Xii English EVENING

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of pages – 12 (E)
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions:

1. Evaluation is to be done as per instruction provided in the marking scheme.

2. Marking scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.

3. No marks should be deducted for the cumulative effect of an error.

4. Marks are indicated against each question.



Q.1 Passage 1

(i) (a) True: If the statement agrees with the information (1)

(ii) (c) out of concern for environment (1)

(iii) Plantation should be limited to seeding native species, or those species that have

some utility as it was noticed that the plantation of Vilayati Kikar in the Aravalis,

considered as a fast growing species eventually destroyed the natural ecosystem of

the Aravalis. Some wild species, including blackbucks, left the areas where

Vilayati Kikar was planted. (2)

(iv) Planting near houses can ensure that trees will be taken care of as they will bear

fruit after a few years and can be eaten by people living around. (1)

(v) (b) She propagates her gardening knowledge by conducting workshops for

beginners. (1)

(vi) The selection of site and species should be on the basis of various fundamental

factors such as availability of light and water, soil depth, nature of the soil, space

requirement, crown density of species, root system, monitoring mechanism and

infestation treatments. (2)

(vii) Lack of area to grow/expand its roots. (1)

(viii) (b) It is quality rather than quantity that matters (1)

(ix) Keeping in mind space, water, and other factors planting bushes require less space

than a tree . Planting a native bush, in a place where a tree can’t be planted will

help the ecology. Moreover, flowering plants and creepers that attract bees,

butterflies and moths are equally important. (1)

(x) (b) to check wastage of public money (1)

Q.2 Case based passage – 10 marks

(i) (c) Indians prefer to eat fresh produce. (1)

(ii) (c) India’s per capita personal expenditure is the lowest whereas in the US it is

highest. (1)

(iii) (d) Packaged food demand in India will increase with rise in income. (1)

(iv) People consume ultra-processed food nearly daily. The main culprits behind health

risks of consuming packaged food are sodium and added sugar which can induce

high blood pressure and hypertension. (2)

(v) Processing of food leads to the stripping down of nutrients. When food is stored to

maximise the shelf life, even without refrigeration, it will have preservatives that

are harmful in the long run. (1)

(vi) (d) Ingredient share of sugar or refined flour. (1)

(vii) As per given data, India spends least on health care. (1)



(vii) The Goldman Sachs report suggests that soon with rise in income Indians will start

spending more on packaged food owing to better purchasing power.

(viii) Processed food is low on nutrition and pose serious health risk if consumed daily.

The changing food habits from eating fresh produce to switching to ‘grab and eat’

packed food culture is responsible for rise in lifestyle diseases. (2)


Q.3 Notice (4 marks)

Format – 1, Content - 2, Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar – 1

A. - Where, When, Date and Time

- Fee structure

B. - Date, venue

- Time and reason

Q.4 Invitation and reply (4 marks)

Format – 1, Content - 2, Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar – 1

A. - Date, time

- Venue

B. - Thanks for invitation

- Acceptance

Q.5 Formal letter (5 marks)

Format – 1, Content – 2, Organisation of ideas – 1,

Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar -1

A. Value Points :

- Cover letter

- Reference to advertisement

- Conveying suitability

- Submission of application

- Resume

B. - Express concern

- examine reasons and ways to sensitize people

- seek prompt government intervention

Q.6 Article Writing / Report Writing (5 marks)

Format – 1, Content – 2, Organisation of ideas – 1,

Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar -1

A. Article

- Importance of learning foreign language

- Need and benefits involved

B. Report

- Reporting place and date

- Paragraphing organization (Introductory paragraph and one or two body paragraphs

including event detail and concluding paragraph inclusive of participant account/s)


Q.7 A. [No partial credit of ½, unless indicated] (6x1=6)

(i) (b) Male chauvinism and gender conflict.

(ii) (b) complete submission to her suppression

(iii) True

(iv) (d) Dominating life partner

(v) (b) liberation

(vi) (b) aabbcc

B. (i) (c) Selfish people who raise false hopes

(ii) (d) Both (a) and (c)

(iii) The beast of prey are only out to prey. They are not beneficent by nature.

The men in power exploit the common people by making tall claims, for their own

vested interest which is ironical

(iv) These are well calculated benefits ultimately designed to benefit men in


(v) The innocent rustics repose blind trust in tall promises made to them by

crooked men in power. They comfort themselves with the offer of better

living and are left cheated later.

(vi) (a) Outcry against the economic disparity

Q.8 [No partial credit of ½, unless indicated] (4x1=4)

A. (i) The day was a pleasant one meant to be spend amid nature therefore Mr.

Lamb will not be seen inside his house.

(ii) (b) accidentally in search of an isolated spot

(iii) (b) welcoming person

(iv) (b) Immature young boys seek fun and behave wild

B. (i) (c) he gave currency which was not in circulation.

(ii) (b) to try to cheat someone

(iii) (d) He didn’t want to be put behind bars.

(iv) (b) suspicious

9. [No partial credit of ½ unless mentioned] (6x1=6)

A. (i) (d) trying to evade scolding

(ii) (a) The school

(iii) (a) some unpleasant happening

(iv) (c) empathy

(v) (c) embarrassment

(vi) (c) Anxiousness

B. (i) (c) Ironical

(ii) (b) utterly inhumane

(iii) (c) huge social disparity

(iv) persistent struggles of bangle makers throughout a day.

(Or any other relevant answer)

(v) (a) meager earnings despite hard work.

(vi) It can put a full stop on practices involving exploitation.

(Or any other relevant answer)

10. Content – 1, Expression – 1

i. - Gandhiji’s sincerity and convincing arguments impressed lawyers.

- he chided them for over-charging the peasants

-encouraged them to plan well for court arrest.

ii. - signifies that the poet is trying to hide her emotions/feelings/fear

iii. - Human goodness can be awakened through understanding, love, compassion and


- Reformation can help people realize their follies and mend their ways in future.

iv. - treasures of nature provide respite and relaxation in gloomy days.

- The joy derived from beauty of nature lingers on and never fades.

v. - prefers being referred to as academic scholar

- participates in academic conferences and not in writers meeting

vi. - belonged to low middle class families

- did not want Sophie to meet disappointment

Q.11 Content – 1, Expression – 1

1. - keen and observant

- covers ten minutes distance in half an hour dawdling along

- nothing escapes from her eagle eyes.

2. - The Maharaja lived a splendid luxurious life as a royal and was raised in fancy.

- The story had many interesting twists and turns

- It raised expectation but left us disappointed as the manner he died had no merit.

3. - he was indispensable for General’s wellbeing and survival

- Doctor Sadao safely confided in General.

- General will ensure that no harm may come to Sadao, in his own interest.

Q.12 Content – 2, Expression – 2, Accuracy – 1

A. (letter format)

- Highlights human foibles without pointing fingers or having malice against


- Grave issues are mocked to convey the strong vision behind them

- lighter moments strike us with realization of reality

B. - Bullying can leave a permanent mark of trauma

- can rob someone’s confidence for life

- spreading awareness and sensitizing children

- prompt reporting and deliberate efforts

Q.13 Content – 2, Expression – 2, Accuracy – 1

A. (Interview format)

Tishani Doshi : It’s a pleasure to have you here, Sir!

Geoff Green: It’s my pleasure too, thank you!

Tishani : We all know, ‘Students on Ice’ is a huge success. What is your take on it?

B. (Diary format)

- tortured in prison and battered by waves, I was washed ashore at the doorstep of

Dr. Sadao.

- Sadao’s conflict between his duty towards his country and his compassion to save

the lives of people.

- Dr. Sadao operated upon me despite the disapproval of servants, who left his


- he took risk of being declared as a traitor.

- he helped me escape.

- I will always be indebted to the kind Japanese couple.


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