Essay Writing Practice 1

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Determine the task, create a concept map or outline, then write an essay using the concept map
or outline as a guide. Compare your essays with those in the answer key.

Some people believe that children’s time outside of school should be filled with
scheduled activities such as art and music classes and sports. Others feel that
children need free time to play and relax.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Determine the task: Answer two questions

Introduction: Time spent by children outside of school. Extra-curricular activities like arts,
music, and sports. Spend it with play and relaxation.
Main Body 1: Participating in extra-curricular activities
Supporting Detail 1: develop other skills
Supporting Detail 2: promotes competitiveness
Supporting Detail 3: discipline through training
Main Body 2: Spend with play and relaxation
Supporting Detail 1: develop children’s imagination
Supporting Detail 2: exercise for better health
Supporting Detail 3: relaxation lowers stress
Conclusion: Extra-curricular activities and play are both essential to the growth and
development of children, but both must be done in moderation.
Supporting Detail 1: too much training leads to stress
Supporting Detail 2: too much competitiveness leads to narcissism or low self-esteem if
always at the last of ranking
Supporting Detail 3: too much of all of the above defeats the purpose of child welfare
and development

Write the Essay:

Children’s Time Outside School
It is a belief of some people that children must be taught at all times, whether they are
currently inside the school or outside. Some favors with extracurricular activities while others
favor relaxation and play.
Children excelling in something is undoubtedly some of the parent’s dreams. To see their
child be the best gives unparalleled pride to any parent that is why more and more parents
encourages their children to join in art or music classes, and some in sports. The earlier the
training began, the more discipline a child will be. Competition among peers can promote a child
to try harder so to perform better. These can help them develop their other skills which is not
directly related to the academe performance which somehow can boost morale if the child is not
academically inclined.
Some people on the other hand believes in a less formal approach, and that is thru play
and relaxation. It is undeniable that the creative and imaginative side of children can be seen
during play and how they utilize the objects around them to build something is amazing. The
more that children play, the more that their bodies burn calories without the feeling of fatigue
observable with intentional workouts. Also, children that are actively playing can be noticed to
have better and peaceful sleep.
In general, participating in extracurricular activities and play and relaxation are both
essential to the growth and development of children, but both must be done in moderation. Too
much training can lead to stress, being always at the top leads to arrogance or low self-esteem in
the case of being at the bottom. Too much of the aforementioned defeats the whole purpose of
child welfare and development.

In many parts of the world, people are relying more and more on prepared food
from grocery stores and restaurants because they are too busy to cook at home.
This is a bad idea because home-cooked food is much better for us.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Determine the task: Agree or disagree

Introduction: Processed food from grocery stores and restaurant-prepared food can never
measure up to home-cooked foods. I agree with this statement because you know the ingredients
that were used and you know exactly how it was prepared.
Main Body 1: You know the raw ingredients and where they came from
Supporting Detail 1: what are the ingredients
Supporting Detail 2: where they came from
Supporting Detail 3: all natural and organic
Main Body 2: method of preparation and cooking
Supporting Detail 1: you know the person who cooks it
Supporting Detail 2: you know how they cooked it
Supporting Detail 3: you grew up to that taste of food
Conclusion: Home cooked food is much better for everyone
Supporting Detail 1: ingredients
Supporting Detail 2: process of cooking
Write the Essay:

The Advantage of Home-Cooked Food

As people all around the world had been more and more accustomed to the convenience
of having prepared food from grocery stores and restaurants, it is still indisputable that food that
is home prepared is still better. Aside from knowing what exactly are the ingredients used, you
know exactly who and how it was prepared.
Restaurants may not use artificial ingredients just like in almost all of the processed food
found in grocery stores, it is still better if you can see first hand what are the ingredients used in
the food you’re about to eat. Also, you are sure that all of it are from your local market which are
of course, sourced from your locality and these ingredients are all natural and organic.
Aside from ingredients, knowing exactly who and how your food was prepared is a huge
satisfaction. Almost all of our home-cooked food is prepared by our mothers and as the adage
goes, mothers knows best. So, from that fact alone, we’re assured that we are served only the
best. And also, they have such a unique style of cooking food that the flavor will always remind
you that this is the kind of food you’ll always have.
Home cooked food therefore, is much better for everyone. Locally sourced natural
ingredients and your loved one preparing it, will surely topple even the best restaurant has to

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