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FPIO - 3:00

Design and Analysis of a Transmission Hydraulic System

for an Engine-Flywheel Hybrid-Vehicle

A. M. Karmel

Project Trilby
General Motors Research Laboratories
Warren, Michigan

Unlike hydraulic systems of conventional auto- A GM-designed hybrid passenger-car [1] fea-
motive transmissions, the hydraulic system of a tured an engine-flywheel drivetrain with a
hybrid vehicle must cope with large variations variable-sheave, metal-belt, continuously vari-
of pressure as well as flow. If supplied by able transmission (CVT). The CYT required the
traditional pump configurations, either fixed development of a hydraulic system with two
or variable displacement, the system will incur distinct pressure zones: 1) a low-pressure
substantial efficiency losses. This paper zone for cooling, lubrication, and clutch fill-
presents a feasibility study of a dual-pump ing, and 2) a high-pressure zone for the CYT
hydraulic supply system which consists of a ratio-regulation. Pressure and flow at each of
low-volume fixed-displacement pump and a high- these zones needed to vary continuously for
volume variable-displacement pump. The analy- engaging (or releasing) clutches, and for vary-
sis addresses the dynamic characteristics of ing the CYT ratio.
this system along with its sensitive design
areas. The conventional configuration of a hydraulic
system with such pressure requirements consists
of a single pump, sised for the mximum. pres-
NOMENCLATUR sure and the maximum flow deands. It throt-
tles fluid from the high-pressure zone to the
Ajj3A12,A211A23 differential valve-areas
B - viscous damping coefficient of the
lower one. Such a configuration incurs sub-
stantial efficiency losses due to the throt-
VDYP cam tling and the increased leakage at high
bi i=0,5 - coefficients in the VDYP equation of pressure.
Fo - primng-spring force at 9=0' This paper describes a study of a new dual-pump
Fro - HPRY spring force at 13=0 hydraulic system which was designed to meet the
J - moment of inertia of the VDVP cam unique requirements of the hybrid drivetrain.
about the pivot point
K =Rp!p
Kp - pring-spring rate
kr - EPRY spring- rate Figure 1 is a schematic of the dual-pump sys-
ml,m2 - ms of the EPRY and the LPRY spools tem. It consists of:
Pi i=1,5 - system pressures defined in Figure 3
Ps1, PS2 - the pressure inputs to P1K1 and P12 I. A low-volume fixed-displacement pump (FDP).
Ps3 - regulated pressure input to the LPRY 2. A high-volume variable-displacesent vane-
through the damping orlfice pump (YDYP).
Qi i=1,7 - system flows defined in Figure 3 3. A regulator valve-body which contains:
QL1J QL2 - high-pressure and low-pressure load o Two pressure-regulating spool-valves,
flows designated as the 'high-pressure
Qfdp - FDP capacity (vol/rev) regulation-valve' (EPRY), and the 'low-
Qlkd - the leakage flow from (defined posi- pressure regulation-valve' (LPRV). The
tive) or into the VDVP regulation BPRY and the LPRY receive pressure com-
chamber mands from two pulse-width-modulated
Qlki i=1,8 - leakage flows defined in Figure 6 solenoid valves (designated as PM1 and
Qvdvp -- VDVP capacity ((vol/rev)/rad) PW12, respectively). In addition, the
Rp distance of the pivot point of the EPRV is also subjected to a spring force
VDYP cam from the primary-spring which is mechanically modulated by the
center axis CVT ratio. The LPRV is also subjected
Vd - regulation-chamber volume to a fixed, regulated pressure, fed
Vdm - regulation-chamber volume at 9=0' through a damping orifice.
V} i=1,5 - line volumes defined in Figure 3 o Two relief valves (for the high- and
X1,12 - displacement of the EPRV and the low-pressure lines).
LPRV spools o A check valve which separates the output
X3 - CYT ratio displacement input to the lines of the two pumps.
HPRY spring
0 - shaft rotational speed (r/min) The flows of the fixed- and variable-
Pi9 -- hydraulic fluid bulk modulus
angular eccentricity of the VDVP cam
displacement pumps combine in the valve-body
according to pressure control commands of the
PM's. The valve body regulates the pressures,

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Figure 1: Schematic of The hal-Pump System
flows, and the displacement of the VDYP [2,3].
Figure 2 displays the two operating modes of
the system:
1. Figure 2-a shows the 'normal mode' in which
the high-pressure flow demand does not
exceed the capacity of the FDP, and the FDP
supplies the entire flow. This mode corre-
sponds to operation at a fixed, or a slowly Figure 2-b: The Dual-Pump System -
changisng, CYT ratio. The YDYP operates at Undercapacity Mode
low pressure, supplying the low-presswe
flow. The check valve is closed and the
two pressure lines are only weakly coupled. 2. Figure 2-b shows the 'undercapacity' mode
This coupling results from the excess flow in which the high-pressure flow-demand
from the EDP, which is throttled by the exceeds the FDP capacity. This mode
SPRY into the low-pressure line as 'blow- corresponds to an operation with a rapidly
off' flow. The HPRV adjusts its position, changing CYT ratio. Such an operation
to allow the blow-off flow under the pres- requires a large flow of high-pressure
sure difference between the two lines. The fluid to the sheaves. In this case, both
LPRV regulates the control pressure, which pumps operate at high-pressure, with the
modulates the YDYP capacity. Its position VDVP supplying the additional flow needed
is determined by the leakage characteris- beyond the FDP's output. The check valve
tics of the regulation chamber. opens, strongly coupling the two pressure
lines. The spool valves perform different
regulation roles, compared with the normal
mode: The EPRY blocks the blow-off flow
passage, and regulates the control II pres-
sure, whereas the LPRY throttles the high-
pressure output flow of the VDYP into the
low-pressure line.


Figure 3 defines the pressures, flows and dis-
placements used in the analysis, The dual-pump
system is modeled as a lumped-paramter systes,
with negligible fluid inertia, operating with
resistive loads. As such, the system can be
represented by the block diagram in Figure 4
and the bond-graph in Figure 6. Note that all
energy storage elements shown in Figure 5 have
integration causality [4], assuring the inde-
pendence of their associated state variables.
Figure 2-a: The Dual-Pup System - Normal Node These diagrams graphically display the coupling
between valve motions, orifices, flo and
pressures. As a lumped-parameter system, the
dual-pump system is governed by the equations
of motion of the YDVP and the regulation
valves, and by the pressure-flow relationhips
associated with the loads, the orifices, and
the fluid compressibility.

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Modeling of the dual-pump system included the
following assumptions:
o Flow through valve orifices is turbulent.
o Lines are rigid.
o Temperature (and consequently, viscosity)
is constant.
o Resistance losses in the valve-body lines
are negligible.
The YIYP dynamics were modeled by [3]:

F R + b0+ b12P + bB0 + be&P + be 1000

60110k-n0 oP 2 3 2 4e +5P4
IL2 The dynamics of the regulation spools were
U modeled by:
x= PA11. PA12- kr(Il-X3)-
m11 Fro+ Fflowl
Figure 3: Definition of Variables for
the Dual-Pump Syste (2)
= P8s2½2l -
PS3A22 + P5A23 + flow2 (3)
where Fflowl and FflOw2 are the flow forces
acting on the valves. Both include steady-
state and transient flow forces.
The VDYP flow w modeled by [4]:
G'' = {sdap 0 * 5(4)

The PDP flow was modeled as a flow source which
depends only on its shaft speed (excluding
Q02 6
: ] Ql4ldp 60 =
YV2 - - ~ .w~v The loads were modeled as variable-orifice
Figure 6 shows the leakage paths that were
considered in tbis analysis (some of them exist
ffor only certain valve positions). Leakag
-+ flow along these paths was modeled by the sta-
L2 tionary slot equation. Pump leakage not
modeled. To evaluate its effect on the system
dynamics, it was introduced as an external
Figure 4: The Dual-Pump S yste - Blockc Diagram

t I _
Dabsa 6wtfl 1BowS -rwh F+gure s LeaAge PatS oflrer Eds

Figure 5: The Dual-Puw *System - Bond Graph Figure 8: Lakae Paths over Valve Lands

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Pressres were determined rding to the flow o the valve displacements, and
balance in a giTen volum and the fluid com- o the YDVP eccentricity,
pressibility. They are given by Equations (7- following step changes occurring at t=5 -.
11): Bach simulation started at a norml-mode
steady-state. Both the CYT ratio and the shaft
speed resained fixed during the entire simula-
1 = I1 (j16- %- QLj-AIQ4-
P% ) tion. Design parameters were selected for a
(7) system with a high-pressure sone of 700-2100
kPa, a low pressure sone of 300-600 kPa, a
P2=( 2- Q3%-lk8) (8) 0.25 (L/r)/rad VDVP and a 0.05 L/r FDP.

t3%L (% - Q4 + Qlke - Q7 + QM) (9)

wM" Fa
caa -t Skd
4 L (Q4 + 4 Q- - Qk) (10) -----T-1

. I
Usneg UwAmr Qw mm. LWAW C44L
Lim Lift Lb" Lbr mak muk ibk me*
-- + - - -- F r4- - + -
where Y4 = 4 + Vd =V4 + V 4 [3] 0D I/
02 NI/ NI NI
44 represents flow due to volume variation 0D NI NI NI
inside the VDYP 02 NI/ I/ NI I

0) NI I/ I/
Q+Q (11) 0D NI NI/ NI
Note that the Qi (see Figure 3) are function. 0D v NI/ I/
of the pressure and valve positions. 0D NI/ 'I NI I/ NI
The control cods, generated by the PU
solenoids, were modeled as fixed pressue in- TANS I
puts. Consequently, they depend only on the
PM duty-cycle. Pressue and Load Step-Canges
Excluding bend losses in the flow lines, which
were neglected in this study, there are several A Load Se
sources that contribute to the system damping:
o The YDYP cam damping. A Low-Pressure Load Step (Type 1)
o Tranient flow forces.
o Fluid shear at sliding surfaces (e.g., Figure 7 presents simulation results for a Type
valve lands). 1 step, i.e., a load change which requmires a
O Differential-area motion, i.e., fluid which higher output flow QL2 at the see low-pressure
is displaced due to valve motion generates level Ps. The high pressure Pl and flow QuL
back-pressure while being forced through are to rein uchanged. The system operates
mall openings. Such openings include in the normal mode in both the initial and
valve-land clearances, load restriction, final states.
PU orifices and damping orifices. Damping
orifices provide the most inat contri- The load step creates a spike in the low-
bution to system damping; consequently, pressure line flow QL2, followed by a drop in
they alone were considered. its pressure P5. This pressre drop leads to a
force imbalance on the LPRY, and subsequent
spool-motion to the left (refer to Figure 2).
SIMULATION STUDIES As the moving valve exposes the control I line
to exhaust, it causes the YDYP to increase its
Integrating the above equations resulted in an eccentricity, and subsequently, its output flow
eleven-state model for the overall system dy- and pressure (Q2 and P2)
namics. Using this model, the dynamic perform- The response of the system to the Type 1 step
ance of the dual-pump system ws evaluated by
simulating step changes in the loads or in the revealed two potential outcomes. The first was
pressure control commands (the PU inputs). pressure and flow oscillations, which, as
Such changes are similar to those the system verified by additional simulations, resulted
would have experienced in actual use. Table 1 from insufficient valve-damping. The second
classifies different combinations of load and was significant overshoots of the LIRY and of
comnd canges as step Types. The most sensi- the VDVP mechanism past their new stady-state
tive steps are those which caue the system to positions.
switch modes, e.g., load or pressure demands
which require hig-pressure flow beyond the
capabilities of the FDP.
The simulation results are displayed as time-
histories of:
o the line flow,
o the line pressures,

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SWSi -- i,-- S

It 2 .3 @

a 1.Sz

a sA.a
7_ _3 1 14
§{wLi~~~~~~~~p -3

Figure 7: A Low-Pressure Load Step of Type 1

With Insufficient Valve-Damping Figure 8s I Low-Pre we Load Step of Typ 1
With Suff icit Valve-Damping
and a Restoring Spring
The overshoot of the YDVP was a result of the
overshoot of the LPRY past its regulation point
to exhaust. While moving toward the new regu- A High-Pressure Load Step (Tye 3
lation point, the LPRY speed steadily in- Figure 9 presents results for a Type 3 step, in
creases, resulting in a position overshoot. which the system transitions from the normal
The vslve does not reverse its motion until the
VDYP increases its output flow (and restores mode into the undercapacity mode. This step
Ps), in response to the drop in the regulation- creates a spike in the high-pressure line flow
cuaber pressure. This delay, which depends on QL1, followed by a drop in its pressure P1.
This pressure drop leads to a force imbalance
the relatively slower dynamics of the YDYP, on the HPRY, forcing it to move to the left and
allow the valve to overshoot its regulation
point. Additional simulations showed that a block the blow-off path. It leads to a drop in
shorter valve-land can reduce the valve over- the low-pressure P5 and a chain of events simi-
shoot. A shorter land reduces the top speed lar to the one which wa described in the pre-
the valve accelerates to, and also leads to an vious section. However, still moving left, the
earlier exposure of the control I line to HPRY separates the control I and the control II
exhaust. lines (t=12 is). Therefore, when the LPRY
exposes the control I line to exhaust (t-15
Figure 8 presents the response of a modified as), the rapid drop in its pressure does not
system to a Type 1 step. The modifications affect the control II line or the YDYP.
included additional dmping-orifices and a
restoring spring placed past the regulation
point of the LPRV. These modifications elimin-
ated the oscillations and the overshoots, and
also reduced the settling time by more than a
factor of two. U

Note the high-frequency oscillations in the
control I and the control U pressures (P3 and I,F LAaL
Iu I 'JIflMt
P4, respectively), during t<10 - and t>17 a.
They occur while the LPRV seals these two lines
from either the VDVP output line or the ex- a I
a AI 5 a a a 5a a
haust. Under such conditions, the fluid in
these two lines form a stiff spring which
augments the VDYP primlng-spring; the fluid
compressibility dominates the frequency of
response. These oscillations appear primarily
in the control line-pressures. They hardly
I I5.
,- ,, . -7$~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2

affect the cam motion, and are practically

nonexistent in the output pressures and flow
(P 1 P21Qia and 12). I_ Aaa

Figure 9: A lugh-Pressure Load Step of Type 8

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Only after the HPRV moves sufficiently to ex- A Load and Pressure Cond Step
pose the control II line to exhaust (t=18 i.)a
does the YDYP start increasing its eccentricity Figure 10 shows the system's response to simul-
and its output flow. As the VDYP flow in- taneously applied pressure and flow coands (a
creases, it drives the VDVP output pressure P2 Type 9 step). Agin, the system responded
and the low-pressure P5 higher. At t=23 in, similarly to the previous cases.
these pressures reach the high-pressure level
P1, and the check-valve opens. The pressures Note the longer settling time displayed by the
P1, P2 and PS are now rising together. How- system during this complex response. Agiin,
ever, at ts27 as, the low-pressure relief-valve since the system was adjusted for load chaes,
opens and limits Ps to 800 kPa (125 psi). P2 the valves overshoot their regulation points
and P1 keep rising, due to the still rapid drop under these conditions. A VDYP overshoot and,
in the control II pressure, until the high- subsequently, a longer response time are inevi-
pressure relief-valve opens at 2400 kPa (350 table. Not only does the system overshoot with
psi) . the YDYP output, but the LPIY displacement to
the left is large enough to delay its return.
The pressure- increases in P1 and P5 reverse the It fails to block the port in time to avoid a
valve motion. At t=21 is, the LIlY blocks the substantial overshoot in the low-pressure load
control I line to exhaust, and enables pressure flow QL2.
to increase in this line. At t=40 me, the
opening of the control fl line to exhast is
blocked, and at t=45 ms it reopen. to the con-
trol I line which is now pressurised by the
full VDYP output pressure. As the control II
pressure increases, it reduces the VDYP eccen-
tricity and output flow toward the new steady- I
state levels. IL,

During this period, the 12V has moved fully

across the output port. It is now throttling 1-~~
P2 (which equals P1), to the low-pressure level
Ps required by the system. AB the -valve as-
sumes its position at the new regulation point,
it oscillates about it, covering and uncovering
the port. These oscillations generate fluctua-
tions in the low presure PS mad flow Q2
Again, a restoring sprig ca avoid a vate
overshoot past this regulation point (wich
would considerably increase the settling time).
Eventually, the system reaches its new steady-
state in the undercapacity mode. Figure 10: A Combined Pressure and
Load Step of Type 9
These simulations led to several modifications.
Similar to the LPIV modifications, they inclu-
ded an adjustment to the width of the EPRY
valve-land and a restoring spring placeed past
the EPRV regulation point. These modifications A model wa developed for the dynamics of a
reduced the YVDP eccentricity overshoot and the dual-pump hydraulic supply system of an automo-
response time. tive tranmission. The system consists of a
fixed-displacement pump, a variable-
displacemnt vane-pump (VDVP), and a regulator
A Pressure Comand Ste valve-body:. Studies using this model predict
dynamic feasibility of the dual-pump configura-
Simulations of the system's response to Type 5 tion. The system stability depends strongly on
and Type 6 steps showed characteristics similar the leakage characteristics of the regulation-
to those displayed by the systea for the former chamber of the VDYP (3], and the duping of the
step types. These simulations display rather regulation valves. The system response depends
long response-times. The previous simulations on the selection of the valve lands, the sise
have demonstrated that a load change can cause and location of the damping orifices, and the
a drop in the output pressure from the opera- rate and location of the restoring springs.
ting level to well below the Minisum (design) These parameters require different adjustments
pressure, leading to a large force imbalance for different operating points and step
and a fast Talve-response. The system param- changes. The simulations facilitated the se-
eters were tuned accordingly. In contrast, the lection of the best configurations for the
PE control input results in a controlled and operating schedulesv. They also aided in deter-
relatively moderate force imbalance on the mining a control schedule for the PM's to
spool, and, subsequently, a slower valve- modify the transient dynaic response.
High-frequency oscillations say develop inside
the valve-body during certain transients.
These oscillations occur when moving valves


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seal port openings, but do not necessarily REFERENCES
appear in the load lines.
1. Schilke, N. A., et al., 'The Design of an
In general, flow forces on the regulation Engine-Flywheel Hybrid Drive System for-a
valves have only a arginal influence on the Passenger Car,' SAE Paper 841306.
systes dynamics. However, under steady-state
conditions the flow forces can cause pressure 2. Karmel, A. M, 'Modeling and Analysis of the
deviations of the order of 5%. Dynamics of a Variable-Displacement Vane-
Pump with a Pivoting Cam,' ASME Transac-
Another potential contributor to deviations tions, J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement
from nominal pressure levels, are position- and Control, June 1988.
dependent loaders such as springs, when used
with regulation valves. Figure 9 shows this 3. Karmel, A. M.) 'Stability and Regulation of
effect as the high-pressure level P1 does not a Variable-Displacement Vane-Pump,' ASME
fully settle back to its initial value. The Transactions, J. of Dynamic Systems,
shift of the EPRY regulation point by only Measurement and Control, June 1988.
0.5 - leads to a 60 kPa pressure deviation.
This figure also shows that the LPRV regulation 4. Karnopp D., Rosenberg R., 'System Dynamics:
point can move by over 8.5 -. If this valve A Unified Approach,' John Wiley & Sons
were loaded by a stiff spring, such a displace- Inc., 1975.
ment would result in a substantial change in
the spring force and a corresponding deviation
in the line pressure.
Additional simulation studies determined the
effect of certain parameters on the system
dynamics. Of particular interest were the VDVP
damping, the fluid bulk-modulus and the opera-
ting temperature. Results of these studies
showed that:
o Excluding the extremes of highly overdaped
or underdaaped cases, YDVP dauping had a
negligible effect on the system' s response,
a conclusion sil8lar to that derived in
Reference [3].
O The fluid bulk-modulus, which may be used
to represent different levels of air mixed
with the fluid, also had only a marginal
influence on the overall system behavior
(except for extremes).
o Temperature directly affects the fluid
viscosity which influences the orifice
damping under laminar-flow conditions.
Thus, because of the effect of the orifices
on system stability, temperature becomes an
important factor. If the orifices are
tuned for operation at high temperatures,
slow response can be expected under cold
start conditions.
In the normal mode, the leakage characteristics
of the VDVP regulation-chamber determine the
position of the LPRY. Depending on the step
direction (a call to increase or decrease low
pressure or flow), the LPRV may- have to move to
a regulation point across a land. The land
width then determines when the YDYP will start
adjusting its eccentricity in response to a
change signal. The shorter the land, the
faster the response. A shorter land, however,
increases leakage and reduces efficiency.

I wish to express my deep appreciation to
Mr. August Borman for his invaluable help dur-
ing thlis study, and to Mr. David 0. Sheridan,
Dr. Jmes P. Nacey, Dr. Steve M. Rohde and
Mr. Arnold 0. Dehart from GMR for any helpful
commnts and discussions.

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