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SGS Page No. 10!2 INDICATIVE MOISTURE REPORT NAME OF COMMODITY —_Maramps Iron Ore Concentrate SHIPPER/CLIENT [Marampa Mines Limited. Sierra Leone PLACE OFINSPECTION RT Por, Sierra Leone DATE OFINSPECTION 17" November 2023 VESSEL MLV. S81 BRILLIANT COASTER VESSEL ‘MLV. Lucky Gala (06) DECLARED QUANTITY _2220.000wmt (Quantity as per Shore scale) AVERAGE MOISTURE % 10.80 SUB-SUBLOT SIZE. s000wmt SuB LOT SIZE Each Coaster Vessel REPORT NUMBER 1301 MINE TRADE/SGS SL/2023 DATE OF ISSUE 17.11.2023 Following the instructions of our PRINCIPAL, SGS (SL) Limited conducted shipment inspection for Moisture ‘determination and Assay of laaded cargo into Coaster Vessel Lucky Gala (06) which was leaded at TRT Pon, Sierra Leone, for Shipment Purpose. ‘Sampling: +/-10%g sample were collected alter every 250amt loading trom Conveyor Belt using Mechanical Samping system. +/ 40kg sample were collected per Sub-Sub ic. Collecied samples we'e passed into Plastic Bag and forwarded to Sample preparation lab inside TRT Port Salely and Securely with Sub-Sub lot and Sub lot marking. Sample preparation: Each Sub-Sub lt semples were mined quichly and reduced to +/-2hgXk 2 set of semples Using Rifle divider. Ono co is for Moisture, Size and Quality analysis and ancthor cat for Recon. Analysis samples ‘were epi inte +/+. kg X2 samples using Rifle vicer. Moisture Analysis: Sub-Sub lot samples were cried a 105°C using Hot A Citculated Oven til constant weight Wet and Dry sarples were weighed using Mine Top loading balance. Each Sub-Sub Lot analysis was caied Out ‘with Duplicate. DN ) a7is20z3 SGS Page No. 2 of 2 Loaded VesselName | Coaster/vesselName | SublotNumber | Sub-SublotNumber | Quansiy | Mosture % ‘wert SUPE COASTS | 1000 1025 mv.ssipruuaat | MV bucky Galnos | SUFe Con’2987-84 Stee Gonzaaraae [1728 11.25 Toa Lead Guaniya Rerage Nelaure% | 2225 00 Weather Goncition while sampling: No ran ‘Authorised by: Kerolah Kocomah Signature and Date {is docemert suse by he Compary suet 29s General Condens of Serves as comtemms and coos. nw to te innatore of ausy, aeration na jsescnerel enuce saiches hewn Ary Peder of fie socmont © anveod a ‘eat cones hereon reese Compas thes a fie ie of wuarerton on ard wow he mes efetensmsucors. Fa. ‘Tae Oaequnyt eo tecperuaiy ton Ont tot Sar Soaurert deus nero pater fos emcees erst al or gi tia ie uae certs, Any wd aan Fogel Oe us apace We Coouet $68. Line 26, Main Motor Rand, Brokat, PO Bor 83, Frotoun, Stara Leone SGS Page No. 1 of2 INDIGATIVE MOISTURE REPORT NAME OF COMMODITY Marampa iron Ore Concentrate SHIPPERICLIENT Marampa Mines Limited. Serra Leone PLACE OFINSPECTION TT Port, lerra Leone. DATE OF INSPECTION 18" November 2023, VESSEL MY. SSI BRILLIANT ‘COASTER VESSEL ML. Lucky Luke (7) DECLARED QUANTITY _2243.000wmt (Quantity as per Shore scale) AVERAGE MOISTURE % 9.98 SUB-SUB LOT SIZE 1000. SUB LOT SIZE. Each Coaster Voeeo! REPORT NUMBER 11206 MINE TRADE/SGS SL/2023, DATE OF ISSUE 17.41.2023, Fllowing the instucions of our PRINCIPAL, SGS (SL) Limited conducted shipment inspection for Moisture ‘determination and Assay of aaded cargo into Coaster Vateal Lucky Luke (07) wnicn was Ixadad st TRT Por, Sera Leone, fr Shipment Purpose ‘Sampling: +/-10kg sample were calected after every 250amt loading from Conveyor Eoit using Machanical ‘Sampling systom. +/-40kg sample were collactog per Sub-Sub lt. Clloctoe samples were passed into Paste Bag ‘and forwarded 10 Sample preparation lab side TRY Pont Safely arvi Securely with Sab-S iol and Sub lot marking, ‘Sample preparation: Each Sub-Sub lt samples were med quicky and reduced to ¥/-2k9X 2 set of samples using Rifle divider. One sets for Moisture, Size and Quay analysis and another sei for Reserve. Arabsis samples ete spl into +1 5kg X 2 sampies using Rlledvder. Moisture Analysis: Sub-Sub lot samples were ciied at 105°C using Hot Ar Ciredated Oven til constant weight. ‘Wet ans Dry samples ware weighed using Mine Top loading Balance, Each Sub-Sub Lot analyeis was carted out with Dupeate SGS Page No. 2 of2 ‘Loaded VesselName | Coaster/Vessel Name | SublotNumber | Sub-Sublot Number | Quantty | Moisture % ‘wit SUS CovESaT SIR | 1000 7035 mv.ssiennunr | MV lusty Lukeo7 | SURE. Con2337-38 sire Cowavaraam | 1243 ‘320 “Toa Lead Guay Average NLS | aes 238, Weather Condition while sampling: No rain Authorised by. TOMKOROMA sarj2023™ spaib eatery ‘Thi decumert = sind by the Company abject oe Caneel Condns af Serica \ainvsaecomtems and cenixeshin). Atortan it ‘awn to he ineabore o han, aernicenon ang icdcieral sues elapsed seh. ATy ode offs Gocurent © atvaod a ‘Bomaton conte hereon reese Compan frags a ene afte searenton on arity tha mde of iene meruors Fy, The Caranys am resperaioity tote Cert ars tne decumert Gres not excneaspaes a rarsacton rm eercar ai Pe Pane 2 “Ble ner ho narnia Ay worn sarang anton fe Soran epost he ee S08. Lint 26, sin or Road Prot, PO Boe 83 Foun Sera Leone wa cco SGS Page No. 1 o!2 INDICATIVE MOISTURE REPORT, NAME OF COMMODITY ——_Marampa Iron Ore Concentrate SHIPPERICLIENT Marampa Mines Limited. Sierra Leone PLACE OF INSPECTION TRT Port, Siorra Leona DATE OF INSPECTION 18 November 2023 VESSEL Mv. SSIBRILLIANT COASTER VESSEL MLV. Lucky SED (07) DECLARED QUANTITY —_2196.000wmt (Quantity as per Shore scale) AVERAGE MOISTURE% 8.60 ‘SUB-SUB LOT SZE ‘1000wrt SUB LOT SIZE Each Cosctor Veeco! REPORT NUMBER 4905 MINE TRADE/SGS SL/2023 DATE OF ISSUE 47.14.2023, Folowing the instructions of our PRINCIPAL, SGS (SL) Limited conducted shipment inspection for Moisture Setormination and Assay of loaded Cargo into Coaster Vessel Lucky Sed (07) which was loaded at TRT Por, Siena Leone, for Shipment Purpose Sampling: <-1cKg sample were colectad alter every 250wmt loading from Conveyor Bet using Mechanical Sampling sjatom._1/- 40kg sample were collected per Sub Sub let. Collected samples were passed into Plastic Bag and fonwarded to Sample preparation lab side TRT Port Safely and Securely with Sub-Sub lot and Sub ot marking. ‘Sample preparation: Each Sub-Sub lot samples were mixed quickly and reduced to +/-3kgX 2 set of samples using Rifle dulder. One set for Moisture, Size and Quality analysis and another set for Reserve. Analysis Samples wore epi into¥/-1.Skg X 2 eamploe ucing Rifle divider. Moisture Analysis: sub-Sub ot campias ware died at 105°C using HotAir Circulated Oven til constant weight Wet and Dry samples were weighed using Mine Top lneding balance. Each Sub-Sub Lot analysis was caried out wih Duplicate. SGS Page No. 202 Loaded VesselName | Coasteyvessel Name | SublatNumber | Sub-SubloiNumber | Quantty | Moisture % ‘wnt ‘SUF: Cana 36K | 1000 BaD nv.ssiamuanT | MV Lucky Secor | SUF@ Con23'3738 Sire, conzar-s88 | 1186 60) ‘Tis Load Canis Average Mesure | 2406 3.60) ‘Weather Condition while sampling: No rain Authorised by: TOM KOROMA sennnizees Swaine nda) ito ar tenders ray bo reseed tothe Ma oxo te a se8sL Lmtd 21 Nin oer Rom, Brock PO Bor 89, Fretown, Sete none won. sancen SGS Page No. 1 of 2 IDICATIVE MOISTURE REPORT NAMEOF COMMODITY ——_-Marampa Iron Ore Concontrato SHIPPERICLIENT. Marampa Mines Limited. Sierra Leone PLACE OF INSPECTION TRT Port, Sierra Leone. DATE OF INSPECTION 19" November 2023 VESSEL M.V. S81 BRILLIANT COASTER VESSEL MLV. Lucky Buck (97) DECLARED QUANTITY _—_2783,000wmt (Quantity as per Shore scale) AVERAGE MOISTURE % 8.74 ‘SUB-SUB LOT SIZE 1000Wme SUB LOT SIZE Each Coaster Vessel REPORT NUMBER 4904 MINE TRADE/SGS SL/2023 DATE OF ISSUE 40.11.2025 Folowing the insiustions of our PRINCIPAL SGS (SL) Limited conducted shipment inspection for Moisture determination and Assay of loaded cargo ito Coaster Vessel Lucky BUCK (07) which was loaded at TRT Pos, Stevia Leone, for Shipment Purpose. ‘Sampling: +/10kg sample were colected alter every 250wmt loading trem Convayar Belt using Mechanical Sampling system. +i: 40kg sample were collected per Sub-Sub lt. Colected samples were passed into Plostic Bag and forwarded to Sample preparation lab incide TRT Port Safely and Securoly with Sub Sub let and Sub lt marking ‘Sample preparation: Each Sub-Sub lot samples wore mixed quickly and reduced to +/-3koX 2 set of samples using Rifle divider. One set's for Mosture, Size and Quaity analysis and another set for Reserve. Anaiyss samples Wete spit inte sist kg X 2 samples using Rte vider Moisture Analysis: Sub-Sub lt samples were dried at 105°C using Hot Air Circulated Ovon til conetant weight. Wet and Ory samples were weighed using Mine Top loading balance. Each Sub-Sub Lot analysis was caried out wth Duplicate. SGS Page No. 2ef 2 oaded VessetName | Coaster'Vessel Name | Subiot Number | Sub-Subiot Number | Quanity | Moisture % (wm) ‘SLs, CoeGETGTA | 1000 B05 ww.ssiemuawt | MV Lucky Buci-or | SUFe.CoW/29/87-97 Petree Coainara7are | 1285 350 “Tela Lonod Qusntiy Avrage Voisire | 7283 276 ‘Weather Condition while camping: No rin Authorieed by: TOM KOROMA 1 vos Signatice ane\Oate Noe “This docamentis sued by the Company sup! tots Cover Coons of Serie (wesup comets ant conten in). Aberin 2 dann i the Intabone tai), memnicaten ang jteacboral sues xan Inte Ary bode Gis eacumert s savsod hat Inernaten ornied bess rtnts te Campary« tng aha tins fax lrvenon aly sod win ham cents nctusons #2 “Tho Gonpuny’s sab pony inte Be Gard od fe vent dev nt momatse putes a tenance fen cuca ole oc ar Coigetors uno’ ne uneacten Gocumenis Ary wauatead apeadon free oblseaion oe cmt © apocarnce Ole coaer & Uhl arc oes maybe posecited othe! ext fh aw {508 SLLinted 28, Main Motor Road rookie PO Rox 8, Fneoun, Sera lsore wane ans com, SGS Page No. 1 of 2 IDICATIVE MOISTURE REPORT NAME OF COMMODITY ——_Marampa Iron Ore Concentrate. SHIPPERICLIENT Marampa Mines Limited. Sierra Leone PLACE OF INSPECTION TRY Port, Sierra Leone DATE OF INSPECTION 18" November 2023 VESSEL M.V. SSI BRILLIANT COASTER VESSEL MLV. Lucky Jack (08) DECLARED QUANTITY _2239.000wmt (Quantity as por Shore scale) AVERAGE MOISTURE% 8.67 ‘SUB-SUB LOT SIZE +1000went SUB LOT SIZE Each Coaster Vessel REPORT NUMBER 1307 MINE TRADE/SGS SL/2023 DATE OF ISSUE 711.2023 Folowing the insiustions of our PRINCIPAL, SGS (SL) Limited conducted shipment inspection for Moisture determinaten and Assay of loaded cargo into Gaasier Vessel Lucky Jack (06) which was loaded at TRT Port Siera Leone, for Shipment Purpose, ‘Sampling: +/10kg camplo wero colected alter every 260wmt loading ftom Conveyor Belt using Mechanical Sampling system. +i 40kg sample were collecied per Sub-Sub lt. Colected samples were passed into Plestic Bag ‘and forwarded to Sample preparation lab inside TAT Port Salely and Securely wih Sub-Sub lt and Sub lot marking. ‘Sample preparation: Fach Sub-Sub ict samples wore mixed quickly and reduced to +/-3koX 2 set of samples using Rie dder. One ses for Mosture, Size and Quality analysand another set for Reserve. Anaiyess samples Wate epitinte 4-1 Skg X 2 samples using Rate divider Moisture Analysis: Sub-Sub lt samples were dried at 105°C using Hot Air Circulated Oven til constant weight. Wet and Dry samples were weighed using Mine Top loading balance. Each Sub-Sub Lot analysis was caried out wih Duplicate. SGS Page No. 2of 2 Leaded VeeseiName | Coaster/Vessel Name | SublotNumber | Sub-SublotNumber | Quantity | Moisture % (wnt) SUF Con eaTaaA | 1000 as w.ssremuunir | MV Lusky Jecios | SLFe.Cov239740 Psi Gonna7aoa | 1230 ‘BE “Tota Loaded Guar Average Maistre | 2239 B67 Weather Condition while sampling: No ain ‘Autharlsestby: Dembo Jabbie a 1siti20%s, Signature and Bate “Ts decunont sue by he Company subject 10 as General Contos of Serica sus.comfonns_ an cocoa bun Angle oono he lets o aby ncornfaaton a ateacaeea enoce eatchod team Any alder of hie ocureré 2 aad that inoraton softies hoton rte: te Compan thas ae ure cl ts revere ony ac win te irs f cers nstuctors. #3 “The Oueguny ee vopersy os Girt oes acento cl rors prfer'o ntomecaen can eworcarg oa cobs

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