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"data": [

"Open a Form",

"DoCmd.OpenForm \"FormName\""


"Close a Form",

"DoCmd.Close acForm, \"FormName\""


"Navigate to a Specific Record on a Form",

"DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, \"FormName\", acGoTo, RecordNumber"


"Run a Query (Create)",

"DoCmd.RunSQL \"INSERT INTO TableName (Field1, Field2) VALUES ('Value1', 'Value2')\""


"Run a Query (Read)",

"Dim rs As Recordset\nSet rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(\"SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE

FieldName = 'Value'\")\nMsgBox rs!FieldName"


"Run a Query (Update)",

"DoCmd.RunSQL \"UPDATE TableName SET FieldName = 'NewValue' WHERE Condi�onField =



"Run a Query (Delete)",

"DoCmd.RunSQL \"DELETE FROM TableName WHERE FieldName = 'Value'\""


"Open a Report",

"DoCmd.OpenReport \"ReportName\", acViewPreview"


"Filter Records on a Form",

"Me.Filter = \"[FieldName] = 'Value'\"\nMe.FilterOn = True"


"Message Box",

"MsgBox \"Your message here.\", vbInforma�on, \"Title\""


"Confirm Ac�on with a Message Box",

"Dim response As Integer\nresponse = MsgBox(\"Are you sure?\", vbYesNo, \"Confirm\")\nIf

response = vbYes Then\n ' Code to execute if Yes is clicked\nEnd If"


"Open an External Database",

"Dim db As Database\nSet db = OpenDatabase(\"C:\\Path\\To\\Database.accdb\")"


"Loop Through Records in a Recordset",

"Dim db As Database\nDim rs As Recordset\nSet db = CurrentDb()\nSet rs =

db.OpenRecordset(\"SELECT * FROM TableName\")\n\nDo While Not rs.EOF\n ' Your code here. For
example:\n MsgBox rs!FieldName\n rs.MoveNext\nLoop"


"Error Handling",

"On Error GoTo ErrorHandler\n' Your code here\n\nExit Sub\n\nErrorHandler:\nMsgBox \"An

error occurred: \" & Err.Descrip�on"


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