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Many employees may work at home with

modern technology. Some people claim that it

can benefit only the workers, not the
employers. Do you agree or disagree?
Modern technology – advanced/latest techniques
Beneficial – fruitful/ helpful/ favorable/ advantageous/
useful/ valuable/ propitious/ worthy
Employees - workers/
Employers–job providers/ companies/ organizations
WFH- telecommuting/ workg remotely/ virtual work/
distance work

Nowadays, workers perform work from home with the help

of advanced techniques. A few individuals assert that it is
fruitful only for employees and does not hold any advantage
for companies. I largely believe that it is more beneficial for
the ________________ because _____________ as well as ________.
I largely believe that it is more beneficial for the employees
because it saves their time as well as strengthens their
family bonding.
In this technical era, telecommuting has become quite
popular among businesses. Certain individuals believe that it
is fruitful only for employees and does not hold any
advantage for companies. I largely believe that it benefits the
_________ because _____________ as well as ________.
The most prominent reason why virtual working is helpful
for employers is because it reduces the cost of operation. To
elaborate it, companies have to spend huge amount of
money on office infrastructure and for maintenance.
However, with help of internet, when workers work from
their houses then employers do not need to pay for office
equipment, rent, electricity and water bills because they
utilize their own resources. As a result, organizations save a
lot of money.
On the other hand, the major pertinent causation
why___________________________ is because it saves time of
employees. To explain it, because of work from home,
employees do not have to go to office on daily basis which
save their time of commuting to and from the office. They
can spend that time on other productive works.
It helps the family members to strengthen their family
bonding. For example, during COVID pandemic, people were
working remotely____________________________________________.
Moreover, another reason why ________________________is
because ______________. To be specific,
Flexible work time > work anytime > enjoy time family or
self >
Ex- Freelancing

In conclusion, although _______paraphrasing (less fav)_______, I

restate my opinion that ___________paraphrasing (more
fav)_________ as________idea2____and ___________idea3____________.

In conclusion, although distance working is advantageous

for employers, I restate my opinion that it is more useful for
employees as _____________________and __________________________.

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