Syllabus of Ethics and Control DR ABID

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Course Code EDU 647

Course Title Ethics, Corporate Control and Governance
Credit Hours 3
Prerequisites by Course(s) and none
Assessment Instruments with Assignment(s), term paper
Weights (homework, quizzes,
midterms, final, programming
assignments, lab work, etc.)
Course Coordinator Dr. Muhammad Abid MALIK
URL (if any)
Current Catalog Description
Textbook (or Laboratory Manual
for Laboratory Courses)
Reference Material

Course Goals . The main objectives of the course are:

•Understand concepts Ethics, Corporate Control and Governance
•Enable the development of a sound understanding of these concepts
in a national and international context;
•Enable the students to inculcate these values for better educational
Topics Covered in the Course,
with Number of Lectures on Each Week Topic to be Covered
Topic (assume 15-week instruction
and one-hour lectures) 1 Basic Concepts of Ethics, Corporate Control and

2 Educational Governance

3 Effective Educational Governance

4 Four Major Types of Educational Management and


5 Issues with Educational Governance in Pakistan

6 Ethical theories- I (utilitarian ethics)

7 Ethical theories- I (Deontological Ethics)

8 Mid Term Examination

9 Ethical theories- III (Virtue Ethics)

10 Different approaches to ethics and social responsibility

11 Professional practice and codes of ethics

12 Ethical characteristics of professionalism

13 Ethics in Research- I

14 Ethics in Research- II
Laboratory Projects/Experiments
Done in the Course
Programming Assignments Done 2
in the Course
Class Time Spent on (in credit Theory Problem Solution Social and Ethical
hours) Analysis Design Issues

Oral and Written Communications Every student is required to submit at least ____ written reports of
typically ____ pages and to make _____ oral presentations of typically
_____ minute’s duration. Include only material that is graded for
grammar, spelling, style, and so forth, as well as for technical content,
completeness, and accuracy.

Instructor Name ___Dr. Muhammad Abid Malik____ _______

Instructor Signature ____________________________
Date July 7, 2021.

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