Group 5 Lesson Plan

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English 9 (Second Quarter)

Timeframe: 60 minutes

I. OBJECTIVES: Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns, or

dispositions in real life.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Compare and contrast the different kinds of making connections (i.e., text-to-self, text-
to-text, and text-to-world connections.
b. Discuss the importance of making connections to-text, to-self, and to the world.
c. Make a distinction between text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections.


Topic: Making connections. Text to self, Text to text and Text to world.
Reference: Grade 9 Quarter 2 - LAS Module 1
Materials: Cartolina, scotch tape, Manila paper, Marker, scissor
Values Integration: Cooperation.





Good morning, Class! Good morning, sir!


Rheylyn, okay lead the prayer Our father, who are in heaven…

Checking of Attendance:

Who is your classroom secretary? Ailyn sir

Okay miss Ailyn, kindly write the Ailyn: okay sir

absentees in a ¼ sheet of paper and give it
to me.

Passing of Assignments:

By the way class, do you have any No sir


Recalling previous lesson:

Since none, who can recall what was our (Raise her hand)
last topic last meeting.

Okay Rheylyn Rheylyn: Our last topic last meeting is all about
Employing appropriate communicative styles for
various situations.
Okay, very good!! So, our last topic is all
about employing the appropriate
communicative styles for various
situations like example, in a casual way,
conversational ways and many more.

and today we have a new exciting topic to Yes sir!

discover. Are you excited?



So, before we start in our discussion for

this evening, let us first group ourselves
into 3.
This table will be group 1, this table will be
group 2 and this will be the third group.

I have here some gifts for you. Each one of

you will receive a gift.

(The teacher gives the gifts)

What will you do is open the gift but

before opening those gifts, I have a

Who among you here knows the song (Students raise their hands)
“Jingle bells”?

Wow! It’s good to see that the majority of Yes sir!

you know the song. So, here’s the
instruction, we will sing the Christmas
song “jingle bells” 2 times, after singing
the song, you will open your gifts. So, are
you ready to sing it?

Okay, very good, so let’s sing. (The students start to sing the song)

(The singing of song is done)

(The students start to open their gifts)

Now that you have opened your gifts,

those gifts are letters, what you will do is
arrange those letters to create a word, the
first group to arrange those letters and
paste it to the board will receive a gift
from Santa clause.

(The students start arranging the letters)

Since the group (1 or 2 or 3) are the first (The first group to arrange the letters and paste it
group to arrange the letters and paste it in to the board are the group 1 or 2 or 3)
the board, Santa will give you some gifts.

HO HO HO! Yehey!


So how was the activity? (The students will answer) Great and fun sir!!
Based on the activity we have made. About text sir?
What do you think will be our topic this

You have a point; I want something else. About making connection to text sir?

Yes, very good, so our topic for this

evening is all about making connections.

Before we start and delve into our next (The students will read the learning objectives)
topic, let’s read first the learning a. Compare and contrast the different kinds of
objectives for this lesson. making connections (i.e., text-to-self, text-to-text,
and text-to-world connections.
b. Discuss the importance of making connections
to-text, to-self, and to the world.
c. Make a distinction between text-to-self, text-to-
text, and text-to-world connections.

So, does the objective is clear class? Yes Sir

Very good!


So, let’s first know what is making


Making connections is a critical reading

comprehension strategy that helps you make
meaning of what you are reading. When you make
connections to the texts that you are reading, it
helps you to make sense of what you read, retain
information better, and engage more with the text

Now, who among you here experience of (No one raises their hand)
relating what you have read when you are

(Teacher waiting. Teacher found Mira. Call


Okay Mira, can you tell us a story about (Mira answers it)
how you relate it?
(Gives Mira a gift)

What a wonderful story! So, let’s give

Mira a firework clap.

Do you know what is fireworks clap class? No sir!

Okay, so here is how to execute the

fireworks clap.
(The teacher demonstrates the clap)

So, are you ready? Yes sir!

(The students do the fireworks clap)

So, base from the thoughts and ideas of (Rheylyn raises her hand.)
Mira, why is it necessary to make
connections when you are reading a text?

Okay Rheylyn. Making connections when reading is necessary

because it will enhance your understanding of
what you are reading sir.

Wow, spectacular. Very good rheylyn!

(Gives rheylyn a gift)

Let’s give Rheylyn a love clap, do you No sir

know what is love clap class?

Okay so I will execute it.

(The teacher will execute the love clap)

Who else wants to express their idea? (No one raises their hands)

Okay, since no one raises their hands. Let’s

continue with our discussion.

Keene and Zimmerman (1997) concluded that you

comprehend better when you make different
kinds of connections. Below are the three kinds of
connections when reading a text:
Text-to-self connections – these are connections
where you connect what you are reading to
personal experiences or knowledge.

Example: “This story reminds me of a vacation

that I took to the ocean, just like the main

So, base from the example, how does text (No one raises their hands)
to-self connection works?

Okay Abegail The text-to-self connection works if you relate

what you have read to your personal experiences.

Very good!

(Gives the student a gift)

The text-to-self connection works if you

relate yourself to what you have read.

I have here a story, kindly read the story (Student reads the story)
and after reading, I will be giving you a

(The teacher posts a story on the board)

Knocked Up
Sixteen and pregnant. Two pink lines on that cheap
plastic stick stared back at Maya, mocking her with
their stark truth. College dreams, writer ambitions
- all evaporated in a cloud of shame and fear.

Telling her parents was like opening a can of

worms. Friends, once her confidantes, became
distant whispers. The carefree laughter that used
to fill their conversations felt like a distant echo.
Days blurred into weeks. The secret festered inside
her, a suffocating weight. Isolation became her
new normal, replacing the warmth of family and
the energy of friends.
Then, a book. A lifeline in the library. Stories of
other teenage moms, raw and honest, filled with
struggles but also strength and love. A spark
flickered in Maya's chest. She wasn't alone.
Reaching out was a leap of faith. A support group,
a safe space to share her burdens with those who
understood. Books became her teachers, guiding
her through pregnancy, parenthood, and her own
The road was bumpy. Whispers followed her like
shadows, doubt clawed at her resolve. But Maya
held on. To the stories, the support, and the tiny
life growing inside her.
She juggled motherhood with online studies,
determination fueling every step. Words flowed
onto paper again, not just for herself, but to inspire
One morning, the first sliver of pink light painted
the sky as Maya held her sleeping child. It was a
new dawn, a testament to her strength and the
endless possibilities that lay ahead.

From the story that you have read how (Ginie raised her hand)
would you connect the text into self?

Alright! Yes Ginie. As I read Maya's story, I couldn't help but feel a
deep connection to her emotions. The fear, the
uncertainty, the shame, the isolation - it all felt so
familiar. I've experienced my own share of
challenges in life, and I know what it's like to feel
alone and afraid.

Thank you Ginie for sharing. So, we all

experience the feeling of what Ginie said
and we need to overcome the fear and all
of those for a better tomorrow. Alright!

Next is the…

Text-to-text connections – these connections are

made when you can connect what you are reading
to other books that you have read or listened to

Example: “I read another book about spiders that

explained spiders have venom and, in this book, I
am learning about the top 10 dangerous spiders in
the world”
Base from the example, how does text-to- (Students raise their hand)
self connection works?

Okay, you Bejoy. It works if you relate what you have read to the
books that you have read ma’am.

Spectacular, so it works if you relate what

you have read to the previous books or

(Gives the student a gift)

Now, who can differentiate the text-to-self (Student raise her/his hand)
and text-to-text connection?

Okay you. The text-to-self connection is connecting what you

have read to your experiences while text-to-text
connection is connecting what have you learned
from the previous information or book that you
have read.
Exactly! Very good

(Gives the student a gift)

Now from the story “Knocked Up” who (Janica raised her hand)
can make a connection in text to text….

Yes Janica… The story knocked Up is similar to the book “The

Baby Decision by Merle Bombardieri” This book is
a non-fiction guide for teenagers who are
pregnant or considering becoming pregnant. It
covers a wide range of topics, including the
emotional, physical, and social aspects of teenage

Brilliant Janica!

Next is…

Text-to-world connections – there are

connections where you connect what you are
reading to real events (past or present), social
issues, other people, and happenings going on in
the world.

Example: “I saw on the news about how water

pollution was affecting marine animals, and in this
book, I am learning about why pollution can make
a marine animal sick”

Base from the example, how does text-to- (Student Raise their hand)
self connection works?

Okay you. The text-to-world connection works if you relate

what you have read to the real events ma’am.
Okay very good!

(Gives students a gift)

Now, who among you here can (No one raises their hands)
differentiate the three different kinds of
connections when reading a text.

Okay I will call. Ms. Glazy The text-to-self connection is connecting what you
have read to your experiences while text-to-text
connection is connecting what have you learned
from the previous information or book that you
have read ma’am and the last one which is the
text-to-world connection is connecting what you
read to the real-world ma’am whether past or
present events.

Very good Glazy!

Let’s give glazy a frog clap, do you know No ma’am

how to execute the frog clap class?

Okay I will execute it.

(The teacher executed it) (The student follows)

From the story that I have presented to

you who can make a connection in text-to- (Mico raised his hand)

Yes Mico…. As I read Maya's story in "Knocked Up," I couldn't

help but be struck by its relevance to the world
around us. My perspective shifted from a purely
personal one to a broader understanding of the
societal context that shapes the experiences of
young mothers like Maya.
Brilliant Mico…

(Gives Mico a gift)

Alright, Through Maya’s story, we gain a
deeper understanding of the
interconnectedness of individual
experiences and global challenges.

Does anyone have a question regarding of (No one answer)

our topic for this evening?

Since it is silent, it means there’s no

questions so I will be the one asking some


Okay everyone, what have you learned We learned about what is making connections all
today? about Ma’am.

Okay! Another one. We learned about how to make connections by

considering three things in order to make
connections ma’am.

And what are those three? Text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world

connection ma’am.

Very good! Now why does it is important In order to better comprehend and understand
to connect what we have read from a text what we are reading ma’am.
to ourselves, to the previous knowledge
you have learned and to the world?

Very good, it seems like all of you

understand our topic very well.


So now, we will be having another group


Every group must decide a Christmas

caroling. What you will do is distinguish
the scenario’s presented in the front
whether it is a text-to-self, text-to-text and
text-to-world scenarios. When you want to
answer, you first need to sing your
Christmas caroling song. are you ready? Yes Ma’am

Okay so first scenario

“As I read about the character desperately (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)

searching for a lost key in the story, it brought back
memories of that time I frantically looked for my Text-to-self ma’am.
car keys before an important meeting. The feeling
of panic and urgency is so relatable.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Okay very good… next

“I read from another book about how clouds in the (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
sky were formed and it was formed by
condensation, in this book, I am learning about the Text-to-text ma’am.
different types of clouds.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Great job! Next

“The main character in a short story feels really (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
alone, like many people did during the big sickness
we had. It makes me connect their loneliness with Text-to-world ma’am.
what lots of us went through during the real-world

(Gives the group a gift)

Nice one! Okay next

“In a book, the people try to show only good things (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
about themselves online. It reminds me of how
some people feel pressure to be perfect on social Text-to-world ma’am.
media. It makes me think about how this affects
our feelings about ourselves.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Nice very good! Okay next

“I learned from my teacher that rainbows were (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)

formed when sunlight is scattered from raindrops
into the eyes of an observer, now in this book, I Text-to-text ma’am.
learned the different colors that makes up the

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next

“Reading about the character's journey of self- (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)

discovery brought to mind a period in my life when
I explored new hobbies and interests. Just like the Text-to-self ma’am.
character, I found joy and a better understanding of
myself through these experiences, making the
story deeply resonant with my own personal

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next

“The story's theme of unexpected friendships (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)

resonated with me. It took me back to a time when
I met someone under unusual circumstances, and Text-to-self ma’am.
we ended up becoming great friends. Just like the
characters, I learned that friendships could
blossom in the most unexpected places.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next

“I have read from the science textbook that the sun (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
is a star, now in this book, I have learned that there
are 10 big stars in the galaxy.” Text-to-text ma’am.

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next

“I have read the newspaper how big storms are (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
affecting towns. This book talks about characters
dealing with similar big storms. It makes me think Text-to-world ma’am.
about how real-life climate change is causing more
severe weather.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next

“The protagonist's journey of overcoming fears in (Group 1 or 2 or 3 answer it)
the story reminded me of my own experience
facing a fear of public speaking. Just like the Text-to-self ma’am.
character, I had to muster up courage, and in the
end, it turned out to be a rewarding and
empowering experience.”

(Gives the group a gift)

Very good! Okay next


Get your pen and paper, in a ¼ sheet of

paper answer these questions.

Yes ¼ ¼ Ma’am?

1.You are reading a text that discusses the

challenges faced by marginalized communities in
accessing education. How would you categorize
this connection in terms of making connections to
particular social issues?

a. Text-to-self connection
b. Text-to-text connection
c. Text-to-world connection
d. Both a and b

2. You're reading a poem that reminds you of a

song you heard about overcoming adversity. What
kind of connection does this represent in the
context of making connections?

a. Text-to-self connection
b. Text-to-text connection
c. Text-to-world connection
d. None of the above

3. Reading a magazine article about immigration

issues, you find yourself drawing parallels to
historical events. Which type of connection does
this align with?

a. Text-to-self connection
b. Text-to-text connection
c. Text-to-world connection
d. Both b and c

4. Imagine you're reading a play that explores

societal expectations, and you link it to discussions
about cultural norms in the real world. What
category of connection does this exemplify?

a. Text-to-self connection
b. Text-to-text connection
c. Text-to-world connection
d. Both a and c

5. It is a critical reading comprehension strategy

that helps you make meaning of what you are

a. Text-to-self connection
b. Text-to-text connection
c. Text-to-world connection
d. Making connection.


Read a book, article or news and make a

connection whether you relate it to
yourself (text-to-self connection), relate it
from the previous knowledge you have
learned (text-to-text), and relate it in the
real-world situation (text-to-world).






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