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Islamic project information

Ibn sina:

Ibn sina was a renowned scholar who excelled in every subject that
existed in the islamic world of his time, and, because the islamic
world had access to knowledge from the ancient greeks as well as
ideas from India and china,It meant that he knew pretty well all
there was to know.

He was born on august 980 (safar 370) in Afsahana, a village , in

present-day day Uzbekistan in central Asia. It seems most likely that
Ibn Sina is from Persia and was born from Persian parents. His full
name was Abu Ali Al Hussain ibn Abd Allah ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn

Ibn sina (or Avicenna) had made contributions to medicine. His

major contributions to medicine include his notable book ‘The
Canon of Medicine’ (Al Qanun fi al tibb in arabic), which was a
synoptic medical encyclopedia which became a standard medical
textbook at many European universities for training doctors for over
half a millennium, once it was translated into Latin in the twelfth
century.He also introduced the idea of quarantine for the prevention
of spreading diseases and the understanding of infectious diseases,
anatomy and physiology.

Al biruni
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