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Tanggal Disetujui
Versi No Dokumen Nama Dokumen Disusun Oleh Ditinjau Oleh
Terbit Oleh
Version No. Document Document Tittle Prepared By Reviewed By
Issued Date Approved By
1. Setiono
Fadhlurrohman Hary Irmawan
Pengambilan Sampel 2. Indra Y. Rimayansyah
2.Farhan Nasaru
Batuan Inti dan
Penyisipan Sample 1. 1.
1.0 28 November 2022 GM-GEO-PR-013
Core Sampling and QAQC
Sample Insertion
2. 2.
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion


Hal / Page

DAFTAR ISI / TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................2

1. Umum / General.......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Tujuan / Purpose....................................................................................................................... 3

1.2. Ruang Lingkup / Scope............................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Pemberlakuan / Affection........................................................................................................... 3
2. Istilah dan Definisi / Glossary of Terms and Definition................................................................3

3. Tugas, Tanggungjawab, & Wewenang / Task, Responsibility, & Authority.................................5

3.1. Departemen Geology and Development/ Geology and Developent Department.......................5

3.2. Departemen Terkait/ Related Department.................................................................................5
3.3. Kepala Teknik Tambang (KTT)/ Chief Mine Officer...................................................................5
3.4. Kontraktor/ Contractor............................................................................................................... 5
4. Ketentuan Umum / General Requirement...................................................................................6

5. Prosedur / Procedure.................................................................................................................. 6

5.1. Keselamatan Kerja / Occupational Safety.................................................................................6

5.2. Sampling Core / Core Sampling................................................................................................ 6
5.2.1. Identitas Sampel / Sample ID............................................................................................6
5.2.2. Interval Sampel / Sample Interval.....................................................................................6
5.2.3. Sample Recovery.............................................................................................................. 8
5.2.4. Berat / Weight................................................................................................................... 8
5.2.5. Metode Sampling / Sampling Method...............................................................................8
5.2.6. Field Split Method............................................................................................................. 9
5.2.7. Tipe Sampel / Sample Type.............................................................................................. 9
5.2.8. Litologi / LIthology............................................................................................................. 9
5.2.9. Alterasi / Alteration............................................................................................................ 9
5.2.10. Persentase kuarsa / Quartz Percentage........................................................................9
5.2.11. Tekstur Vein / Vein Texture......................................................................................... 10
5.2.12. Mineral Sulfida dan Prosentase Sulfida / Sulphide Minerals and Procentage.............10
5.3. Sampel QAQC / QAQC Samples............................................................................................. 10
5.4. Sampel Assay / Assay Sample................................................................................................ 11
5.4.1. Sample Scout Drilling / Scout Drilling Samples...............................................................12
5.4.2. Sample Infill Drilling......................................................................................................... 12
6. Papan Progres Kerja / Work Progress Board............................................................................13

7. Diagram Alir / Flowchart............................................................................................................ 13

8. Referensi / Refference.............................................................................................................. 13
GM-GEO-PR-013 2
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

GM-GEO-PR-013 3
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

1.1 Tujuan 1. GENERAL
Tujuan dari prosedur ini ialah untuk 1.1 Purpose
memberikan panduan bagi Geologist, The purpose of this Procedure is to provide
Teknisi Coreshed, dan Teknisi guidance for Geologists, Coreshed Technician,
Laboratorium Preparasi Sample Eksplorasi and Exploration Sample Preparation Laboratory
PT. GM untuk melakukan pengiriman dan Technician of PT GM for delivery and
preparasi conto inti pemboran menjadi preparation of drill core sample into a
conto material terpulverisasi yang representative analytical sample of pulverized
representative untuk dianalisa geokimia material safely, precision, and free from
dengan naman, presisi, dan bebas contamination.

1.2 Ruang Lingkup

Ruang lingkup dari aplikasi prosedur ini 1.2 Scope
adalah di Departemen Geology and The scope of application of this procedure is at
Development yang berhubungan dengan Geology Department which associated with
data inti batuan hasil pengeboran. diamond drilling core.

1.3 Pemberlakukan
Prosedur ini berlaku untuk Geologist yang 1.3 Affection
melakukan proses core logging, Teknisi This procedure applies to geologist who
Coreshed dalam melakukan prosedur conduct core logging, coreshed technician in
pengiriman sample serta Teknisi sample delivery and laboratory technician in
Laboratorium dalam melakukan preparasi sample preparation.


 Inti Batuan Hasil Pengeboran 2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITION
Produk dari aktifitas pengeboran tipe  Diamond Drill Core
diamond yang merepresentasikan kondisi The product of diamond drilling activities
batuan di bawah permukaan. that represent the condition of rock below
the surface.
 Pengambilan Conto Batuan
Kegiatan pengambilan conto batuan pada  Sampling
setiap titik bor untuk dianalisa geokimia. The core data collecting on each bore
hole for geochemical analysis.
 Preparasi Conto Batuan
Untuk menghasilkan conto analitik yang  Sampling Preparation
representatif dari bahan bubuk (95% To produce a representative analytical
melewati saringan 75 µm) dari conto asli. sample of pulverized material (95%
passing 75 µm screen) from the original
 Nomor Conto
Nomor conto dengan urutan tertentu.  Sample Number
Sample number (sample ID) in a specific
 Buku Tiket Conto
Buku tiket conto yang berisi urutan nomor  Sample Ticket Book
conto. Sample ticket book containing sample
number sequences.
 Berat Conto
Berat tiap conto batuan dalam kilogram  Sample Weight
untuk dianalisis. Weight of each core sample in kilograms
for analysis.
 Lembar submisi
Daftar informasi conto dan penugasan  Submission Sheet
kepada laboratorium. List of sample information and
assignments to laboratories.

GM-GEO-PR-013 4
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

 Pengiriman conto
Pengiriman conto ke Laboratorium.  Sample Dispatch
Sending sample to the laboratory.
 Lembar conto
Daftar conto setiap despatch.  Sample Sheet
Sample list on each despatch.
 Sample standar (CRM)
Material referensi dalam bentuk bubuk  Standard Sample (CRM)
yang telah diketahui hasilnya, dikeluarkan Samples with well – established grades,
oleh laboratorium bersertifikasi yang prepared under specially controlled
digunakan sebagai kontrol kualitas dalam conditions by certified laboratory used as
metode analisis pengambilan conto. quality control in sampling method.

 Conto Blank
Material kasar dengan kandungan kosong  Blank sample
Au dan Cu yang akan digunakan dalam Barren Au and Cu coarse material used
control kualitas metode sampling. as quality control in sampling method.

 Conto Duplikat (Field)

Conto duplikat yang diambil dari half core  Field Duplicates
yang tersisa dari conto routine dan dikirim Duplicates samples collected from
ke laboratorium dengan nomor conto remaining half core and sent to laboratory
yang berbeda untuk tujuan QAQC. for QAQC purpose.

 Conto Duplikat (Coarse Reject)

Conto duplikat yang diambil dari hasil  Coarse Reject Duplicates
preparasi crushing dan splitting pertama, Duplicate samples taken immediately
dan dikirim ke laboratorium dengan after the first crushing and splitting step
nomor conto yang berbeda untuk tujuan and sent over to laboratory with different
QAQC. sample number (sample ID) for QAQC

 Conto Duplikat (Pulp)  Pulp Duplicates

Conto duplikat yang diambil dari splitting Duplicates consist of second splits of
kedua yang telah dipreparasi final dan finally prepared samples, sent to, and
dikirim serta dianalisa ke laboratorium analyzed by the same laboratory as the
yang sama dengan conto original (parent original samples under different sample
sample) dengan nomor conto yang numbers.

 Pedoman  Manual
Ini adalah panduan untuk semua The guidance for all Geologist and all
Geologist dan semua karyawan / pekerja employes / worker who work in Geology
yang bekerja di Departemen Geology and and Development Department, which
Development, yang menjelaskan semua explains all the basic QAQC insertion.
dasar penyisipan conto QAQC.

 Prosedur  Procedure
Tahapan pekerjaan yang telah disepakati Working steps which approved and
bersama dan menjadi acuan semua referred by all workers to do the tasks.
pekerja dalam pelaksanaan suatu

GM-GEO-PR-013 5
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion


3. TUGAS, TANGGUNG JAWAB DAN 3.1 Geology and Development Department
WEWENANG 1. Ensure all personnel clearly understand
3.1 Departemen Geology and Development the details in this procedure, hazard risk
1. Memastikan seluruh personil and its control.
memahami penjelasan di dalam 2. Ensure all personnel carry out the steps
prosedur ini, risiko bahaya dan in this procedure.
pengendaliannya. 3. All amendments and updates to this
2. Memastikan seluruh personil procedure are to be first approved by
menjalankan tahapan di dalam the Geology and Development
prosedur ini. Manager and / or Head of Technical
3. Semua perubahan dan pemutakhiran Services and made by Geologist
prosedur ini harus terlebih dahulu Specifically assigned to amend this
disetujui oleh Manajer Geology & procedure.
Development dan / atau Kepala dari
Technical Services dan dibuat oleh
Geologist yang ditugaskan secara
khusus untuk mengubah prosedur ini. 3.2 Related Department
HSE Department, HSE Supervisor should
3.2 Departemen Terkait ensure adequate personel protective equipment
Departemen HSE, Pengawas HSE harus provided and in good condition. The required
memastikan peralatan pelindung diri yang PPE are :
memadai disediakan dan dalam kondisi baik. 1. Safety rubber boots
APD yang dibutuhkan adalah : 2. Ear plugs
1. Sepatu boot 3. Rain coat
2. Penutup telinga 4. Safety goggle
3. Jas hujan 5. Hand gloves
4. Kacamata safety 6. Masker
5. Sarung tangan
6. Masker 3.3 Chief Mine Officer
1. Provide any suggestion and correction
3.3 Kepala Teknik Tambang upon the procedure
1. Memberikan masukan dan koreksi pada 2. Refuse or approve this procedure
prosedur ini. 3. Giving instruction to implement this
2. Menolak atau menyetujui prosedur ini. procedure
3. Menginstruksikan pemberlakuan
prosedur ini. 3.4 Contractor
1. Ensure all personnel clearly understand
3.4 Kontraktor the details in this procedure, hazard risk
1. Memastikan seluruh personil and its control.
memahami penjelasan di dalam 2. Ensure all personnel carry out the steps
prosedur ini, risiko bahaya dan in this procedure.
2. Memastikan seluruh personil
menjalankan tahapan di dalam 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENT
prosedur ini. Geological core logging should not be
conducted without supervision from
4. KETENTUAN UMUM Geology and Development Department.
Kegiatan sampling core dan QAQC tidak
dapat dilaksanakan tanpa adanya
pengawasan dari Department Geology dan

GM-GEO-PR-013 6
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

angka desimal ke-dua di belakang koma, maka

5. PROSEDUR angka ke-dua
5.1 Keselamatan Kerja
Perlengkapan keselamatan kerja minimum 5. PROCEDURE
untuk melakukan logging core di core shed 5.1 Occupational Safety
adalah memakai safety shoes. Kadangkala The minimum safety equipment to perform core
diharuskan memakai penutup telinga untuk logging in core shed are safety shoes. Ears
mengurangi kebisingan. plugs occasionally required to minimize the
Potensi bahaya yang umum terjadi adalah: surrounding noise.
 Kejatuhan potongan atau pecahan dari Potential hazards that commonly occur are:
core.  Core pieces or fragments falling.
 Luka gores terkena potongan seng core  Cut wounds by iron sheet of the core
box. box.

5.2 Sampling Conto Inti Pemboran

Sample conto inti pemboran diamond/intan
diambil dengan memperhitungkan karakteristik 5.2 Drill Core Sampling
geologinya yang meliputi jenis litologi, tipe Diamond drill sample were conducted with
alterasi, mineralisasi dan struktur. consideration of geological characteristic
Pengambilan conto ini untuk Analisa geokimia include the type of lithology, alteration,
dapat dilakukan untuk keseluruhan conto inti mineralization, and structure type.
(full core) atau dipilih secara selektif sesuai Core sampling for geochemical analysis can be
dengan kebutuhan yang disesuaikan dengan carried out for the entire core sample (full core)
karakteristik alterasi dan mineralisasinya. Pada or selectively selected according to the needs
metoda selective sample, pengambilan sampel according to the characteristic of alteration and
hanya dilakukan pada zona alterasi dan mineralization. In the selective sample method,
mineralisasi saja serta dua atau tiga interval sampling is only carried out in the zone of
sampel sebelum dan sesudah zona mineralisasi alteration and mineralization and two or three
tersebut (sterilisasi). Dari logging sampel sample intervals before and after the
terpisah dari logging geologi dan struktur (lihat mineralization zone (sterilization). The sample
lampiran). logging fromm is separate from the geological
5.2.1 Identitas Sampel and structural logging form (see appendix).
Kolom sample ID merupakan kolom informasi
urutan nomor sampel yang dipakai, baik sampel 5.2.1 Sample ID
core ataupun sampel QAQC yang disisipkan. Sample ID colum contains information on
Nomor sample ID harus memiliki kesamaan di sequenced number of samples used for both
form logging dengan sampel yang dikirim ke core samples or QAQC sample inserted.
laboratorium. Sample ID numbers of logging form and sample
Pada kondisi selective sampling diberlakukan, that sent to the laboratory must be identical.
maka identitas sampel untuk lubang bor yang Under selective sampling conditions, the
tidak disampel tetap harus diberikan. Identitas identity of the sample for the interval of the drill
untuk interval yang tidak disampel disesuaikan holes that were not sampled must still be given.
dengan nama lubang bor tersebut diikuti oleh The sample ID for the non-sampled interval
NS (No Sample) instance dari interval tersebut. correspond to the drill hole ID followed by the
Sebagai contoh lubang bor HS001, interval ke NS (No Sample) instance of the interval. For
1, maka identitas sampelnya HS001NS01. example, drill hole HS001, interval 1, the
sample identity is HS001NS01.
5.2.2 Interval Sampel
Interval sampel dalam form logging sampel
meliputi tiga hal, yaitu kolom “Depth From”, 5.2.2 Sample Interval
“Depth To” dan “Interval Meter”. Interval Meter Sample’s interval in sample logging form
akan dihitung secara otomatis saat menginput covers three items i.e., “Depth From”, “Depth
data oleh bagian database. Sampel idealnya To” and “Interval Meter” columns. Interval
harus diambil secara teratur. meters will be automatically counted during
Interval sampel, bila memungkinkan data input by database. Samples must ideally
pergunakan interval meter dengan akhiran be taken accordingly.
angka nol pada angka di dua desimal terakhir
Sample intervals, if possibly use the meter
(misalkan 1.00 m, 2.10 m, dst), apabila tidak
interval with a round number ending in two
memungkinkan memakai angka bulat pada
decimal digits after the decimal point (for

GM-GEO-PR-013 7
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

example 1.00 m, 2.10 m, etc.), if it is not after the decimal point, the the second decimal
possible to use a round number in the second can be replaced with a five
decimal (for example 1.05 m, 2.15 m, and so on).
dibelakang koma bisa diganti dengan angka Interval sampling is formerly marked in core
lima (misalnya 1.05 m, 2.15 m, dan dst). box using paper tape and then permanently
Interval sampling ditandai di core box marked with permanent marker on the left side
menggunakan lakban kertas dan kemudian of core box of each sample interval. The paper
lebih permanen ditandai dengan ditulis pada tape is affixed to the “Depth From” depth of the
sisi lajur kiri core box pada tiap interval sample interval. In the selective sample
sampel. Lakban kertas ditempel pada method, at the depth of "Depth To" the last
kedalaman “Depth From” dari interval sampel. sample interval is written "NS-SEL" (No
Pada metoda selective sample, pada Sample-Selective) and is marked with an
kedalaman “Depth To” interval sampel terakhir arrow towards the downhole.
ditulis “NS-SEL” (No Sample-Selective) dan
diberi tanda panah ke arah downhole. The length of the sample interval should
Panjang interval sampel harus consider the geological break, recovery, and
memperhitungan geological break, recovery samples weight adequacy during laboratory test
(the minimum weight for laboratory test is ± 2
dan ketercukupan berat sampel saat uji
laboratorium (minimum berat sampel uji
laboratorium ± 2 kg). The length of sample interval for epithermal
deposit type i.e., Motomboto Prospect in
Panjang interval sampel untuk tipe endapan PT.Gorontalo Minerals as describe below:
High Sulphidation seperti Prospek Motomboto di a) Ideally per 1.00 meter in mineralization
PT. Gorontalo Minerals adalah sebagai berikut. zone;
a) Idealnya per 1.00 m pada zona b) Minimum 0.30 m and maximum 1.30 m;
mineralisasi c) In a certain condition due to poor core
b) Minimum 0.30 m dan maksimum 1.30 m recovery, third to full core sampling
c) Pada kondisi khusus karena core recovery applied (BOYD) with minimum 2 kg
jelek, maka diberlakukan tiga perempat weight;
core sampai full core sampling (BOYD) d) If BOYD sampling less than 2 kg,
dengan minimum berat 2 kg. composite sampling applied.
d) Jika setelah di BOYD masih kurang dari 2
kg, maka bisa dilakukan composite
Sample interval length for porphyry deposit type
Panjang interval sampel untuk tipe endapan in PT. Gorontalo Minerals are as follows:
Porfiri di PT.Gorontalo Minerals sebagai a) Ideally, 3.00 m in mineralization zone
berikut: b) Minimum 1.00 m and maximum is 3.00 m
a) Idealnya per 3.00 m pada zona
b) Minimum 1.00 m dan maksimum 3.00 m

Figure 1. Core Photo showing cutting line and masking

GM-GEO-PR-013 8
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

5.2.3 Sampel Recovery

Kolom recovery sampel terdiri dari dua kolom
yakni sample recovery meter dan sample
recovery persen. Sample recovery meter adalah
panjang recovery sampel tiap interval sampel.
Dalam pengisian kolom ini harus selalu
memperhatikan data recovery core yang
didapat pada pemboran yang selanjutnya
dilakukan cross check saat membuat interval
sample dan mengisi kolom recovery sample
meter. Sample Recovery Percent akan dihitung
secara automatik dibagian database.

5.2.4 Berat
Sampel ditimbang beratnya setelah dimasukkan
dalam kantong sampel.

5.2.5 Metode Sampling

Ada tiga pilihan dalam kolom Sampling Method,
yakni Half Core, Quarter Core dan Full Core.
Kode pengisian kolom (lihat lampiran). Pada
kondisi umum metode sampling yang
diberlakukan adalah half core. Pada kondisi
dimana sample half core tidak memenuhi
kriteria berat (2 kg); khususnya di zona
mineralisasi, maka metode BOYD diberlakukan.
Pada kondisi ini dimana sampel half core dan
BOYD tidak memenuhi kriteria berat (2 kg),
maka metode composite diberlakukan. Dibawah
ini adalah penjelasan mengenai beberapa
metode sampling tersebut.
a. Half core adalah setengah bagian core
dikirim untuk dianalisis, sisa setengahnya di
simpan di core box. Metode ini yang dipakai
PT GM dalam analisis assay;
b. Quarter core adalah sisa setengah core
yang dilakukan sampling dengan membagi
dua bagian, satu bagian dikirim ke
laboratorium, satu bagian berikutnya
disimpan. Quarter core biasanya dilakukan
untuk keperluan analisis ulang;
c. Full core adalah semua core pada tiap
interval sample dikirim ke laboratorium.
Biasanya ini dilakukan untuk keperluan
analisis metalurgi ataupun geoteknik;
d. BOYD adalah sampling full core pada
recovery core yang jelek, bertujuan
memenuhi minimum berat sampel 2 kg;
e. Composite adalah sampling half core
dengan mencampur 2 jenis litologi untuk
memenuhi berat sampel minimum 2 kg.

GM-GEO-PR-013 9
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

5.2.3 Sample Recovery

Sample recovery consist of two columns, 5.2.6 Field Split Method
sample recovery meter and sample recovery Kolom ini merupakan informasi metode dan alat
percentage. Sample recovery Meter is the yang dipakai dalam membelah core. Ada tiga
length of recovery sample of each sample pilihan sebagai berikut:
interval in meter unit. In filling this column a. Core saw; metode ini adalah yang
should always pay attention to core recovery memungkinkan sampel representative dan
data obtained through drilling then cross check menjadi pilihan utama untuk sampling core
the data when creating sample interval and dengan memperhatikan kondisi core normal
filling the sample recovery meter column. dengan pengertian batuan keras dan masih
Sample Recovery Percent would be aman di potong dengan mesin core saw;
automatically counted in database section. b. Core splitter; metode ini dipilih jika
dipertimbangkan kondisi core yang akan
dibelah tidak cukup aman dipotong dengan
5.2.4 Weight mesin core saw;
Sample is weighted then put in calico bag. c. Machete; metode ini dipilih jika kondisi core
lunak dan tidak memungkinkan di potong
dengan mesin core saw.
5.2.5 Sampling Method
There are three options in the Sampling Method 5.2.7 Tipe Sampel
column; that are Half Core, Quarter Core, and Kolom ini menjelaskan jenis sampel yang
Full Core. Column filling (see attachment). In dikirim ke laboratorium. Terdapat empat pilihan
general condition, the sampling method applied tipe sampel sebagai berikut;
is half core. In certain conditions where the half a. Routine sampel adalah sampel core yang
core sample does not meet the weight dikirim ke laboratorium.
requirement (2kg); especially in the mineralized b. Blank sampel adalah sampel yang dikirim
zone, the BOYD method is applied. In certain ke laboratorium untuk keperluan QAQC.
conditions where the half core and BOYD c. Standard sampel adalah sampel yang
samples do not meet the weight criteria (2kg), memiliki sertifikat kadar dan di kirim ke
the Composite method is applied. Below is an laboratorium untuk keperluan QAQC
explanation of mentioned sampling methods. d. Sampel duplikat terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu
a. Half core is half of the which is sent out for duplikat core, duplikat coarse reject, dan
analysis, the remaining half core is stored in duplikat pulp. Sampel duplikat adalah
the core box. This method is use by PT GM kembaran sampel atau bagian setengah
in assay analysis; core sisa yang dikirim ke laboratorium
b. Quarter core is the remaining of half core (core / field duplicate) untuk keperluan
which are sampled through dividing it into QAQC.
two parts, one part is sent laboratory, other
is kept by PT GM. Quarter core is 5.2.8 Litologi
commonly performed for reanalyzing Kolom litologi diisi dengan jenis litologi yang
purpose; mengacu kepada jenis litologi pada lembar
c. Full core is all core at each sample interval logging geologi.
which is sent to the laboratory. This usually
done upon purposes of metallurgical 5.2.9 Alterasi
analysis and geotechnical; Kolom alterasi diisi dengan tipe alterasi yang
d. BOYD is a third quarter to full core sampling mengacu kepada tipe alterasi pada lembar
on a sampling interval which does not meet logging geologi.
the weight minimum requirement of 2 kg
sample weight. 5.2.10 Persentase Kuarsa
e. Composite is a half core sampling by mixing Logging persentase kuarsa dilakukan
2 types of lithology to meet a minimum berdasarkan kandungan kuarsa pada tiap
sample weight of 2 kg. interval sampel, termasuk kuarsa dalam bentuk
vein, veinlets, stringers, hingga kuarsa pengisi
rekahan dan kuarsa berbentuk fragmen –
fragmen kecuali sebagai squeezing vein.

GM-GEO-PR-013 10
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

5.2.11 Tekstur Vein

Tekstur vein merupakan kolom untuk tekstur
5.2.6 Field Split Method yang dijumpai tiap interval logging. Pengisian
This column describes information on methods kolom tersebut dimulai dari tekstur vein yang
and tools in use for core splitting. There are paling dominan.
three options as follow;
a. Core saw; this method enables 5.2.12 Prosentase Mineral Sulfida dan
representative sample and becomes the Oksida
primary choice for core sampling
considering the normal core condition of Prosentase mineral sulfida dan oksida pada
hard rock and considered safety to be split form logging sebagai estimasi prosentase
using a core saw machine; mineral dari total volume meter sampel dan
b. Core plitter; this method is selected if the pendekatan pembulatan nilai prosentase. Dua
core conditions are considered not safe to kolom mineralisasi tidak harus diisi semua,
be split half using a coresaw machine; pengisian kolom tergantung keterdapatan di tiap
c. Machete; this method is selected if core interval logging dan diisi berdasar actual mineral
conditions is soft and impossible to spilt half yang dominan ditemukan. Prosentase sulfida
using a coresaw machine. dan oksida dapat dilihat pada SOP Standar
Kode Geologi.

5.2.7 Sample Type

The column describes type of sample sent to 5.3 Sampel QAQC
laboratory. There are four selection of sample Sampel QAQC terdiri sampel standar, blank,
types as follow; dan sampel duplikat (core / field duplicate,
a. Routine sample is core sample which sent coarse reject, dan pulp). Sampel QAQC disusun
to the laboratory. sebagai nomor yang unik, paling tidak
b. Blank sample is a barren sample sent to menempati 5 – 10% dari total sampel. Sampel
laboratory for QAQC purpose. QAQC disisipkan untuk mengecek presisi,
c. Standard sample is a sample which have akurasi, dan kontaminasi dari metode Analisa
grade certificate and is sent to laboratory for geokimia yang dilakukan oleh laboratorium.
QAQC purpose. Skema penomoran sampel QAQC ditampilkan
d. Duplicate samples consist of three sub type dalam Tabel 1.
i.e., field duplicate (core duplicate), coarse Skema 1 digunakan selagi belum tersedia
reject duplicate, and pulp duplicate. coarse reject duplicate sedangkan skema 2
dipakai Ketika kita menyertakan sampel coarse
reject duplicate yang sudah dipilih, sedangkan
skema 3 digunakan Ketika kita menyertakan
coarse reject duplicate dan pulp duplicate yang
5.2.8 Lithology sudah dipilih.
The lithology column is filled with lihology type Table 1. QAQC Insertion scheme showing QA
which refers to the lithology type in the
geological logging sheet. QAQC Insertion
Sample No.
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
5.2.9 Alteration
The alteration column is filled with the alteration
type which refers to the alteration type in the 20 CRM / STD CRJ DUP CRJ DUP
geological logging sheet.

5.2.10 Quartz Percentage 40 CRM / STD CRM / STD PULP DUP

Quartz percentage is logged based on quartz QAQC Typ
per sample interval, including quartz as veins,
veinlets, stringers, even as fracture filling or 60 BLANK BLANK BLANK
fragments excluding squeezing vein. BLANK




Catatan: Tidak ada kesalahan yang diizinkan dalam pengambilan sampel, selalu lakukan
pengecekan ulang.
Note: No sampling mistakes are allowed, double check everything.
GM-GEO-PR-013 11
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

5.2.11 Vein Texture

Vein texture column is provided for any texture
found in every logging interval. Column filling 5.3.1 Standar Sampel
begin from the most dominant vein texture. Standar sampel adalah sampel batuan dalam
bentuk powder (tepung) yang assay resultnya
telah diketahui dan bersertifikat. Penyertaan
5.2.12 Precentage of Sulphide Minerals and standar sampel (CRM/STD) dalam QAQC
Oxide Minerals bertujuan untuk menguji atau mengetahui
The percentage of Sulphide and Oxide minerals akurasi dan presisi dari hasil uji laboratorium
in the form is logged as procentage estimation dalam setiap batch sampel yang dikirim ke
of mineral from total volume sampled metre. laboratorium. Ada tiga jenis sampel standar
There are two columns of mineralization (CRM/STD) yang tersedia dengan nilai Low,
procentage and recorded based on the Medium dan High. Penyertaannya
occurrence within the logging interval. The menyesuaikan nilai background dari interval
oxide and sulphide minerals along with sampel batuan.
procentage are recorded in the first and second Tiga tipe sampel standar yand digunakan
column from the most dominant to the lesser adalah:
procentage consecutively. The sulphide and  Oreas 607 : 0.690 gr/t Au (Low)
oxide procentage are recorded as actual value  Oreas 608 : 1.21 gr/t Au (Medium)
and the code could be seen in Standard  Oreas 610 : 9.83 gr/t Au (High)
Geology Code Procedures.
5.3 QAQC Samples
QAQC samples consist of standard samples,
blanks, and duplicate samples (core / field
duplicate, coarse reject, and pulp). The QAQC
sample is structured as a unique number,
occupying at least 5-10% of the total sample.
QAQC samples are inserted to check the
precision, accuracy, and contamination of the
geochemical analysis methods carried out by
the laboratory.
Scheme 1 is used when coarse reject duplicate
not yet available while scheme 2 is used when
we want to insert coarse reject duplicate from
chosen interval sample and scheme 3 is used
when we want to insert coarse reject duplicate Figure 2. Standard Sample (CRM
dan pulp duplicate from chosen interval sample.

5.3.2 Blank Sample

Blank sampel adalah sampel batuan fresh atau
tidak ada mineralisasi sehingga hasil uji
laboratorium menunjukkan nilai yang rendah.
Penyertaan blank sample dalam QAQC
bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya
kontaminasi pada alat yang digunakan untuk
Analisa batuan di laboratorium.

GM-GEO-PR-013 12
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

5.3.3 Field Duplikat Sampel

Figure 3. Blank Sample
5.3.1 Standard Sample (CRM/STD) Field duplikat sampel adalah sampel yang
Sample standard is a sample in the form of flour diambil dari half core sisa (reference core) hasil
that the assay result is known and certified. pengambilan sampel core sebelumnya.
Insertion of standard sample (CRM/STD) in Pengambilan sampel ini bertujuan untuk
QAQC is aimed to know the accuracy and mengetahui tingkat homogenitas dari
precision of the assay result for every batch mineralisasi pada batuan.
sample rock (core) which sent to laboratory.
There are three type standard sample
(CRM/STD) available with low, medium and
high. The insertion of standard sample type is
following the background value of interval rock
(core) sample.
Three type of standard sample which used are:
 Oreas 607 : 0.690 gr/t Au (Low)
 Oreas 608 : 1.21 gr/t Au (Medium)
 Oreas 610 : 9.83 gr/t Au (High)

Figure 4. Field Duplicate Sample

5.4 Sample Assay

Sampel core dikirim ke Laboratorium yang
ditunjuk perusahaan dengan jasa pengiriman
tepercaya. Form dispatch (submission form)
dibuat tiap batch pengiriman sampel yang
didalamnya berisi informasi nomor dispatch, tipe
sampel, jumlah sampel, jumlah karung, total
berat sampel, unsur – unsur yang dianalisa, dan
metoda analisa. Hasil Analisa / Assay Result
dari laboratorium di simpan di bagian Geology
Database dalam format Excel (CSV / xls).

5.3.2 Blank Sample 5.4.1 Sampel Scout Drilling

Blank sample is fresh rock sample or Semua conto dan sampel QAQC yang dikirim
unmineralized rock where assay result from untuk pengujian akan dianalisis multi unsur
laboratory should be low. Insertion of blank dengan metode analisis ICP 36 elemen dengan
sample in QAQC is aimed to determine whether metoda preparasi parsial. Penentuan kategori
there is contamination in the tools which used sampel scout drilling merupakan tanggung
for analysis in the laboratory. jawab Senior Geologist.

5.4.2 Sampel Infill Drilling

Semua conto dan sampel QAQC yang dikirim
untuk pengujian akan dianalisis unsur Au, Ag,
Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo, As, Sb dan Hg dengan
preparasi parsial. Pada kasus tertentu jumlah
elemen / unsur yang dianalisis tergantung tipe
mineralisasi dan kebutuhan. Metode analisis
yang digunakan sebagai berikut.
 Au : Fire Assay (FAA40)
 Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Mo :
 Hg : (GAA02_CVAA)

GM-GEO-PR-013 13
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

Lampiran 3 menunjukkan contoh formular untuk Attachment 3 shows example of submission

database pengujian. form.

5.3.3 Field Duplicate Sample 6. LAPORAN PROGRES KERJA

Field duplicate sample is a sample which taken Papan kemajuan kerja dipasang di core shed,
along reference core from previous sample. berfungsi untuk memberi informasi tentang
This sampling is aimed to know degree of progres pengeboran, logging, dan sampling baik
homogeneity mineralization of rock.
untuk SG atau Assay. Selalu mengupdate
informasi pada papan kemajuan kerja tersebut
setiap pagi dan sore.

Diagram alir berlaku dalam prosedur ini.






5.4 Sample Assay

Core samples are sent to company’s assigned
laboratory usingCORE
CUT shipment company FIELD ASSISTANT
service. Submission form is prepared for every
shipment batch / dispatch containing information
on the dispatch number, sample type, number
of samples, number of sacks, samples total
weight, analyzed AFTER and
elements analysis FIELD ASSISTANT
scheme. Final SAMPLED
report returned from
laboratory is collected by Geology Database
section in Excel format (CSV / xls).
5.4.1 Scout FOR
All samples and QAQC samples sent for
analysis using ICP 36 element suites scheme
with partial preparation method. The
determination of scout drilling samples category
is the responsibility of theRETURN

5.4.2 Sample Infill Drilling

All core samples and QAQC samples sent for
analysis for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo, As, Sb and DATABASE
Hg elements with partial preparation. For
certain conditions, numbers of elements to be
analyzed depend on its mineralization types
and requirements. Method analysis to be
appliedare as follow : 8. REFERENSI
 Au : Fire Assay (FAA40) Field Geologist Manual, Third Revised Edition,
 Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Mo : (GAI02_ICP) D.A. Berkman, 1995
 Hg : (GAA02_CVAA) Geoservices Quotation Letter, January 2021

GM-GEO-PR-013 14
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

CSA Global Memorandum, date 14 February 6. WORK PROGRESS REPORT

2021 Work progress boards placed in the core shed,
contain information about the progress of
drilling, logging, sampling, SG or Assay.
Always update the information on the work
progress board every day and night shift.

Flowchart of this procedure.

Field Geologist Manual, Third Revised Edition,
D.A. Berkman, 1995
Geoservices Quotation Letter, January 2021
CSA Global Memorandum, date 14 February

GM-GEO-PR-013 15
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

Lampiran / Attachment

GM-GEO- Sampling Log Cover sheet

GM-GEO-PR-013 16
Standard Operating Procedure
Core Sampling and QAQC Sample Insertion

GM-GEO- Sample Interval Logging


(m) (%) METHOD METHOD TYPE QAQC ID in1 in1_PCT Min2 n2_PCT 1 1_PCT Min2 2_PCT BY DATE

GM-GEO-PR-013 17

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