Beauty Essay

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Beauty Essay: The Definition Of Beauty

The definition of beauty is varying among different people in the world. Even though
almost everyone knows the term beauty, many people are struggling in defining it and
persuading others to agree with their opinions. Beauty is defined by a combination of
qualities existent in a person or thing that fulfills the aesthetic feels or brings about
profound gratification. Many people define beauty as a term to describe a person’s
physical appearance; they often think that beauty comes from magazines, video girls, or
even models. Although the term beauty can define a person’s physical appearance, true
beauty lies in the way one acts and thinks rather than the way one look. First of all, the
idea of beauty is not only based on a physical appearance of a person or object; beauty
comes from the inner self. Natural and real beauty creates from within the heart of
individuals. When a real beauty develops, it is expressed as a charming, attractive, and
glamorous soul that is hard for one to contain. If a lady is beautiful on the inside, she is
also beautiful on the outside because her body is an expression of soul and mind. Inner
beauty creates a positive attitude towards oneself, others, and the environment. One real
life example about inner beauty is the story of Chantelle Winnie. Chantelle was born with
a skin condition vitiligo, which makes her different from other people. …show more
Today, the idea of beauty has been turned into unattainable forms by media, trends, and
marketing. To reach the social’s standard of beauty, many people have gone anorexic,
bulimic, or have been addicted to plastic surgery. Many people are wasting money on
beauty products to make themselves prettier, but they forget that their inner beauty is
more important. Inner beauty is an essential key to the overall appearance of someone.
Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and is the combination of inner and outer
attractiveness of one

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