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Customer attitude toward

Broadband services






We undersigned [BHARAT D. BARAD & KALPESH P. CHHABHAD] student

of Atmiya institute of technology & science – Rajkot hereby declare that the project

research work on general study of customer attitude towards broadband services in

saurashtra region. Here presented all the information is our own work and have been

created by ous under the supervision of MR. Amit lathiya & Miss Parul Gangani

This work has not been submitted previously to any other university for any examination.

Barad BahratKumar D.


Date: Chhabhad kalpesh P.


It feels great pleasure in submitting this project as a part on our MBA

programmed. This project is prepared on the study of customer attitude towards

broadband services of different companies.

First of all, we expressed our thanks to our project guide Mr. Amit Lathiya who

gave us constant guidance about grand project.

We also thankful to Ms. Parul Gangani who gives as suggestion about research

work and also thankful all faculty members who give us valuable advice for the grand


We also thankful to our parents as well as our family members who gave a grate

opportunity to join in this business field and make our career more colorful.

At last, we are thankful to all those who directly or indirectly support us to get a

maximum information for the research work.


In its broadest sense Grand Project Report is necessary to make the students of

business school familiar with the industrial environment prevailing in the world. To be

competitive and work aggressive, students need to know the policies, procedure and the

trends going on in the present industrial world.

The purpose and objective of this project report is to find out the Customer attitude

towards the broadband services.

The total aspects have been formulated and presented on the basis of ideas and

information gathered by this investigator during a shorter span of project training i.e. an

important portion of the MBA curriculum leading to an opportunity for the participant to

have practical exposure of the content under the topic beyond what has already been

studies during the class-room interaction.

The report mentions and evaluates the various aspects regarding broadband service. After

analysis of the various facts stand figures, a set of recommendations has been given at the

end of the report.

Accuracy and precision has been given the prime consideration, while compiling

the report, are authoritative and authentic.

We are confident that anyone who goes through the report will learn how much we have

learnt and benefited during this period.


Sr No. Particular Page


1 Industrial overview

2 Industrial growth in India

3 List of top ten company in India

4 SWOT analysis

5 Introduction of research area

6 Theoretical framework

7 Review of literature

8 Research problem

9 Research objective

10 Hypotheses

11 Research design

12 Data interpretation and analysis

13 Hypotheses testing

14 Conclusion

15 Limitation of the study

16 Bibliography

17 Annexure

Sr No. Particular Page


1 Industrial growth table

2 Industrial growth chart

3 Sample size table

4 Data analysis table & chart-1

5 Data analysis table & chart-2

6 Market share table & chart-1

7 Market share table & chart-2

8 Chi-square test table-1

9 Chi-square test table-2

10 Questionnaire


The history of broadband is the history of the Internet, which went from an

experiment to a trillion-dollar, worldwide industry in 30 years. The Internet preceded

broadband by a few years, starting in the 1950s as a US Defense Department project to

enable university computer systems to communicate with one another for national

security purposes. As human nature would have it, the university computer people began

using the project to communicate with other people.

Toward the late 60's, the United States Defense Advanced Research Project

Agency (ARPA) commenced a project called 'ARPANET' to establish test beds for new

networking technologies which were linked to many universities and research centers. It's

possible that ARPANET's motivation to start interconnected networks was based on the

threat or War or Nuclear attack. Although ARPANET can be accredited for the early

advancement within communication network technology, it wasn't until 1970 when a

Networking Group headed by Steve Crocker developed TCP/IP, the backbone protocol of

the Internet. This solved some major problems that APARNET faced in their early

development. After many more years of prototype tests, research and development, the

Internet finally became available to the rest of us in 1983.

Broadband An abbreviation of the words ‘Broad Bandwidth', the term

'Broadband' describes a wide range of frequencies transmitted through communication

channels. Broadband is defined by the [ABS] ( as an 'always on'

Internet connection with an access speed equal to or greater than 256kbps (Typical Dial

up is 56kbps). The wider your bandwidth is, the greater the amount of information that

can be transmitted simultaneously.

By 1983, the Internet was being accessed by dial-up modems over ordinary

telephone lines. Mushrooming expansion of Internet users worldwide led Internet Service

Providers to develop faster rates of data transmission, and broadband was introduced in

2000. It soon led ISPs to compete for customers, bringing the price of broadband service

down and making it the most popular form of Internet access.

Broadband is 10 times faster than dial-up, making more applications available,

such as downloading movies and music, digital photo processing, interactive games, and

of course, numerous business opportunities.


India has traditionally been known for its cellular service potential. But the
cellular services will soon have to share focus with broadband services as well since the
country is all set to register the highest growth in broadband subscriber base by 2013.
India is estimated to move from its current position at number 18 in the world for
broadband market and jump to attain the number 6 rank. This will be achieved at a mind-
boggling growth rate of 489%. This is the highest growth rate expected from any market
and is almost the double from the second highest growth market i.e. Vietnam (276%).

Broadband services as a whole will grow by 67 percent over the next five years to
reach landmark 680 million connections worldwide. This is a significant surge as
compared to yearly growth rate of 28% registered for broadband services from 2004 to

Country Broadband Broadband % Growth

lines at Mid- line at End-
2008(m) 2011(m)
India 4.1 24.3 489%
Viet Nam 1.6 6.2 276%
Colombia 1.6 4.7 195%
Russia 5.9 16.3 174%
Venezuela 1 2.5 160%
Brazil 8.5 21.6 154%
Peru 1 2.5 153%
Mexico 5.1 12.8 152%
Malaysia 1.5 3.6 146%
Argentina 2.6 6.3 139%
Turkey 5.2 12.5 139%
Greece 1.4 3 112%
Romania 2.4 5 105%
China 75.8 153.4 102%
Growth of broadband industry in India during 2007 to2010

Country Broadband Broadband % Growth

lines at Mid- line at End-
2007(m) 2011(m)
India 4.1 24.3 489%


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) tops the list with a 2.32 million

subscriber base and a market share of 53.15%. The facilities and infrastructure offered by

BSNL are on par with any other advanced countries. Video multicasting, audio and video

conferencing are all accessible to the subscribers through its Subscriber Service Selection



MTNL is the next in line and has a rich subscriber base of 0.59 million and covers

13.56% of the market share. However, MTNL functions only in Delhi, Mumbai and


3. Airtel Broadband

The next position on the ladder is taken by Airtel Broadband which enjoys a

subscriber base of 0.58 million subscribers and a total market share of 13.25%. Airtel has

the distinction of being the foremost incorporated telecom firm in Asia with its operations

spread in India, Srilanka and Bangladesh.

4. The Hathway Cable Broadband

This Company occupies the fourth position in the list and is well known for its

services. The main highlight of this company is Hathway cable internet service lies on the

able shoulders of DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Services Interface Specifications). This has

been known to provide better services in terms of protection as compared to its

5. Tata Broadband

With a subscriber base of over 193,000 subscribers in India, Tata communications

has made a mark in the markets by setting up extensive coverage and distributor base.

6. Reliance Broadband

This is one firm which is constantly reinventing itself to provide value added

service to its subscriber base of 85,000 users.

7. You Broadband

You Broadband is a part of You Telecoms and is one of the first licensed internet

firm and also enjoys a subscriber base of around 146,000 users.

8. Sify Broadband

With a customer base of about 54,000 customers, Sify broadband has been

successful in providing services that are designed to match the assorted and varied needs

of the customer.

9. Asianet Dataline Broadband

Asianet communications has a client base of 43,000 and offers an extensive range

of broadband for home and corporate use.

10. HFCL Infotel Connect

Connect is the broadband service offered by HFCL Infotel. It uses the DSL

(Digital Subscribers Line) technology which makes it prompt and hence many times

faster as compared to the normal dial-ups.



✓ Connection speed is up to 100 times faster than other connection. You can

download pictures files, software in seconds or minutes instead of hours. Online

gaming is only possible using a broadband internet access.

✓ It does not affect the phone line. For DSL internet access, you can use the same

phone line for both voice/fax and data transmission. For cable internet access,

you are connected to the internet via the cable network. In either case, your

phone line is not occupied while you are connected to the internet.

✓ It is convenient because the internet connection is always on.

✓ Don't need to dial an access number and risk getting a busy signal.

✓ Broadband internet offers unlimited access and you won't be charged based on the

connection duration.

✓ Broadband internet not only gives high speed internet access, it can also provide

cheap phone services via VoIP technology.


• High monthly fee compared to other internet access.

• Higher security risk than dialup connection. A personal firewall is needed to

protect your computer.

• Not all phone wires are equipped for DSL service, May not be available in rural

or remote areas.

• Not all cable TV networks are equipped for cable internet access, May not be

available in rural or remote areas.


✓ Make availability in rural area.

✓ Broadband service at villages and agriculture sector.

✓ Wide network of broadband service through the collaboration or co-ordination of

to service providers.


• Security level

• Unauthorised users

• Mis use of service.


The last decade has seen many positive developments in the Indian IT sector.

Many domestic and foreign companies operating their operation in the Indian market.

Development of information technology change the life style of Indian people

particularly internet and broadband services. In our research we try to know the attitude

of customer toward the different broadband services and try to find out the satisfaction

level of customer.

The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of broadband service on

customer attitude and its preference as well as to identify the difference in consumption

patterns of two different types of consumer’s individual and business user. On a first

level, focus groups will be conducted, in order to identify clearly the research questions

to be explored via quantitative methods. Next, a questionnaire will be designed in order

to gather primary data on the aforementioned aspects. The population of the proposed

research will comprise of a sample of 100 broadband user in saurashtra which include 50

are business or professional user and remaining 50 are residential user in order to

examine the Perception and attitude of the customers towards the internet service


Knowing the quality of services and the level of customer satisfaction is a crucial

issue for each and every service firm. Here we take attempt to know whether the services

provided by different broadband service provider are appropriate or not. Also service

match with customer expectation or not. The broader objective of this study is to know

the impact of quality of services on customer satisfaction level and there attitude

formation. In other words, we want to know whether the customers are satisfied with the

types of services provided by the broadband company.

The relationship between the customer perception, satisfaction and their attitude

formation can be conceptualized at a fairly general level, in the following figure we

mention that how customer attitude form. as a two stage relationship where a set of causal

factors impact on customer satisfaction, which in turn determine the final outcome in

terms of formation of customer attitude

Causal factors Intermediate effects Outcomes

Access speed
Cost Satisfaction level Attitude formation


1. The study was under taken by Evans & Patricla (2001) in context of Broadband: From

Emerging Technology to Ubiquity. These Reports the attitude of business end users and

service providers toward broadband technology in the United States. Consideration of

broadband as bandwidth, Plan of businesses to use wireless broadband access, Perception

of broadband as Digital Subscriber Line by service providers.

2.This study was done by Chris Lin, Jiun-Sheng & Pei-ling Hsieh(2006) Purpose of the

study aims to examine how technology readiness influences customers' perception and

adoption of self-service technologies through development of an empirical model to

explore the relationships among Technology Readiness, perceived service quality,

satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward Self Service Technologies. Results indicate

TR influences perceived SST service quality and behavioral intentions, while perceived

SST service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral

intentions toward SSTs.

7. A study of consumer attitude toward e-mail advertising among Indian users was done

by ZiaulHaql (2007) discusses its relevance and investigates antecedents of consumer

attitudes toward advertising via e-mails. The analysis is based on a consumer survey. The

results indicate that the content and the frequency of advertising message have the largest

impact on attitude toward advertising via e-mails. By understanding consumers, attitude

toward advertising, designers and marketers can better strategize their advertising

designs. A better understanding of interactivity can also help to improve the effectiveness

of interactive media such as the Internet.

4. The whole study was about Influence of Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship

Management on Customers' Attitude toward Service Quality and Loyalty, it was the joint

handwork of Lee Andy & Lambert (2008), the main objective of this study was to test

empirically the Parasuraman and Grewal'squality-value-loyalty chain model in a

restaurant context. The quality-value-loyalty chain model integrates the importance of

relationships between technology and customers, employees, and the company. The

principal finding was that participant’s evaluated service quality in the customized

service setting higher and the assurance factor had a positive linear relationship with

attitude toward personal information utilization by a service provider.

8. This study was done in context with Inconsistencies in US consumers' attitudes toward

and use of electronic banking: An empirical investigation by Yang & Cude (Sep, 2008).

The purpose of the study was to empirically investigate the factors that influence US

consumers' attitudes toward and use of electronic banking (e-banking) and to explore the

reasons that a magnitude discrepancy exists between the impact of the specific factors on

consumers' attitudes and the impact on their actual behaviors .the current study found that

consumers' perceptions of the characteristics of e-banking, namely the perceived

advantages and problems, had different impacts on consumers' attitudes toward and their

use of such service. While the perceived problems were more important in forming
consumers' attitudes toward-banking, the perceived advantages had the greatest impact on

consumers' use of such service.

6. This investigates was whole about Mobile Internet Services from Consumers’

Perspectives done by Seongil leel (June 2009) in this study he tried to find out “how”

consumers Perceived different mobile services from the consumer’s perspectives:

expectation, Satisfaction and fulfillment of that expectation. A new construct of

perceived fulfillment of expectation was suggested in the study and used to explain

consumers' attitudes toward the mobile Internet services in 2004 and in 2006. After

examining what the consumers actually said, it was found that consumers' expectation

was fulfilled differently for different service categories. The expectation was more

fulfilled in system attributes, that is, network-wise, for personalization and information

services, and in contents attributes for entertainment services

3. This study of Consumer Attitude toward Outsourcing of Technical Support Services

undertaken by Koku & Paul (2009) examines the attitude of U.S. consumers toward

outsourcing of technical support services. As a result of this study indicate that

consumers recognize the difference between the Different forms of outsourcing, approve

manufacturing offshore-outsourcing of some Manufacturing activities, but disapprove of

offshore-outsourcing of services, as well as outsourcing of government services. These

results suggest that service managers need to make a better case for outsourcing services.
5. This study was taking by Roman Sergiol in the study he investigates Consumer’s

Attitude toward the Internet and Consumer’s Demographics & the negative influence

of consumer’s perceptions of online retailer’s deceptive practices on consumer’s

relational variables. Also, the moderating role of product type consumer’s attitude

toward the Internet, and consumer’s demographics in the deception-relational

outcomes link is considered. Furthermore, the deception-satisfaction link was

moderated by all the hypothesized variables. Interestingly, a direct effect of deception

on loyalty was found among more educated consumers, consumers who had a more

positive attitude toward the Internet and consumers who had purchased a physical


In our country the growth of service marketing especially (broadband internet

industry is still in its infancy stage, as compared to the industrially advanced countries. It

is the fact that the economy of our country has been in the developing stage. There are

various internet services providers in our country and they are playing an essential role in

fulfilling the needs of the customers.

Now-a-days, the customers are more dynamic. Their taste, needs and preference can

change as per current scenario. Hence the development of broadband industry mainly

depends on the customer satisfaction and their attitude. However the following questions

may arise regarding customer satisfaction and attitude.

1. Does the broadband industry satisfy the social responsibility?

2. Customer has positive attitude toward broadband services?

3. What are all expectations by the customers regarding service provided by the

internet service provider?

4. Whether the service provided by broadband industry is satisfying the customers?

5. Are the facilities available adequate to satisfy the customers?


Search of knowledge, a careful investigation or enquiry, A systematic effort to

gain new knowledge. Those are called a “Research”

Research is a movement of knowledge from known to unknown, from the available place
to the required place.

According to Clifford Wode “Defining and re-defining problems, formulating the

hypothesis or justed solutions. Collecting, organizing and evaluating data. Making
detections and reaching conclusions to determine whether fit the formulating the

The main Purpose of research is to find out solutions to the problem, which has not
been discovered by anybody.

❖ To find out the attitude of customer towards the Broad Band Services.

❖ To know the preferences of customer for using Broad Band Services.

❖ To know the relation between demographic variables & customer attitude towards
Broad Band services.

❖ To find out reason behind adoption of broadband service.

❖ To measure satisfaction level of broadband users.


Ho: - Customers are not enough satisfied with the broadband services and they have

negative attitude towards broadband services

Ha: - Customer are highly satisfy with the broadband services and they have positive

attitude towards broadband services


As the project has to be completed within the limited resources like time,
money, etc. The systematic methodology was adopted to have the efficient utilization of
resource and to provide the guideline for carrying out research. The frame work of the
methodology adopted had really help for completing the project easily, economically,
efficiently and timely. Throughout the complete project work followed without any
major changes in it.



• Questionnaire method:
The respondents were administered where questionnaire having containing
multiple choice questions Open-ended questions. A questionnaire is developed by
our own self. A copy of questionnaire is attached in Annexure.
• Field survey:
We have taken depth interview through cold calling to the respondent and got
questionnaire filled,
We have also collected the data by the way of face to face communication to
the respondent.
Also we visit the cyber café for filling the questionnaire in rajkot.


Secondary data for this project was collected from various books and
journals and internet websites.

The research design for the research project was of descriptive research design.
We have set hypothesis for user of broadband services a Saurashtra region to know
their attitude towards broadband services.


In this field study the sampling plan is not universe because we have visited only
customers in Saurashtra region particularly in Rajkot. For research work, stratified
random sampling method was employed.


For the field study sample size for Saurashtra region particularly in Rajkot
was 100 these are the customer those who use the broadband service of different
internet service provider.

Type of user Rajkot Region

Business/commercial user 50
Personal/residential user 50

Factor influenced on attitude of personal user for use broadband Services

Factor satisfaction
Access Speed 211

Cost Effective 219

Plan & Scheme 212

Network availability 193

After sale services 159

satisfaction leval




100 satisfaction leval


Access Cost Plan & Network After sale
Speed Effective Scheme availability services


From the above bar chart we can say that access speed, service cost and plan

provided by company are highly satisfy the customer expectation than the network

availability and after sales services. Here maximum customers are satisfied with the

Factor influenced on attitude of business user to use broadband Services

Factor Satisfaction Laval

Access Speed 222

Cost Effective 193

Plan & Scheme 174

Network availability 185

After sale services 153

Satisfaction level




100 Satisfaction level


Access Cost Plan & Network After sale
Speed Effective Scheme availability services


From the above bar chart we can say that access speed, cost and network related

services provided by company are meeting the expectation of business user. Also plan

and after sales services are not meet customer expectation up to the level. so business

users are highly satisfy with the speed, service cost and network availability.
Market share grab by different broadband service provider in the segment of
personal user

Company Market Share

Sify 0%
BSNL 16%
Reliance 19%
Vodafone 16%
TATA Indicom 32%
Other 17%

Market Share

TATA indicom


In the personal or residential segment Tata Indicom and Reliance are superior in

providing broadband services and who cover 51% percent of market in this segment.
Market share grab by different broadband service provider in the segment of
business user

Company Market Share

Sify 6%
BSNL 50%
Reliance 14%
Vodafone 10%
TATA indicom 12%
Other 8%

Market Share

TATA indicom


In the commercial or business segment BSNL is pioneer one in the comparison

with other company because BSNL grab 50 % of the total market in Rajkot region.

➢ Personal user

Variable Observed Expected (Oi –Ei ) (Oi –Ei )2 (Oi –Ei )2/Ei
frequency(Oi) frequency(Ei)
Access 211 200 11 121 121/200
Cost 219 200 19 361 361/200
Scheme 212 200 12 144 144/200
& plan
Network 193 200 -7 49 49/200
After 159 200 -41 1681 1681/200
Total 1000 2356 2356/200=11.78

X2=∑ (Oi - Ei) 2/Ei



Calculated value of X2 =11.78

Degree of freedom in the given problem is

(n-1) = (5-1) = 4


The table value of X2 for 4 degree of freedom at 5 percent level of significance is1 9.488

and calculated value is 11.78 .comparing calculated and table value of X2,we find that

calculated value is more than the table value and as such could have arisen due to

fluctuations of sampling. The result, thus we reject the null hypothesis i.e. we accept

alternative hypothesis.
➢ Business user

Variable Observed Expected (Oi –Ei ) (Oi –Ei )2 (Oi –Ei )2/Ei
frequency(Oi) frequency(Ei)
Access 222 200 22 484 484/200
Cost 193 200 -7 49 49/200
Scheme 174 200 -26 676 676/200
& plan
Network 185 200 -15 225 225/200
After 153 200 -47 2209 2209/200
Total 1000 3643 3643/200=18.215

X2=∑ (Oi - Ei) 2/Ei



Calculated value of X2 =18.215

Degree of freedom in the given problem is

(n-1) = (5-1) = 4


The table value of X2 for 4 degree of freedom at 5 percent level of significance is

9.488comparing calculated and table value of X2 ,we find that calculated value is more

than the table value and as such could have arisen due to fluctuations of sampling. The

result, thus we reject the null hypothesis i.e. we accept alternative hypothesis.

➢ The study is a sincere attempt to look and understand the factors driving level of

customer satisfaction today and build their positive attitude regarding broadband


➢ With the increase in education level in the society and development of IT sector,

Customers perception and attitude are change for using broadband service.

➢ The local customer at the medium to premium end of the market today wants

good services that offer innovation, high speed and data transferability, good

network and superior services.

➢ The company should try to understand the current and future aspiration of the

current as well as the prospective customers in order to lead market.

➢ We have come to conclude that the majority of the customers are extremely

satisfy and their satisfaction level is high which is prime requirement to build a

positive attitude of customer but on the contrary, we also observed some level of

dissatisfaction in certain area of services like network availability, scheme

provided by companies, and after sales services.


The above study can be helpful to the firm in various ways. Through this work

firm can analyze its current service standard and the expectations of the potential

customer. It can be helpful to the firm to know whether they are ahead of competitor or

whether they are delivering good services, what are the views of customers about the

firm. While looking towards the study work we can say that firm is doing fairly good job

but can prepare better plans and policies to grab more market share.

Though the detailed investigation is made in the present study, it has got the following


1. This study is restricted only to the Rajkot city only. So, the results may not be

applicable to other areas.

2. This study is based on the prevailing customer’s satisfaction. But the customer’s

satisfaction may change according to time, fashion, technology, development, etc.

3. As per the population of the study is huge, the researcher has taken only 100

sample respondents of all service providers.

4. Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in

responding rightly.

5. Some of the respondents were using the service first time of their company and

they were not able to properly differentiate among their product.

6. Due to human behavior information may be biased.


1. Evans & Patrical(2001)

Broadband: From Emerging Technology To Ubiquity.

2. Chris lin, Peiling (2006)

How technology readiness influences customers' perception and adoption of self-

service technologies

3. Koku & Paul 2009 Consumer Attitude toward Outsourcing of Technical

Support Services: An Exploratory Study

4. Lee Andy (2008)

The influence of Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship Management on

Customers' Attitude toward Service Quality and Loyalty

5. Romal sergiol

Consumer’s Attitude toward the Internet and Consumer’s Demographics

6. Seongil leel (2009)

Mobile Internet Services from consumers’ Perspectives

7. Zieaul Hagl (2007)

E-mail advertising: A study of consumer attitude toward e-mail advertising

among Indian users.


Note: (1) Information provided by you will be used only for research purpose and will be kept
(2) Please tick the boxes for ‘yes’ answer and leave the boxes blank for ‘NO’ answer.


CONTACAT NO: …………………………….


Male female


15-20 21-25 26-35 36-45 46-55


Other ………….

What type of customer are you?

Part 1: Business / Commercial

Q1.What is your principal business activity?

Hotel / restaurant
Retailing / whole selling
Professional service
Other service
Q2.Who is your internet service provider (ISP)?
(A) Sefy
(C) Reliance
(D) Vodafone
(E) Tata Indicom
(F)other ………..
Q3. Do you find using broadband is better than dial-up Internet?
Q4. If you already use broadband, do you think it is good value for what you pay?
Q5. Why has you chosen your servic provider?
Cost effectiveness
Q5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with broadband service provided by
your service provider ?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Pert 2: Personal / Residential

Q1.Who is your internet service provider (ISP)?

(A) Sefy
(C) Reliance
(D) Vodafone
(E) Tata Indicom
(F)other ………..

Q2. Do you find using broadband is better than dial-up Internet?

Q3. If you already use broadband, do you think it is good value for what you pay?

Q4. Why has you chosen your servic provider?

Cost effectiveness

Q5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with broadband service provided by
your service provider ?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Please rate your satisfaction level towards the various service aspect of your
service provider

Very Satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Very

satisfied satisfied dissatisfied
Access Speed

Cost Effective

Plan & Scheme

After sale

Your suggestion if any……………………………………………………………………


Thank you

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