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PART - A: Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Unit 31 Employee Relations

Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher
National Diploma in Business Unit Code
Learner name Assessor name
Ms Suga Sri R Lackhmanan
Learners ID
Intake Internal Verifiers name
Ms Parimala Subramaniam

TASK Date issued Submission Final Submitted
Submission on

25 January 23 February Grade

1 Awarded
2023 2023

02 March 16 March
2023 2023 28 April
23 March 30 March 2023
2023 2023

07 April 14 April
2023 2023
title Employee Relations in Workplace

PART - B: Evidence Checklist

Criteria Evidence
Assessment Criteria Task no.
reference (Page No)

LO1 – Analyse how changes and developments in society, the work context and employment
have influenced the employment relationship
Analyse how employment relationships in specific types
of organisations have been affected by developments in
society and the work

Examine the fundamentals of employment law applied

to specific organisational examples.

Critically analyse the impact of developments in society

and the work context on the employment relationship.
Draw valid conclusions on the extent to which the
creation of a positive employment relationship has been
affected by developments in society and the work
LO2 – Devise mechanisms of employee communication and consultation for different types of

Design appropriate mechanisms for communicating and

consulting with employees for different organisations.

Design a range of appropriate communication and

M2 consultation mechanisms to facilitate employee
voice and levels of engagement.
Justify effectiveness of communication and consulting
D2 mechanisms for enhancing employee voice and levels of
LO3 - Apply negotiation skills to workplace disputes for effective conflict management

Utilise negotiation skills to resolve workplace disputes

and conflicts.

Reflect on the utilisation of negotiation skills for effective

conflict management approaches.

Utilise negotiation skills to resolve both individual and

collective disputes and conflicts effectively.

Evaluate personal performance to identify strengths and

areas for further development.

LO4 – Develop HR solutions for an organisation’s employee relations approach and practices in
order to improve performance.
Assess the employee relations approach and practices
P6 in an organisation to develop HR solutions in order to
improve performance.

Devise valid HR solutions that address issues and

challenges to improve performance.

Provide justified HR solutions and recommendations for

D4 improving an organisation’s employee relations strategy
and practices in order to improve performance.
PART - C: Assessment Criteria

PART - D: Achievement Summary

Total Learning LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4

Total PASS Criteria P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

Total Merit Criteria M1 M2 M3 M4


Total Distinction Criteria D1 D2 D3 D4


To achieve a Pass, A student must have satisfied all the Pass criteria for the Unit.

To achieve a Merit, A student must have satisfied all the Pass Criteria + All the Merit criteria for
the Unit.

To achieve a Distinction, A student must have satisfied all the Pass Criteria + All the Merit
criteria + all the Distinction for the Unit

Grade Achieved:

 Evidence for distinction will not be accepted for assessment after the Final Submission Date
 Evidence for Merit will not be accepted for assessment after one (1) week from the final submission
 Student may use to check plagiarism (screenshot)
 Assignment will not be accepted without proper IN-TEXT CITATION and Referencing.
 Never cite from Wikipedia

PART E: Assignment brief - 1

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business
Unit number and title 31 Employee Relations
Assessor name Ms Suga Sri R Lackhmanan
Date issued 25 January 2023
Hand in deadline 28 April 2023

Assignment title Employee Relations in Workplace

Purpose of this assignment:
The aim of this unit is to develop students’ understanding of the extent to which employee relationships
impact on stakeholders who are internal and external to an organisation. Students will also be in a
position to judge the possible outcome of employee relationship situations which will support an
effective conflict avoidance intervention. Students will develop the skills required to understand the
models, practice and process of employee relations in a broad context.

LO1 – Analyse how changes and developments in society, the work context and employment
have influenced the employment relationship


You are working as a junior executive in a well-known large global organization [named organization/an
organization of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate]. As part of the responsibilities, you
have been asked to demonstrate an ability to review the extent to which employee relations can
influence the behavior of different organizational stakeholders. Your Director of People Talent has
asked you to produce a report in response to the following brief.

Task 1 – Holistic Task (Date of Submission – 23 February


Assessment Method: Written Report

Step by Step Instruction

The report should include the following:

1. A brief introduction of the chosen organisation.

2. An overview to employee relations, what it is and its importance and value to the
3. An explanation of key legislations that applies to employee relations and which the
organisation must adhere to.
4. Based on your chosen organisation, analyze the impact of developments in society and
work context on the employment relationship.
5. Finally, draw a valid conclusion on the extent of a positive employment relationship has
been affected by development in society and the work context.

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using 1.5 spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard
referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2000–2500 words, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

LO2 – Devise mechanisms of employee communication and consultation for different types of
Task 2 – Holistic Task (Date of Submission – 16 March 2023)

Assessment Method: Written Report

In Task 2, your manager has asked you to devise mechanisms of employee communication and
consultation for different types of organisations.

1. Design appropriate mechanism for communicating and consulting with employees for
different organisations.
2. Design a range of appropriate communication and consultation mechanisms to facilitate
employee voice and levels of engagement.
3. Based on the findings above, justify the effectiveness of communication and consulting
mechanisms for enhancing employee voice and levels of engagement.

LO3 – Apply negotiation skills to workplace disputes for effective conflict management

Task 3 – Holistic Task (Date of Submission – 30 March 2023)

Assessment Method: Written Report

In Task 3, your manager has asked you to apply negotiation skills to workplace disputes for effective
conflict management approaches in your chosen organisation.

1. Based on the chosen organisation, prepare a negotiation skill to resolve workplace disputes
and conflicts. The negotiation skills need to be related to managing conflict and resolving
2. From your answers in Question 1, reflect on the utilisation of negotiation skills for effective
conflict management approaches.
3. Apply negotiation skills to solve both individual and collective disputes and conflicts
4. Lastly, provide an evaluation on personal performance to identify strengths and areas for
further development.

LO4 – Develop HR solutions for an organisation’s employee relations approach and practices in
order to improve performance.

Task 4 – Holistic Task (Date of Submission – 14 April 2023)

In Task 4, your manager has assigned you a task to develop HR solutions for an organisation’s
employee relations approach and practices in order to improve performance in workplace.

1. Assess the employee relations approach and practices in an organisation to develop HR

solutions in order to improve performance.
2. Devise valid HR solutions that address issues and challenges to improve employee
3. Provide justified HR solutions and recommendations for improving an organisation’s employee
relations and practices in order to improve employee performances.

AYLOTT, E. (2018) Employee Relations. 2nd Ed. London: Kogan Page.

BENNETT, T., SAUNDRY, R. and FISHER, V. (2020) Managing Employment Relations. 7th Ed.
London: Kogan Page.

BRIDGER, E. (2018) Employee Engagement. 2nd Ed. London: Kogan Page. GENNARD, J. and
JUDGE, G. (2016) Managing Employment Relations. 6th Ed. London: Kogan Page.

WILLIAMS, S. (2017) Introducing Employment Relations: A Critical Approach. 4th Ed. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.



Provide an extended range of detailed factual information about the topic

P1 Describe
or item in a logical way.

Make something clear to someone by describing or revealing relevant

P2 Explain
information in more detail.

Make something clear to someone by describing or revealing relevant

P3 Explain
information in more detail.

Make something clear to someone by describing or revealing relevant

P4 Explain
information in more detail.

P5 Apply Use relevant skills, knowledge and understanding appropriate to context.

Settle/conclude an argument/question as a result of investigation or by

P6 Determine
referring to an authority.

P7 Apply Use relevant skills, knowledge and understanding appropriate to context.

Provide an extended range of detailed factual information about the topic

P1 Describe
or item in a logical way.

Make something clear to someone by describing or revealing relevant

P4 Explain
information in more detail.

M1 Calculate Generate a numerical answer, with workings shown

M2 Derive Develop a result from the first principles (or from the given starting point).

Go through the topic/issue thoroughly looking at all areas that affect the
M3 Explore

M4 Distinguish Draw or make distinction between

Demonstrate understanding of the issues or concepts through the use of

D1 Illustrate
relevant examples or diagrams

To make, create or form something. Put together, assemble. leads to an

D2 Produce
outcome / result.

D3 Review To examine, survey, reconsider a subject, theory or item.

Consider the strengths and weaknesses, arguments for and against

and/or similarities and differences. The writer should then judge the
D4 Evaluate evidence from the different perspectives and make a valid conclusion or
reasoned judgement. Apply current research or theories to support the
evaluation when applicable.


Learners Name
Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit number and title 31 Employee Relations

Assessor name Ms Suga Sri R Lackhmanan

Draft Submission Final Submission

TASK- 1 (LO1) (Date: 23 February Date: 28 April 2023


Re Submission Date:
TASK – 2 (LO2) (Date: 16 March 2023) Date: 28 April 23

Re Submission Date:

TASK – 3 (LO3) (Date: 30 March 2023) Date: 28 April 2023

TASK – 4 (LO4) (Date: 14 April 2023) Date: 28 April 2023

Action Plan
Summative feedback

Justification of the Grade Awarded:

Feedback: Learner to Assessor

Learners Signature Assessor Signature

Learners name Assessor’s name Ms Suga Sri R. Lackhmanan

Date Date
When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.

Learners name: Assessor name:

Ms Suga Sri R. Lackhmanan

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:

25 January 2023 28 April 2023


HND Diploma in Business


20 Employee Relations

Assignment number and title:

1: Employee Relations in Workplace

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules,
however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing
practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully
detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material
downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further

Learners Declaration
Learners’ declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner’s signature: Date:

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