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Year 37 No.

38 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God — White January 1, 2024

World Day of Prayer for Peace

BEGINNING want to look for something, we

just resort to our favorite internet

THE YEAR search engine, and presto… we are

flooded with all sorts of information

about it.

But discovering the true purpose
of life, the relationship among
chains of events, their underlying
meaning, and the response that is
asked of us, cannot be relegated
to computer operations, not even
to the amazing capabilities of
information technology. Mary’s
way is the only way: she “kept all
these things, reflecting on them in
her heart.” Mary is fully present
to everything that is going on, so
that not a single aspect of an event
is left out of consideration and
by Sr. Bernardita Dianzon, FSP seen as merely accidental. Rather,
everything falls into its proper place
in the greater scheme of things.

I t is fitting that the Church begins

the new calendar year with the
liturgical celebration of Mary’s
great event that God has made
known to them. Suddenly, Mary’s
newborn Babe is raised to the level
Mary teaches us that the way to
begin the New Year is to become
more present to the unfolding
motherhood. In this way Mary of a celebrity. And what does the events of life, to treasure all things
becomes, for us, the doorway into mother do amid all the commotion and reflect on them in our hearts.
the New Year... into new life, new and flurry around her Child? Luke It is this contemplative gaze that
hope, new beginning. And why notes, “Mary kept all these things, allows Mary to pierce through
not? Mary was Jesus’ doorway into reflecting on them in her heart.” This the ordinary-looking Child in the
humanity. His personal history as is our first lesson for the New Year. manger and perceive the “Son
a human being began in Mary’s of the Most High,” whose birth
For many of us in this hyper-
womb. If God fully entrusted his was announced to her by the
active generation, the very idea of
Son to this creature whom he angel (Cf. Lk 1:26-38). We need
stopping momentarily, remaining
molded according to the designs the same contemplative gaze to
silent, and reflecting on what
of his love, what should hold us recognize what St. Paul tells us in
is going on inside and outside
back from doing the same? There today’s Second Reading about our
of us, is simply inconceivable,
is a song whose opening line goes: identity: We are no longer slaves
even scary. Our endless chain of
“Walk with Mary and you will never but children! And the fact that we
activities becomes a comfortable
stray.” If we want to begin the year are children makes us heirs, by
excuse not to stop, look, listen, and
right and keep it going along that God’s design (Cf. Gal 4:7). Only by
thus perceive the mysterious but
track for the rest of the year, then treasuring this truth and reflecting
benevolent force that guides the
Jesus’ example of starting out his on it in our hearts can we begin
course of everything. Nowadays
human journey with Mary is also to own it as our identity. And only
we find it more convenient to let
the best way for us. when we are convinced that this is
the computer figure things out for
who we are—children of God—that
The Gospel for today’s solemnity us. We just feed the data, and with
we can act accordingly.
portrays to us the visit of the the use of an appropriate program,
shepherds to the Child in the we can command the computer to May the simple lesson that Mary
manger. The visitors see, understand show us trends and patterns, and teaches us today make a difference
the angels’ message, and report the even make projections. When we in our life for the rest of the year.
highest, and on earth peace to “So shall they invoke my name
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES people of good will. We praise upon the Israelites, and I will
you, we bless you, we adore bless them.”
Entrance Antiphon you, we glorify you, we give —The word of the Lord.
(Recited when there is no opening song.)
you thanks for your great glory, All—Thanks be to God.
Hail, Holy Mother, who gave Lord God, heavenly King, O
birth to the King who rules God, almighty Father. Lord Responsorial Psalm (Ps 67)
heaven and earth for ever. Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, R—May God bless us in his
Greeting Son of the Father, you take mercy.
(The sign of the cross is made here.) away the sins of the world, Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
P—The Lord be with you. have mercy on us; you take
  
A D E7
All—And with your spirit. away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer; you are      
Introduction seated at the right hand of May God bless us in his

(These [or similar words] may be the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy
used to address the assembly.) Asus A

   

One, you alone are the Lord,    

P —The year opens with the you alone are the Most High, mer cy
Solemnity of Mary, Mother Jesus Christ, with the Holy
of God. Just as mothers are Spirit, in the glory of God the
always the first to touch our Father. Amen. 1. May God have pity on us
lives, so we begin our spiritual and bless us;/ may he let his
journey under the loving gaze face shine upon us./ So may
Collect your way be known upon
of Mary, the Mother of God
P—Let us pray. (Pause) earth;/ among all nations, your
and our mother. Mary gathers
O God, who through the salvation. (R)
us, her children in Jesus Christ,
under her care. Let us entrust fruitful virginity of Blessed 2. May the nations be glad and
to her our hopes and fears, our Mary bestowed on the human exult/ because you rule the
joys and sorrows. race the grace of eternal peoples in equity;/ the nations
Today we also mark the salvation, grant, we pray, on the earth you guide. (R)
57th World Day of Prayer that we may experience the 3. May the peoples praise you,
for Peace. May the Savior of intercession of her, through O God;/ may all the peoples
the world who brings God’s whom we were found worthy praise you!/ May God bless
peace to his people bless all to receive the author of life, us, /and may all the ends of
of humanity with the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, your the earth fear him! (R)
peace. Son. Who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the Second Reading (Gal 4:4–7)
Penitential Act Holy Spirit, God, for ever (Sit)
and ever.
P —Brethren (brothers and All—Amen.
sisters), let us acknowledge When the fullness of time had come,
our sins, and so prepare THE LITURGY the Son of God became man, born of
ourselves to celebrate the OF THE WORD a woman. Mary, from whom Jesus
sacred mysteries. (Pause) took his humanity, is the glory of
P—You were sent to heal the First Reading our human race.
contrite of heart: Lord, have (Nm 6:22–27) (Sit)
mercy. A reading from the Letter of
This beautiful prayer was used in Saint Paul to the Galatians
All—Lord, have mercy. the past when the priests blessed
P—You came to call sinners: the people. On New Year’s Day, we
Christ, have mercy. invoke God’s name upon ourselves BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
All—Christ, have mercy. for the year ahead. When the fullness of time had
P — You are seated at the come, God sent his Son, born
right hand of the Father to A reading from the Book of of a woman, born under the
intercede for us: Lord, have Numbers law, to ransom those under the
mercy. law, so that we might receive
All—Lord, have mercy. THE LORD said to Moses: adoption as sons. As proof that
P—May almighty God “Speak to Aaron and his sons you are sons, God sent the
have mercy on us, forgive and tell them: This is how you Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
us our sins, and bring us to shall bless the Israelites. “Say crying out, “Abba, Father!” So
everlasting life. to them: The Lord bless you you are no longer a slave but
All—Amen. and keep you! The Lord let a son, and if a son, then also
his face shine upon you, and an heir, through God.
Gloria be gracious to you! The Lord
look upon you kindly and give —The word of the Lord.
All — Glory to God in the you peace! All—Thanks be to God.
Alleluia (Heb 1:1–2) (Stand) Virgin Mary, and became man. May they find support and
Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s comfort from those who work
All—Alleluia, alleluia. In the crucified under Pontius Pilate, for justice and peace and in
past God spoke to our ancestors he suffered death and was their community. We pray: (R)
through the prophets; in these buried, and rose again on the
last days, he has spoken to third day in accordance with C—We pray for the souls of
us through the Son. Alleluia, the Scriptures. He ascended our brothers and sisters: grant
alleluia. into heaven and is seated at them the reward of eternal life.
the right hand of the Father. We pray: (R)
Gospel (Lk 2:16–21) He will come again in glory C—Let us pray for the urgent
to judge the living and the concerns of our community
P—A reading from the holy dead and his kingdom will
Gospel according to Luke and our personal intentions
have no end. (pause). We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, O Lord. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, P—Heavenly Father, hear our
THE SHEPHERDS went in haste who proceeds from the Father humble supplications. Help us
to Bethlehem and found Mary and the Son, who with the spend our whole life in your
and Joseph, and the infant lying Father and the Son is adored service and bring peace to our
in the manger. When they saw and glorified, who has spoken brothers and sisters.
through the prophets. Through Christ our Lord.
this, they made known the
I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y, All—Amen.
message that had been told
them about this child. All who catholic, and apostolic Church.
heard it were amazed by what I confess one Baptism for the THE LITURGY OF
forgiveness of sins and I look THE EUCHARIST
had been told them by the
forward to the resurrection
shepherds. And Mary kept of the dead and the life of the Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
all these things, reflecting on world to come. Amen.
them in her heart. Then the P—Pray, brethren…
shepherds returned, glorifying Prayer of the Faithful All—May the Lord accept the
and praising God for all they sacrifice at your hands for
had heard and seen, just as it P — The New Year ushers in new the praise and glory of his
had been told to them. challenges and opportunities, name, for our good and the
as well as new hopes for a more good of all his holy Church.
When eight days were
completed for his circumcision, lasting peace. Let us pray to the
Father that the Prince of Peace, Prayer over the Offerings
he was named Jesus, the name
given him by the angel before born of Mary, may guide us as P—O God,who in your
he was conceived in the womb. we struggle to incarnate the kindness begin all good things
Gospel values in our lives. We
will pray: and bring them to fulfillment,
—The Gospel of the Lord. grant to us, who find joy in
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus R —God of peace, listen to the Solemnity of the holy
Christ. our prayer. Mother of God, that, just as
we glory in the beginnings
Homily (Sit) C—We pray for Pope Francis, of your grace, so one day we
all the bishops, priests and may rejoice in its completion.
Profession of Faith (Stand) deacons: May they be Through Christ our Lord.
instruments of peace and unity All—Amen.
All — I believe in one God, in communities where hatred
and division reign. We pray: Blessed Virgin Mary I:
the Father almighty, maker of
(R) The Motherhood of the Blessed
heaven and earth, of all things
Virgin Mary
visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus C—Persevere and be faithful in P—The Lord be with you.
Christ, the Only Begotten Son the vocation you have called All—And with your spirit.
of God, born of the Father us to undertake, we pray: (R) P—Lift up your hearts.
before all ages. God from God, C—We pray for the leaders All—We lift them up to the Lord.
Light from Light, true God from of nations: May they value P—Let us give thanks to the
true God, begotten, not made, dialogue more than dissent, Lord our God.
consubstantial with the Father; and promote restorative justice All—It is right and just.
through him all things were so that people may live in P—It is truly right and just,
made. For us men and for our tranquility and work for their our duty and our salvation,
salvation he came down from advancement. We pray: (R) always and everywhere to
heaven, (At the words that follow, give you thanks, Lord, holy
up to and including and became C —We pray for all those Father, almighty and eternal
man, all bow.)and by the Holy persecuted because of religion, God, and to praise, bless,
Spirit was incarnate of the class, race, gender, or color: and glorify your name on the
Solemnity of the Motherhood All—For the kingdom, the THE CONCLUDING RITES
of the Blessed ever-Virgin power and the glory are yours
Mary. now and forever. P—The Lord be with you.
For by the overshadowing of All—And with your spirit.
the Holy Spirit, she conceived Invitation to Peace
your Only Begotten Son, and
without losing the glory of Solemn Blessing
Invitation to Communion
virginity, brought forth into (Kneel)
the world the eternal Light, P—Bow down for the blessing.
Jesus Christ our Lord. P—Behold the Lamb of God, (Pause)
Through him the Angels behold him who takes away May God, the source and
p r a i s e y o u r m a j e s t y, the sins of the world. Blessed origin of all blessing, grant you
Dominions adore and Powers are those called to the supper grace, pour out his blessing in
tremble before you. Heaven of the Lamb. abundance, and keep you safe
and the Virtues of heaven and All—Lord, I am not worthy from harm throughout the year.
the blessed Seraphim worship that you should enter under All—Amen.
together with exultation. May my roof, but only say the
our voices, we pray, join with word and my soul shall be P—May he give you integrity
theirs in humble praise as we healed. in faith, endurance in hope,
acclaim: and perseverance in charity
with holy patience to the end.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Communion Antiphon All—Amen.
God of hosts. Heaven and (Heb 13:8)
earth are full of your glory. P—May he order your days
Hosanna in the highest. Jesus Christ is the same and your deeds in his peace,
Blessed is he who comes in yesterday, today, and for ever. grant your prayers in this and
the name of the Lord. Hosanna in every place, and lead you
in the highest. (Kneel) happily to eternal life.
Prayer after Communion
(Stand) All — Amen.
Acclamation (Stand)
P—And may the blessing of
P—Let us pray. (Pause) almighty God, the Father, and
All—When we eat this Bread We have received this
and drink this Cup, we the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
heavenly Sacrament with joy,
proclaim your Death, O Lord, come down on you and remain
O Lord: grant, we pray, that
until you come again. with you for ever.
it may lead us to eternal life,
for we rejoice to proclaim
THE COMMUNION RITE the blessed ever-Virgin Mary
Mother of your Son and Dismissal
The Lord’s Prayer
Mother of the Church.
All—Our Father… Through Christ our Lord. P—Go in peace.
P—Deliver us, Lord… All—Amen. All—Thanks be to God.


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Editor: Fr. Oliver Vergel O. Par, SSP Subscription Office

Managing Editor: Cl. Vinz Anthony Aurellano, SSP (ST PAULS Diffusion)
Associate Editors: Fr. Apolinar Castor, SSP
7708 St. Paul Road,
Ian Gabriel Ceblano San Antonio Village,
Fr. Rollin Flores, SSP 1203 Makati City
Fr. Joseph Javillo, SSP Tels.: (02)895-9701 to 04
DL (02)895-7222
Proofreader: Ms. Marissa Reyes-Dela Cruz Fax: (0/2)890-7131
Lay-out Artists: Cl. Melvin Dela Cruz, SSP E-mail:
Cl. Anjon Frederick Mamunta, SSP

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