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Q1: The employees table has 20 records, what will be the output of the query SELECT

gender FROM employees GROUP BY gender;?

a the query will return two rows only

b None

c None

d the query will generate an error message

e the query will not return any records

f the query will return 20 records

Q2: How can you display the top 10 number of lines of a file??

a head −n 10 file.txt

The correct Answer is: None

c head --display-only 10 file.txt

d head -f 10 file.txt

The correct Answer is: None

f head -show 10 file.txt

Q3: Which Ansible command will you use to install Apache on Ubuntu host??

a None

b ansible your_host_name_here -b -m wget -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

c None

d ansible your_host_name_here -b -m yum -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

e ansible your_host_name_here apt install "name=apache2 state=latest"

f ansible your_host_name_here -b -m apt -a "name=apache2 state=latest"

Q4: Which of the following adds a checkmark Icon inside an Input??

a Has-success

b Help-block

c None

d None

e Has-feedback

f Has-warning

Q5: What are the Namespaces in Docker??

a None

b None

c None

d Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of images in Docker.

e Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of containers in Docker.

f None

Q6: What does the /etc/hosts file contains??

a Hostnames of all devices on the network segment

b IP addresses to hostnames mappings

c None

d CPU and memory info

e None

f The IP address of the default gateway

Q7: How to list pods sorted by Restart Count in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'

c kubectl get pods by restartCount

d kubectl get pods --sort='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'

e kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.restartCount'

f None

Q8: What is Wordpress??

a None

b WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog,
or app.

c None

d Wordpress is a HTML page builder you can use to create your static HTML pages.

e Wordpress is a social network just like Facebook and Twitter.

f Wordpress is a paid software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or

Q9: Which command can be used to display basic information about your server??

a info

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d show

e ls

f uname

Q10: You use a container, edit it, and update it?

a None

b None

c False
d None

e None

f True

Q11: Docker containers can run on:?

a None

b Only Linux distributions

c Only Windows systems

d Linux distributions and Windows systems

e None

f None

Q12: An abstraction in kubernetes which defines a logical set of pods and a policy to access

a None

b node

c set

d service

e None

f cluster

Q13: The program called MySQL is?

a The Database Engine

b A Wrapper Through Which Java Clients Must Connect To The Databases The
Database Engine

c None

d A Client Program That Lets You Send SQL Commands To The Database Engine
e None

f There Isn't A Program Just Called Mysql

Q14: SQL (Structured Query Language) is:?

a None

b the language of structured queries

c None

d the language of queries by pattern

e imperative programming language

f DBMS (DataBase Management System)

Q15: Which command is used to create resources in Kubernetes??

a kubectl apply -f ./my-manifest.yaml

b kubectl create -f ./my-manifest.yaml

c kubectl deploy -f ./my-manifest.yaml

d None

e None

f kubectl fuse -f ./my-manifest.yaml

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