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der the 2967 Philippine constitution, the Comission on tuman Rights (CHR) beans officially organised an May 5, 1967 under Taecutive Oréer 165 issued Dy them Peesdent Corazon C, Aauine, The CHR derives its powers and authorities fon national and conic, secial and cultural rights, The powers and finctione of the GM ae stipulated sn the Cantivution and reiterated. ia Executive Conder Wo. 363, are as follows: 1, Investigate human rights siolations snvelving civil anépolstscal Takts: 2. Mont 188 guigelines and owere over Sale, prisons, or detention facilities: 5, Establish a contincingpropran of research, education, and. snfarnation te ‘estession of doconents ot ther evidence necessary or convenient te Getermine the truth in any investigation conducted by St or under snd, 10, Perfor auch ether duties and functions ae may be provided by 1m A rhstippine sacity where hun rights and fundaents) frendos are fly enjoyed by everyone, and are respected, pratectee and futiies by the state ip accordance vith universal hava rights principles ané standards, and in compliance with its ebligations under he international human rights instruents, ‘As an independent hunan eights institution, the Comission on than Rights ie conitted to ensure the primacy of all human cients Just and lasting peace and the rule of la aad Governance and the Rule of tae Peace and Security 2. nanan rights cltane evolved and sustained 5. Manan rights mechanism strengthened 46 urearing a Celzure of saan Riphts sa the Pslippine Society 5. auiléing Allsances and Partnerships at various levee Percentage of hanes rights violations cases recomended for ‘man rights culture evolved and sustained Poreentae of Security Sector Agents / Goverment Agencies / ff hana riphte standards nproved unan rights mechanism strengthened con PIAL OOTRUTS (hoe) / PEREORVANCE TTEATORS (P06) erconage of cnplatnancs/ clients dfesartefing with services rendered Percentage of resolved human eights vielation cases resulting in vicins access te remedies orcenage of han rights education activities Sapleneted at schedsled Percentage of stakeholders that rate human rights Snferetion, education ané comunication over five (5) year persed urber of celebratory /prontional hun rights events hed orcenage of han rights events eld as scheduled Percentage se policies iasud in the Tast three years that are revewd and / oF dated and eiseninatee ee and nan rights sttuationsr reports Seoved/ stbnstteg Percentage of roperts rated by stakeholders a6 good or bet

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