3852 Pawan

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Sample ID: 3852

Patient's Name: Mr. Pawan Rai Date Of Collection: Dec 16, 2023
Age/Gender: 48 yrs / Male 2080/08/30 BS

Referred By: Self Date Of Registration: Dec 16, 2023

2080/08/30 BS
Requestor: Pauwa Chemist
Date Of Reporting: Dec 16, 2023
Contact No.:
2080/08/30 BS

Complete Blood Count(Cbc)
Test Result Reference Unit Method
Total Leucocyte count 7,400 4000-11000 cells/cu Cell Counter
Differential Leucocyte Count

Neutrophils 61 40 - 75 %
Lymphocytes 35 20 - 50 %
Monocytes 03 2 - 10 %
Eosinophils 01 1-6 %
Basophils 00 0-1 %
Haemoglobin (Hb) 12.8 Male:13 -18 gm/dl
Female:12 -16

Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 38.7 Male:38-54 % Cell counter

Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count 4.0 Male:4.5-6.5 million/
Female:3.5-5.5 cu mm
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 89.3 80-99 fL Cell Counter

Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) 32.0 26-34 pg

Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration 35.9 32-36 %
Platelets Count 2,60,000 150000-450000 cells/cu Cell counter

Shivraj Budha Himala Khadka Dr. Bishow Prakash Jung Thapa

Lab Technician BMLT MD Pathology
NHPC NO:B-8889 MLT NHPC NO:A-3099 MLT NMC-13272

Page 1 of 4
Sample ID: 3852
Patient's Name: Mr. Pawan Rai Date Of Collection: Dec 16, 2023
Age/Gender: 48 yrs / Male 2080/08/30 BS

Referred By: Self Date Of Registration: Dec 16, 2023

2080/08/30 BS
Requestor: Pauwa Chemist
Date Of Reporting: Dec 16, 2023
Contact No.:
2080/08/30 BS

Test Result Reference Unit Method
Glucose R 95.5 60-140 mg/dl Spectrophotometry

Uric Acid 7.3 Male:3.5-7.2 mg/dl Spectrophotometry

Renal Function Test(Rft)
Test Result Reference Unit Method
Urea 32.2 15.0- 50.0 mg/dl Spectrophotometry

Creatinine 1.28 Male:0.7-1.5 mg/dl

Sodium 141.0 135.0-146.0 mmol/L
Potassium 4.8 3.5-5.5 mmol/L

Shivraj Budha Himala Khadka Dr. Bishow Prakash Jung Thapa

Lab Technician BMLT MD Pathology
NHPC NO:B-8889 MLT NHPC NO:A-3099 MLT NMC-13272

Page 2 of 4
Sample ID: 3852
Patient's Name: Mr. Pawan Rai Date Of Collection: Dec 16, 2023
Age/Gender: 48 yrs / Male 2080/08/30 BS

Referred By: Self Date Of Registration: Dec 16, 2023

2080/08/30 BS
Requestor: Pauwa Chemist
Date Of Reporting: Dec 16, 2023
Contact No.:
2080/08/30 BS

Lipid Profile
Test Result Reference Unit Method
Total-Cholesterol 127.8 < 200.0 mg/dl Spectrophotometry
Triglyceride 163.9 <150.0 mg/dl

HDL-Cholesterol 40.4 40.0-65.0 mg/dl

LDL-Cholesterol 54.62 Optimal : < 100 mg/dl

Near optimal / above
optimal : 100- 129
Borderline high : 130 -
High : 160 - 189
Very high : = > 190
VLDL-Cholesterol 32.78 15-35 mg/dl
Cholestrol-Total/Cholestrol-HDL ratio 3.16 Upto 5.0

Test was performed from random sample correlate clinically. Fasting sample is recommended for lipid profile test.

Shivraj Budha Himala Khadka Dr. Bishow Prakash Jung Thapa

Lab Technician BMLT MD Pathology
NHPC NO:B-8889 MLT NHPC NO:A-3099 MLT NMC-13272

Page 3 of 4
Sample ID: 3852
Patient's Name: Mr. Pawan Rai Date Of Collection: Dec 16, 2023
Age/Gender: 48 yrs / Male 2080/08/30 BS

Referred By: Self Date Of Registration: Dec 16, 2023

2080/08/30 BS
Requestor: Pauwa Chemist
Date Of Reporting: Dec 16, 2023
Contact No.:
2080/08/30 BS

Liver Function Test (Lft)
Test Result Reference Unit Method
Bilirubin (Total) 1.0 < 1.20 mg/dl Spectrophotometry
Bilirubin (Direct) 0.2 < 0.30 mg/dl
Alanine Aminotransferase ( ALT ) 83.0 8-45 U/L
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) 69.6 5-40 U/L
Alkaline Phosphatase 58.9 53.0-141.0 U/L
Protein(Total) 7.0 6.6-8.3 g/dl

Albumin 4.3 3.5-5.2 g/dl

*** End of Report ***

Shivraj Budha Himala Khadka Dr. Bishow Prakash Jung Thapa

Lab Technician BMLT MD Pathology
NHPC NO:B-8889 MLT NHPC NO:A-3099 MLT NMC-13272

Page 4 of 4

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