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1) Can you apply any of this life lesson on how to live a longer and happier to yourself
and your life habits?
Of course! In addition to each of them being interesting, I think the final lesson is the most
important "Good relationships not only protect the body, but also the brain."
How important it is to have a healthy relationship, with secure attachment.

2) What are the three main lessons that you must know for having a good life?

● Social connections are good for us and loneliness kills.

● What matters is the quality of the closest relationships.

● Good relationships not only protect the body, they protect the brain.

3) Tells us about how you would like to be remember as? Describe also the skills that
you have learned from your parents, from your experience and from the mistakes you
have made, but you have learned from them.

I would like to be remembered as a person who always used good behavior and his skills to
help others. It is very important to leave a legacy in which others can recognize all the good
we did for them.
From the mistakes that our parents or family members make we can always draw a positive
aspect. That's what I try to do, learn from experience so I don't make the same mistake.
Now that I'm a mom, I know that a lot of what I do can influence my daughter. I try to be
very patient like my parents in teaching that to my little girl.

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