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CMA 442 / AP246 4I



STUDENT MATRIC: 2022800366

9 JUNE 2023

Table of Content 1


Background of the Leader 3

Elon Musk Leadership Style in Managing the Company 4

How Elon Musk Develop the Company to Success and Its Business Focus 5

Elon Musk Future Direction, Opportunity and Endavour of The Company 6




The idea of leadership has been studied and discussed for generations. It is an ability
to persuade and lead people towards a common objective. Leadership is a technique through
which an executive may direct, guide, and influence the behavior and work of others towards
the fulfilment of certain goals in a given setting. It takes a variety of abilities, traits, and
talents that can be cultivated over time to be an effective leader. It is the responsibility of
leaders to create long-term goals and to inspire their team members to work towards them.
Different leaders have different leadership philosophies. Bold leaders inspire followers to
achieve greatness by giving them a clear understanding of what is possible and how to get
there. While setting an example, other leaders are modest.

Leadership has affected the course of civilizations throughout history and is a crucial
part of human history. Effective leadership has been essential to advancing society, bringing
about innovative change, and attaining common objectives across many times and cultures.
Although there are many different leadership philosophies, the capacity to influence and lead
others towards a common goal defines the core concept of leadership. The majority of aspects
of society including business, politics, religion, and social- and community-based
organizations require leaders and have leaders. Leaders are viewed as individuals who can
make wise judgements, even when they are challenging. They clearly communicate their
vision, set achievable goals, and provide their followers with the information and resources
they need to accomplish those objectives.

Vision, honesty, effective communication, adaptability, and a dedication to both

individual and team growth are all essential components of leadership. It is a transformational
force that promotes growth, encourages change, and unites people. Effective leaders are
committed to helping others and making a good influence rather than being just concerned
with their own achievement. Strong and compassionate leadership is more important than
ever in a society that is dealing with complicated issues. People may make a difference that
lasts and help to create a better future for themselves and the people they lead by exhibiting
the attributes of a real leader.

Background of the Leader

Elon Musk is a unique individual who has changed industries and fascinated the entire
world with his bold efforts. His name has come to be synonymous with innovation and
innovation. He has shown a constant commitment to pushing the limits of what is possible as
a visionary entrepreneur, reinventing the fields of electric vehicles, renewable energy, space
exploration, and more. He was born in 1971 to later-divorced parents in Pretoria, South
Africa. His mother was a Canadian dietician, and his father was an engineer. In his teenage
years, he became obsessed by science fiction and computers, and when he was twelve, he
built the code for his own video game. He moved to the US in 1995 and enrolled in the
University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated with degrees in economics and physics.

Elon Musk served as the company's CEO and one of the company's earliest
substantial investors in Tesla. with the goal of speeding up the transition to renewable energy.
He improved battery technology and autonomous driving, pushing Tesla to become a global
leader in electric automobiles despite early criticism. At the same time, he established
SpaceX, a manufacturer of launch rockets and spacecraft, and he also co-founded the
electronic payment company PayPal. With the ambitious objective of lowering the cost of
space travel and making it possible for humans to settle Mars. The success of SpaceX's rocket
launches and landings, as well as the industry's revival, have sparked a new wave of space
enthusiasts. Additionally, in 2022, Musk bought Twitter. With a net worth of around $250
billion, he is listed as the richest person in the world by Forbes and Bloomberg.

In conclusion, Elon Musk's entrepreneurial career has been marked by an unrelenting

search for game-changing concepts in industries including technology, transportation, energy,
and space exploration. His efforts have transformed industry, stimulated creativity, and
helped mankind develop towards a future that is both environmentally friendly and highly
advanced in technology.

Elon Musk Leadership Style in Managing the Company

Elon Musk has a transformative leadership style that is motivated by a desire to bring
about positive change and accomplish ambitious goals. He alters the status quo, sets
challenging objectives, assembles strong teams, and encourages action. Aggressive optimism,
a strong work ethic, and a commitment to finding solutions to big challenges define his
leadership style. His leadership encourages and empowers people to be creative and strive
towards establishing a successful future, despite being demanding and even threatening. He
appreciates criticism, thinks creatively, and has collaborative and encouraging leadership

Visionary Thinking is one of Elon Musk's leadership principles when it comes to

running his businesses. He is renowned for his ambitious vision and capacity to foresee
revolutionary objectives for his businesses. His teams are motivated to dream large and push
the frontiers of innovation by the lofty goals he sets for them. Also, he is an individual with a
hands-on approach who is heavily involved in the daily operations of his businesses. He has a
reputation for digging into the specifics, attentively monitoring development, and making
choices that affect the company's overall course. He is able to have a thorough awareness of
the potential and difficulties facing the company because to his hands-on attitude.

In addition, Emphasis on Innovation and Disruption builds an innovative culture and

motivates his people to question the accepted norms. He pushes for revolutionary
technological improvements in fields like electric automobiles, renewable energy, and space
exploration in an effort to upend entrenched companies. He likewise has high standards for
himself and his staff, describing himself as a result-oriented individual. He stresses the
significance of achieving outcomes and challenging objectives. The limits of what is thought
to be possible are pushed by this pursuit of perfection and constant development.

Last but not least, Elon Musk is recognized for taking calculated risks and pursuing
projects that others would find too risky. He also possesses resilience. He encourages his
employees to take risks and grow from failures and views failure as an opportunity for
learning. He is extremely transparent and direct in his communication. He keeps the lines of
communication open with both his staff and the general public. He engages with stakeholders
on social media channels often to give updates and his vision. His straightforward and open
communication approach promotes trust and openness inside the company.

How Elon Musk Develop the Success and Its Business Focus

Through a mix of creative thinking, unwavering perseverance, and a dedication to

invention, Elon Musk has found extraordinary success and established a solid business focus.
He has been able achieve challenging objectives and pursue ground-breaking concepts
because to his capacity to see a future beyond the present. He meets obstacles head-on,
demonstrating bravery and perseverance in the face of difficulty. Failure doesn't discourage
him, instead, he learns from it and applies the lessons he gains to further his quest for

Elon Musk impresses out because of his constant desire for invention. He is always
looking for new methods to challenge industries and expand the boundaries of the possible.
His hands-on management approach guarantees that he is actively involved in the day-to-day
operations of his businesses, making important choices and determining their course. He
develops an intense knowledge of the difficulties and potential within any business he enters
by engaging himself in its particulars.

The ability of Elon Musk to draw in top talent is one of his advantages. He is aware of
the value of putting together outstanding teams who share his passion and desire for
innovation. He encourages a culture where people can thrive and contribute to the success of
his companies by valuing intelligence, innovation, and hard work. A further aspect of his
strategy is bold risk-taking. He doesn't hesitate to walk into new environments and take on
tasks that other people would avoid. His determined investments have paid off, creating
game-changing innovations and major changes across several sectors.

At its foundation, his business strategy focuses on the needs of his customers. He aims
to provide customers with value that meets their demands and goes far beyond their
expectations. He makes sure that his businesses remain focused on delivering amazing
experiences and solutions by being deeply linked to client input and preferences.

Last but not least, Elon Musk has established a business focus that has produced
exceptional success across several sectors through his imaginative thinking, constant pursuit
of ambitious goals, perseverance in the face of difficulties, and commitment to innovation.
He has established himself as a transformative leader and a driving force behind some of the

most significant technical developments of our time due to his ability to spot possibilities, put
together powerful teams, and encourage creativity.

Elon Musk Future Direction, Opportunity and Endeavour Of The Company

Elon Musk's goals, opportunities, and work in a variety of industries show his
forward-thinking perspective and dedication to breaking down barriers. He intends to expand
Tesla's product line, enhance battery science, and lower the cost and increase the accessibility
of electric automobiles. He imagines a time where using sustainable mobility is
commonplace and we are less dependent on fossil fuels. Tesla's energy business, which
creates solar energy solutions and energy storage technology, demonstrates his dedication to
sustainable energy. He wants to revolutionize the energy industry and build a centralized,
sustainable energy environment by combining renewable energy sources, energy storage, and
smart grid technologies.

Space exploration and colonization are important aspects of Elon Musk's future goals.
He wants to lower the cost of space travel, create reusable rocket technology, and make it
possible for mankind to someday settle other planets, including Mars, through SpaceX. He
thinks that humanity's long-term survival and advancement depend on us becoming a
multiplanetary species. Also, his company Neuralink is focused on creating implantable
brain-machine interfaces in the field of neurotechnology. The objective is to improve human
cognition, transform therapies for neurological diseases, and investigate the relationship
between humans and artificial intelligence. The limits of human capability might be changed
by Neuralink's research.

Musk also prioritizes innovation in the infrastructure sector. The Boring Company is
building subterranean tubes for fast-moving transport networks like the Hyperloop in an
effort to lessen urban congestion. According to Musk, innovative urban mobility will be
reshaped by efficient and sustainable transit systems. For SolarCity, he wants to increase the
affordability and accessibility of solar energy for individuals and companies. By creating
energy storage and solar panel systems that can be mounted on roofs and other surfaces, he
hopes to accomplish this.

Additionally, Elon Musk continues to support ethical AI development. In order to

ensure artificial intelligence's positive and secure incorporation into society, he emphasizes

the significance of addressing the ethical implications and potential threats linked with it.
With intentions to decentralize and improve user experience, Musk just paid $44 billion for
Twitter. He also plans on using it as a platform for advertising his businesses and ideas.


In conclusion, Elon Musk is a smart businessman who has significantly

advanced technology, space exploration, green technologies, and artificial intelligence. He
founded a number of businesses, including SolarCity, Tesla Motors, Neuralink, and SpaceX.
The goal of Musk's transformational leadership style is to really alter the world for the better.
This kind of leader is goal-oriented, creative, and successful at achieving significant
objectives. In order to improve his ideas and execution, he values feedback, both positive and
negative. In order to reflect on and develop himself, he also employs the feedback loop.

Elon Musk's leadership characteristics include an urge for action, aggressive

optimism, a work ethic towards objectives, awareness of and commitment to priorities,
understanding of one's purpose, ability to tackle challenging issues, and letting one's vision
guide them. He is a cutting-edge serial entrepreneur who has made significant contributions
to the fields of artificial intelligence, green technologies, space exploration, and information
technology. He has become known for these sectors for his creativity and dedication.

Elon Musk's success may be attached to his love of technology and business, his will
to change the world, and his talent for making his ideas come to life. He is not scared to take
chances in order to accomplish his goals since he has a clear picture of what he wants to
accomplish. He is an expert marketer and has a gift for creating talk about his businesses and

Elon Musk's businesses have had enormous success, with Tesla Motors
revolutionising the auto industry with its electric vehicles and SpaceX becoming the first
private enterprise to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. Even though his
businesses have encountered difficulties and failures, he has always persisted and kept


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