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Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Funds Manual

Central Industrial Security Force

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

CISF today is the premier security organisation of the country playing
a pivotal role in securing critical infrastructure and vital economic
assets of the country. With gigantic responsibility and expectations for
excellence altogether the force has now emerged as a multifaceted,
multi skilled and multi dimensional security organisation, with a high
level of professionalism.

Welfare is a prominent part of Human resource development

strategy to address the welfare needs of the personnel to maximize
their performance to become more productive and proactive. With
this aim, the Welfare Directorate had come up for the first time the
Funds Manual in the year 2003. Subsequently several amendments/
modifications have been effected in existing rules and regulations O.P. SINGH, IPS
from time to time. Hence the need was felt to review all changes in Director General
rules and regulations governing Non government funds and benefits
to be accrued to the personnel.

A holistic view was undertaken for welfare of Force personnel and

their families for which we launched many welfare schemes such as
Welfare Fund, Risk–cum-Saving Fund, Regimental Fund and Canteen
Fund etc.

Welfare Fund established in Units/Establishments provide timely help

to the Force Personnel in extending outright grants, loans for various
purposes at low interest rates. Risk–cum-Saving Fund Scheme
provides substantial amount to the NOKs/Parents of personnel who
die while in service. Regimental and Canteen Funds cater to the day-
to day needs of the personnel and their families.

I hope and trust that this revised Manual will provide proper guidance
to all concerned for effective application of relevant rules and
regulations. This supersedes the Fund Manual issued prior to this

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017
Rules for the Administration of

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Central Industrial Security Force Welfare Fund

These rules may be called the Central Industrial Security Force Welfare Fund Rules.

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;
(i) “Director General” means the Director General of the Central Industrial Security Force.
(ii) “Force” means the Central Industrial Security Force.
(iii) “Fund” means the Central Industrial Security Force Welfare Fund.
(iv) “Members” means all Government servants who are in the service of the force, whether
combatized or non-combatized personnel deployed at various formations/units on
deputation to other departments and those serving on deputation to CISF from other
(v) Meaning of “Family” ;
The term “family” means and includes :
(a) Member’s spouse
(b) Sons including step-sons and legally adopted sons
(c) Unmarried daughters including step daughters and adopted daughters
(d) Dependent Brother
(e) Un-married or widowed sister dependent on the member

The benefits of the fund shall be extended to all members subscribing towards the fund.

The object of the fund shall be ;
(A) To extend the Out Right Grant to ;
(i) A lump sum grant of ex-gratia as per enclosed “Appendix-A” is payable on death of a
member of the Force under any circumstances to the Next of kin of deceased force
personnel for funeral rites etc.
(ii) The member in case of serious injury or sickness of self or family requiring prolonged
or expensive treatment in cases of Kidney Transplant, Bye-pass Surgery, Cancer, Brain
Hemorrhage, AIDS, Paralysis of one or more limb or Amputation of any organ of the body,
or any other serious ailment on the merit of each case. This grant will be 10% of un-
passed medical expenses under Government Rules subject to maximum as mentioned in
“Appendix-A”. The normal procedure for sanction of such grants will be either from UWF/
ZWF/SWF/CWF as the case may be.
(iii) To retired CISF personnel for major ailments like Cancer, Tumour, Renal diseases, Liver,
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Heart diseases, Kidney transplantations and life threatening diseases for self or spouse
limited to once in life time as per instructions vide MHA letter No.II-27012/23/98-PF.II/218
dated 8.7.1999 as given in “Appendix-A”.
(iv) The Force member who sustained injury during active duty will be paid amount as per
“Appendix-A” from Unit Welfare Fund/Zonal Welfare Fund/Sector Welfare Fund/Central
Welfare Fund. This kind of help, however, can be enhanced by the President of the fund if
the member of the force is injured in action, combat with terrorists, extremists, militants
or dacoits, fire-fighting, or during a violent mob during IS duties depending upon the
merits of each case. If the Unit Welfare Fund is not able to meet such exigency, it will be
extended from Zonal Welfare Fund / Sector Welfare Fund / Central Welfare Fund. In such
cases Unit and Zone must certify that they are not in a position to meet such exigency
due to paucity of their respective funds.
(v) The member, at the time of Superannuation/Voluntary retirement after completion of
20 years service in case of direct recruits and 10 years in case of re-employment may
be presented with a gift of his choice worth as per “Appendix-A”. This is to be paid
from Unit/ Zonal/ Sector/ Central Welfare Fund. However, in addition to the gift item, a
memento costing as per “Appendix-A” may also be given.
(vi) The newly established unit / Bn. /Office to establish Welfare Fund for welfare activities to
members as per “Appendix-A” per person from CWF.
(vii) The expenditure on organizing Barakhana on the occasion of Republic Day, Independence
Day, Raising Day, All India Police Games, Unit function, Inspection or any other special
occasion be borne by contribution out of Ration money. The GOs will contribute according
to the rate fixed for diet. Management officials be invited for Barakhana and expenditure
thereon may be met from Non Govt. Fund.
The expenditure up to Rs.20/- per person per month can be made for refreshment during
the Sainik Sammelan or any other Regimental Function/Meeting and Rs.30/- for farewell
function at the time of retirement out of Welfare Fund with the approval of Managing
Committee, only in case the unit does not have sufficient fund in Canteen Fund.
(viii) To incur TV cable connection and other entertainment purposes from UWF/ZWF/SWF/
(ix) Any other purpose for betterment and enhancement of the image of the Force, this option
can be exercised only by President of CWF i.e. DG/CISF and amount to be spent will also
be decided by him.

(B) To sanction loans for the following purposes.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

The loans will be sanctioned for the following purposes from UWF/ZWF/SWF/CWF. The application
to CWF should come through Sector HQrs, if it is not met from the welfare funds of Unit, Zone or
Sector :

S. No. Purpose Limit of loan

(i) Meeting expenses incurred in connection As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
with marriage of self or his dependents and
Daughter’s engagement (Once in two years)
(ii) Meeting expenses incurred in connection As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
with illness of self or dependents
(iii) Meeting expenses on higher education As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
(Once in two years) Medical, Engineering,
MCA and other Technical / Professional
courses, recognized by the Central / State
Govt. regulatory bodies such as All India
Council for Technical Education and Medical
Council of India etc. for self and dependents.
(iv) Purchase / Booking of plot / flat or construction As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
of a house for his residential use
(v) Cost of repairs of flat / house, owned by him As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
or his spouse affected/caused by natural
(vi) Purchase of Computer / laptop by Force As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
personnel (Once in four years)
(vii) Meeting Funeral expenses in case of death As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
of his immediate blood relations
(viii) Personnel going on UN Mission. As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
(ix) Purchase of sewing machine (upto rank of As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
(x) Any other good and bonafide purpose as As mentioned in enclosed “Appendix-A”.
decided by the Managing Committee.

Note : (i) Welfare Fund loan may be restricted to 4 times in entire service and time gap between
loans will be 2 years after repayment of previous loan. However in case of loans on
medical grounds the time gap of 02 years is not applicable. To monitor this, after making
payment of Welfare fund to Force personnel, entry to this effect duly signed by DDO/
Unit Commander be made in the last page/inside back cover of R.S. Fund Pass book.
(ii) Signature of wife/spouse may be obtained in the loan application, besides the Force
(iii) While sanctioning loan to the personnel, general prioritization may be done as higher
education of wards, daughter’s/sister’s marriage and serious illness etc. may be given
more priority in comparison to extending loans for purposes such as purchase of
computer, renovation of house etc. 11
(C) To Sanction Temporary Interest Free Loans for Official Purposes:
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

To sanction interest free loans to members for meeting urgent expenditure for official purposes.
The fund shall be constituted from and supported by :
(i) Subscription on half yearly basis (i.e. first half commencing from April to Sept and second
half is Oct to Mar) shall be collected from all the members at the following rates prescribed
by the Annual Governing Body -
Level 13 to 18 – Rs. 100/- per month
Level 10 to 12 – Rs. 70/- per month
Level 6 to 9 – Rs. 40/- per month
Level 1 to 5 – Rs. 30/- per month
However, subscriptions in respect of personnel retiring from force may be recovered
The rates can be revised in Annual Governing Body Meeting.
(ii) Donations and grants from the Central or State Governments or other Government and
quasi Government bodies including Public Undertakings.
(iii) Voluntary contributions and donations from private persons or bodies provided that such
contributions or donations will be accepted only with the approval of concerned IG upto
Rs.10,000/- and if the amount exceeds Rs.10,000/-, the approval of DG will be required.
(iv) Interest on deposits and other investments as approved by IAC (Investment Advisory
(v) Interest realized on loans granted under CISF Welfare Fund.
(vi) DG/CISF can review the position of various non government funds in a Unit / formation
and can pass orders for transfer of the same in part or wholly to UWF/ZWF/SWF/CWF.
(vii) Donation for the Welfare of CISF children from members of public or private institutions
including NRI may be accepted in the Welfare fund of the Force with the prior approval of
MHA in each case. (Authority MHA OM No. 27011/09/2002-R&W/ dated 21st August’03.)
(viii) Income generated from different miscellaneous activities pertaining to Welfare.
(ix) Share of Welfare Fund subscriptions to Sectors / Units (except North Sector)

Formation Rate of Share

To CISF HQrs 15%
To Sector HQrs 05%
To Zonal, DAE /DOS HQrs./GBS (from units under their command) 12%
To NISA Hyderabad 85%
To Units headed by DIsG plants 80%
To Gp. HQrs. (Under their command) 10%
To Units under Gp.HQrs 58%
12 To Other Units 68%
Share for North Sector will be :

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Formation Rate of Share
To CISF HQrs 15%
To Sector HQrs 07%
To Zonal, DAE /DOS HQrs./GBS (from units under their command) 12%
To Units headed by DIsG plants 78%
To Gp. HQrs. (Under their command) 10%
To Units under Gp.HQrs 56%
To Other Units 66%

Note : New units are exempted from making any subscription share to higher formations for
first 2 years.


1. The fund shall be administrated by a Governing Body comprising of 50 members

(7 Ex- officio and 43 nominated ) as shown below :

(i) Permanent Ex- Officio members and Office Bearers.

President - DG
Sr. Vice President - SDG/ADG (HQrs)
Vice President - IG (Adm)
Secretary - DIG (WEL)
Jt. Secretary - AIG (WEL)
Treasurer - SO/AC (WEL)
Member - AD (Accounts) / AO (Accts)

(ii) Nominated members

IG(NS/ES/WS/NES/SS/APS/TS) - Two to be nominated by DG
(on rotation )
DIG (from field Units/Zones) - Five to be nominated by DG
AIG/COMDT - One AIG/ Sr.Comdt. / Comdt. from each
Sector – 07 (Nominated by IG )
DC / AC - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
SO (Subordinate Officer) - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
HC - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
Const - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
Civilian staff - 01 to be nominated by DIG/Wel,FHQrs.
Note : Out of above nominated members, Ladies of different ranks as mentioned below may
be nominated :-

GO - 01, SO - 01, ORs - 2 to 3. page

2. The Governing Body will meet once in a year to transact following business.
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(a) To review the policies and guidelines about the Administration of the fund in light of
the given objectives.
(b) To review and fix rates of subscription to be paid by each category of members.
(c ) To review the rate of interest on loans.
(d) To review the quantum of loans and Outright grant.
(e) Decide about the investment of fund and ratification of investment of funds made
with the approval of DG,CISF.
(f) To approve and ratify the expenditure financed from CWF.
(g) To write off losses, or irrecoverable loans, if any.
(h) To review of Income and Expenditure accounts and balance sheet of yearly financial
account and approve the same.
(i) To review the honorarium being given to person employed for administration of CWF
& other non-government funds.
(j) To review the honorarium being given to Doctors from CWF.
(k) To take a view on any subject brought before the AGB by any of the members regarding
administration of CWF and Non Government Funds.

3. When the Governing Body is not in session, the various routine matters, referred to the
Force HQrs, shall be disposed off by the Managing Committee of the Force HQrs. as
per Welfare Fund Rules and such disposal shall be brought to the notice of Governing
Body in its meeting. The Managing Committee meeting shall be held twice in a month.
Managing Committee at Force HQrs will be constituted comprising the following :

(a) President - Dy. Inspector General (Wel)

(b) Secretary - AIG (Welfare )
(c) Member - AD(Accts) / AO(Accts)
(d) Treasurer - AC/SO (WEL)

4. In addition to above, the President of CWF i.e. DG/CISF can take decisions beyond the
financial powers as stated above in para - 4 i.e (under OBJECT Head) depending upon the
merits of each individual case. Such decision will be put up for ratification before Annual
Governing Body Meeting.


1. Amount placed at Sectors/ Zonal/ Trg. Institutions/Res.Bns and Units shall be administrated
by a Managing Committee comprising of 11 (eleven) members of which four members
will hold office by virtue of their official position. They shall be :
(a) President - Head of the office/ Unit/ Trg Institution/Res.Bns.
(Whatever be approved designation)
(b) Vice- President - Second-in-command.
(c) Secretary - Gazetted officer (Incharge of Welfare Fund).
14 If GOs are not available, Inspector/ Sub- Insp. may be nominated.
(d) Treasurer - Asstt. Comdt/ Inspector/ Sub- Insp. Incharge (Welfare)

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Note: The remaining seven members shall be nominated by the President on the advice of the
Vice President and Secretary for a period of one year only in such a way that each category of
members of the force gets represented in the Managing Committee.

2. The Managing Committee shall transact the following business in the light of general
policy and guidelines issued by the Governing Body/ Welfare Fund Rules :
(i) Sanction of Outright Grant .
(ii) Sanction of loans to members / unit / office.
(iii) Review of monthly accounts / balance sheet of the fund, and
(iv) Any other business, as authorized by the Governing Body.

(3) In emergent cases like death, accident etc., the President of the Managing Committee
shall have powers to sanction Grants/Loan/Advance. In absence of President, the Vice
President may sanction the same. The payment so made shall be brought to the notice of
the Managing Committee / President in the next meeting for ratification.


(1) The accounting year will be financial year as adopted by the Government of India
(i.e. 1st April to 31st March).
(2) The treasurer, under the supervision of the Secretary shall be responsible for the proper
maintenance and upkeep of accounts.
(3) The Secretary shall place the monthly account of Income and Expenditure of the previous
month in each monthly meeting of the committee for the information of the committee
(4) All transactions should be effected through Bank draft / Cheque.
(5) Governing Body / Managing Committee shall ensure that various accounts, records and
documents of receipt and payments are properly maintained and that adequate provisions
have been made for systematic, internal checks for proper accounting of receipts
(6) Capital balance of fund will be utilized in the following ratio :
10% - in Fixed Deposit
30% - for Welfare activities
60% - for sanction of Loan to members
Note : Units having surplus money in welfare fund may go for investing funds more than 10%.
In no case, it should exceed 15% of funds.
(7) Reconciliation of accounts should be done on monthly basis.
(8) All money in the fund at all level i.e. FHQ, Sector, Zone & Unit in excess of normal
requirement or at least 10% of capital balance shall be invested in fixed deposits with any
Nationalized Banks/Post Offices. However, newly inducted units need not invest in FD for
first two years.
(9) An account in the name of the fund will be opened with any Nationalized Bank. 15
(10) The Bank account will be operated atleast by two office bearers jointly. It may be noted
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

that no officer will open an account by name.

(11) All CISF personnel proceeding on deputation will deposit their CWF subscription annually
in advance at Force HQrs. In case there is a default in payment, the individual will not
be extended any benefits. Regarding the incoming deputationists, no benefits will be
accorded if they do not contribute to the Welfare Fund.
(12) If CISF is withdrawn from any unit, all their non-govt. funds will be merged with CWF
only. Before depositing all such amounts, the respective Zonal DIG will get the funds
audited and ensure that all outstanding dues have been recovered / regularized in a proper
manner. Transfer of funds will be done along with the proceedings duly countersigned by
the Zonal DIG alongwith details of outstanding dues, if any.
(13) Applications for outright grant and loan from the fund will be made in the proforma as
shown in Annexure ‘ A’ & ‘B’ respectively. An undertaking and two sureties as shown in
Annexure ‘C’ will be taken from all applicants requesting for loan from Welfare Fund.
(14) All applications will be scrutinized by the Treasurer and incomplete applications returned
to the members for rectification etc.
(15) Loan will not be granted to following personnel ;
(i) Who have not completed 2 years of service in force. This shall not be applicable to the
employees appointed on transfer or deputation or contract basis.
(ii) Who has applied for discharge;
(iii) Who is likely to retire before making good loan/ advance plus interest thereon.
(iv) Subsequent loan may be sanctioned after final payment of the previous loan/ advance
including interest.
(v) Who has not paid his annual subscription.
(vi) One application can be entertained at a time.

(16) No member shall stand surety for more than one debtor at a time.
(17) Every loanee will furnish two sureties as under :
(a) Gazetted Officers to Gazetted Officers.
(b) Other Ranks from equal or higher Ranks.
Note : If no GO’s posted in the Unit then Sureties from SO’s may be obtained from the next
below rank.
(18) The committee will decide and sanction the amount of loans.
(19) The Interest will be recovered in installments and should not be greater than the amount of
installments for recovery of principal amount. The recovery can be effected through DDO.
(20) The rate of interest w.e.f. 01.06.2012 is as under :
(a) Loan sanctioned upto Rs.20,000/- - 5% p.a.
(b) Loan sanctioned above Rs.20,000/- and upto Rs.50,000/- - 7% p.a.
(c) Loan sanctioned above Rs.50,000/- - 7% p.a
(d) Loan sanctioned to all UN Mission and foreign
16 assignments other than Trg. Courses - 12% p.a
(21) No interest will be charged for the month in which loan is paid. The installment due must

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

be paid by each loanee by the 7th of the month, if he is posted in Delhi or at the station
from where the loan was taken by the 15th of the month, if he is posted at a station other
than Delhi/ Station of getting loan. Otherwise it will carry interest for full month.
(22) In case of default in payment of installments in any particular month penal rate of interest
will be levied only on the outstanding amount of loan / advance at the time of default as
under :-
(i) Upto 2 months - Grace period in case of leave
Medical/ Course/ Temp. duty/Joining Time
(ii) Over 2 months to 4 months - 12% p.a.
(iii) Over 4 months to 6 months - 15% p.a.
(iv) Over 6 months onward - 18% p.a.
(v) Over 12 months onward - 24% p.a.
(23) The President, Vice - President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Ex-officio members of the
Governing Body/Unit Managing Committee shall hold office by virtue of their respective
official position in the Force, while other members will be nominated as per rules, for a
period of one year only. No nominated member shall hold office for the second year in

(24) Although each unit will function independently under the Governing Body yet the Sector/
Zonal/ Unit DIsG will be responsible to keep a watch on the working of the units under
their control.


The following records will be maintained :

(i) Applications file containing applications received for loan / recovery register.
(ii) Receipt Book serially numbered.
(iii) Stock Register.
(iv) Cash Book.
(v) Guard file to keep all vouchers etc.
(vi) Minutes book of the proceedings of Governing Body/ ManagingCommittee.
(vii) Miscellaneous correspondence files.


The existing rate of honorarium to the cashier (Min. staff ) maintaining Welfare Fund at Force
HQrs, Sector IsG, Zonal/ Plant DIsG, Gp. Comdts. and units is as under :

FHQrs - Rs.300/- p.m.

Sector / - Rs. 90/- p.m.
Zonal/ Plant DIsG/ NISA - Rs.180/- p.m.
Comdt/ Gp. Comdt/ DCs - Rs.180/- p.m.
ACs/Inspector - Rs. 90/- p.m. 17
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(1) Account of fund shall be audited annually by an auditor appointed out of a panel of auditors
approved by the Governing Body;
(2) The account of the fund of the Field units/Res Bns/Group HQrs shall be audited annually
by the concerned Zonal DIG.
(a) Welfare Fund account of the units should be inspected by IsG/ DIsG and Group
Comdts. during their annual Inspections.
(b) Audit of Welfare Accounts of Sector IG & Zonal / Plant DIsG and RTCs shall be carried
out by Sector IsG as follows :

Formation To be inspected by
North Sector HQrs IG/West Sector
West Sector HQrs IG/North Sector
Trg. Sector HQrs IG/South Sector
South Sector HQrs IG/Trg. Sector
Eastern Sector HQrs IG/North East Sector
North East Sector HQrs IG/East Sector
Airport Sector HQrs CISF HQrs, New Delhi
All DIsG Airports Zonal Office/IGI Delhi/DIG(GBS)/SSG IG/Airport Sector
Greater Noida
All RTCs & FSTI IG/Trg. Sector
DIsG WZ-1/WZ-II and DAE HQrs & all Plant DIsG under IG/West Sector
Western Sector
DIsG NZ-1 HQrs, Delhi/NZ-II Allahabad and DMRC & all Plant IG/North Sector
DIsG under North Sector
South Zone HQ and DOS HQ & all Plant DIsG under IG/South Sector
South Sector
DIG East Zone HQ and all Plant DIsG under Eastern Sector IG/Eastern Sector
All DIsG / Plant DIsG under NE Sector IG/North East Sector


As per table enclosed in Appendix’ D’.


(1) The Governing Body shall have full powers to regulate and issue instructions regarding
prescription of forms for various purposes including accounts records, payment of and
rate of subscription from members, amount of loans, grants, fees, honorarium, advances
and their method of recovery or maintaining accounts or any other matter with view to
achieving the objects of the fund. If any question arises regarding interpretation of these
page rules, the decision of the Governing Body shall be final and binding.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Particulars of deceased/invalided subscriber :
1. No.
2. Rank
3. Name
4. Unit and appointment
5. Length of service
6. Age and date & casualty
7. Cause of casualty
8. Native place
Particulars of the family dependents of the subscribers:
1. Name and age of the widow/widows/dependents
2. Names and ages of the children
3. Present residential address:
4. (a) Details of deceased subscriber’s parents
(b) Living or dead.
(c) Are they able and willing to give any temporary or permanent assistance of
any nature(give full details).
5. School and class in which children are studying.
6. Present family budget(details to be given, rent of house, education expenses and food).
7. Details of any previous relief from the fund.
1. Rate of pension/salary (including allowances)
2. Amount received from or balance on date in GPF.
3. Amount received from or amount of Life Insurance Policies.
4. Bank or Post Office Saving Account Balance.
5. Assets in the shape of bonds or investments.
6. Extent of landed property.
7. Particulars of house property.
8. Yearly Income from (6 & 7)
9. Whether property is divided or undivided. If undivided, the share of the widow/dependents.
10. Amount due from loans.
11. Amount of debts.
12. Financial help from any other source.
13. Special representation, if any.

Date :
Place : (Signature of applicant) 19
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


1. CISF No.________________________ Rank________ Name__________________

2. Basic Pay : Rs._________________
Date of Posting in CISF HQrs & Sec_______________________________________
3. Amount of loan applied Rs._______________________
4. No. of installments in which loan should be recovered______________________
5. Date of superannuation_______________________________________
(i) Brother/Sister/Daughter’s Marriage :
(a) Date of Marriage:
(b) Place of Marriage (with name & address of the Spouse):
(c) Dependency certificate
(d) Supporting documents like invitation card etc.:
(ii) For Higher Education of Self or Children.
(a) Name of the ward:
(b) Class in which presently studying/passed:
(c) Admission sought for which class/course with details of University/Institute:
(d) Supporting documents:
(iii) For Medical treatment of self or dependent:
(a) Name of the Patient and relationship:
(b) Details of disease and estimated expenditure:
(c) Supporting documents:
(iv) For booking/purchase of plot or construction of house for his own.
(a) Name of the party/firm/agency from whom the plot, house is proposed to purchase:
(b) Whether permission under CCS conduct Rule obtained or not:
(c) Supporting documents:
(v) For repair/renovation/addition/alteration in the house/in case of natural calamities
(a) Name of person in whose name the property is held:
(b) Relationship of applicant with owner:
(c) Estimated cost or repair and supported documents:
(vi) For purchasing Personal Computer:
(a) Estimated Cost (Estimate to be enclosed):
(vii) For Funeral expenses/Travel by Air in case of death of his /immediate blood relation:
(a) Name and relationship of the deceased with the applicant:
(b) Supporting documents, if any:
7. (a) I, hereby certify that I have no loan/interest outstanding against me as on date. I undertake

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

to refund the loan installments every month failing which I shall be liable to pay penal
interest and also for disciplinary action. In the event of non-recovery of aforesaid dues
prior to retirement, discharge, dismissal etc. I agree to deduction of the same from my
terminal dues(undertaking attached).
(b) I, also certify that I have not taken loan from UWF/CWF/ZWF/SWF, 04 (four times) in my
entire service.
(c ) I, also declare that I have not taken loan from UWF/CWF/ZWF/SWF within 02 (Two) years
after repayment of previous loan.

Signature of Wife/Spouse SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT


1. Whether the applicant has applied for discharge________________
2. Whether applicant is likely to be pensioned off before making good the amount of loan
applied for___________________________________
3. Recommendation showing the amount Rs._______________________

Verified that the information submitted by the individual is correct to the best of my knowledge. If
the loan is sanctioned, the recovery of monthly installments will be made and remitted by 7th of
every month.



1. Whether applicant has taken loan within the last one year, if so when.
2. Whether any loan/interest is due for recovery from the applicant.
3. Whether individual has taken loan earlier for the same reason .



Sanctioned Rs._________ ( Rupees______________________________ )

to be recovered in __________installments.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(Applicable to those personnel appointed before 01.01.2004)
I, the undersigned hereby undertake to pay all outstanding loans/advances alongwith interest
including penal interest as per CISF Central Welfare Fund Rules. I further undertake that the entire
outstanding amount including the interest/penal interest pending against me may be recovered
from my salary/arrears at source of RMS/RISK FUND or Govt dues or non-Govt dues etc. In case of
my death or disappearance or lunacy or imprisonment or dismissed or retired or default to repay due
to any other reasons/whatsoever.
The aforesaid mode of recovery shall in no way prejudice or effect the exercise by the Governing
Body of any of the rights or remedies available by the law or by this undertaking.

Place: Signature :
Name :
Rank :
CISF No. :
Unit :

I, hereby, undertake to pay the 50% of loan/ I, hereby, undertake to pay the 50% of loan/
advance and interest in respect of above advance and interest in respect of above
individual or any outstanding amount on individual or any outstanding amount on
account of the above loan/advance from my account of the above loan/advance from my
salary in case he fails to repay the same and salary in case he fails to repay the same and
it may be recovered from my salary/arrears or it may be recovered from my salary/arrears or
Govt. dues/Non-Govt dues at the discretion of Govt. dues/Non-Govt dues at the discretion of
the Governing Body of Central Welfare Fund. the Governing Body of Central Welfare Fund.
Signature Signature
Name Name
Rank Rank
Unit Unit

(For GOs sureties given by other GOs will be valid. For SOs & other ranks sureties should be of the
same rank or above of the person taking the loan)
(Applicable to those personnel appointed on or after 01.01.2004 Under New Pension Scheme)
I. An undertaking from the applicant that the balance amount of Welfare loan may be adjusted /
recovered out of dues accrued to him under NPS / Risk Premia Fund and pay and allowances
etc. that may be payable to him, in the event of his leaving the CISF by resignation, retirement,
page removal or dismissal from service.
II. An undertaking from both the witnesses that he / she will pay the amount of Welfare Fund loan

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

outstanding against No.______________, Rank____________, Name ________________________
on his leaving the CISF by resignation, retirement, removal or dismissal from service etc.


Unit Commander/AIG(in Zone/Sector/FHQ)

Signature :
Name :
Rank :
CISF No. :
Unit :
(Stamp of the Unit Commander)

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Authority Loan Advance Outright Grant Write Off

and expenditure
(i) DG CISF Full Full Full Full

(ii) SDG/ADG CISF Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.1,00,000/- - -

(iii) Managing Committee Full - - -
(iv) Vice-President As admissible Upto Rs.80,000/- - -
IG (Pers) under rules to be ratified by
with a ceiling of M.C.
to be ratified by
(v) Secretary As admissible Upto Rs.50,000/- - -
DIG(Welfare) under rule with to be ratified by
a ceiling of M.C.
to be ratified by
(vi) Joint Secretary As admissible Rs.20,000/- - -
AIG(Welfare) under rule with to be ratified by
a ceiling of M.C.
to be ratified by

APPENDIX-“D” (Contd.)

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Authority Loan Advance Out Right Grant and Write Off

(i) Managing Full Upto Rs.50,000/- As admissible under rules Upto
Committee with ceiling of Rs.25,000/- Rs.4,000/-.
Reasons to be recorded For writing
in writing and send to off dues
FHQ for DG’s perusal. from lower

(ii) President As admissible Upto Rs.80,000/- to Upto Rs.25,000/- -

under rules upto be ratified by M.C. to be ratified by M.C.
Rs.80,000/- & Reasons to be recorded
to be ratified by in writing and send to
M.C. FHQ for DG’s perusal.
(iii) Vice President - - - -
(iv) Secretary - - - -


Authority Loan Advance Out Right Grant and Write Off

(i) Managing Full Upto Rs.40,000/- As admissible under Upto
Committee rules with ceiling of Rs.2,500/-
Rs.15,000/-. Reasons For writing
to be recorded in writing off dues
and send to FHQ for from lower
DG’s perusal. formations.

(ii) President As admissible Upto Rs.50,000/- Upto Rs.15,000/- -

under rules to be ratified by to be ratified by M.C.
with ceiling of M.C. Reasons to be recorded
Rs.50,000/- to in writing and send to
be ratified by FHQ for DG’s perusal.
(iii)Vice-President - - - -
(iv) Secretary - - - -

APPENDIX-“D” (Contd.)
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Authority Loan Advance Out Right Grant and Write Off

(i) Managing Full Upto Rs.30,000/- As admissible with Upto
Committee ceiling of Rs.4000/-. Rs.500/-
Reasons to be recorded For writing
in writing and send off dues
to Sector HQ for IG’s from lower
perusal. formations.
(ii) President As admissible Upto Rs.30,000/- Upto Rs.4000/- -
under rules to be ratified by to be ratified by M.C &
with ceiling of M.C. reasons to be recorded
Rs.20,000/- in writing and send
to be ratified by to Sector HQ for IG’s
M.C. perusal.
(iii) Vice President - - - -
(iv) Secretary - - - -


Authority Loan Advance Out Right Grant and Write Off

(i)  Managing Full Upto Rs.10,000/- As admissible under Upto
Committee rules with ceiling of Rs.300/-
Rs.2000/- Reasons to be For cases
recorded in writing and refer to
send to Zonal HQ for it by AC
DIG’s perusal. Units.

(ii) President As admissible Upto Rs.10,000/- Upto Rs.2000/- -

under rules to be ratified by to be ratified by M.C. &
with ceiling of M.C. Reasons to be recorded
Rs.6,000/- in writing and send
to be ratified by to Zonal HQ for DIG’s
M.C. perusal.
(iii) Vice President - - - -

APPENDIX-“D” (Contd.)

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Authority Loan Advance Out Right Grant and Write Off

(i) Managing Full Upto Rs.5,000/- As admissible under
Committee rules with ceiling of
Rs.1000/-Reasons to be
recorded in writing and
send to Zonal HQ for
DIG’s perusal.
(ii) President. As admissible Upto Rs.5,000/- Upto Rs.1000/-
under rules to be ratified by to be ratified by M.C &
with ceiling of M.C. reasons to be recorded
Rs.4,000/- in writing and send
to be ratified by to Zonal HQ for DIG’s
M.C. perusal.
(iii) Vice President - - -

NOTE : The power of writing off will be exercised by next higher formation and in no case the power
of writing off will be exercised by a formation/unit for its own dues

Appendix – A
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

S.No. Para Head Sub-para Amount

1. 4 Object A(i) Rs. 25,000/-
2. 4 Object A(ii) Rs. 50,000/-
3. 4 Object A(iii) Rs. 50,000/-
4. 4 Object A(iv) Rs. 10,000/-
5. 4 Object A(v) Rs. 4,000/- for gift and Rs. 1000/- for memento
6. 4 Object A(vi) Rs. 500/- per person
7. 4 Object A(vii) According to rate fixed for per diet
8. 4 To sanction loans B(i) In case of marriage of daughter, son, and
dependent sister/brother, Four months basic pay
as per 7th CPC recoverable in 24 installments.
In case of other cases including self marriage,
Two months basic pay as per 7th CPC or as
decided by the Managing Committee according to
availability of fund recoverable in 15 installments.
9. 4 To sanction loans B(ii) Three months basic pay as per 7th CPC or as
decided by the Managing Committee according to
availability of fund recoverable in 24 installments.
10. 4 To sanction loans B(iii) Rs.1.5 Lakh (Maximum)
Extended upto the rank of SI
The rate of interest will be –
For Male ward – 6% p.a.
For Female ward- 4% p.a.
(Recoverable in 15 installments)
11. 4 To sanction loans B(iv) (Maximum) Rs.1,25,000/- from
(Recoverable in 30 installments)
12. 4 To sanction loans B(v) (Maximum) Rs. 50,000/- from
(Recoverable in 30 installments).
13. 4 To sanction loans B(vi) Rs. 25,000/- from UWF/ZWF/SWF/CWF
(Recoverable in 15 installments)
14. 4 To sanction loans B(vii) Rs. 5,000/- (Recoverable in 10 installments)
15. 4 To sanction loans B(viii) Rs.30,000/- (Recoverable in twelve installments)
16. 4 To sanction loans B(ix) Rs.5,000/-
17. 4 To sanction loans B(x) Four months Basic Pay (maximum)


Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


The CISF Central Welfare Risk Premia Fund Scheme introduced w.e.f. 01.06.1986 and revised
wef. 01.09.1989 was meant for providing financial assistance to the families of personnel who
die while in service and to those who are medically boarded out of service on account of
invalidation. There was also a provision for refund of the amount of subscriptions with the
prescribed percentage of bonus to the personnel retiring from service or leaving the Force on
some other grounds. In order to provide relief to the personnel leaving Force on retirement,
the Risk Premia Fund Scheme was modified to Risk Premia cum Medical Assistance cum
saving scheme 1997 (RMS 1997) which provided monthly pension for life after payment of
subscription over 20 years. As the experience of around five years showed that the scheme
1997 (RMS 1997) was not viable, a decision to revise the said scheme i.e. “CISF Risk-premia-
cum-Medical Assistance-cum-saving scheme 1997” was examined by the Governing Body of
Welfare Funds held on 24.04.2002 and the core committee of CWF has approved the Risk
Premia-cum Saving Scheme 2002 wef. 01.08.2002.
The annual meeting of the Governing Body of Welfare Funds was held on 24.04.2002. The
Governing body examined the sustainability of the scheme “CISF Risk-premia-cum-Medical
Assistance-cum-saving scheme 1997”. With this purpose, the Governing Body also examined
the inflow and outflow of the RMS Fund in depth, and found that the outflow is much higher
than the inflow. Also, the scheme will not be able to sustain this trend and will collapse, if
allowed to run in its present form. In sequel the core committee of CWF approved the Risk
Premia-Cum-saving fund scheme-2002 w.e.f. 01.08.2002.
The rules have therefore been amended as under:-


A) The re-framed Rules may be called the Revised Central Industrial Security Force Risk
Premia cum Saving Scheme Rules-2002. In short the scheme has been titled as ‘RS
2002’. This is to provide for the constitution and Regulation of a Private Fund to be known
as (CISF RS Fund) for providing financial assistance to the families of CISF Personnel who
die while in service and to those who are invalidated out of service or retire from service
on attaining the age of superannuation or leaving the Force otherwise. The benefits under
this scheme may be termed as “LUMPSUM PAYMENT” to the members or their spouse
or their nominee.
(B) This scheme came into force with effect from 01.08.2002 and the existing CISF Risk-
premia-cum-Medical Assistance-cum-saving scheme 1997 was merged with this scheme.
All assets and liabilities of the existing CISF Risk-premia-cum-Medical Assistance-cum-
saving scheme 1997 was transferred to the revised scheme with effect from the date of
its inception.
(i) ‘RS’ means Revised Central Industrial Security Force Risk Premia cum Saving Scheme
Rules 2002.
(ii) ‘Year’ means the Financial Year i.e. April to March. page
(iii) ‘Member’ means serving personnel (including deputationists) who are subscribers to the
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(iv) ‘Spouse’ means legally wedded husband/wife of a valid marriage of the member.
(v) ‘Fund’ means the CISF RS Fund.
(vi) ‘Principal Beneficiary’ means a member who has by virtue of his service and contribution
become eligible to the benefits of the Fund/Scheme.
(vii) ‘First Nominee’ means the legally wedded spouse of the Principal Beneficiary in case of
a married member or father/mother in case of a bachelor member, to whom the benefits
shall accrue on the demise of the principal beneficiary.
(viii) ‘Second Nominee’ means such nominee nominated by the Principal Beneficiary for
receiving the benefits of the scheme in the event of the death of both the principal
beneficiary and First nominee.
(ix) ‘Bonus’ means the amount to be paid in addition to the subscription paid by the subscriber
towards the schemes applicable at that time, i.e., CISF Risk-premia-fund-scheme 1986
and CISF Risk-premia-fund scheme 1989 (which were in existence from June 1986 to
May 1997).
(x) ‘Compounded interest’ means interest with prevailing rate of Post Office 01 Year Term
Deposits, SBI (1 year deposit) or GPF, whichever is less on the subscriptions to be
compounded annually i.e. during April each year.
(xi) ‘Saving Element’ means part of subscription @ Rs. 95/- p.m. out of subscription of Rs.170/-
p.m. w.e.f. 01.10.2013.
(xii) ‘Risk Element’ means subscription @ Rs. 75/- p.m. paid by the subscriber towards the
scheme to cater for the lump sum benefits payable in the event of death or invalidation
out of service of a member of the scheme.
(xiii) ‘Fund Pass Book’ means the book for keeping records of the payments/subscriptions
made by the member towards the scheme. The subscription paid towards the existing
scheme will also be recorded therein duly signed by respective DDO.


All members of the CISF including civilian employees and personnel on deputation to other
organizations are eligible to become the members of the Fund. Personnel on deputation to CISF from
other Departments /Govt. will be refunded Saving Element with compound interest and prescribed
Bonus applicable on the date of leaving CISF.
In case both husband and wife are the members of the Force both are eligible to become members
of the scheme.


The corpus fund would be created in the following manner :

(I) By Quarterly Subscription
Every member will contribute a sum of Rs. 170/- per month as subscription during his
30 period of Government service till such time that he retires or leaves the service. The
amount of Rs. 170/- per month will be subdivided under two heads i.e Saving Element @

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Rs. 95/- and Risk Element @ Rs.75/-. While Saving Element is refundable in the shape of
lump sum, the Risk Element will be utilized to meet the expenditure on account of death/
lnvalidation /missing etc. This also includes the administrative cost i.e. expenditure related
to running the scheme.
ll) By Merger of Assets of Risk Premia cum Medical Assistance cum saving scheme 1997
An amount of approx. Rs.157 crores held in the name of DG CISF RS Fund form the
INITIAL CORPUS OF THE FUND which is utilized for payment of liabilities of RS Fund and
refund of contributions with bonus. The bank account and Cash Book being maintained
for this Fund will continue to be maintained.
(III) By Earning Interest on Deposits:-
The contributions received from members will be invested in Banks/Post Offices with a
view to earn maximum possible but safe interest on the holdings.
In Case of death / missing and invalidation out of service with 100% disability.
Killed in action - Rs.15 lakhs ( Rs.12 lakhs to NOK and Rs.3 lakhs to Parents/NOK) w.e.f. 28.11.2017.
Other death - Rs.8 lakhs ( Rs.6 lakhs to NOK & Rs.2 lakhs to Parents/NOK) w.e.f. 28.11.2017.
Note :
1. If the parents are NOK and deceased is unmarried, entire amount of Rs. Rs.8/15 lakhs as the case
may be, be given to the parents.
2. If parents are not alive, entire amount of Rs.8/15 lakhs as the case may be, given to the NOK.
3. The payment to the Parents in the above cases will be made only after assessing the financial
status of the parents by Sector level Committee. If the financial condition of Parents found to be
good, the entire amount will be paid to the NOK.
4. In order to release payment out of RS Fund to the NOK/Parents, the following documents may
be made available to Welfare Dte. :
a) A copy of the decision taken by Sector level committee while assessing the financial condition
of the parents.
b) A copy of letter for remitting the amount to NOK/Parents by the HOO(s)/DDO(s).
In the case of missing personnel, the benefits of scheme of Rs.5,00,000/- will be paid at the rate
prescribed at the time of occurrence as under:-
i) To be paid in 4 installments. The first installment of Rs.1,25,000/- (w.e.f. 01.01.09) will be
payable only after completion of 3 years from the date of missing.
ii) Rest in three installments of Rs.1,25,000/- each will be made in next three years after receipt
of the report from Police/NOK.
In case of invalidation out of service with disability below 100%.
(i) Lumpsum grant to Invalidation for 81% and above is Rs.5,00,000/-wef 1.1.09
(ii) Lump sum grant to Invalidation for 51- 80% is Rs.3,25,000/- wef. 16.5.12.
(iii) Lump sum grant to Invalidation up to 50% is Rs.2,00,000/- w.e.f 16.5.12. 31
Personnel retiring from service/dismissed/discharged/removed from service etc.
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Refund of Saving Elements of contributions with compound interest as decided by the competent
authority will be refunded to the members on leaving the scheme.
Note :
(i) The beneficiaries of the Risk Premia Fund scheme (applicable from June 1,1986 and
subsequently modified w.e.f. Sept.,1989) will be given subscriptions with 25-55% bonus
on the last balance and the Saving Elements of contributions will also be refunded to
the beneficiaries. All CISF personnel should be member of RS Fund scheme. In case,
the individual wants to be a member of the Fund on re-instatement it can be done
retrospectively, otherwise he may be enrolled a fresh member of the Fund so that he is
covered by benefits of RS Fund.
(ii) The saving elements has been merged in lump sum amount of Rs.5,00,000/- w.e.f.
01.03.2010 in case of death, missing and invalidation.
The relief under the revised scheme will accrue only to those cases of death, invalidation
and leaving the Force for any reason after the introduction of the scheme, who make at
least one payment towards the revised scheme. All cases of retirement or leaving the
force on any ground occurring till the introduction of revised scheme will be governed by
the provisions of the existing RMS 1997.


A Member stands disqualified from the membership of the Fund, if he fails to pay the subscription
A member who could not pay his subscriptions for any reason may be allowed to pay the same
within a period of six months in one lump sum together with a penalty of Rs.5/- per instalment per
quarter. This permission may be granted by the Unit Comdr keeping in view the circumstances
under which the contributions could not be paid regularly. This permission may be accorded only
after ensuring that the member concerned was alive on the date of payment of the arrears. In no
case, this facility may be used to give benefits of the Scheme to the dependents of the individual
who might have died during the pendency of the disqualification for non-payment of subscriptions
regularly. Similarly, this may not be utilised for granting benefits to the members who have been
invalided out of service during the pendency of disqualification for non-payment of the subscriptions


An account in the name of DG CISF RS fund will be opened with a Nationalized Bank and will be
operated jointly by AIG(Wel) and SO(Wel). In the absence of any one of the above said two officers
the accounts will be operated by AC(Adm) with one out of the above said two officers. Specimen
signatures of all the three officers namely AIG (Wel), SO(Wel) and AC(Adm) will be sent to the bank
under the signature of DIG(Wel). Separate heads will be maintained in cash book for ‘Risk Element’
and ‘Saving Element’. The existing bank accounts and cash book will also continue to be maintained
and all payments to the beneficiaries of existing scheme as well as the refund of contributions with
interest decided by the competent authority to retiring personnel will be paid out of this amount.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

The fund shall be audited on annual basis by a reputed Chartered Accountant. The audit must be
completed before the annual Governing Body Meeting of the Fund and the audit report shall be
placed before the Governing Body during its annual meeting for consideration and approval. Internal
audit of the fund may also be carried out by the Internal Audit Team of CISF as and when desired
by the President.


(1) The fund shall be administrated by a Governing Body comprising of 50 members (7 Ex-
officio and 43 nominated ) as shown below:
(i) Permanent Ex- Officio members and Office Bearers.
President - DG
Sr. Vice President - SDG/ADG (HQrs)
Vice President - IG (Adm)
Secretary - DIG (WEL)
Jt. Secretary - AIG (WEL)
Treasurer - SO/AC (WEL)
Member - AD (Accounts)/AO (Accts)
(ii) Nominated members
IG(NS/ES/WS/NES/SS/APS/TS) - Two to be nominated by DG
(on rotation )
DIG (from field Units/Zones) - Five to be nominated by DG
AIG/COMDT - One AIG/ Sr.Comdt. / Comdt. from
each Sector – 07 (Nominated by IG)
DC / AC - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
SO (Subordinate Officer) - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
HC - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
Const - 01 from each Sector (Nominated by IG)
Civilian staff - 01 to be nominated by DIG/Wel,FHQ.
Note : Out of above nominated members, Ladies of different ranks as mentioned below may
be nominated –
GO -1
SO -1
ORs - 2 to 3
2. The Governing Body will meet once in a year to transact the following business.
(a) To review the policies and guidelines about the Administration of the fund in light of the
given objectives.
(b) To review and fix rates of subscription to be paid by each category of members.
(c ) Decide about the investment of fund and ratification of investment of funds made with
the approval of DG,CISF.
(d) To approve and ratify the expenditure financed from RSF. page
(e) To write off losses, or irrecoverable dues, if any.
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(f) To review of income and expenditure accounts and balance sheet of yearly financial
account and approve the same.
(g) To review the honorarium being given to persons engaged on honorarium basis for
administration of RSF.
(h) To take a view on any subject brought before the Annual Governing Body by any of the
members regarding administration of RS Fund.
The amount of the fund in excess of day to day requirement will be INVESTED IN TERM DEPOSIT
SCHEMES WITH A NATIONALISED BANK/POST OFFICE to yield more and safe interest. The
long term investments will be done on the recommendation of the committee constituted for the
purpose which comprises of the following :
a. Vice President (IG/Adm)
b. Secretary (DIG/Wel)
c. Jt. Secretary (AIG/Wel)
d. Any HQrs DIG nominated by DG CISF
e. AD/Accts
f. Treasurer (SO(Wel) / AC(Adm).


The GOVERNING BODY of the Fund will MEET AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR on the dates to be
decided by the President of the Fund. However, it will be only after the close of financial year so that
the accounts are audited and the audit report is placed before the Governing Body for ratification/


SO(Wel)/AIG(Wel) will process the cases received from the field formations and obtain order of
DIG(Wel) for making payment. The correspondence on the subject shall be dealt by SO(Wel)/
AIG(Wel). The payments so made shall be put-up before the Governing Body for ratification.


Each person joining this scheme should immediately on its implementation submit his/her nomination
in duplicate as per Appendix ‘B’ i.e. one for pasting in his Fund Pass Book and other for keeping in
his personal file. An entry for nomination will also be recorded in the service book of the individual
for reference as and when the necessity arises. The NOMINATION MUST BE WITNESSED by
two members giving their number, rank and name in block capital letters with date of nomination/
stamp and name in block capital letters. The nomination must be in favour of the members of the
family in order of precedence as contained in the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. In addition to the first
nominee, second nominee will also be shown in the nomination form with the contingencies on
the happening of which the benefits will be payable to the second nominee. It may be mentioned
that in the case of unmarried members, the nomination made by them will become invalid on their
acquiring a family. In such cases, the benefits will be paid to the spouse irrespective of nominations
34 in line with Govt. Pension.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

The definition of term Family for the purpose of Revised Risk Premia Cum Saving Scheme in CISF
shall include the following in order of precedence:-
(A) MEMBER’S SPOUSE (in case of male member, the wife and in the case of female member,
the husband), provided that if a member proves that his wife/her husband has been
judicially separated from him/her or has ceased under the customary law of the community
to which he/she belongs to be no longer a member of the government servant’s family
in the matters to which these rules relate unless the member subsequently intimates in
writing to the Head of Office that he/she shall continue to the so regarded.
(B) In case of CHILDREN(s) (Son / Daughter), the share of benefit will be equal to all.
Note : Child means a legitimate child (son/daughter) and includes an adopted child
where adoption is organised by personal law governing the member and or legally.
(C) FATHER/MOTHER, provided member is unmarried or is widow/widower and has no child/
(D) In case of Brother(s)/unmarried sister(s) wholly dependent on the member.
(E) In the absence of above, the member of fund can nominate any person, he wish.


The following documents for payment of benefits out of the scheme will be sent to CISF Hqrs
(Welfare Branch) immediately in case of death/ invalidation and within 90 days prior to the date of
retirement of the individual. In case of missing personnel, the claim will be sent after expiry of three
years period from the date of missing ;
(a) Completed pass book duly updated and attested by the DDO.
(b) Application as per Appendix `A` attached (Part I & II duly completed).
(c) Copy of the Service Order notifying the date of Struck Off Strength and cause.
(d) Pre-receipts for lumpsum payments, duly affixed with revenue stamp and signatures
attested by a Gazetted Officer.
(e) Attested copy of medical certificate issued by the Medical Board in case of invalidation
out of service indicating percentage of disability.
(f) Where the claim is preferred in favour of a person other than the spouse, an affidavit
on a non-judicial stamp paper for Rs.10/- duly attested by a Notary Public / First Class
Magistrate stating that the member died as a bachelor or widow / widower without
leaving any children.
(g) Guardianship Certificate issued by a Court of Law in case the amount is claimed by the
guardian of the minor children.
(h) An indemnity bond covering the amount of benefits in the case of missing personnel
claim and for claims by guardians of minor children.
(i) A copy of FIR along with latest Police Report in case of claim preferred for a missing


1. The contribution from all members will be recovered on quarterly basis for quarter ending
February, May, August and November each year. 35
2. This shall be the responsibility of the Unit Commander/DDO to ensure recovery of
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

the quarterly contribution and remittance to FHQ during March, June, September and
December each year.
3. For personnel on leave, temp. duty, training etc. the deficient amount will be drawn by
unit commander from Unit Welfare Fund/Canteen Fund etc. as a temporary loan and will
be recovered/settled by the unit commander at unit level on joining of individual.
4. Remittance of 100% contributions against the posted strength of the unit/establishment
will be the responsibility of the unit commanders. The contribution so collected must reach
the Fund Cell before 15th of Every Quarter i.e March, June, September & December each
year. No amount in any case will be left or shown outstanding.
5. Subscriptions @ Rs.170/- p.m. towards the revised scheme will be recovered from all
the members of the Force including deputationists and civilian staff. For the purpose
of effecting recovery of subscriptions, Principals of Training Institutions, Commandants
of independent units/Bns., A.O.(Bill) for FHQ, DDOs of Sector HQrs, Zonal HQrs.,
Commandants of Plant Units headed by DIsG, Group HQrs and Officers-in-charges
sub units under respective Group HQrs and others, will be treated as independent and
responsible for implementing the scheme. Each of them will prepare the summary of
subscription of Risk Premia-cum-Saving fund scheme as per Annexure “A” and send to
Section Officer(Welfare), FHQrs along with Bank drafts. Recovery of subscription may be
affected on the basis of posted strength of the Unit on the last day of the month.
(i) Annexure `A` (Schedule of summary of subscription).
It shall be prepared every quarterly in respect of all the personnel of various units/offices
separately. The recovery shall be made quarterly on the date of disbursement of pay for
the months of Feb, May, August and November respectively. If a member of the fund is
on leave/temporary duty etc. and recovery on account of subscriptions cannot be made in
a particular month, it shall be drawn from Unit Welfare fund or canteen fund or regimental
fund and the shortfall be made good. The amount so withdrawn may be recovered from
individual on joining. If an individual is overstaying on leave or remains absent and also
not paying his subscription regularly will stand disqualified from the membership of the
fund. He may apply for annulment of disqualification by paying the amount of arrears
in one installment with penalty @ Rs.5/- per quarterly per installment. The annulment
is permissible only with the approval of Governing Body/Managing Committee of the
fund. The total amount on account of subscriptions thus recovered shall be reflected in
the schedule of recoveries (Annexure `A`) indicating the period for which recovery has
been made. The amount of subscription is to be sub-divided in two sub- heads i.e. Risk
Element @ Rs.75/- p.m. and Saving Element @ Rs.95/- p.m. Nominal roll of personnel in
whose respect subscription on account of revised Risk Premia cum Saving scheme 2002
is outstanding, will be prepared as per Annexure “B” and enclosed with the schedule.
(ii) Remittance of Subscriptions.
The amount of subscriptions towards CISF Central Welfare (Risk Premia-cum-saving)
fund so collected shall be remitted to FHQrs by 15th of the month by means of bank
draft in favour of “DG CISF RS Fund” payable at SBI Service branch, New Delhi, (Code
No.7687) or State Bank of India, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi (Code No.20511).
The amount of bank draft should tally with the total amount shown in the statement
of summary of schedules of recoveries. No amount shall be shown left as outstanding
36 except in cases of long OSL/AWL.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

LUMPSUM PAYMENT OF SAVING ELEMENT of contributions with compound interest as decided by
the competent authority will be made ON THE DATE OF RETIREMENT. All out efforts will be made
to arrange payment of saving elements of contributions with compound interest to the personnel
who are proceeding on retirement on attaining the age of superannuation on the last working day
of the month in which retiring. For this the complete papers alongwith Fund Book will be submitted
to Force HQrs three months (90 days) in advance i.e. prior to the date of superannuation retirement
so that individuals can be paid Saving Element on the last working day. CONTRIBUTION OF LAST


The existing pass books will be closed showing the amount paid by the individual towards the
RMS’97. The same pass book will be taken into use for recording the recoveries made towards the
revised scheme from the next page. The system of entry will be the same Rs.80/- under the New
Scheme from the next page and in the beginning the Break-up of subscription i.e. Risk Element and
Saving Element be indicated. Since the rate of RS Fund has been revised thrice, entries in RS Fund
Passbook may be made as under :
From Dec’2008 to Feb’10 –Rs.100/-(Rs.30 Risk element and Rs.70 as saving element)
From Mar’2010 to Sept 13 -Rs.120/-(Rs.50 Risk element and Rs.70 as saving element)
From Oct 2013 to till date –Rs.170/- (Rs.75 Risk element and Rs.95 as saving element)
It will be ensured that pass book for each and every member of the Fund /Scheme is prepared
and maintained up-to-date. The Head of Office/ DDO of each unit / office will ensure that all
the subscriptions recovered from the individual are recorded therein. While making entries the
progressive balance in the individual pass book, its correctness in all respects must be ensured.
The annual subscriptions towards Saving Element will be granted compound interest as decided by
competent authority. The interest will be communicated by FHQrs for credit in the pass book to the
DDO/Head of Office of Unit, maintaining the Risk Fund Pass Books. The individual will be issued
an annual statement of his subscriptions like G.P.F. balance during the month of May each year by
DDO concerned in the given Format at Annexure “C”. Unit Commander/DDO will issue a certificate
in the month of June each year that the Annual statements have been issued to all members of his
unit/Office for the last year.
Whenever, an individual is sent on deputation to another department, his Risk Fund pass book duly
completed and updated should be transferred to FHQ for maintenance by Welfare branch for the
duration of the term of deputation. On his repatriation to CISF, the pass book may be obtained from
FHQ for further maintenance at the unit where the individual is posted on repatriation to CISF. While
the Pass Book is maintained at FHQrs, it will be the responsibility of FHQ(Welfare branch) to ensure
that the proper records of recoveries are made in pass book. As regards personnel proceeding on
deputations, it has been directed by MHA that henceforth continuity of their membership to various
schemes of their parent organizations should be ensured even during the tenure on deputation
/ foreign service to other organization. The terms and conditions of deputation shall contain a
specific clause to this effect an the lending authority shall develop a system for ensuring regular
recovery from the salary of the force personnel towards these schemes regularly. This is to avoid
discontinuance of subscriptions leading to suspension of their membership to such schemes and 37
the consequential denial of the financial benefits on the happening of some mishap. Personnel
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

proceeding on deputation will be clearly explained that the responsibility for timely / regular payment
of subscriptions will be their own and that the defaulters will be disqualified from the membership.
EXCEPT REFUND OF SAVING ELEMENTS with interest at par with prevailing Post Office term
deposit (5 years) rates. Revival of membership may be considered by the Managing Committee/
Governing body of the Fund on receipt of a written request from the defaulter member agreeing to
pay all outstanding payments in one lump sum with penalty.


A Fund Cell to be headed by serving Officer of the rank of Section Officer with adequate experience
of accounting matters will be set-up under the overall control and supervision of the Custodian
of the Fund i.e. DIG(Wel). It would be adequately staffed as per the volume of work. The cell
shall consist of a good mix of experienced / retired personnel who are physically fit and mentally
sound and serving CISF personnel. The personnel selected for manning the Cell should have sound
knowledge of accounting procedure. In order to have proper maintenance of accounts, passbooks
& other records the maximum work of Fund Cell shall be computerised. Hence, computer trained
CISF personnel may also be engaged for Fund Cell.


1. No enhancement of benefits shall be considered by the Governing Body till such time
the same is first vetted by AD(Accounts) and then at least 75% of the members of the
Governing Body agree for the same.
2. The scheme envisages equality of all members in terms of their contributions to the Fund
and the benefits to be derived there from. Therefore, while contemplating increase in
subscriptions to enhance the benefits to the beneficiaries the subscription paying capacity
of the Constabulary should be the sole criteria.


Whenever a question arises as to the exact meaning, clarification, explanation of the effect of any
word, term, clause, rule, resolution or ambiguity arising in the reading of these rules or any of the
orders, decisions or awards of the Governing Body, the decision of the President of the Fund shall
be final.


All matters of legal disputes shall be under the JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS AT DELHI.


The contributions for covering the Risk element in the scheme have been decided after taking into
account the average death rate per month and invalidations per month. The arrangements have
been made to cater for the benefits in case of mortality rate increasing and invalidation per month.
However, in the event of death/invalidation rate increasing this limit, the contributions towards the
Risk elements will be enhanced proportionately to cater for the prevailing rate of deaths/invalidations.
Appendix –A

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


(To be filled by the members 3 months before the date of retirement).


1. CISF No. Rank & Name of the individual

2. CISF Unit /Estt.

3. Date of joining the Scheme

4. Date of leaving the Scheme

5. Reason for leaving the Scheme

6. Address of nominee/ individual where
payment is to be remitted
7. If the nominee is minor, name of person to
whom the amount will be paid and his/her
8. Details of bank :
a) Name of the Bank

b) Name of Branch & Code No.

c) Account Number


Date: Signature of Applicant

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

1. The above particulars have been verified and found correct.

2. As per Pass Book, the subscriptions paid are as under :
(a) Subscriptions towards Risk Fund Scheme
Rs._____________From_____________ to_____________
(b) Subscriptions towards RS Fund Scheme prior to 31.07.2002
(i) Saving Element @ Rs.30/- p.m.
From_____________to 31.07.2002. Rs._____________
(ii) Pension Element @ Rs.40/- p.m.
From_____________to 31.07.2002. Rs._____________
(c) Subscriptions towards CISF Central Welfare (Risk Premia-Cum-Saving) Fund scheme - 2002
(i) Saving Element @ Rs.50/- p.m.
(ii) Saving element @ Rs.70/- P.M.
(iii) Saving Element @ Rs. 95/- P.M.

3. Designation of the DDO

4. Name of the Bank with IFSC Code No. where bank drafts / RTGS is to be sent.
5. E-mail ID of the Unit.
6. Unit Welfare Fund or RS Fund Account No.

Signatures of Head of Office / DDO


1. Amount admissible & sanctioned :

a) Risk Fund with bonus :
b) Saving Elements with interest :
Note : The application should be supported by a payee’s pre-receipt duly affixed with revenue stamp
and attested by Gazetted Officer. In case of invalidation the Pass Book should be supported by a
copy of the certificate issued by the medical board.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


Name and Relationship Age and Share to Contingencies Names, address and
address of first with the date of be paid on happening relationship with age
nominee (s) member of birth of first to each of which the and date of birth of the
the scheme nominee (s) nomination person(s) to whom the
shall become right of the nominee shall
invalid pass in the event of first
nominee predeceasing the
member of the scheme or
in consequence of his/ her
death/ ineligibility in order
of precedence.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Date:__________ Signature of member of the scheme with date

Name _______________________________

Rank __________ Force No _____________

Witnesses and signatures

1. _______________________________________
CISF No, Rank and Name (In block letters)

2. _______________________________________
CISF No, Rank and Name (In block letters)

Controlling DDO/Gazetted Officer


Name : _________________________________________________
(in block capital letter)

Rank :____________________ CISF NO. : ____________________

Unit : ___________________________________________________ page
(Office Stamp) 41
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


FOR THE PERIOD FROM________TO ________

NAME OF THE UNIT ___________________

S. Posted Amount Balance Total Amount Interest Grand Balance Remarks

No. strength due pending amount sent sent Total in Rs.
(in Rs.) from last due (in Rs.) (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
month (in Rs.)
(in Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(3+4) (6+7)

Annuxure “B”

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017



UNIT/ OFFICE .............................................................................................................

SL Force No. Rank Name Details of Amount Reasons for

quarters and outstanding non-recovery,
year for which if any
is outstanding
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Place : _______________ Signature of DDO/Head of Office

Dated : ______________ Name of Unit

Annexure “C”
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


SCHEME FOR THE YEAR______________


No. Rank and Name Item Opening Deposit Interest Total

Balance during the (3+4+5)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Saving Element

Place : _______________ Signature of DDO/Officer-In-Charge CISF


Dated : ______________ Name of Unit


Welfare & Funds Manual 2017



These rules may be called the Central Industrial Security Force unit Regimental Fund Rules.


In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires :

(i) “Director General” means the Director General of the Central Industrial Security Force.
(ii) “Force” means the Central Industrial Security Force.
(iii) “Fund” means the Central Industrial Security Force unit Regimental Fund.
(iv) “Members” means all Government servants in the service of the force, whether on
uniform or non-uniform posts and includes personnel on deputation to other departments
and those serving on deputation with CISF from other departments.
(v) “Unit” means a contingent of the force deployed under a Head of Office declared as such
by the Competent Authority.


The benefits of the fund shall be extended to all members.


(A) The object of the fund shall be :

To streamline the maintenance of all miscellaneous funds under one head i.e.unit
Regimental Fund and to ensure proper maintenance of record as well as accountability.
All existing funds except Canteen Fund and Welfare fund would be merged into one fund
Minimum serving Force personnel will be detailed for running Canteen, farms, mills,
cinema, temple etc. Wards or family of CISF personnel may be engaged to run such
(B) Guidelines for Utilization of Unit Regimental Fund -
i) To develop infrastructure for improve of Fund;
ii) To hold Regimental function like Mela, Games, functions etc.
iii) Any other bonafide purpose for the welfare of Force personnel and
their families / wards.


The fund shall be constituted from and supported by :

(i) The fund will be constituted by merger of Atta Chakki Fund , Cinema Fund, Band Fund, page
Mandir Fund, Mosque Fund, Gurdwara Fund, Vegetable Farm Fund, PCO Fund , Gas
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Agency Fund , Garden Fund, Grocery Shop Fund, Poultry Fund , Kitchen Garden Fund,
Community Hall Fund, Cable TV/Video Fund, Tailoring Fund, Barat Ghar Fund, Nursery
School Fund, Family Welfare Center Fund, Computer Fund, Beauty Parlour Fund and
any other fund maintained by the units. No separate Fund will be opened without the
permission of DG/CISF.
(ii) Donations and grants from the Central or State Governments or other Government and
quasi Government bodies including public undertakings.
(iii) Voluntary contributions and donations from private persons or bodies provided that such
contributions or donations will be accepted only with the approval of the Director General/
Sector IsG if the amount is more than Rs.1,000/-
(iv) Interest on fixed deposits and other investments in Bank/ Postal Accounts.
(v) Profit gained from sales proceedings of items, hire/rental charges etc.


(1) The fund shall be administrated by a Managing Committee consisting of

(a) President : Head of the office/ Unit/ Trg. Inst./Res.Bns.

(Whatever be approved designation)
(b) Vice- President : Second - in- command.
(c) Secretary/ : Gazetted officer (Incharge of Welfare Fund). If GOs are not available,
Manager Inspector/ Sub- Inspector may be nominated.
(d) Treasurer : Asstt.Comdt/Inspector/Sub- Insp. Incharge (Welfare)
(e) Line : One Gazetted Officer as President and two subordinate officers as
Committee members.
(f) Member : One from each other ranks.

(2) The committee will meet once in a month to transact the following business :
(a) Review the working of the Fund.
(b) Fix the rates / profit on sales of items etc.
(c) Allocate / invest fund to the unit Welfare Funds.
(d) Review sports / welfare activities to be financed from out of the Fund.
(e) Write off of losses, or irrecoverable items / funds, if any.
(f) Review of Income and Expenditure accounts and Balance Sheet of the fund

7. FINANCIAL POWERS- (Regimental Fund)

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

specific cases
DG/CISF Full Full Full

SDG/ADG -- -- Rs.25000/-
Sector IG & IG(Adm) Rs.50,000/- p.a. Full Rs.10000/-
Details of expenditure to
be submitted to Force
Headquarters for information.
D I s G ( Z o n a l / P l a n t ) , Rs.1,25,000/- p.a. Up to Rs.75,000/ at one time Rs. 5000/-
Director NISA& DIG Details of expenditure to be
Trg/FHQrs and DIG submitted to Sector IG for
RTCs. information.
Comdt. of Unit Rs.1,00,000/- p.a. Upto Rs. 50,000/- p.a. Rs. 2500/-
To be ratified by the Managing
Details of expenditure to be
submitted to Zonal DIsG.
Dy. Comdt. of Unit Rs.75,000/- p.a. Upto Rs. 25,000/- p.a. Rs.1000/-
To be ratified by the Managing
Details of expenditure to be
submitted to Zonal DIsG.
AC of Unit Rs.50,000/- p.a. Upto Rs. 20,000/-p.a. Rs.500/-
To be ratified by the Managing
Details of expenditure to be
submitted to Zonal DIsG.

NOTE : The power of writing off will be exercised by next higher formation and in no case the
power of writing off will be exercised by a formation/unit for its own dues.


(1) The accounting year will be financial year as adopted by the Government of India.
(2) The treasurer, under the supervision of the Secretary shall be responsible for the
proper maintenance and up-keep of accounts.
(3) The Secretary shall place the monthly account of Income and Expenditure of the
previous month in each monthly meeting of the committee for the information of the
committee members.
(4) All transactions should normally be made through Pay Order / Bank draft / cheque.
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Cash in hand should be kept at a minimum.

(5) Managing Committee shall ensure that various accounts, records and documents
of receipt and payments are properly maintained and that adequate provisions
have been made for systematic, internal checks for proper accounting of receipts /
(6) Reconciliation of accounts should be done on monthly basis.
(7) An account in the name of the fund will be opened with any Nationalized Bank.
(8) The Bank account will be operated at least by two office bearers jointly. It may be
noted that no officer will open an account by name.
(9) Refreshment for Sainik sammelan or any other regimental function/ meeting or visit
of VVIP can be expended with the approval of the Managing Committee.
(10) Expenditure for betterment and enhancement of the image of the force can also be
met from this fund with the approval of the Managing Committee.
(11) Cable charges of TV may be incurred from the respective Regimental fund of FHQ/
(12) No loan /advance will be granted to personnel / members.
(13) The committee will decide and sanction the amounts for expenditure.
(14) The President, Vice - President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Ex- officio members of
the Managing Committee shall hold office by virtue of their respective official position
in the Force, while other members will be nominated as per rules, for a period of one
year only. No nominated member shall hold office for the second year in succession.
(15) Although each unit will function independently, the Sector/Zone will be responsible to
keep a watch on the working of the units under their control.
(16) Pujari /Maulvi/Granthi/Priest may be detailed in Mandir, Mosque, Church, as the case
may be with approval of Managing Committee and religious functions, celebration,
festivals and any other functions as per existing customs will be observed accordingly.
(17) Standing Orders for Brass/Pipe bands of Central Industrial Security Force will be as
(i) CISF maintains a Brass/Pipe bands which is placed under administrative control
of Commandant of units/Battalions/Training institutes. Sector IsG will fix the
strength of the band from available posted strength.
(ii) The Band is utilized for Republic Day/Raising Day Parade and other important
functions organized/ sponsored by FHQrs.
(iii) Payment will be taken in advance for actual booking time.
(iv) 15% cancellation charges will be levied on all booking cancelled by the
concerned parties.
(v) The concerned unit/battalion /Training institutions commander reserves the
right to cancel bookings 72 hours before the scheduled time. No cancellation
charges will be deducted in case of exigencies of official commitment for a
48 function of the force.
(vi) Bands once booked should not be cancelled under normal circumstances.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(vii) Transport charge as per Government rules will be charged from the hiring
agency in addition to band hiring charges.
(viii) Halting charges of transport will be charged per hour as per Govt. Rules.
(ix) Band will not be hired for overnight functions involving stay of the band at
an outside location without prior sanction of the concerned Unit/ Battalion /
Training institutions commander.
(x) Band will not be hired for more than 03 hours for a single function.
(xi) Band will generally not to be hired out to places located beyond 50 Kms from
(xii) The band party will not accept any rewards/liquor from the hiring agency and the
band in charge will ensure that the band party does not consume alcohol before
during or after the engagement.
(xiii) The band will play static/seated and the arrangement for this will be made by
the hiring agency.
(xiv) The band in no case will play while moving with the marriage party/procession.
(xv) 10% of the earnings are recommended to be given as reward to the band
personnel as measure to inspire/motivate them.
(xvi) The band may be hired out to private/civil agencies with following charges :


S. No. Particulars Rate

1. For Serving and retired CISF First hour Rs.3,000/-, for second hour and subsequent
personnel including deputationist hour not more than three hours Rs.1,000/- per hour.
and ex-deputationist
2. For Senior officers of MHA and First hour Rs.10,000/-, for second hour and subsequent
other CAPFs hour not more than three hours Rs.3,000/- per hour.
3. For Serving State Police Officers First hour Rs.15,000/-, for second hour and subsequent
and Govt. officials hour not more than three hours Rs.4,000/- per hour.
4. For other than above category First hour Rs.20,000/-, for second hour and subsequent
hour not more than three hours Rs.5,000/- per hour.


The following records will be maintained :

(i) Cash Book and ledgers.

(ii) Receipt Book serially numbered.
(iii) Stock Register.
(iv) Draft incoming/outgoing register
(v) Cheque issue register
(vi) Guard file to keep all vouchers etc. 49
(vii) Minutes book of the proceedings of Committee.
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

(viii) Miscellaneous correspondence files.


The rate of honorarium to the fund clerk and staff maintaining Fund as under :
Fund clerk - Rs.50/- p.m.


1. Account of fund shall be audited by an auditor, appointed by Unit Commander in

every month.
2. The account of the fund shall be audited annually by the concerned Zonal DIG/ Sector


1. The Governing Body of Welfare fund, DG/CISF and Sector IG shall have full powers to
regulate and issue instructions regarding prescription of forms for various purposes
including accounts records, payment of and rate of profit, honorarium and maintaining
accounts or any other matter with a view to achieving the objects of the fund.

2. If any Question arises regarding interpretation of rules, the decision of the Governing
Body of Welfare fund shall be final and binding.


Welfare & Funds Manual 2017


a) Central Industrial Security Force Unit/Establishment may run a Canteen to cater for
the needs of all CISF personnel at the location provided that if more than one Unit/
Establishment are located at one place. It is also called as Sanrakshika Canteen.
b) The fund shall be administrated by a Managing Committee consisting of :

Head of the office / Unit/Trg. Inst./Res. Bns. (Whatever be

a) President
approved designation)
b) Vice President Second – in Command
Gazetted Officer (Incharge of Welfare Fund). If GOs are not
c) Secretary/Manager
available, Inspector/ Sub-Inspector may be nominated.
d) Treasurer Asstt. Comdt./Inspector/Sub-Inspector Incharge (Welfare)
One Gazetted Officer as President and two subordinate
e) Line Committee
officers as members.
f) Member One from each other ranks.

The Unit Managing Committee of canteen fund will meet at least once in a month on a date to be
decided by the President of the respective committees. The following criteria may be adopted :
i) The Managing Committee of the Canteen Fund shall decide about welfare activities to be
financed out of the fund.
ii) The Managing Committee shall decide items/materials to be purchased and issue
instructions regarding various business transactions /welfare activities. Hence, the
purchase shall be made subject to final approval of the Managing Committee.
iii) While submitting proposal for Admn./Financial sanction, the Managing Committee may
specify details of each item to be purchased including cost of the item as well as status
of the Canteen Fund.
iv) In case the expenditure exceeds more than the financial powers of Unit Managing
Committee, it may recommend with details to the appropriate higher authority for
necessary financial approval.


The object of the Canteen is to provide general stores required for daily use for sale at cheaper rates
to the members of the Force and bonafide consumers.


All commodities shall be sold preferably on digital payment basis. The word “Administrative Charges”
should be used in place of word “Profit”. 2% uniform administrative charges be applicable in all the
formations. The Canteen Fund profit will be utilized for the following welfare measures.
a) For improvement and maintenance of OR’s mess, SO’s Mess, and transit camp mess. 51
b) Purchase of computer for training of families / wards of CISF personnel, to be installed in
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Family Welfare Centre or similar premises of unit, within convenient approach and access
of the wards/ families.
c) Purchase of books for unit library.
d) Purchase of VCD/DVD player for teaching purpose.
e) Purchase of Digital projector for recreation of families and wards of CISF personnel.
f) Improvement of sports and recreational activities.
g) Multi Gym for CISF wards.
h) Opening of nursery school
i) Expenditure for refreshment during the Sainik Sammelan or any other regimental
function / meeting.
j) Any other bonafide purpose for the Welfare of the CISF personnel and their
families / wards.
With regard to (a) above it is further clarified that 10% of canteen profit of various units can be
utilized annually by Sector IsG for maintenance/improvement of the OR’s mess, SO’s mess and
transit camp mess of any unit. Therefore, the canteen profit of 10% only of the various units should
be deposited in the Sector HQrs which will be utilized for maintenance/improvement of OR’s mess.
SO’s mess and transit camp mess by Sector IsG under their jurisdiction. The Sector IsG welfare
committee shall examine and approve the proposal for such expenditure.
However, the utilization of remaining profit will be decided by Unit Welfare Committee for the
above purpose as quoted in sub para (a) to (j) and accordingly proposal will be moved for sanction of
appropriate authority for onward procurement of items for welfare activities.
Staff as detailed in rule 1 (b) above will be posted to the Canteen from the sanctioned allocation
through a notification by the Chairman. They will be paid monthly honorarium at rates prescribed
below from the profits made by the canteen.
Canteen Manager (SO/Min) Rs. 150/- per month
Canteen Clerk (SO/Min) Rs. 90/- per month
Canteen H/C Rs. 90/- per month
Constable (Tea Canteen) Rs. 60/- per month
Constable (Halwai) Rs. 60/- per month
Salesman (Const.) Rs. 60/- per month
Timing during which the canteen will remain open will be notified by the Unit Commander/Chairman
from time to time through Circular order.


Tea Canteen will function as an integral branch of the Canteen and besides tea, will also cater for
52 Sweets, cold drinks and any other items approved by the Chairman from time to time.
i) The sales will be affected by Tea Canteen at the rates fixed by the chairman from time to time.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

ii) Sales will be made against cash/coupon only.


i) President : The Head of Office of unit, Central Industrial Security Force as President of
the Canteen will preside at General meetings and supervise the administration of the
Canteen generally through the Vice president.
The President (Head of Unit) of the canteen with the assistance of Vice President (2nd
in Command) and Manager of the canteen shall closely supervise the administration to
ensure smooth functioning of canteen and also review the working of the staff posted
therein. The staff should be posted on rotational basis and changed periodically as per
administrative convenience. The key persons like Canteen Manager, Treasurer, Canteen
Clerk and Canteen Head Constable may continue upto maximum period of two years
ii) Vice President : He will be responsible to the Head of Office (President) for efficient
running of the Canteen and with the assistance of the Manager of the Canteen will conduct
all transactions and sanction purchase of stores. He will bear in mind that the sanction of
a general meeting will be necessary for all transactions in regard to contracts and to items
of heavy expenditure. He will ensure that the general meetings are held quarterly and that
accounts for proceeding months are correctly maintained duly signed and a statement of
receipt and payment is put up to the President by the 15th of the following month. He will
ensure that the accounts are audited annually and stocks actually checked each quarter
by the Audit Board.
Joint canteen account will be maintained in the name of vice president and secretary
or treasurer. All cheque books, savings accounts and other valuable documents of the
Canteen will be kept in the custody of Vice President. All cheques or withdrawals from
the Banks will also be signed by him.
iii) Manager :
a) He will be responsible for general supervision of all transaction and to arrange the
supply of all goods locally or otherwise on reasonable price. He will also be responsible
to see that Canteen under office deposits sale cash and coupons on the following
working day in the Treasure chest and would see that no such amount is detained
without sufficient cause.
b) He will summon the line Committee to check and inspect the fresh purchases or put
them up before the Vice President or President.
c) He will bring to the notice of the President all articles lying unsold for more than six
months and obtain his orders regarding disposal.
d) He will report all damage cases of dead stocks or items of sale to the President.
e) He will check the registers twice a month and the stock quarterly and will sign the
registers in token of having done so. He will keep the President informed of any
discrepancies discovered by him.
f) He will be responsible for running the Central Industrial Security Force Tea Canteen. page
g) He will maintain separate sanction books for Canteen and Tea canteen and obtain
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

sanction in those books from the chairman before any purchase is made.
h) Canteen Manager can make local purchases of essential articles upto Rs.500/- at a
iv) Canteen Head Constable
a) He will be responsible for all articles on charge of the canteen according to the stock
and dead stock register.
b) He will regularly maintain the stock register daily sale Register (Pucca and Kuccha)
credit sale ledger dead stock registers. The daily register (Pucca) and general Stock
Register shall be completed daily from the daily Sale Register (Kaccha) and Daily sale
Register (Pucca).
c) He will be responsible for all retail business transactions and for the correction deposit
of money against daily sales which should daily be entered in stock and sale register.
d) He will be responsible to bring to the notice of the Manager all articles lying unsold for
more than six months.
e) He will inform the Manager as soon as any article is damaged rendered unserviceable
or unfit for sale.
f) He will be responsible for cleanliness of the canteen and Recreation room.
g) He will invariably deposit the Cash obtained from daily sales in the Treasure Chest on
the next working day.
v) Canteen Clerk (SO/Min)
a) He will be responsible for regular and proper upkeep of cashbook and payment register.
He will prepare bills and undertake all correspondence connected with the canteen
affairs. He will prepare statement of receipt and expenditure every month, which will
be put up before the President before the 15th of the following month.
b) He will receive the cash from the canteen under officer daily and prepare deposit
cheque immediately which will be signed by the President.
c) He will be responsible for preparing the bills.
vi) Canteen Salesman
a) They will arrange articles in the show room and store room as directed by the canteen
NCO and will be responsible for the cleanliness of the canteen and recreation room
and all articles therein.
b) They will lay out newspapers and other journals on the tables in the Recreation Room
daily by 0700 Hrs.
vii) Tea Canteen In Charge :
a) He will be responsible for maintaining all the records relating to the Tea Canteen.
b) He will be responsible to the Manager for the general supervision of all transactions
and to arrange for supply of articles catered by the Canteen.
page c) He will also be responsible for depositing with the canteen Hawaldar, the coupons
received each day against sales.

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

d) He will regularly maintain the stock Register daily, sales Registers. Sanction Register,
daily profit Register or any other record required for running the tea Canteen.
e) He will bring to the notice of the Manager of all such perishable articles, which remain
unsold for more than a day.
f) He will assist the Canteen H/C in getting sweets etc. made for sale in the Canteen.
viii) Tea Canteen Salesman :
a) He will be responsible to effect sales of all items of food and drink maintained by the
Tea Canteen against coupons only.
b) He will prepare Tea and cold drinks according to daily requirement.
c) He will be responsible for general cleaning and upkeep of the tea Canteen part of the

8. Financial Powers

Financial powers for the Canteen Fund are given below :



DG/CISF Full Full
SDG/ADG CISF Full Rs.50,000/-
IG/Adm, Sector IG and Full Rs.10,000/-
DIG (Zonal/Plant), DIG Rs. 2.50 lakh Per annum per unit. Details of -
(Trg) FHQ, DIG (Adm), expenditure be submitted to concerned IG for
FHQ and DIG RTCs information.
Gp.Commandant/ Upto Rs.1,00,000/- per annum. To be ratified by the -
Commandant of Unit Unit Managing Committee. Details of expenditure be
submitted to concerned DIG for information.
Dy. Commandant of Unit Upto Rs.75,000/- per annum. To be ratified by the -
unit Managing Committee. Details of expenditure be
submitted to Zonal DIG for information.
AC of Unit Upto Rs.50,000/- per annum. To be ratified by the -
unit Managing Committee. Details of expenditure be
submitted to Zonal DIG for information.

NOTE: i) The power of writing off will be exercised by the next higher formation and in no case
the power of writing off will be exercised by a formation/ unit for its own dues.
ii) The items / material to be purchased out of the Canteen Fund profit may be decided by
the Managing Committee of the concerned Unit/Office/establishment/institution. page
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

Account of fund shall be audited by an auditor, appointed by unit Head of Office in every month.
In order to prevent malpractices, it shall be ensured that the accounts are audited monthly and
physical verification of stock be done quarterly by the Audit board.
The account of fund shall be audited by the concerned unit commander, Gp. Commandant, DIG and
Sector IG.
a) For improvement and maintenance of OR’s Mess, SO’s mess and transit camp mess
b) Purchase of computer for training of families/wards of CISF personnel, to be installed in
the Family Welfare Centre or similar premises of the unit, within convenient approach and
access of the wards/families.
c) Purchase of books for unit library
d) Purchase of VCD/DVD player for teaching purpose.
e) Purchase of Digital projector for recreation of families and wards of CISF personnel.
f) Improvement of sport and recreational activities.
g) Multi Gym for CISF wards
h) Opening of nursery school
i) Expenditure for refreshment during the Sainik Sammelan or any other Regimental
j) Any other bonafide purpose for the Welfare of the CISF personnel and their families /
2. With regard to (a) above, it is further clarified that 10% of canteen profits of various units
can be utilized annually by Sector IsG for maintenance/improvement of OR’s mess, SO’s
mess and transit camp mess of any unit. Therefore, the canteen profit of 10% only of
the various units should be deposited in the Sector Headquarter which will be utilized for
maintenance / improvement of OR mess, SO mess and transit camp mess by Sector IsG
under their jurisdiction. The Sector IsG Welfare Committee shall examine and approve
the proposal for such expenditure.
3. However, the utilization of remaining profit will be decided by Unit Welfare Committee for
the above purposes as quoted in para -2 sub-para (a) to (j) and accordingly proposal will be
moved for sanction of appropriate authority for onward procurement of items for welfare
activities. The financial powers of appropriate authority (for utilization of canteen profits)
are enumerated in Appendix ‘A’.
4. Further, the unit Managing Committee for canteen fund will meet at least once in a month
on a date to be decided by the President of the respective Committees as per existing
rules. The following criteria may be adopted :
i) The Managing Committee of the Canteen Fund shall decide about the welfare activities
to be financed out of the fund.
ii) The Managing Committee shall decide items/ materials to be purchased and issue

Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

instructions regarding various business transactions / welfare activities. Hence, the
purchase shall be made subject to final approval of the Managing Committee.
iii) While submitting proposal for Admn/ Financial sanction, the Managing Committee may
specify details of each item to be purchased including cost of the item as well as status
of the Canteen Fund.
iv) In case the expenditure exceeds more than the financial powers of the unit Managing
Committee, it may recommend with details to the appropriate high authority for
necessary financial approval.


i) The expenditure up to Rs.10/- per person per month can be made for refreshment during
the Sainik Sammelan or any other Regimental Function/Meeting and Rs.15/- for farewell
function at the time of retirement out of the canteen fund with the approval of Managing
Committee. In case the unit does not have sufficient fund, the expenditure may be met
from the unit Welfare Fund with approval of Controlling Officer, subject to ratification of
the same by the Managing Committee.
ii) A suggestion book will be kept in the canteen, which will be placed at the counter during
the working hours. Any member of the Force will be permitted to record his suggestion
in it under his full name, rank/number and signature. This book will be examined by the
Manager weekly and will be put up before the President in every month with the result of
monthly stock checking.


Welfare & Funds Manual 2017
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017
Welfare & Funds Manual 2017

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