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Turner Syndrome:
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder affecting girls and women. The
cause of Turner syndrome is a completely or partially missing X
chromosome. Turner syndrome symptoms include short stature and lack
of breast development and periods. Treatment for Turner syndrome may
include hormone therapy.

What is Turner syndrome (TS)?

Turner syndrome (TS), sometimes referred to as congenital ovarian
hypoplasia syndrome, is a genetic disorder. It is the most common sex
chromosomal abnormality affecting girls and women. More specifically,
it’s a problem with one of the two X chromosomes -- the thread-like
structures inside cells that are made of DNA. We get our DNA from our
parents and it is the DNA that contains the specific instructions that make
each living creature unique!

Turner syndrome is a congenital condition, meaning it's something a

person is born with. Each of us is born with two chromosomes. If you're
female, you were born with two X chromosomes. If you're a male, you
are born with one X and one Y chromosome. Turner Syndrome occurs
when one of the X chromosomes is missing, either partially or

Turner syndrome often causes short stature, typically noticeable by age

5. It usually doesn’t affect intelligence but can lead to developmental
delays especially with calculations and memory. Heart problems are
common, too. While TS can somewhat shorten life expectancy, screening
for and treating known related conditions helps protect health.
Is Turner syndrome inherited?
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder, but it’s usually not inherited,
except in rare cases. An inherited genetic condition means that a parent
(or both parents) passed down a mutated, or changed, gene. In Turner
syndrome, the chromosome change happens randomly before birth.

What are the types of Turner syndrome?

The type of Turner syndrome (TS) a person has depends on the problem
with the X chromosome:
 Monosomy X: Each cell has only one X chromosome instead of two.
About 45% of people with TS have this type. It comes from the
mother’s egg or the father’s sperm randomly forming without an X
chromosome. After fertilization, the baby’s cells also contain this
 Mosaic Turner syndrome: Also called 45,X mosaicism, this type
makes up about 30% of Turner syndrome cases. Some of the baby’s
cells have a pair of X chromosomes, while other cells only have one.
It happens randomly during cell division early in pregnancy.
 Inherited Turner syndrome: In rare cases, babies may have
inherited TS, meaning their parent (or parents) were born with it
and passed it on. This type usually happens because of a missing
part of the X chromosome.

How common is Turner syndrome?

Worldwide, about 1 in every 2,500 female babies is born with Turner
syndrome. It’s the most common sex chromosomal abnormality found in


What causes Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome happens when one of a female baby’s two X

chromosomes is missing or incomplete. Researchers don’t yet
understand why this happens.

What are the symptoms of Turner syndrome?

The main symptom of Turner syndrome is short stature. Almost all

females with TS:

 Grow more slowly than their peers during childhood and

 Have delayed puberty and lack of growth spurts, resulting in an
average adult height of 4 feet, 8 inches. (If diagnosed early, growth
hormone can help the person reach near-normal height).

Another symptom is not experiencing typical sexual development. Most

females with TS:

 Don't experience breast development.

 May not have menstrual periods.
 Have small ovaries that may only function for a few years or not at
 Typically don't go through puberty, unless they get hormone
therapy in late childhood and early teens.
 Don't make enough sex hormones.

Besides short stature, females with Turner syndrome often have certain
physical traits:

 Broad chest.
 Cubits valgus, where the arms point out slightly at the elbows.
 Dental problems.
 Eye problems, such as a lazy eye or drooping eyelids.
 Scoliosis, when the spine curves sideways.
 Low hairline at the back of the neck.
 Many skin moles.
 Missing knuckle in a particular finger or toe, making the digit
 Narrow fingernails and toenails.
 Small lower jaw.
 Swelling of the hands and feet.
 Unusually short, wide neck or webbed neck (extra skin folds).

What other medical problems might people with Turner

syndrome have?
Cardiovascular problems
People with Turner syndrome (TS) may have heart and blood vessel
problems, some of which can be life-threatening. Up to 50% of people
with TS have a problem with the structure of their hearts. Cardiovascular
problems can include:

 Bicuspid aortic valve, with two valve leaflets instead of three.

 Coarctation of the aorta, when part of the aorta is too narrow.
 Elongation of the aortic arch, a section of the body’s main artery.
 Hypertension (high blood pressure).

Bone problems:
These are also common with TS. People with Turner syndrome should
exercise and get enough calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones. Bone
problems include:

 Increased risk for fractures and osteoporosis (weak bones),

particularly in women who haven’t received estrogen treatment.
 Scoliosis, in about 20% of people.

Other medical conditions

People with Turner syndrome may also have:

 Autoimmune disorders: People with TS may

develop hypothyroidism (not enough thyroid hormone). They may
also develop celiac disease (digestive disorder) and inflammatory
bowel disease (digestive tract irritation).
 Hearing and ear problems: An incorrectly formed ear and
frequent middle ear infections are common. Sensorineural hearing
loss develops in more than 50% of adults.
 Kidney defects: Structural problems in the kidney-urinary system
happen in about 30% to 40% of people with TS. Problems with urine
flow can lead to kidney infections.
 Metabolic syndrome: People with TS are at high risk for metabolic
syndrome, a group of problems that occur together. It includes
central obesity (more excess weight around the waist area), insulin
resistance (pre-diabetes), high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
high triglycerides and Type 2 diabetes.
 Mental health challenges: They may have low self-esteem
and anxiety or depression. They may feel this way because of their
physical concerns, health problems and infertility.
 Vision problems: Both farsightedness and nearsightedness can
occur along with red-green color blindness, but nearsightedness is
the most common eye problem.

Do people with Turner syndrome have developmental delays?

People with Turner syndrome typically have normal intelligence. But
they may have problems with visual motor and visual spatial skills. They
can have difficulty seeing how objects relate to each other in space. For
example, driving may be difficult.

People with Turner syndrome may also have trouble with:

 Clumsiness.
 Executive functions, including problems with managing and
planning, memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility -- or changing
the way they think about something.
 Nonverbal problem solving, like math.
 Understanding social cues, like facial expressions.
How is Turner syndrome (TS) diagnosed?

Usually, parents notice symptoms of Turner syndrome. Sometimes they

do so right away and sometimes it happens during early childhood. For
example, they may spot:

 Swelling in hands or feet and skin webbing on the neck (may show
up soon after birth).
 Short stature or stop in growth.
 Lack of breast development and menstrual periods.
A genetic test called a karyotype analysis can confirm a Turner syndrome
diagnosis. This test requires a blood draw. It can determine whether one
of the X chromosomes is fully or partially missing.

A complete heart evaluation is also part of diagnosis. That’s because

many people with TS have heart problems.

When is Turner syndrome diagnosed?

Healthcare providers may diagnose Turner syndrome at any stage of a
child’s development. Sometimes, the condition gets spotted before

 Maternal serum screening is a blood draw from the mother. It

checks for signs showing an increased chance of a chromosomal
problem with the baby. This screening is more common in women
who are pregnant at an older age.
 Amniocentesis and chorionic villous sampling check the amniotic
fluid or tissue from the placenta. Healthcare providers perform a
karyotype analysis on the fluid or tissue. The results could show
that the baby has Turner syndrome.
 Ultrasound during pregnancy may show that the baby has some
features of TS. The healthcare provider may see heart problems or
fluid around the neck.

Other times, children receive a diagnosis soon after birth or during early
childhood because of their symptoms. But some people aren’t diagnosed
with Turner syndrome until they reach adulthood. These women may go
through puberty and get their periods. But they often have early ovarian
failure (early menopause).


Who should be on my child’s care team for Turner syndrome?
Treatment for Turner syndrome depends on each child’s specific
symptoms and development. A coordinated care team can provide the
most comprehensive, effective care. The team will look at the whole
picture and tailor a plan that works for your child.

Usually, children with Turner syndrome work with their pediatricians.

They also receive evaluation and monitoring from pediatric
endocrinologists. These hormone specialists can provide
recommendations on how to treat hormone deficiencies.

Other pediatric specialists may include:

 Cardiologist.
 Ophthalmologist.
 Otolaryngologist (ENT).
 Psychologist.
 Speech pathologist.
 Surgeon.

Parents can help the care team by keeping growth charts and tracking
other symptoms. It’s also a good idea for families to get genetic

How is Turner syndrome treated?

Besides care for related medical problems, Turner syndrome (TS)
treatment often focuses on hormones. Treatments may include:

 Human growth hormone: Injections of human growth hormone

can increase height. If treatment starts early enough, these shots
can increase the final height of people with TS by several inches.
 Estrogen therapy: Often, people with TS need estrogen, a female
hormone. This type of hormone replacement therapy can help
girls develop breasts and begin menstruation. It can also help their
uterus grow to a typical size. Estrogen replacement improves brain
development, heart function, liver function and skeletal health,
 Cyclic progestins: These hormones are often added at age 11 or 12
if blood tests note deficiency. Progestin will induce cyclic menstrual
periods. Treatment is often started with very low dosages and then
gradually increased to simulate normal puberty.

Can Turner syndrome be prevented?

You can’t prevent Turner syndrome. It’s a congenital problem. It happens

when a random error results in a missing or incomplete X chromosome.
Parents can’t do anything to stop this error from happening.
Will being pregnant at a later age increase the risk of having a baby with
Turner syndrome?

No. The chance of having a baby with Turner syndrome doesn’t increase
with the age of the mother.

How can I take care of my child with Turner syndrome?

Early diagnosis is key. Pay attention to your child’s growth and

milestones. Perhaps you noticed your child doesn’t seem to be growing
as they should or you see unusual physical symptoms. Talk to your

Certain treatments, such as hormone therapy, are best started early. It’s
also important to stay on top of other medical concerns, such as heart
problems. Your healthcare provider can help you set up a team of
specialists to manage your child’s care. Your child will likely need regular
monitoring and checkups to keep tabs on her health and any concerns.

Providers also recommend that children with Turner syndrome:

 Get screened for learning problems: This should happen as early

as 1 or 2 years of age. Teachers and parents can work together to
help the child before learning disabilities get more serious.
Children with TS can learn executive function skills. Tutoring and
occupational therapy can help them function at their best in school
and at home.
 Work with a mental health professional: A therapist can help with
social issues and low self-esteem, anxiety and
depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, a type of talk therapy,
can improve a person’s quality of life.

If I have a child with Turner syndrome, am I at higher risk for having

another child with TS?
Healthcare providers consider Turner syndrome a sporadic condition,
meaning it happens randomly. It’s possible to have a second child with
TS, but the risk is the same as it is for any pregnancy. You don’t have an
increased risk for a second child with Turner syndrome if you have an
older child with the condition.

Can a woman with Turner syndrome get pregnant?

Women with Turner syndrome are usually infertile, meaning they can’t
get pregnant. But some women can get pregnant using special
fertilization techniques.

What should I ask my healthcare provider?

If your child has Turner syndrome, ask your provider:

 What are the treatment options?

 What are the risks and benefits of growth hormone injections and
other hormone treatments?
 When should hormone treatments begin?
 What other medical conditions is my child at risk for?
 What specialists should be on her care team?
 What type of learning or developmental disabilities may occur?

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