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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

Project Report
“Turf Booking System”
Presented By
Roll No Name of Student
63 Sakshi Sanjay Sapkal
64 Sarthak Santosh Kshirasagar
65 Shreyash Jalindar Potdar
67 Sanchita Shivaji Thorat

Program: Diploma in Computer Engineering

Guided By
Prof. Awad.J.V

Computer Engineering Department


Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

This is to certify that

Miss Sakshi Sanjay Sapkal from Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic,

Satara having Enrollment No :2100410140 has complete report on the Problem
Definition / Semester V Project Report / Final Project Report having title Turf
Booking System group of 4 person under the guidance of the Faculty Guide.


Name of Guide : Prof. Awad.J.V Sign :

Name of HOD : Prof. Ghorpade B.S. Sign :

Place: Satara

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

This is to certify that

Mr Sarthak Santosh Kshirsagar from Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil

Polytechnic,Satara having Enrollment No:2100410109 has complete report on the
Problem Definition / Semester V Project Report / Final Project Report having title
Turf Booking System group of 4 person under the guidance of the Faculty Guide.


Name of Guide : Prof. Prof.Awad.J.V Sign :

Name of HOD : Prof. Ghorpade B.S. Sign :

Place: Satara

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

This is to certify that

Mr Shreyash Jalindar Potdar from Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic,

Satara having Enrollment No : 2100410137 has complete report on the Problem
Definition / Semester V Project Report / Final Project Report having title Turf
Booking System group of 4 person under the guidance of the Faculty Guide.


Name of Guide : Prof.Awad.J.V Sign :

Name of HOD : Prof. Ghorpade B.S. Sign :

Place: Satara

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

This is to certify that

Miss Sanchita Shivaji Thorat from Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic,

Satara having Enrollment No : 2100410140 has complete report on the Problem
Definition / Semester V Project Report / Final Project Report having title Turf
Booking System group of 4 person under the guidance of the Faculty Guide.


Name of Guide : Prof.Awad.J.V Sign :

Name of HOD : Prof. Ghorpade B.S. Sign :

Place: Satara

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix B
Evaluation Sheet (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Sakshi Sanjay Sapkal

Enrollment no : 2100410140
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

A. POs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant POs)
a. Use of Firebase and Database Connectivity.
b. Understood data integrity concept.
c. Understood data Extensible markup language.
B. COs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant COs)
a. Considered ethical issues and solved them.
b. Assessed the impact our project will bring to student body.
c. Prepared project proposal with action plan beforehand.
d. Communication done by group members.
C. Other Learning Outcomes Achieved Through This Project
a. Unit outcomes (Cognitive Domain)
i. Use of inner and outer classes of java.
ii. Use of java swing package and its classes for GUI generation.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
iii. Use of layout for component placement
b. Practical outcomes (Psychomotor Domain)
i. Understood system classes provided by java.
ii. Understood creating window and panel concepts in java.
iii. Understood dynamic method allocation concept.
iv. Understood event handling in java.
c. Affective domain outcomes
i. Understood flag variable concept.
ii. Understood java frameworks.
iii. Understood design creation process for application.
iv. Understood different modules of project.

Progressive Assessment (PA) Sheet

S Criteria Max. Marks
No. Marks obtained
1 Problem Identification/ Project Title
2 Industrial Survey / Literature Review 10
3 Punctuality and Overall Contribution
4 Project Diary
5 Project writing including documentation 10
6 Presentation 05
Total marks 25

Name of Project Guide :Awad.J.V

Signature of Project Guide :

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix B
Evaluation Sheet (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Sarthak Santosh Kshirsagar.

Enrollment no : 2100410109
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

A. POs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant POs)
a. Use of Firebase and Database Connectivity.
b. Understood data integrity concept.
c. Understood data Extensible markup language.
B. COs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant COs)
a. Considered ethical issues and solved them.
b. Assessed the impact our project will bring to student body.
c. Prepared project proposal with action plan beforehand.
d. Communication done by group members.
C. Other Learning Outcomes Achieved Through This Project
a. Unit outcomes (Cognitive Domain)
i. Use of inner and outer classes of java.
ii. Use of java swing package and its classes for GUI generation.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
iii. Use of JDBC drivers for Firebase database integration.
iv. Use of layout for component placement
b. Practical outcomes (Psychomotor Domain)
i. Understood system classes provided by java.
ii. Understood creating window and panel concepts in java.
iii. Understood dynamic method allocation concept.
iv. Understood event handling in java.
c. Affective domain outcomes
i. Understood flag variable concept.
ii. Understood java frameworks.
iii. Understood design creation process for application.
iv. Understood different modules of project.

Progressive Assessment (PA) Sheet

S Criteria Max. Marks
No. Marks obtained
1 Problem Identification/ Project Title
2 Industrial Survey / Literature Review 10
3 Punctuality and Overall Contribution
4 Project Diary
5 Project writing including documentation 10
6 Presentation 05
Total marks 25

Name of Project Guide: Awad.J.V

Signature of Project Guide :

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix B
Evaluation Sheet (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Shreyash Jalindar Potdar

Enrollment no : 2100410137
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

A. POs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant POs)
a. Use of Firebase and Database Connectivity.
b. Understood data integrity concept.
c. Understood data Extensible markup language.
B. COs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant COs)
a. Considered ethical issues and solved them.
b. Assessed the impact our project will bring to student body.
c. Prepared project proposal with action plan beforehand.
d. Communication done by group members.
C. Other Learning Outcomes Achieved Through This Project
a. Unit outcomes (Cognitive Domain)
i. Use of inner and outer classes of java.
ii. Use of java swing package and its classes for GUI generation.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
iii. Use of JDBC drivers for Firebase database integration.
iv. Use of layout for component placement
b. Practical outcomes (Psychomotor Domain)
i. Understood system classes provided by java.
ii. Understood creating window and panel concepts in java.
iii. Understood dynamic method allocation concept.
iv. Understood event handling in java.
c. Affective domain outcomes
i. Understood flag variable concept.
ii. Understood java frameworks.
iii. Understood design creation process for application.
iv. Understood different modules of project.

Progressive Assessment (PA) Sheet

S Criteria Max. Marks
No. Marks obtained
1 Problem Identification/ Project Title
2 Industrial Survey / Literature Review 10
3 Punctuality and Overall Contribution
4 Project Diary
5 Project writing including documentation 10
6 Presentation 05
Total marks 25

Name of Project Guide : Awad.J.V

Signature of Project Guide :

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix B
Evaluation Sheet (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Sanchita Shivaji Thorat

Enrollment no : 2100410140
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

A. POs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant POs)
a. Use of Firebase and Database Connectivity.
b. Understood data integrity concept.
c. Understood data Extensible markup language.
B. COs addressed by the Capstone Project: (Mention only those predominant COs)
a. Considered ethical issues and solved them.
b. Assessed the impact our project will bring to student body.
c. Prepared project proposal with action plan beforehand.
d. Communication done by group members.
C. Other Learning Outcomes Achieved Through This Project
a. Unit outcomes (Cognitive Domain)
i. Use of inner and outer classes of java.
ii. Use of java swing package and its classes for GUI generation.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
iii. Use of JDBC drivers for Firebase database integration.
iv. Use of layout for component placement
b. Practical outcomes (Psychomotor Domain)
i. Understood system classes provided by java.
ii. Understood creating window and panel concepts in java.
iii. Understood dynamic method allocation concept.
iv. Understood event handling in java.
c. Affective domain outcomes
i. Understood flag variable concept.
ii. Understood java frameworks.
iii. Understood design creation process for application.
iv. Understood different modules of project.

Progressive Assessment (PA) Sheet

S Criteria Max. Marks
No. Marks obtained
1 Problem Identification/ Project Title
2 Industrial Survey / Literature Review 10
3 Punctuality and Overall Contribution
4 Project Diary
5 Project writing including documentation 10
6 Presentation 05
Total marks 25

Name of Project Guide: Awad.J.V

Signature of Project Guide :

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix C
Suggested Rubric For Assessment of Capstone Project

Sr. No. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent

1 Problem / Task Identification

(Project Title)

2 Literature Survey /
Industrial Survey

3 Project Proposal

4 Project Diary

5 Final Report Preparation

6 Presentation

7 Question and Answer session

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix C
Suggested Rubric For Assessment of Capstone Project

Sr. No. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent

1 Problem / Task Identification

(Project Title)

2 Literature Survey /
Industrial Survey

3 Project Proposal

4 Project Diary

5 Final Report Preparation

6 Presentation

7 Question and Answer session

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix C
Suggested Rubric For Assessment of Capstone Project

Sr. No. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent

1 Problem / Task Identification

(Project Title)

2 Literature Survey /
Industrial Survey

3 Project Proposal

4 Project Diary

5 Final Report Preparation

6 Presentation

7 Question and Answer session

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Appendix C
Suggested Rubric For Assessment of Capstone Project

Sr. No. Characteristics to be assessed Poor Average Good Excellent

1 Problem / Task Identification

(Project Title)

2 Literature Survey /
Industrial Survey

3 Project Proposal

4 Project Diary

5 Final Report Preparation

6 Presentation

7 Question and Answer session

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
End Semester Examination (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Sapkal Sakshi Sanjay

Enrollment no : 21004190140
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

Max. Marks
Sr. No. Criteria
Marks Obtained
1 Project writing including documentation 15

2 Presentation 10

Total marks 25

Head of Department: Ghorpade B.S.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
End Semester Examination (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Kshirsagar Sarthak Santosh

Enrollment no : 2100410109
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

Sr. No. Criteria Max. Marks

Marks Obtained
1 Project writing including documentation 15

2 Presentation 10

Total marks 25

Head of Department: Ghorpade B.S.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
End Semester Examination (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Potdar Shreyash jalindar

Enrollment no : 2100410137
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

Sr. No. Criteria Max. Marks

Marks Obtained
1 Project writing including documentation 15

2 Presentation 10

Total marks 25

Head of Department: Ghorpade B.S.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
End Semester Examination (ESE)
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student : Thorat Sanchita Shivaji

Enrollment no : 2100410039
Name of Program : Computer Engineering Semester: 5
Course Title and Code : Capstone Project Planning (22058)
Title of The Project : Turf Booking System
Name of Polytechnic : Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara.

Max. Marks
Sr. No. Criteria
Marks Obtained
1 Project writing including documentation 15

2 Presentation 10

Total marks 25

Head of Department: Ghorpade B.S.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

It is great pleasure for us to acknowledge the assistance & contribution of the

number of individuals who helped us in presenting the Project “Turf Booking
We have successfully completed our project with the handful support of Staff,
Project Partners, External Resources, etc. We acknowledge all of them & them
for their support.
Special thanks to project guide Prof.Awad.J.V. who gave us the valuable
guidelines for the seminar & project work. We whole heartedly thank all the
staff members & every possible person who possibly helped us in this project.
We would like to give away gratitude to Mr.Ghorpade B.S. Head ofComputer
Engg. Department for prior support in terms of morality, technical aspects &
relative guidance required for the “Turf Booking System”. which helped us
get better grip & quality in every aspect of project
.Our sincere thanks to Prof. Shaikh.K.C. Principal, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil
Polytechnic, Satara, for providing us an opportunity to present& express the
ideas of our project.


Sakshi Sapkal.
Sarthak Kshirsagar.
Shreyash Potdar.
Sanchita Thorat.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

1. Abstract ......................................................................................... 25

2. Introduction .................................................................................. 26

3. Literature Survey ......................................................................... 27

4. Problem Statement and Scope ..................................................... 32

5. System Requirement Analysis ..................................................... 33

6. Design and Planning ..................................................................... 34

7. Implementation Details ............................................................... 35

8. Testing ........................................................................................... 43

9. Advantages .................................................................................... 46

10. Conclusion .................................................................................. 47

11. Resources and Consumables ..................................................... 48

12. References .................................................................................. 50

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

6.1 System Architecture ................................................................ 35

6.2 DFD Level 0..............................................................................36

6.2.1 DFD Level 1 ..................................................................... 36

6.2.2 DFD Level 2 ..................................................................... 37

6.3 E-R Diagram ........................................................................... 38

6.4 UML Diagram ........................................................................ 39

6.5 Activity Diagram......................................................................40

6.6 Sequence Diagram ................................................................... 41

6.7 State transition Diagram ........................................................ 42

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 1: Abstract

The Turf Booking system is a user-friendly application designed to simplify the

process of reserving sports facilities such as turf fields. This system allows

users to easily check the availability of turf slots, make instant bookings, and

receive immediate confirmations. With real-time updates and secure online

payments, the application ensures a convenient and efficient experience for

both users and facility owners. By promoting accessibility and streamlining the

booking process, the Turf Booking system enhances the overall sports

experience, encouraging more people to engage in physical activities and

fostering a sense of community among sports enthusiasts.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Department of Computer Engineering 2022-23
CHAPTER 2: Introduction
Our study introduces a Turf Booking Application designed to simplify the
process of booking sports facilities like turf fields. Turf Booking Application
offers a user-friendly platform where sports enthusiasts can easily find available
turf spaces, select suitable time slots, and make secure online payments. The
application is designed with a straightforward interface, making it accessible for
people of all ages and technological backgrounds.

For users, Turf Booking Application provides a hassle-free way to discover

nearby turf locations, check when they are available, and book a slot that fits
their schedule. It eliminates the frustration of manual booking systems and
ensures a smooth experience. On the other hand, facility owners benefit from a
centralized system that helps them manage bookings, update availability, and
receive payments without any complications.

By focusing on simplicity and ease of use, Turf Booking Application aims to

encourage more people to engage in sports activities. The application's
straightforward approach reduces the complexities of booking turf spaces,
making it accessible to a wider audience. Through our research, we demonstrate
the positive impact of technology in promoting physical activity, fostering
community engagement, and enhancing the overall sports experience for
enthusiasts and facility owners alike.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 3: Literature Survey

 IEEE Paper 1

Title: A Reason for Using Online Reservation Systems

Author: Mushtaq, Arif; Sulaiman, Suziah; Loviscach.

Publish Date: 15 June 2010

E-commerce continues to play a preponderant role in the travel sector, making
booking convenient for consumers and more cost-effective for travel providers.
Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Commerce is estimated to grow by a factor of ten
annually, totaling US$ 12.4 trillion worldwide in 2012 [8]. The new generation
makes more use of online reservation systems to book their itineraries. A survey
conducted by YouGov in 2007 revealed that 31 % of British adults planned all
of their holiday planning, including on- line bookings in 2008 [9]. Another
survey [10] conducted in 2008 established that the trend of choosing online
systems to carry out holiday planning and booking has continued over the past
ten years. The increase in the European travel marketplace in only two years
(2007–2009) was estimated to amount to e17.5 billion. The use of online
reservation systems to make travel arrangements seems logical as they provide a
faster way of booking at home without visits to or queuing at travel agencies or
placing telephone calls to travel agents [11]. In addition, online reservation
systems facilitate comparing different options. Furthermore, booking a ticket
through an online reservation system tends to be rewarded by smaller transaction

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 IEEE Paper

Author: Taaghol. P.

Publish Date: 11 March 1996

Growing interest in integration of different services ranging from
voice to computer data to video, demands a great deal of investigations in
multiple access protocols [ 13. Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA)
[2] is a modified voilce-oriented version of Reservation-ALOHA (R-ALOHA)
[3] proposed to accommodate different communication services, e.g. voice and
data. In PRMA, speech terminals only transmit their talkspurts using a voice
activity detector. On an arrival of a talkspurt, speech terminals contend for free
time slots in an ALOHA manner. Upon transmitting successfully, i.e. no other
contending terminals has transmitting permission, the successful terminal
reserves the same time slot in the next frames until the very last packet in its
buffer is transmitted. To meet real time requirements for conversational speech,
packets delayed over a limit (around 30 ms) in the contention period, are
discarded. In this paper, we investigate the performarice of PIMA and propose
new contention strategies which dramatically imiprove the statistics of PRMA.
For comparison reasons, the statistics of the new systems are displayed aginst
tihe conventional PRMA anid an optimum transmission probability which
varies due to the contending traffic. In order to concentrate on the (contention
procedure, we here consider a one-type service system (e.g. voice-only system).

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 IEEE Paper
Title: A Resource Reservation Algorithm with Muti-Parameters

Author: Nghia Truong Van; Seung Joon Lee; Chang Won Lee; Ki Hwan Eom;
Kyung Kwon Jung
Publish Date: 09 August 2012

In this paper, we propose RFID Laundry Management System (LMS), in
order to provide low power consumption, high services, low operation costs
and better monitoring. The proposed system consists of RFID tag, wireless
RFID hanger and MFC software. To compare with other existing RFID
system, our system was developed as a web application. Therefore,
customer can check their cloth status through web page or smart-phone
devices. RFID reader was designed on hanger to make our system enables
reliable running effectively. Some results on the performance of an
implementation are presented.
In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system, we performed
the simulation and some experiments. The results are shown as following:
• At 40m distance packet reception average rate is 99.75%
• Low power algorithm was proposed. Battery life in our system is two
time longer than normal system’s.
• With electromagnetic shielding, hangers can read tag correctly from
distance 4cm.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 IEEE Paper

Title: Investigating the factors influencing users’ continuance intentions towards

online reservation

Author: International Conference on Computer, Information and

Telecommunication Systems (CITS) - Athens, Greece.

Publish Date: 7 March 2013


The increased development in information systems (IS) and the sharp rise in
Internet usage have changed the way enterprisers conduct their business. Online
reservation, which includes hotel and airline reservation, is one of the largest and
fastest growing areas of B2C e-commerce [1]. The Internet has offered online
reservation customers and online travel agents several advantages over the off-
line reservation market, such as the reduction of ticket processing fees, the
elimination of paper, and the ability to change flight details easily [2]. Hence,
understanding the factors that motivate users to continue using this technology is
important for both researchers and practitioners. A significant body of research has
developed different theoretical models to explain user attitude towards IS. The
expectation–confirmation model (ECM), introduced by Bhattacherjee [3], is
considered one of the well-known models for explaining and predicting
continuance intentions behavior in IS. ECM integrates factors from the
technology acceptance model [4] and the expectation confirmation theory [5] to
investigate intention of continuance usage towards IS.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 IEEE Paper

Title: A Resource Reservation Algorithm with Muti-Parameters

Author:Gao, Ningning; Jiang, Hong

Publish Date: 22 August 2011


Advance Reservation (AR) is a process of requesting resources for users at a

specific time. As an effective technique to support QoS, AR has been
incorporated into cloud computing [1] and grid computing [2] and becoming an
important component in resource management strategies. The conventional
reservation policy allows users to gain adequate resource or access to
applications by searching available resources at required time [3]. However,
advance reservation has many negative effects on resource sharing and the
efficiency of system. For instance, in [4] , the authors evaluated several
algorithms supporting for advance reservation of resource, the authors found that
the mean waiting time of applications submitted to the scheduling queue as well
as rejection rate increased significantly in which the utilization of resource were
reduced during the process of reservation and the increased rate of reservation in
tasks. To increase the resource utilization rate, in [5] and [7], the authors
mentioned that backfilling based scheduling mechanism was widely
implemented to improve the performance of reservation, and simulative results
showed that it could mitigate the negative impacts. To solve the problem of high
rejection rate, Reference [8] proposed an adaptive mechanism for malleable
bandwidth reservation, but this policy can only be used for bandwidth

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 4: Problem statement

Without a turf booking application, sports enthusiasts and turf facility owners face
numerous challenges. Coordinating bookings becomes cumbersome, leading to
inefficiencies and potential double bookings. Users may struggle to find available turf
fields, causing frustration and wasted time. Lack of a centralized platform also hinders
secure online payments, making transactions unreliable. Moreover, without notifications
and reminders, both users and facility owners may miss important updates, leading to
confusion and dissatisfaction. Overall, the absence of a turf booking application results
in inconvenience, mismanagement, and a subpar user experience for both players and
facility providers.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 5: Requirement analysis

Front End Languages

Android (Java)
Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux
kernel and other open-source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile
devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Back End Languages

FIREBASE (Database)
Firebase is a comprehensive platform by Google for building web and mobile
applications. It offers services like real-time database, authentication, hosting, and
cloud functions. Developers use Firebase to streamline app development, store data in
real-time, authenticate users securely, and deploy applications effortlessly, enabling
rapid and efficient development of feature-rich, scalable applications.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 6: Design and Planning

 Waterfall Model:
o Requirements were very well documented, clear and fixed.
o Technology was adequately understood.
o Simple and easy to understand and use.
o There were no ambiguous requirements.
o Clearly stages are defined.
o Well understood milestones.
o Easy to arrange tasks.

Fig. Waterfall Model

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
System Architecture:

Fig.6.1 System Architecture

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
DFD Diagrams:

 DFD Level 0:

Fig.6.2 DFD Level 0

DFD Level 1:

Fig.6.2.1 DFD Level 1

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 DFD Level 2:

Fig.6.2.2 DFD Level 2

 Use Case Diagram:

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 UML Diagram:

Fig.6.3 E-R Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 UML Diagram:

Fig.6.4 UML Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
 Activity Diagram:

Fig.6.5 Activity Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
Fig.6.6 Sequence Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
State transition diagram

sFig.6.7 State Transition Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 8: Testing
This project includes five modules and is listed below:

1. Unit Testing:

2. Intergration Testing:

3. Software Verification and validation :

4. Black-Box Testing :

5. White-Box Testing :

6. System Testing:

A. Unit Testing:
In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which
individual unitsof source code, sets of one or more computer program modules
together with associatedcontrol data, usage procedures, and operating procedures,
are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. Intuitively, one can view a
unit as the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a
unit could be an entire module, but it is more commonly an individual function or
procedure. In object oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface, such as
a class, but could be an individual method. Unit tests are short code fragments
created by programmers or occasionally by white box testers during the
development process. It forms the basis for component testing. Ideally, each test
case is independent from the others. Substitutes such as method stubs, mock
objects, fakes, and test harnesses can be used to assist testing a module in isolation
.Unit tests are typically written and run by software developers to ensure that code
meets its design and behaves as intended.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
B. Intergration Testing:

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is

the phase insoftware testing in which individual software modules are combined
and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.
Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups
them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those
aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system ready for system

C. Software Verification and validation:

In software project management, software testing, and software engineering,
verification and validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software
system meets specificationsand that it fulfills its intended purpose. It may also
be referred to as software quality control.It is normally the responsibility of
software testers as part of the software development lifecycle. Validation checks
that the product design satisfies or fits the intended use (high- level checking),
i.e., the software meets the user requirements. This is done through dynamic
testing and other forms of review. Verification and validation are not the same
thing, although they are often confused. Boehm succinctly expressed the
difference between Validation : Are we building the right product? Verification
: Are we building the product,right?

D . Black-Box Testing:

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality

of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings. This
method of test canbe applied virtually to every level of software testing: unit,
integration, system and acceptance. It typically comprises most if not all higher
level testing, but can also dominateunit testing as well.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
E. White-Box Testing:

White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent
box testing, and structural testing) is a method of testing software that tests
internal structures orworkings of an application, as opposed to its functionality
(i.e., black-box testing). In white- box testing an internal perspective of the
system, as well as programming skills, are used todesign testcases. The tester
chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determinethe appropriate
outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit, e.g., in-circuit testing

F. System Testing:

System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete,

integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified
requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black-box testing, and as
such, should require no knowledge of theinner design of the code or logic. As a
rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated" software components
they have passed integration.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 9: Advantages

Prevention of Double Bookings:

Real-time applications prevent double bookings by updating availability
instantly, ensuring that multiple users cannot book the same slot

Flexible Booking:

Users can make last-minute bookings based on real-time availability,

accommodating spontaneous plans and impromptu sports activities.

Customizable Bookings:

Users can customize their bookings in real-time, choosing specific time slots,
durations, and additional services, tailoring the experience to their needs.

Improved User Experience:

Real-time applications enhance user experience by providing instant responses,
reducing waiting times, and offering a seamless booking process, leading to
higher user satisfaction.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 10: Conclusion

We made an turf booking application which helps user to book turf slot
efficiently and also helps to reduce double booking of an application. It helps turf owner
to see which slots are booked and which are available. Secure payment can be done by
using this application.

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 11: Resources and Consumables

Sr. Planned Planned Name of responsible team

Details of activity
No. Start date Finish date members

1 Decide the subject of project 30/10/2020 16/011/2020 Sakshi Sanjay Sapkal

Sarthak Santosh Kshirsagar

Shreyash Jalindar Potdar

Sanchita Shivaji Thorat

2 Collecting information of 20/11/2020 02/012/2020 Sakshi Sanjay Sapkal.

Sarthak santosh Kshirsagar

Shreyash Jalindar Potdar

Sanchita Shivaji Thorat

3 Creating report 04/012/2020 14/12/2020 Divya Prakash Jadhav

Sarthak SantoshKshirsagar
Shreyash Jalindar Potdar
Sanchita Shivaji Thorat

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

Sr. No. Name of resource Specification Quantity Remarks

1 Computer system Intel(R) Core (TM) 1 Used

i31450 CPU32 bit
operating system
2 Operating System Windows _ Used

3 Software Android _ Used

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24
CHAPTER 12: References
IEEE Papers
• A Reason for Using Online Reservation Systems

.AResource Reservation Algorithm with Muti-Parameters.

• Investigating the factors influencing users’ continuance intentions

towards online reservation

Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

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