of people I work with.
encourage others. Coaching, mentoring, as well as
giving and taking feedback have
Involve them in decision-making by
been instrumental in building my
listening to their views and arriving
team to become committed and Communication. Communicate to
at a consensus together. I encourage
driven to achieve results. ensure that expectations are very
a problem-solving mindset so that
well understood and thereafter
we do not allow obstacles to set
give them the space to do the work.
us back permanently. Instead, we
Depending on the task, we may have
focus on solutions or improvements
agreed on checkpoints to confirm
and come up with new ways to Emphasis on they are on track and I am do my
attack the problem so that negative
impacts on productivity are
purpose. There is best to make myself available to
further provide clarity if required.
minimal. more to our daily
What Are Some Corporate tasks than meeting As the Executive Director,
Business Development, How
Values You Embrace to Drive the numbers and Have You Inspired Growth
the Culture of Your Organisation
And How Have They Worked for declaring profits. Across the Business?
Emphasis on purpose. There
You? Our work creates a is more to our daily tasks than
There are a number of them. (i)
Respect each other. It is important far-reaching impact meeting the numbers and declaring
profits. Our work creates a far-
to treat people with dignity and that extends into reaching impact that extends into
professionalism. (ii) Integrity. It is
important to build trust through the community the community while we continue
to develop ourselves and elevate
responsible actions and honest while we continue our value in the process.
relationships. (iii) Create a sense
of purpose that will motivate to develop ourselves Encourage innovation and not just
the team to strive for more. and elevate our ideation – given the right tools
(iv) Transparency. Encourage and resources. The top employees
open communication and solicit value in the process. challenge themselves to be more
feedback. (v) Collaboration. Engage innovative and perform better.
everyone in problem-solving. (vi) Trust in the capability of the team
Show gratitude and celebrate wins. to deliver.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 39


Every COO’s
Guide to
Drive Peak
As times continue to challenge the status quo of skills, knowledge and process so do
great leaders. They carefully track their progress and encourage individuals and teams
to scale up their games and discard faded knowledge through training and retraining.
That is the attribute of Mr John Okonkwo. As a COO winning the race, he shared with
TPP, five key nuggets every COO must pay attention to drive peak performance and
augment free transition for your team.

You can read similar articles on

Could You Take Us Down Memory Lane On The months down the line, my performance manager told
Most Remarkable Moments In Your Career? me that the odds were stacked against me based on
The most remarkable moment of my career was when the outcome of the half-year performance evaluation.
I became a Manager at KPMG. To underscore But I soldiered on and eventually made it at the fullness
how remarkable that moment was, you had to of time. To this day, my performance manager still
understand how competitive KPMG was in my days. considers it a miracle. A lot of effort went into it and I
There were three critical promotions in KPMG in those was filled with joy that my efforts were rewarded at the
days – crossing to a senior, becoming a manager, and end of the day.
being elevated to partnership (for those who had the Another phenomenal moment in my career was when
patience to stay back). Now, I moved from Audit to I resigned from one of my previous jobs and the boss
Advisory just a year before the time I would be assessed asked me not to go. I felt good knowing that my
for promotion to manager. It was a tough call. And six contribution was appreciated.

40 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


What Are The Top Five Things Every COO Must Pay
Attention To Drive Peak Performance?
Every COO must pay attention to policies, standard
operating procedures, risk management and compliance,
human resources management and strategic planning.

What Are The 5 Key Concerns Every COO Is Likely To

Operational efficiency, customer retention, risk issues,
human capital issues and keeping up with the competition
are the five key concerns every COO is likely to have.

What Are Some Of Those Personal Values You Have

Implemented Over The Years In Your Career And How
Do They Impact Your Work?
Fear God, for that is the beginning of wisdom. Obey the
law (follow the policies and procedures) for you are as
powerful as you are right.
Treat all people well – both the high and the low, seniors
and subordinates – for jilted lovers often hate more than
they loved. Avoid those who tell you how powerful you are,
for they will only succeed in making you weak. I learned
these principles from my former Vice-Chancellor. And I try
to practicalise them in my personal and professional lives.
These values keep me out of trouble. When you combine
them with execution, resilience, enterprise and emotional
intelligence, you are truly on your way to success.

What Is Your Preferred Leadership Style And Why?

Leadership is situational. As such, I do not have a preferred
SPOTLIGHT leadership style. I dip into the leadership box and draw out
the right style for every specific situation.
John Okonkwo is the Chief Operating
Officer of VFD Group and former Chief How Do You Drive Synergy In Your Team?
Financial Officer of Heirs Holdings Ltd I believe that personal examples work best in engendering
where he also served as the Head of synergy in my teams. If you are fair, firm, equitable and
Business Assurance & Compliance among just in dealing with all members of the team, you will
positions he has effortlessly steered. succeed in building trust, which would in turn bring
about camaraderie and then help to foster teamwork and
I usually make some principles clear to all the people
If you are fair, firm, who work with me from day one – follow the policies and
procedures, for you are as powerful as you are right (seems
equitable and just in this is intentional).

dealing with all members of How Would You Define Success?

Success is when the organisation I work for achieves the
the team, you will succeed result it sets for itself. At a personal level, success is when
in building trust, which the people who work under me move to higher heights
and point at me as one of the key influences in their career
would in turn bring about growth.

camaraderie and then help As An Executive With Quite A Demanding Schedule,

How Do You Relax And Manage Stress?
to foster teamwork and Relaxation comes in the form of watching football and
togetherness. tennis or reading non-fiction books.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 41


42 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


Kamil Olufowobi: The

Connectologist To Know
Every individual has a dream.
For some, it is to set new records
while for others it is to propel their
academic portfolios. However, there
has been a new wave of people
craving to find themselves and
discover their true meaning in life
from across the world. That is the
forte of Kamil Olufowobi, the CEO
and Founder of the Most Influential
People of African Descent (MIPAD).
Through his many initiatives, helping
Africans trace their lost roots has
become an antidote to hubris. TPP
caught up with Mr. Connectologist to
learn more about his passion.

You can read similar articles on

What Does it Mean When You Introduce Yourself in Africa. It was designed to connect Africans from all
as A Connectologist? over the world back to their motherland.
I always introduce myself as Kamil, a connectologist. That
So, connecting people to purpose is, perhaps, one of
means I see the world through the lenses of connection.
my favourite parts of what we do at the Most Influential
Everyone came into this world based on a connection.
100 Company. Just to share with you what the model is.
The first human connection is between the mother and
The model is we have a recognition platform to show-
a child, the umbilical cord. There are connections all
case the 1 per cent and to inspire the 99 per cent. So,
around us. When you begin to see it, you begin to op-
MIPAD is a recognition platform. Our vision is to recog-
erate, unlock new possibilities, and attain more success.
nise those who are operating at the highest level of their
I built a global company creating connections, not just possibilities.
connecting people to people but connecting people to
When you talk about connecting people to purpose, it
purpose, and people to identity. There were many Afri-
is supporting you to discover why you’re here on this
cans who wanted to reconnect to the African continent –
planet. You see when you begin to operate on your own
their roots. I have that as a programme called My Roots

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 43


highest possibilities, you begin to SPOTLIGHT more about the principles in my up-
move on this planet with a better coming book.
idea of what is your gift, your pur-
pose, and your calling. The number There’s An Interest in Black Excel-
one principle of lence with Black People. Why the
What Are the Key Principles Focus on Blacks?
of Connectology Concept to
connectology is Let’s begin first by acknowledging that
Become the Best Version of first to build a MIPAD is the world’s number one Black
Oneself? connection with Excellence Network. Before we were
In my book – My Journey of Be- yourself. It begins anything else, we were all Africans
coming a Connectologist: A Prac- – every human being on this planet.
with you. Who are
tical Guide to Connecting Your Therefore, we are all Africans. When I
Way to Success – there are 12 core
you? Why are you begin my conversations about black
principles of connectology. Con- on this planet? excellence or excellence exhibited by
nectology, by itself, is the building people of African descent, I’m talking
of relationships, first with yourself about humanity. I just happen to love
and with others - to share ideas, information, opportuni- Black people because they are the underdogs. But that
ties, and resources; in order to create win-win outcomes. doesn’t mean I don’t love everybody else.
In English, people call that networking for success but When you look at it in global affairs, we, as a continent,
at the Most Influential 100 Company, we call it connec- are at the base of the conversation. In most societies,
tology. people who look like you and I are usually at the bot-
The number one principle of connectology is first to tom of the social economic pyramid. Let’s just say I’m
build a connection with yourself. It begins with you. Who a fan of the underdog. If there’s any role model for the
are you? Why are you on this planet? Many people want world to follow, it is nobody else but us. So, it matters.
to network with people. When we say you need to con- Also, it matters because Africa is one of the wealthiest
nect with people, there’s a difference. Now, what is the continents on this planet. Yet it has some of the poor-
difference? You cannot network with yourself; you need est people. Africans are not poor because Africa is poor.
two or more people for networking. However, with con- It’s poor because it has been pillaged and exploited by
nectology, you begin with you. You connect with your- others.
self. Once you are clear about why you are here on this Africa is our collective responsibility – the world’s collec-
planet, it becomes easier for you to connect with others. tive responsibility. It’s our responsibility to ensure that
You begin to create an authentic relationship with oth- the continent with so much abundance shouldn’t be at
ers. That’s why a lot of people struggle with networking. that level of scarcity or poverty. Scientists will tell you
Connectology is the next level of networking. You get that before we were anything else, we were all Africans.
clarity on who you are and why you are here on this plan- Hence, we are all responsible for the state of Africa to-
et, what your gift, your purpose, and your calling is. You day which is not in a good place. It is all of us who are
can go to You can learn responsible to move Africa from potential to possibility.

44 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 45

For Niyi Adesanya Leadership
Bootcamp (NALB) it is five years down
and forever to go in its noble quest to
impact individuals and organisations
in Nigeria and Africa with hands-on
leadership skills for innovative
and igniting solutions.
Here, TPP reports.

ITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT NALB is a two-day premium “At the first
refuelling and rejuvenating programme for resilient leaders, the
Bootcamp in 2018, we
Founder and Business Re-engineering and Leadership expert,
Niyi Adesanya shares the benchmark and a pivotal feat of reaching had 54 participants.
250 people in 2022. In 2019, we had 184.
Making a lasting outcome is one legacy every great leader yearns for. Whether We pulled about 101
it is a leadership role in the family, society or at the workplace, John Maxwell’s despite the Covid-19
quote, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” lockdown in 2020. In
perfectly underscores the attributes of leaders. And organisations like the NALB 2021, we had over 200
have continued to stay ahead of the pack since it was designed in 2017 for this
course. Part of its noble quest is to lead a paradigm shift in leadership in Nigeria,
Africa and the world, helping people find their inner leadership GPS. Consistency is the
Currently, the NALB is upgrading and overhauling the skills of individuals and foremost rule of this
organisations who aspire to be leaders. It is also equipping them with essential game.”
recipes for the task before and ahead. And the Bootcamp is paving the way for
their well-rounded success in leading, influencing and guiding others. “NALB
was established on the deficit in leadership development that I have observed
over my years of practice. With an iota of doubt, I was convinced it was time to Niyi Adesanya

46 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


advocate and lead a change,” says Adesanya.

“Thus, the Niyi Adesanya Leadership Bootcamp was born
as an intervention programme to mitigate this deficit.
Leadership starts from every community base, and this
base must be filled with the right leadership mentality,” he
chipped in. “This is crucial because the right mentality is
needed to develop leaders that will also in turn populate
their community with more leaders that are the right fit.”
According to the leadership expert, the Bootcamp came to looking at about 250 people. Consistency is the foremost
light following his kin interest to rewrite the narrative and rule of this game.”
people’s perception of the knowledge industry in Nigeria
Undeniably, Africa has loads of tapped and untapped
and the continent of Africa at large. “We do not see the
potential. Hence, the Leadership Quadrant author holds
same level of interest, patronage, and respect accorded
the paradigm that whatever you don’t teach or train
to some other industries like entertainment accorded
people, you don’t demand them. “Thus, this leaves us with
to the knowledge industry.” This, he described as an
the question of how many leadership development schools
anomaly, saying it reflects the people’s disposition towards
we have. Do we still teach subjects like Civic Education,
knowledge acquisition. “This is why beyond impacting and
and History in our primary and secondary schools?”
educating we seek to provide inspiration year after year
to our participants at the Bootcamp and everyone who Adesanya, however, hinted that the moral fabric of the
catches a glimpse of it.” community is of utmost significance. Adding to it that
Nigeria used to have a value-driven culture but now she
While the NALB is mapped out for anyone poised for
has a “money-driven culture”. This is as he frowned that
greatness, it cuts across individuals, managers, supervisors,
“politicians start playing their parts when they pay attention
team leads, C-suite executives, directors, high-net-worth
to education, especially the teachers’ development
individuals, investors, decision-makers, business owners,
programme like the NCE. The mentality of the teachers
supervisors, team leads, and decision-makers with
that would train the students has to be corrected.
essential skills for leading both self and others. It does this
by cultivating awareness and application of key personal “We need to ensure that our teachers are adequately
assets towards effective leadership skills, in and out of the equipped with the right mentality to train our primary
workplace. school students and prepare their minds for leadership.
Then we take it a step further by putting policies and
Although the NALB has continued to hone the skills
regulations in place in the media, creating a government
and chart a course for these individuals who strive to
media outfit, and sending value out through that media.
become leaders, the founder is certain that consistency
With that, we can change the mindset of our society and
and constant improvement are keys to sustainability. He
the upcoming generations”, he recommended.
reminisced about an experience. “At the first Bootcamp
in 2018, we had 54 participants. In 2019, we had 184. We Indeed, one selling point of the NALB is its programme
pulled about 101 despite the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020. for traditional leaders. Sharing the reason, the founder
In 2021, we had over 200 participants. And this year we are highlighted sustainability, continuity, and staying more
relevant. He, however, described the traditional rulers as
a set of people who understand sustainability in this part
of the world. He expressed: “They are our best shot, being
that they have a full grasp of succession planning. It was
also a strategic move on our part to make sure our people,
their interests, and their investments are protected and no
other person is fit to have such a strategic relationship
with except the kings in our community.”
Just like every structured organisation, the NALB has
its strategic objectives framed for the next five years.
Accordingly, Adesanya anticipated, “In the next five
years, NALB will be a leadership pilgrimage for people
to embark on annually. It will impact our tourism, and our

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 47


economy positively. I look forward to a time when we to building centenary organisations with a global brand
will have about 20,000 people coming from all over the by putting into perspective its peculiar dynamics and
world into Nigeria because NALB is impacting lives, evolving business environment.
businesses, and even homes. It should be the talk of To date, Adesanya has authored six dynamic books on
the nation at 10.0.” public speaking, leadership, and peak performance.
As it continues to sharpen the skills of individuals across They are Audience Analysis, Individual Competitive-
Africa, the NALB aims to have its organisation as the ness, KYBIB Audio and Video Pack, NALB 1.0 Audio
reference and the focal point for every successful leader and Video Pack, Special Combo Pack, and The Speaker.
seamlessly running a business in Nigeria and Africa.
Meanwhile, Adesanya has about three decades of
cognate experience in Leadership and Management
Consulting to his credit. He helps CEOs and other
C-suite executives reinvent themselves as they navigate
their business re-engineering process. He is also the
CEO of FifthGear Plus, a consulting, recruiting, and
publishing firm with clients including at least one of the
top three organisations in major sectors of the economy.
He is also using reaching more individuals through
the Niyi Adesanya Business Think Tank, a semi-formal
league of Business leaders and entrepreneurs dedicated


For the Co-founder The Co-founder of MD/CEO of Blue-Chip ENCOUNTER
of Pertinence Group, Pertinence Group Technologies, Peter “The volume and
Wisdom Ezekiel, his Bluechips Technology Oketola tells TPP that size of projects we
major takeaway from Limited, Dr Sunday the NALB has proven to work on always
the NALB over the Olorunsheyi has been a be the platform to rectify require huge human
years is the access recipient of the NABLB for leadership deficiencies resources across
to quality networks four years. “The insights and improve one’s the value chain
of commercially gleaned from the Niyi leadership skills vis- of delivering a
astute businessmen Adesanya Leadership a-vis present-day satisfactory service
and veterans across Bootcamp in four years business challenges. to customers,” these
different industries and of being a part of it have “The programme were the words of
sectors of the economy helped me and my business always leaves me the Chief Marketing
that the platform partner to make some with an intriguing Officer, Tribitat Real
provides. “It’s a great strategic decisions that have experience that has Estate, Emmanuel
place to connect and changed the dynamics of greatly contributed to Abikoye. “Thus,
engage with people our business and provided my growth each time I regular leadership
who have done what us with the fundamental have been a part of it in training is finely
you want to do and requisites to scale our the last five years,” says knitted into our
what you are doing,” business to becoming a Oketola. business model.”
he highlighted. group of companies.

48 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 49

How Your
Thoughts Can
Heal Your Body
BY D R . L A N R E O L U S H O L A

Have you ever had an insight or gained

knowledge that both excites and scares you at
the same time? We’ve all been superstitious at
some point, or around those who are, who’ve
said, “Watch out what you ask for, you just may
get it.” As it turns out there’s a whole lot
more truth in this statement than we
ever knew.

OR 23 YEARS NOW, the Princeton
Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
Program at Princeton University has been
quietly compiling evidence that the human
mind influences anything it focuses on. This has
been proven again and again in well over 50 million
documented experiments! And this influence is even
more pronounced when “bonded male/female teams
work together”, focusing on a common theme.
Many of these experiments involved ordinary
electronic machines. If the power of focusing the
human mind can influence something as simple
as a computer, imagine all the other implications...
Physical, mental and emotional health, Peace,
Success, Happiness
Looking at our health as highlighted above as a
key area that our thoughts affect, after all they say,
“Health is Wealth”. Scientists have now proven that

50 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


Health is predicated upon audience is invited onstage, hypnotized, and

asked to pick up a glass of water, which the
the nervous system’s volunteer is told weighs one thousand

ability to accurately pounds. With that misinformation,

the volunteer struggles unsuccessfully
perceive environmental with straining muscles, bulging veins,

information and selectively and perspiration.

How can that be? Obviously the glass
engage appropriate, life- doesn’t weigh one thousand pounds,
sustaining behaviours. even though the mind of the subject
firmly believes that it does.

an important influence of signals on the dis-ease process To manifest the perceived reality of a thou-
is “Thought”- the action of the mind. sand-pound glass of water, something
that cannot be lifted, the hypnotized
According to Dr Bruce Lipton PhD “95% of dis-ease is
subject’s mind fires a signal
caused by stress and 100% of stress is caused by wrong
to the muscles used to lift
beliefs.” Mind-related illnesses do not require that there
the glass at the same
be anything physically wrong with the body at the outset
time it fires contra-
of the dis-ease.
dictory signals to
Health is predicated upon the nervous system’s ability the muscles used
to accurately perceive environmental information to set the glass
and selectively engage appropriate, life-sustaining down! This re-
behaviours. This simply means that, if a mind sults in an iso-
misinterprets environmental signals and generates an metric exercise
inappropriate response, survival is threatened because wherein two
the body’s behaviours become out of synch with the groups of muscles
environment. work to oppose
We may not think that a thought could be enough to each other, which re-
undermine an entire system, but, in fact, misperceptions sults in no net movement-but a lot of strain and sweat.
can be lethal. Consider the situation of a person with Our cells, tissues, and organs do not question information
anorexia. While relatives and friends clearly perceive sent by the nervous system. Rather, they respond with
that this skin-and-bones individual is near death, equal fervor to accurate life-affirming perceptions and
the anorexic looks in a mirror and sees a fat person. to self-destructive misperceptions. Consequently, the
Using this distorted view that resembles an image in a nature of our perceptions greatly influences the fate of
funhouse mirror, the anorexic’s brain attempts to control our lives.
a misperceived runaway weight gain, by inhibiting the
While most of us are aware of the healing influences
system’s metabolic functions.
of the placebo effect, few are aware of its evil twin,
The brain, like any governing entity, seeks harmony and the nocebo effect. Just as surely as positive thoughts
in my book The Catalyst Quote Book, you are presented can heal, negative ones-including the belief we are
with powerful quotes that will help you create harmony susceptible to an illness or have been exposed to a toxic
in your thought process. Neural harmony is expressed condition-can actually manifest the undesired realities
as a measure of congruency between the mind’s of those thoughts.
perceptions and the life we experience.
An interesting insight into how the mind creates harmony
I am The Catalyst
between its perceptions and the real world is frequently
I Transform Minds by Transforming Minds.
illustrated in stage hypnosis shows. A volunteer from the

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 51

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Six Critical
Restricting Peak
Performance On
Your Team
This article was first published in by Dr. Abiola Salami, a World-
class Performance Strategist providing valuable insights and executive
coaching for high performing professionals in business & governance.

ANY TIMES, OWING TO a poor level of 1. Diversion
self-awareness, you don’t think you could Leaders restrict high performance when they use their
be the clog in the wheel of your team’s position to manipulate rather than show accountability.
high performance. It takes an honest self- If by commission or omission, you are involved in
assessment to reveal that the person you see in the unacceptable behavior and there is an inquiry into the
mirror could be the biggest challenge on your team. It is matter—where you are culpable, promptly own up to
sometimes described as unconscious incompetence—a your faults. By feigning ignorance or deflecting from the
situation where you not only don’t know the right thing core issue, you sow the seeds of impunity in your team.
to do, but you’re also unaware that you don’t know Once accountability is tossed out of the window,
that you are falling short in the first place. You need to it makes a mockery of an organization’s incentive
first identify the counter-productive actions before you structure—your team now believes that the reward for
figure out a way to correct them. good behavior is not guaranteed and bad behavior has
It can be difficult to diagnose when you are the boss or in no consequences. That is a recipe for disaster.
top management. The corporate governance structure
leverages emotional intelligence; however, there will 2. Exclusion
be fewer voices to give you the appropriate feedback. Inclusion is one of the biggest themes in today’s
Some of these toxic traits come under the guise of world and the workplace can’t be left out. When you
office politics, but a more cursory examination shows demonize a team member owing to perceived personal
that such behavior can undermine the overarching differences or unconscious bias, you are upsetting the
goals of an organization. Someone once said that “the apple cart in your organization. Ostracizing any person(s)
road to hell is paved with good intentions”—so when on your team is counter-productive because you rob
good intentions aren’t enough, such desires must be the organization of the ingenuity such person(s) brings
executed in a manner that increases the fortunes and to the table. When you put your biases and prejudices
well-being of all the stakeholders. over the success of the organization, it always comes
with consequences.
If you want to consistently deliver peak performance,
pay attention to these six behaviors. You also must not discriminate against anyone on

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 53


company. He may have a sense of job insecurity or feel

Someone once said that “the as though his professional opinion is not considered and
road to hell is paved with good he doesn’t want to be around when things fall apart.

intentions”—so when good 5. Rationalization

As a team leader, you must never have one set of
intentions aren’t enough, such rules for others and another for yourself; you must be
desires must be executed in willing to hold yourself to the same standards that have
been set for everyone. By justifying a behavior, you
a manner that increases the are communicating to the team that you are a sacred
fortunes and well-being of all cow who can operate above consequences. A great
leader commits to the laid-down rules and enforces
the stakeholders them regardless of whose ox is gored; the selective
dispensation of punitive measures is a sign of nepotism
the basis of their race, religion, age, gender, etc. For in the workplace.
example, if you constantly exclude your CFO from
It is uninspiring to the rest of the team to work with
crucial conversations and decision-making because you
someone who walks free or gets a slap on the wrist for
think he or she misaligns with your vision, your financial
the same thing they got disciplined over.
recklessness will eventually ruin the organization.
6. Victimization
3. Intimidation
Scapegoating a team member is one chronic
Coercion and creativity don’t mix. You cannot bully
behavior of leaders that restricts high
your team members and expect them to deliver peak
performance in their teams. There is absolutely
performance when they are perpetually in the grip of
nothing out of place about making sure
fear. Fear-mongering is a poor strategy; it places a mental
people are held accountable, but nobody
barricade on your team. It lowers confidence levels and
should be victimized. Teamwork means that
prevents your team from stretching their abilities. Such
everyone has input in the quest to achieve
team members begin operating in survival mode—they
desirable outcomes; there would be times
put more effort into trying to keep their jobs than into
when they get it right and other times they
developing more innovative solutions.
will miss the mark. What you
A typical example is when you constantly threaten to fire must not do is kill the drive
a team member—whether or not such person is culpable, of the team by singling out
you cast a dark cloud over your team. Wielding the big one or a few persons for
stick does have its perks but when deployed excessively, blame and guilt.
it cripples creativity. A reign of terror breaks the spirits of
Great leaders criticize
your team. It introduces uncertainty with team members
privately and praise
seeking alternatives to fall back on in the event things
publicly—not the
go south.
other way around.
When you are con-
4. Ignoring
stantly stoking
Every team member matters. As a leader, you should
team members
attend to everyone within your sphere of influence as
about their per-
equitably as you can. People love to feel important, they
ceived failures,
love to have a sense of belonging and sometimes it is a far
it destroys their
higher consideration than even the official remuneration.
One of the consequences of ignoring the input of your
team members is that there will be a mass exodus of the
best hands because they don’t feel valued.
For example, when you have a brilliant Chief Operating
Officer who is evidently a star performer but you
ignore his recommendations on the worrying pattern
of expenditure, he might expedite his exit from the

54 | APRIL — JUNE 2023



Africa And
The Dawn Of
After years of gaining independence from the claws of
colonial powers either peacefully or through agitation,
Africa has been nicknamed the Mother Continent and
the second most populous continent in the world. As
Africans continue to spread their tentacles proudly in the
diaspora, the continent is finally rising to the occasion of
impact, influence and income amidst all odds.
This debut edition of Xplore Africa details freedom from
colonialism across the continent.

� Algeria gained independence from France on � Central African Republic (CAR) gained
5th July 1962. independence from France on 13 August 1960.
� Angola gained independence from Portugal � Chad gained independence from France on
on 11th November 1975. 11th August 1960.
� Benin gained independence from France on � Egypt gained independence from Great
1st August 1960. Britain on 28th February 1922.
� Botswana gained independence from Great � Equatorial Guinea gained independence from
Britain on 30th September 1966. Spain on 12th October 1968.
� Burkina Faso gained independence from � Gabon gained independence from France on
France on 5th August 1960. 17th August 1960.
� Burundi gained independence from Belgium � Gambia gained independence from Great
on 1st July 1962. Britain on 18th February 1965.
� Cape Verde gained independence from � Ghana gained independence from Great
Portugal on 5th July 1975. Britain on 6th March 1957.
� Cameroon gained independence from France � Guinea-Bissau gained independence from
on 1st January 1960 to join British Cameroon. Portugal on 24th September 1973/ 10th
It after that, got independence from Great September 1974.
Britain on October 1st 1961.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 55


� Guinea gained independence from France

on 2nd October 1958.
� Kenya gained independence from Great
Britain on 12th December 1963.
� Lesotho gained independence from Great
Britain on 4th October 1966.
� Madagascar gained independence from
France on 26th June 1960.
� Malawi gained independence from Great
Britain on 6th July 1964.
� Mali gained independence from France on � Tunisia gained
4th April 1960. independence
� Mauritania gained independence from from France on
France on 28th November 1960. 20th March 1956.
� Mauritius gained independence from France � Uganda gained
on 12th March 1968. independence
� Morocco gained independence from France from Great Britain
on 27th April 1958. on 9th October
� Mozambique gained independence from
Portugal on 25th June 1975. � Zambia gained
independence from
� Namibia gained independence from South
Britain on 24th October
Africa on 21st March 1990.
� Niger gained independence from France on
� Zimbabwe got independence from Britain
3rd August 1960.
officially on 18th April 1980, although it
� Nigeria gained her independence from declared independence as Rhodesia in 1965.
Great Britain on Saturday, 1st October 1960.
� Rwanda gained independence from Belgium
on 1st July 1962
� Sao Tome and Principe gained independence
from Portugal on 12th July 1975.
Ethiopia is the only African nation
� Senegal gained independence from France
on 4th April 1960.
considered to have never been colonised.
� Seychelles gained independence on Tuesday, With Xplore Africa bringing you delicious
29th June 1976, from Great Britain. events from around the continent, we
� Sierra Leone gained independence from will continue to facilitate your tour
Britain Thursday, 27th April 1961. through her historical moments from
� Somalia gained independence from Great the comfort of your home. Every edition
Britain and Egypt on Friday, 1st July 1960.
promises to unravel new events of her
� South Africa gained independence on
rich cultural and diverse heritage to help
Tuesday, 31 May 1910 from Great Britain.
you come to terms with the fact that
� Sudan also gained independence from
Britain and Egypt on 1st January 1956.
Africa is more than a continent – she is
made for more!
� Togo gained independence from France on
27th April 1960.

56 | APRIL — JUNE 2023


Almost everyone looks forward to the tea break at that
casual office meeting, conference or workshop. Not
just because one really needs a cup of hot tea, beverage
or coffee or a plate of finger foods but because it is
a perfect getaway to stretch, network and strengthen
our productivity. That is why our working Tea Break
introduces you to our list of games to help you become
more lucid while you revamp your problem-solving skills.

Here’s your fist tea break crossword puzzle. Take your time to analyse
this problem.
Mark the words you discover. Those are the solutions.

APRIL — JUNE 2023 | 57

Take a deep breath. Grab a bowl of healthy snacks 5. What is always coming but never arrives?
and a glass of water or fresh juice as you provide 6. At night they come without being fetched. By
the appropriate answers to these exciting riddles. day they are lost without being stolen.
Let’s roll. 7. What does no man want, yet no man wants
1. What belongs to the competent, the patient, to lose?
and the faithful? 8. A man and his boss have the same parents
2. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. It but are not siblings. How is this possible?
can make you or break you. 9. What belongs to you but other people use it
3. Why did the spider get a job in I.T.? more than you?
4. You can only have it once you have given it. 10. Why is it so easy for an elephant to get a job?

Connect the corresponding boxes without crossing lines.

Boost Your General Knowledge Skills

Solve these trivial general knowledge questions. Trace the question to the appropriate answer.

Largest River China

Largest body organ Pacific
Largest democracy Rome
Heartbeats Sahara
City in every continent Russia
Most populated country Mahatma Gandhi
Largest ocean Amazon
Largest desert 100,000 times daily
Father of India India
Largest country Skin

Hope you enjoyed our flavourful Tea Break. Now you see that solving riddles and puzzles isn’t rocket science after all.
Remember that every time you feel swamped with work, do come for your flavoured TPP Tea Break on our page. We
have got enough of your favourite games to go round as you massage your reasoning muscles. Let’s do more of this
in our next edition, where we shall furnish you with the answers for this edition.

58 | APRIL — JUNE 2023

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