Techniques For Optimal Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations A Review

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Techniques for optimal Placement of Electric Vehicle

Charging Stations: A review

Sohail Ahmad Parah Majid Jamil

2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PIECON) | 979-8-3503-9976-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/PIECON56912.2023.10085887

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering

Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi, India New Delhi, India

Abstract— The excess uses of conventional vehicles are the solutions were examined based on simulation and machine
major concern to deteriorate our environment. The excess learning. The Greenfield and Austin area of Bengaluru are
releases of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels are used for comparing solutions with traditional approaches. A
the key factors responsible for global warming. Therefore most different class of Gaussian distribution and clustering
countries like Saudi Arabia, the USA, India, etc, and their solutions were evaluated. The urban and EV owner
policymakers think that conventional Vehicles must be perspectives were considered. In [5] for EVCS placement a
replaced by electrical vehicles. Electric vehicles play a framework of machine learning is developed in order to
significant role in improving air quality, energy security, and examine spatial disparities. In literature the analysis of
economic opportunity. The placement of charging station is a
mostly used Optimization techniques are shown in figure 1
complex problem involving a number of constraints, decision
[6]. For placement of EVCS problem, the comparative
variables and objective functions. Therefore, for solving non-
linear and complex nature of the charging station placement overview of mostly used optimization techniques is given in
researchers apply different optimization algorithms. This table 1.
review paper focuses on the optimal placement of electric The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section II
vehicle charging station planning using different optimization discusses PSO, GA is discussed in section III, section IV
techniques by various researchers. discusses IP, section V discusses ACO, section VI discusses
CSO, hybrid algorithms are discussed in section VII, section
Keywords— charging station, distributed generations electric
VIII discusses Cplex software program, IX section discusses
vehicles, and electric vehicle charging station.
GWO, section X discusses future research directions and
section XI concludes this paper.
Traditional vehicles are the main causes of pollution due
to the release of greenhouse gases emissions. Traditional II. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
vehicles harm the ecology and create various health issues.
Delhi is one of the most polluted states in India, almost 89% PSO is encouraged by social behavior of the swarm. In 1995
of the public are not feeling good or feel sick due to bad Eberhart and Kennedy proposed PSO [7]. The two
quality of air and it is considered traditional vehicles are the methodologies used by PSO are artificial life and
main cause of pollution [1]. Researchers and policymakers evolutionary computation. In artificial life, food is searched
think that there is must be an urgent need for an alternative in a cooperative way by the swarm. In a swarm, each
mode of transport and environmental friendly in the form of member learns experience and search pattern to locate food.
electric vehicles. The transition from traditional vehicles to In PSO each solution is referred as a particle. PSO has the
electric vehicles has a lot of benefits like environmental and
ability to provide high efficiency compared to other
economic benefits. The dependency on fossil fuels and oil
techniques. As compared to the Genetic Algorithm, PSO has
decreases while using electric vehicles over conventional
vehicles. The Co2 gas emission can be reduced by using fast convergence. In [8] PSO is used for optimal planning
electric vehicles [2]. The electric vehicle sector is growing for EVCS based on running and construction cost by
day by day very quickly. It is considered that in 2030 there considering traffic flow and geographic information as
will be almost 18.7 million electric cars therefore almost 9.6 constraints. In [9] PSO is used for optimal placement and
million charging stations (CSs) are required [3]. Although DGs are used for minimization of losses. The proposed
electric vehicles have a lot of advantages there are also technique is implemented for 15, 33, 69 and 85 IEEE bus
certain issues for optimal placement. For the large system. In [10] PSO is used for V2G charging station for
acceptance of electric vehicles and charging the battery, there optimal placement in the grid during peak period by varying
should be a charging station (CS). If the CS is not efficiently coefficients. In [11] for optimal placement and optimal
placed then there will be power losses and voltage capacity of EVCS a methodology is proposed by using PSO
degradation. Researchers focus on optimal locations of for unbalanced Radial Distribution system. This work also
electric vehicle CS for reducing electric vehicles CS explains RDS effect with respect to real power losses and
construction cost and increasing grid efficiency. In the last voltage profile and also additional DGs are used. In radial
few years, there has been a lot of research for the optimal distribution system DER and EVCS are placed as an optimal
placement of EVCS. In [4] for optimal placement and aid in location and for optimization problems objective function is
decision making two metrics have been involved for power loss and solved by using PSO [12]. The main
investigation is quantitative and qualitative. Different disadvantage of PSO is easy divergence and low precision.

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are Chicago and Seattle. In this paper only travelling
distance is reduced. In [22] MIP technique is used for
placement of EVCS in which parking demand and travelling
cost is treated as objectives. Only optimal zones are
identifies for placement of CS. In [23] the two step model is
developed. In first step by using hierarchical clustering
analysis, the information is collected on highways in
“demand clusters”. In second step for location, LP technique
is used by taking cost related factors and constraints. For EV
users travelling cost is not considered by LIP. In [24] for
solving placement problem of EVCS the game theory model
was build and later it was transformed into LIP model.
Finally dual path algorithm is used to solve the model in
order to make process strong viable and easy. During
modeling problem the important factors such as road
network, capacity constraints, traffic flow, and structure of
distribution network are not considered. In [25] for
expansion distribution network problem and sitting and
Figure.1. Analysis of optimization techniques. sizing of CS, a mathematical approach is suggested. In order
to solve the problem MIP technique is used in which
III. Genetic Algorithm (GA) constraint is voltage limit. The stochastic problems cannot
solve by IP, hence become disadvantage of IP.
GA is inspired through natural selection. The selection,
mutation, and crossover are three basic operators [13]. V. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
Among two individuals best fitness value is chosen by the
selection operator and genes are then passed to next- ACO is that type of algorithm that mimics trailing behavior
generation [13]. The mating between two individuals is of ants. During walking ant releases pheromones and
represented by the crossover operator [13]. The diversity of direction of many pheromones is followed by each ant [26].
the population is maintained by the mutation operator and In [27] for optimal placement in distribution system ACO is
also premature convergence is avoided by the mutation used to optimize cost which includes cost of line power loss,
operator [13]. For city traffic networks an optimal method is travelling cost and operating cost. The constraint is taken as
proposed in [14] using GA. In this method, transportation preserving power system security and traffic flow. The
cost is minimized by using the grid partition method. The IEEE-69 bus is used in order to check results. For
constraints in this method are station capacity and traffic optimization Hybrid ACO and bees are employed in which
density. The optimal solution is not obtained because for traffic conditions taken as constraints [28]. In this hybrid
optimization, the cost function is not considered. In [15], for technique CS cost is minimized and also distribution power
optimal locations using improved GA, a model is introduced loss is minimized. In [29] distribution network transmission
in which transportation and investment cost is considered. In loss is minimized by using ACO.
[16] the feeder energy loss and investment cost are
minimized by using a multi-objective approach. The IEEE- VI. Chicken Swarm Optimization (CSO)
33 distribution system is used to test this approach and
comparison is done between GA and hierarchical GA. In CSO is bio-inspired optimization that mimics the behavior
[17], the cost of transportation and investment cost are of chickens in swarm [30]. Based on chicken fitness values,
reduced using modified GA for optimal location. In [18], for chicken population is divided into hens, dominant rooster
optimal placement hybrid GA is utilized by optimizing and chicks. The least strength chickens are called chicks,
investment and travelling cost. In [19], the probe data of the chickens with intermediate strength designated as hens and
taxi is taken into account for location of charging station. the highest strength chickens are called roosters. The
The probe data of taxi is a history of taxi such as speed and relationship between mother and child is randomly
position. established. After every N time steps the relationship
between mother-child and hierarchal order is updated. In
IV. Integer Programming (IP) [31] for operation and planning of CS a novel CSO is used.
The three scenarios examined for operation of CS are
IP is an optimization technique in which all or few variables coordinated charging, uncoordinated charging and
are referred as integers. The term LIP is that in which bidirectional V2G. The IEEE-33 bus is used for testing
constraints and objective functions are linear in nature. purpose.
While as mixed MIP is when some variables are treated as
an integer. In [20], the transportation cost, CS placement VII. Hybrid Algorithms
cost and charging cost is minimized by designing an IP
model. In [21], for CS location MIP model is designed in Hybrid algorithms is that type of algorithms in which two or
which travelling distance is reduced therefore range anxiety more algorithms combines in order to solve same problem.
problem is reduced and integration of EVs is improved. For In [32] for optimal solution a hybrid solution is used which
showcases implementation the selected metropolitan areas is an amalgamation of TLBO and CSO. The cost is

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Table.1 Review analysis of optimization techniques

Optimization Author References Inspiration Advantages Challenges

techniques where technique
is used

Particle Swarm Eberhart and PSO is inspired from Simple computation and Early convergence and High
Optimization(PSO) Kennedy foraging and social good for multi-objective chances to get stuck in local
[8], [9], [10], behavior of swarm. optimization. optima.
[11], [12]

Genetic algorithm Goldberg and GA is inspired by GA is stochastic and easy For placement and sizing
(GA) Holland. natural selection. to implement. problem GA is computationally
[14], [15], [16, expensive that is time-
[17],[18], [19] consuming.
Ant colony Marco and Dorigo ACO is inspired by Performs better compare Uncertain time convergence.
optimization the foraging behavior to ACO other global
(ACO) [28], [29] of ants. optimization techniques.

Chicken swarm X.Meng, Yu Liu, CSO is encouraged In terms of optimization Convergence speed is slow and
optimization (CSO) X.Gao, and H. by the behavior of robustness and accuracy difficult to achieve global
Zhang. chicken in a swarm. CSO achieve good optimal solutions.
[31] optimization results.

Gray wolf S.Mirjalili. GWO is inspired by Easy to implement Convergence rate is slow,
optimization the hunting compared to other solving accuracy low and bad
(GWO) [39] mechanism and techniques. local searching ability.
natural habit of gray
Teaching Learning Rao RV and TLBO is inspired For operation any More space is required and
Based Kalyankar VD. algorithm based on algorithm parameter does computation time is more.
Optimization teaching-learning not required.
(TLBO) [33] process.

CPLEX Robert E. Bixby It is inspired from It solves constrained Optimization routines are
optimization honey bees by their problems efficiently. difficult to modify.
software package [34], [35] intelligent behavior.

Linear Integer George Dantzig - It solves different LIP is not applicable for
Programming combination of problems. stochastic problems.
(LIP) [20], [24]

Artificial bee Karaboga and - It is inspired from Simplicity and proper Requires new fitness tests on
colony (ABC) Basturk honey bees by their exploration ability. new algorithm parameters.
intelligent behavior.

considered as objective function. TLBO is combined with DGs are used for power minimization. This algorithm is
grading mechanism of CSO due to which population verified on 33 and 69 IEEE bus system.
utilization rate improved. The solutions obtained by
TLBO CSO were better than TLBO and CSO. In [36] for VIII. Cplex Commercial software
optimal location hybrid technique is introduced. This
technique is the combination of PSO and gray wolf Cplex is optimization commercial software package that
optimization. In order to improve reliability, minimize solves IP problems that uses either barrier interior point or
power loss and maximize net profit of grid network, the primal or dual variants of simplex method. In [36] Cplex
proposed hybrid technique is applied on IEEE-33 and software is used for multi-period flow refueling location
IEEE-34 bus system. In this paper capacitors are used to model, but only location problems are highlighted in this
improve voltage profile and minimize power loss. For work. In [37] the transportation network is modeled with
optimal placement hybrid algorithm is proposed based on graph theory in order to find shortest distance between
artificial intelligence approach [37]. This hybrid algorithm allocated CS and vehicle location. By using this model, at
is combination of Gray wolf optimization and PSO and each location the station size is optimized based on

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