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ROLL NO: 4332-BS-PS-21


Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3

The founding of ASEAN; a historical perspective ........................................................................................... 4

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ASEAN ..................................................................................................... 5

Role and functions of ASEAN: ......................................................................................................................10

Food security............................................................................................................................................10

Food handling ......................................................................................................................................10

Food safety...........................................................................................................................................10

Agriculture ...............................................................................................................................................11

Crops ....................................................................................................................................................11

Live stock industry ...............................................................................................................................11

Fisheries ...............................................................................................................................................12

Agricultural cooperatives .....................................................................................................................12

Agricultural training and extension .....................................................................................................13

Research and development in agriculture ...........................................................................................13

Forestry ....................................................................................................................................................13

Recommendations .......................................................................................................................................14

Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................15
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Its role and


This paper is analyzing the role and functions of the association of the southeast asian nations (
ASEAN). ASEAN is in itself considered a very successful regional organization among the
developing nations. It give a model role to the regions in the Pacific. Moreover, ASEAN played a
pivotal role in bringing peace and stability in the region despite of certain disputes among the
participants. It not only resolved the issues among the participants but make them cooperative
enough to grow together in economics, cultural, and society. Similarly, It brought revolution to
the agricultural, farming, and deduct the concept of vertical cooperation.


ASEAN -the association of Southeast Asian nation for regional cooperation- has found in the
main hall of the department of foreign affairs building in Bangkok, Thailand. It was the foreign
ministers of the five nations -Indonesia, Malaysia, singapore, the Philippines and Thailand- has
became successful to sign a document. Through the sake of this document, association of
Southeast Asian nation for regional cooperation was came into being. The founding fathers who
signed this document -adam malik of indonesia, narcisso R. remose of the Philippines, Tun
Abdul Razak of Malaysia, S. Rajaratnam of Singapore, and thanat khoman of Thailand- were the
foreign five foreign ministers of the above mentioned countries and presumably considered the
most successful intergovernmental organization and the developing region today. The document
signed by the five foreign minister of the concerned region countries is known as “Asean
declaration”. To answer the “why” question, the aim and purposes of this organization were
cooperation in the economics, social, cultural, technical, educational and other fields and also to
solve the question of regional peace and stability and respect the justice and rule of law
according to the principles of the United nations charter. It made mandatory that the member
states of the region can participate, but it would be submitted to the aim, principle and purposes.
It is claimed that this organization representing the will of the nations of Southeast Asia that to
make friendship, cooperation together and to secure the people’s peace, freedom and prosperity
through joint efforts and sacrifices. The reconciliation was brokering by the Thailand among the
Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia over certain problems bring a moment for all the
countries that it is the time to decide the future of the region or it will remain uncertain in the
future. The foreign minister of Thailand played a pivotal role and bringing the two historic
protagonists of this process together. He talked to Adam Malik, and Adam Malik give his consent
without any irritation but he asked for time to talk to his government on the matter. This was the
time that the confrontation was over whereas the Thai government draft document for the
creation of new institution. This organization Is considered a successful organization among the
other organization in the world. It has played many roles and functions in promoting peace,
freedom and prosperity of the region. The most important one are discussed below.

The founding of ASEAN; a historical perspective

The association of South East Asian nations (ASEAN), has came into being on 8th August 1967
in the main Hall of Bangkok, capital of Thailand. The five foreign ministers, of Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand has suggested the idea of bringing regional
cooperation through regional organization and, later on, they become succeeded. The foreign
adam Malik of Indonesia, narciso R. remorse of the Philippines, Tun Abdul razaq of Malaysia
Rajaratnam of Singapore and thanat khoman of Thailand join this meeting. They built the very
first brick of the organization. The document drafted their was very short, and it was consist of
only 5 articles. It was for the purpose of economic cooperation, social, cultural, educational,
technical and other fields and also to promote the regional peace and stability. In the meeting of
foreign ministers, it was announced that ASEAN as representing the collective will of the nations
of Southeast Asia has bind the countries to cooperate through joint efforts and sacrifices to secure
the freedom and prosperity of the people. There was a dispute between Indonesia, the Philippines
and Malaysia with certain reasons and this disputes brought a moment to these four countries to
arrange their problems through this organization. In early August 1967, the foreign minister of
four countries stayed in a beach resort in Bang saen, a coastal town which is. On that document,
which was draft before, these foreign minister discussed in informal manner. Accomplishing all
these processes was not an easy task: every person brought a different political perspective and
deliberations which was no similarity to other members. This was managed with goodwill and
good humor, which was a style of deliberation become the ministerial tradition of Asian.
Moreover, this negotiation on bank saen and the signatures of five foreign ministers is known as
Bangkok declaration. The first speaker of this declaration was Philippine secretary of foreign
affairs, narciso ramos, he was a journalist and long term legislature. The Philippine secretary of
foreign affairs stress on and recall the difficulty of such processes which were witnessed by the
different ministers and state representatives. He said it is emerged after the very tedious
difficulties of negotiations. The second speaker of the gathering was, Adam Malik, minister of
foreign affairs of Indonesia, he explained in the context of previous experience of brokering
Indonesia and malasya disputes. Through this experience he explored the idea of regional
organization of Asean. Adam Smith explained The Indonesia vision regarding this Southeast Asia
that a region which can stand on its own feet without the negative interference of any foreign
region. The next speaker of the meeting was tun abdul raqzaq, duty Prime Minister of Malaysia,
stressed on the members that we should be responsible for all the happenings in the region.
Abdul razaq also give vision of including or bringing all the members in the region to the
ASEAN organization. On his own part, Rajaratnam, The foreign minister of Singapore stressed
that if the Asian would succeed then the marrige of national thinking will become conducive to
the regional thinking. The last speaker of this conference was the foreign minister of Thailand,
thanat khoman, who Who emphasized on the creation not in the destruction.

In a nutshell, all the member states of the Asian agreed on the purpose that the Bangkok
declaration would build a community for Southeast Asian nations in which all the members can
participate subscribing to the three principles aims, principles and purposes. Asian made the way
smoothly to the other regions nations organization that can make and bring prosperity and peace
to their own regions through such kind of efforts.1


The ASEAN Charter came into force in December 2008 . Principles such as non-interference,
recognition of the importance of states’ adherence to democracy, the rule of law, the respect for
and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms came under charter codes

1 “———.” N.d.

ASEAN Charter-Based Bodies

The mandate and function of the different ASEAN bodies, had been set out by the charter.


The supreme policy-making body of ASEAN is the ASEAN Summit .


It is comprised of the ASEAN Heads of State or Government.


They meets twice a year.


The second highest body within ASEAN is The ASEAN Coordinating Council.


It is comprised of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers.


Like the Summit, the Coordinating Council meets twice yearly.


The criteria and rules for ASEAN engagement with external entities, including civil society
organizationsis decided by the Coordinating Council.

The ASEAN Community Councils include the:

• ASEAN Political-Security Community Council

• ASEAN Economic Community Council

• ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council

One Ministerial representative per ASEAN Member State is member of these councils .

Main role

In order to achieve the objectives of the ASEAN pillars the respective role of each Council is to
coordinate the work of the different sectoral bodies within their respective “community”.


Each Community Council meets twice annually.

The ministers of specific sectors are brought together by the ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial
Bodies. Their main tasks are

➢ Strengthening cooperation within their sector

➢ Implementing decisions from the ASEAN Summit.
Senior Officials Meetings or SOM

Each ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Body has relevant senior officials committees and technical
bodies that assist them in their work.

Other ASEAN Charter-based bodies.

➢ The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR)

➢ The ASEAN Foundation
Establishment of ASEAN Foundation
The Foundation was established in 1997.
The main purpose were
➢ to support social development programs aimed at reducing poverty and economic
disparities within ASEAN,
➢ to facilitate greater interaction among the people of ASEAN.
On a yearly basis The Chairmanship of ASEAN rotates between the different Member States.
This pattern is also followed by most ASEAN bodies, including the ASEAN Inter-governmental
Commission on Human Rights.

The ASEAN and National Secretariats

• The ASEAN Secretariat is located in Jakarta

• It is headed by the ASEAN Secretary-General,
• To implement decisions made at ASEAN’s high level meetings ,an important role of the
Secretariat is drawing up plans of action in collaboration with ASEAN.

Appointment of the secretary general

• For a non-renewable term of five years, The Secretary General is appointed by the
ASEAN Summit.
• Four Deputy Secretary Generals (DSGs) from four different Member States supports the
secretary general.
• On rotational basis, for a non-renewable term of three years , two DSGs are nominated by
Member States . The other two DSGs are appointed by the ASEAN Coordinating Council
and are openly recruited based on merit for a renewable term of three years . For
implementing each of the ASEAN Communities DSG is responsible . The fourth DSG’s
responsibility is providing guidance on research, public affairs and outreach programmes
for the ASEAN Community.

• To facilitate ASEAN cooperation with external partners, is the important role assigned to
the Secretariat.
• Each ASEAN Member State also has an ASEAN National Secretariat. His main role is to
coordinate the implementation of ASEAN decisions at the national level. Any ASEAN
meetings or activities that are held in-country are supported by them.

ASEAN Diplomatic Representation

It is the requirement of the ASEAN Charter that each Member State will have a Permanent
Representative to ASEAN with the rank of Ambassador based in Jakarta.

Their role

Supporting the work of the ASEAN Community Councils , and ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial
Bodies, and coordinating with the ASEAN National Secretariats and the ASEAN Secretariat are
the tasks assigned to the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR)

ASEAN External Relations

Dialogue Partners

• ASEAN interacts on a formal basis by its Dialogue Partners which are States or inter-
governmental organizations .Currently there are 10 dialogue partners: Australia, Canada,
China, the European Union, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the
United States of America.
• The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also has dialogue status and Pakistan
is a sectoral dialogue partner.
• Free trade agreements has been conducted by ASEAN with the majority of its dialogue
partners, and holds regular meetings with groupings within these 10 partners such as the
“ASEAN +3” annual meeting that involves ASEAN plus Japan, South Korea and China.

ASEAN Regional Forum

ASEAN engages with non-ASEAN states on political and security matters through The ASEAN
Regional Forum (ARF).


It was formed in 1992 by way of the Singapore Declaration at the ASEAN Summit.

Members of ARF

The ARF consists of the 10 ASEAN Member States, the 12 ASEAN Dialogue Partners and one
ASEAN Observer Country.
Interaction of ARF countries

The ARF countries interact on a formal basis (Track I) through annual meetings and on an
informal basis (Track II) through non-official semnars and workshops.2

Role and functions of ASEAN:

Food security

In 1979, the regional member states were of the idea of the importance of food security which
bring stability in the region, for which they signed in agreement on the name of Asian food
security reserve (AFSRB). According to this agreement, every member states of the Asian were
given responsibility to keep and reserve 87,000 metric ton stock for the emergency crisis. There
are two different mechanism are established in the ASEAN organization for food security, that is,
East asia emergency rice reserve (EAERR) and the Asian food security information system

To ensure the long term food security, Asian called 30th meeting for the purpose to bring stability
to food security and increase further the cooperation in this area looking in response global
financial crisis and increasing concern on food and security. The 30th meeting of Asian were a
girl and 2008. In 2009, the 14th summit of Asian were occurred in chaam, in which Thailand
adopted the (AIFS) framework and stressed on the food and security issue as a matter of
permanent policy. Thailand brought the attention of all the leaders participating in the summit to
this matter.

Food handling

Asian setup another body which is known as “the Asian general guideline and preparation and
handling of halal food”, it was for the purpose to further expand the meat and meet based
products between the member states of Asean. The guidelines were prepared on the consent of
the religious authorities of brunei darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore in which
included the preparation of food and drink for Muslim under the term of halal.

Food safety

2FORUM-ASIA. 2019. “ASEAN Structure – Human Rights in ASEAN.” Human Rights in ASEAN. September 15, 2019.
Asian has established the network website ( for food safety on
which they provide useful information regarding the food safety that included SPS, buddies
which evaluate the international standards (Codex, OIC, IPPC etc.



As we know that people are aware about the food safety which attract the attention of the
ASEAN countries toward the use of the agrochemical which influence the agricultural produces.
Moreover, the ASEAN works more to harmonize maximum residual level of poison used in the
agricultural products which are traded in the region. Up till now, the Asian adopted total of 804
harmonized maximum residual level of 63 pesticides. Another function performed by the Asian
in improving the marketability of the agricultural products by the establishing of Database
network to control the use of pesticides. Asean establish a website network With the help of
Malaysia which provide identification, prioritization, promulgation and solution to the problems
related to the pesticide arrangements. This website network give access to the general public and
some specific information for the regulatory authorities of the ASEAN. Asian played up by votel
role and improving the competitiveness in the international markets of food and agricultural
products that’s sentence applied the region to be the leading one and these products. Enough
amount of efforts have been made in this regard to recognize the vision such as improvement of
food control system and processes to make sure the freer moment of serve healthy and quality
food within the region. The Asian brought revolution in the agricultural products and vegetable
and make them resemble to the international standards.

Live stock industry

There exist infectious diseases in the regions -FMD, classical swine fever, Newcastle disease,
and avian influenza- are the main hurdles to the progress of livestock industry. It causes different
animal diseases which effect on the economic income. As a matter of fact, as the Asean
understand that the vaccination is the practical method to control such kind of diseases they
started work on bringing and making standards vaccines to serve and preserve the livestock
industry in the region. Moreover, it also set up different kind of procedures and helping disks
related to vaccines production that made in the region to develop the livestock industry. Highly
pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) attract a great attention of the member states of the region to
work closely in a corporation and bring program to control such kind of animal diseases apart
from this foot and mouth disease (FMD), and classical swine fever which were also predominant.
Asian taken various initiatives and activities by the coordination of the member states, another
various donor agencies to control and remove animal diseases in the region.

Similarly, another milestone achieved by the Asian in overcoming the animal diseases in the
region by taking the initiative of establishing the Asean animal health trust fund HDF. The
setting up of the Asian animal health trust fund and it's contribution became an important source
of inspiration for the donor communities. The covenant for the setting up of Asian animal health
trust fund first came into being in November 2006.


Enough amount of projects and actions have been taken in the development of aquaculture,
Asian Network of fisheries post harvest technology organization(FPHT), harmonisation of
fishery sanitary phytosanitory (SPS) and fisheries related projects under the Asean Australia
development cooperation program (AADCP). These manual and activities had been translated
into the local languages in the member states of the Asian to promote fish farmers. Asian has
developed several kinds of standard operating procedures SOP’s for maintaining aqua life health
and avoid fish diseases to save their lives. To promote fish trade in the region as well as on the
international level Asian promulgated different kinds of steps to avoid hazards guide.

Agricultural cooperatives

In 2006, ASEAN established the ASEAN cooperative business forum (ACBF), the prime
objective was to promote trading and business linkages among the member states of ASEAN in
the southeast asian region. In Southeast Asia, there exist a potential members and the purpose of
this forum was to empower farmers, farmer groups and farmer organization.

Besides, ASEAN is promulgating Strategic alliances and projects in the fields of data and
information, agricultural production and marketing. With developing such kinds of strategic
alliances, bring an enormous progress to the beef forming by signing of MOU between johar
state farmers in Indonesia.
Agricultural training and extension

ASEAN play a vital role in educating the farmers about the agricultural products that how to
select, opt and apply various technologies to these products. It developed and intensified the use
of integrated pest management (IPM) on fruits and vegetable for the purpose to improve the
quality of crops. Provide training and education to farmers on regional level in integrated pest
management (IPM) in fruits and vegetables were run by the regional member states. ASEAN
provide the basic information about the integrated pest management IPM to the farmers to
strengthen the common understanding which is necessary for the bringing growth in production.

Similarly, the national government made a mechanism for the implementation of IPM program to
make effective ASEAN organization. Asian setup the Asian IPM knowledge network. It was an
initiative to collect all the knowledge on the IPM that can be reused and can be shared with the
division again. For this purpose, the ASEAN set up an electronic IPM knowledge management

Research and development in agriculture

In 2005, cooperation in the region of research and development in agriculture was commenced.
This initiative was taken and along with this a number of activities like Asian agricultural
research and development information system (ASEAN ARDIS) etc.


One of the most important natural resource in term of economical, environmental and socio
cultural benefits for the ASEAN in the region is the Forest. The expansion in the production of
forest, both quality and quantity wise, and to increase exportation rate by using economically and
environmentally feasible procedures and techniques are still challenges for ASEAN. To resolve
the issues in the region, ASEAN cooperation in forestry have taken the intiatives like working
with Dialogue Partners, International Organizations and Third parties like Australia, Germany,
Sweden and FAO. The priority to ASEAN member states is the promotion of Sustainable Forest
Management (SFM). The guidelines formulated from this, are used by member states in
formulating their national indicator and criteria for sustainable forest management. The 29th
AMAF meeting on 1 November 2007 in Bangkok on the progress towards the achievement of
Sustainable Forest Management at national and regional level , reported the following. The
ASEAN forest clearing house mechanism had been established under the ASEAN German
Regional forest programme (ReFOP). It provides an electronic database and e-discussion in
supporting ASEAN's activities in cooperation in forestry, and helps in certification processes of
forest, common position of ASEAN in international forest policy processes , CITES
implementation and the exchange of information on ASEAN herbal and medicinal plants and
RAnd D matters. An online monitoring, assessment and reporting (MAR) format in the ASEAN
forestry clearing house mechanism (CHM) website had been made to the endorsement of
ASEAN criteria and indicators for sustainable management of tropical forest by AMAF . The
purpose of this development to strengthen the country reporting on MAR in achieving
sustainable forest management. The main agenda of ASEAN cooperation in CITES is the
sustainable use of natural resources, which has been seen through declaration of ASEAN
statement on CITES and endorsement of the ASEAN regional action plan on trade in wild Flora
and Fauna by the AMAF. In December 2005 ASEAN Wildlife Law Enforcement Network
(ASEAN WEN) was launched that includes the CITES authorities officials , Customs, Police,
Prosecutors , specialized government wildlife law enforcement organizations and other relevant
National law enforcement agencies.

Emerging and cross- cutting issues

There are emerging cross_cutting issues in the process of working towards ASEAN community,
reducing and conversation of climate change to food , agriculture and forestry , Sanitary and
Phytosanitary (SPS) measures that deal with health of human and animal/plant health diseases ,
and cooperation on public health issues etc are the issues where broader coordination needs to be


• ASEAN was not emerged in one night, but it was came after a tedious processes and
negotiations among the rival member states before.

3“ASEAN at 55 : Achievements and Challenges Ahead – สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงลิสบอน.” N.d. สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงลิสบอน.
• Along with the peace and stability brought into the region; it also made amazing
progress in economics, culture, agriculture and other different fields.
• It is considered the most successful regional organization in the developing countries
because it has born despite of disputes amongst the member states.
• It give the concept of vertical cooperation: in which one member state would produce one
part and the other member states would produce the rest of the parts. By keeping the
economic growth equal among the participants.
• It saw more committed and organized to its regional growth in contrast to other


In this paper, we discussed the role and functions of the association of southeast asian nations(
ASEAN) along wit its structure. First, it discussed the structure of the ASEAN. Second, we
discussed the role and functions of the ASEAN which make distinct them among other regional
organizations. Moreover, it played an imperative role in bringing cooperation and understanding
of the issues of the region among the participants states. Similarly, ASEAN brought revolution to
the agricultural sector which intensifies the economic growth of the region. Thus, ASEAN
became the most cooperative organization in the developing world. In a nutshell, ASEAN is
considered the most successful and model organization for the other regional organization in the


“———.” N.d.

FORUM-ASIA. 2019. “ASEAN Structure – Human Rights in ASEAN.” Human Rights in

ASEAN. September 15, 2019.

“ASEAN at 55 : Achievements and Challenges Ahead – สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุ งลิสบอน.” N.d.

สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุ งลิสบอน.


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