Unilever Limited

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Jagannath University

Assignment on Unilever
Submitted to:
Dr. Liza Khanam
Associate Professor
Department of Management Studies Jagannath
Submitted by:
Team “Business Geeks”
Section: B
Name Student ID
Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix is a combination of factors that can be controlled by a company to

influence consumers to purchase its products. A firm’s marketing mix or 4Ps (Product, Place,
Promotion & Price) reflects the combination of business strategies designed to capture the
target market.

The Marketing Mix of 'Unilever' is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in the target market. Unilever’s marketing mix (4Ps) involves a diversity
of products and markets, which dictate differences in pricing. Considering the scale of its
consumer goods business, the company has a complex approach to its marketing mix. In
Unilever’s marketing mix, the product element and place element are most significant. Still,
the promotion element and price element ensure the company’s profitability.
Unilever’s Products :
The 'Product' is the good or service being marketed to the target audience. In short, physical
goods or services sold to make a profit for the business.Unilever expands its consumer goods
business through the years, resulting in a broadening product mix currently composed of
over 400 brands.

These brands are divided into 4 categories. Such are-

1. Food Products
2. The Refreshments
3. Home Care
4. Personal care.

Unilever’s food products include Best Foods mayonnaise and sandwich spreads, as well as
Knorr stock cubes and sauces. The refreshment category includes Heartbrand ice creams and
Brook Bond teas. Unilever sells products like Surf laundry detergent and Sun dishwasher
detergent under the home care category. The company’s Close-Up toothpaste, Vaseline
lotion, and Dove soap and shampoo are sold under the personal care category. Unilever’s
organizational structure reflects the diversity of consumer goods in this product mix.

Unilever’s Prices and Pricing Strategies:

Price is the value we pay in exchange for the product and services offered by a
company.Unilever maintains a wide variety of price points, considering the level of
diversification of its products. Prices and corresponding pricing strategies are determined in
this section of the marketing mix.

The most significant pricing strategies in Unilever’s consumer goods business are as follows:

1.Market-Oriented Pricing Strategy

2.Premium Pricing Strategy
3.Product Bundle Pricing Strategy
4.The market-oriented Pricing strategy .

This section of Unilever’s marketing mix shows a mixture of strategies that suit the variations
in the company’s consumer goods and target

Unilever’s Places:
Place is the aspect of selling a product that relates to where and how a company delivers a
product to consumers. This includes the distribution channels a company uses, how they
transport and store goods and a product's placement within a retail outlet. The global
operations of Unilever are a reflection of the extensive reach of the business in the consumer
goods market. The venues or places where the company transacts with customers or target
consumers are identified in this section of the marketing mix.

Unilever uses the following places for distributing its products:

1.Retailers (primary)

Retailers are the primary places of distribution for Unilever’s products.This section of the
marketing mix agrees with Unilever’s generic strategy and product development intensive

Unilever’s Promotion :
Promotion specific and thoughtful advertising that reaches the target market for the
product.Unilever needs to promote its products, considering the high level of competitive
rivalry in the global consumer goods market.
This section of the marketing mix outlines the strategies and tactics in the company’s
approach to promote its products to target consumers. Unilever uses the following
promotional tactics, arranged according to significance:

1.Advertising (primary)
2.Sales Promotion
3.Public Relations
4.Personal Selling
4.Direct Marketing

Advertising serves as the primary means of promoting Unilever’s products.Based on this

section of the marketing mix, Unilever heavily relies on advertising as the main factor that
influences consumer perception about the company’s consumer goods strategy markets.
Product Line
A product line refers to a group or collection of related products that are offered by a
company or a brand. It consists of different variations, versions, or models of a
particular product category that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of
customers. A product line typically revolves around a core product or a basic offering
and extends it to include additional features, options, or variations. These products
share common characteristics, such as target market, distribution channels, branding,
and customer benefits.

The purpose of creating a product line is to leverage economies of scale, capitalize on

brand recognition, and provide customers with a range of choices within a particular
product category. It allows companies to address different market segments, gain a
competitive advantage, and maximize their market share by appealing to a broader
customer base

Product Line of Unilever

Lux is a well-known brand in the personal care industry, specializing in beauty and
skincare products. The Lux product line includes a wide range of items designed to
enhance personal hygiene and promote a luxurious bathing experience. While specific
product offerings may vary over time, here are some examples of the types of
products that Lux typically offers:

 Bathing bars/Soap
 Shower Gels
 Body Wash
Dove is another well-known brand in the personal care industry, known for its focus on
gentle and moisturizing products. The Dove product line encompasses a wide range of
beauty and skincare items designed to nourish and care for the skin. Here are some
examples of the types of products typically offered by Dove:

 Beauty Bars/Soap
 Body Wash
 Hair Care
 Body Lotion

Sunsilk is a popular brand specializing in hair care products. It offers a diverse range
of products designed to address various hair concerns and provide nourishment and
styling options. While specific product offerings may vary by region and over time, here
are some examples of the types of products typically offered by Sunsilk:

 Shampoos
 Conditioners
 Hair Masks and Treatments
 Hair Styling Products
Vim is a well-known brand that specializes in household cleaning products,
particularly dishwashing and kitchen cleaning solutions. The Vim product line includes
a range of items designed to effectively clean and remove tough stains and grease.
While specific product offerings may vary by region, here are some examples of the
types of products typically offered by Vim:

 Dishwashing Liquid
 Dishwashing Bars
 Kitchen Cleaner
Vaseline, a well-known brand in the skincare industry, offers a range of products that
are primarily focused on moisturizing and protecting the skin. Here are some
examples of the types of products typically found in the Vaseline product line:

 Petroleum Jelly
 Body Lotions
 Lip Care
 Sunscreen

Pond's is a well-known brand in the skincare industry, offering a variety of products
that cater to different skin concerns. The Pond's product line includes a range of
facial cleansers, moisturizers, and treatments. While specific product offerings may
vary over time and by region, here are some examples of the types of products
typically found in the Pond's product line:

 Facial Cleansers
 Moisturizers
 Facial Cleansers
 Moisturizers
 Cold Cream
 Anti-Aging Treatments
 Brightening Products
 Eye Creams
 Face Masks
➢ Product Mix
Product mix refers to the complete range of products or services offered by a
company. It encompasses all the different product lines and individual products within
those lines that a company sells to its customers. A product mix can include both
tangible goods and intangible services.

Companies often develop a product mix to meet the needs and preferences of their
target market, provide a variety of options to customers, and maximize their market
share and profitability. The composition of a product mix can vary depending on the
nature of the business and its strategic objectives. Product mix shows the total
number of product lines a company offers to its customers.

The four dimensions to a company's product mix include –

✓ Width
✓ Depth
✓ Length,
✓ Consistency

➢ Width : Product width refers to the total number of products or service lines
offered by a company. Unilever has a product Width ranging from home care,
personal care, and beverage products. Unilever’s product mix width includes
Personal wash, Laundry, Skin care, Hair care, Oral care, Deodorants, Tea, and

➢ Length: Product Length refers to the summation of products or services offered

by a company’s product mix. In the case of Unilever, it offers 20 products; hence
the length of the product mix is 23.

➢ Depth: Product depth refers to the number of differentiations or variants of

each product in a firm’s product line. In this example of Unilever, Close-up,
Unilever’s brand is available in three formations and in three sizes. Hence, the
depth of the Close-up brand is 9 (3*3).

➢ Consistency: Product consistency relates to how product lines are close to

each other; it provides closeness to use, distribution, and production.
Consistency ensures the protection of the brand image. In Unilever’s case,
close substitutes like Pepsodent and Close-up can be distributed in the same
distribution channel.

Product Mix of Unilever

Brand Development of Unilever

Brand development is a process practiced by brands to maintain their quality,

reputation, and value among customers.
A company can follow one of the four branding strategies when trying to develop its
branding. The four brand development strategies are:

• Line extension
• Brand extension
• Multi-brands
• New brands

To understand them, take a look at the matrix below:

Product Category

Existing New
Line Extension:
A product line extension is the use of an established product brand name for a new
item in the same product category.

• Existing brand name

• Existing product category
Examples: Fair & Lovely, Dove, Sunsilk, Pond's

Brand Extension:
A brand extension is when a company uses one of its established brand names on a
new product or new product category.

• Existing brand name

• New product category
Examples: Knorr, Lipton, Clear, CloseUp

Multi-branding is a brand strategy in which a company will launch several products

within the same market.

•New brand name

•Existing product category
Examples: Cornetto, Vaseline, Lux, Vim

New Brands:

The new brand strategy means developing a new product line and a brand that
would be associated with it.

• New brand name

• New product category
Examples: Domestos, Cif & Comfort, Skip, Persil

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