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Science Quest 10

Topic 4 Chemical patterns

Worked solutions

4.2 Exercise The periodic table

a. True: The noble gases are found in group 18 (the right-most group of the periodic
b. True: The non-metals are found in the upper right-hand side of the periodic table.
c. False: There are more metals than non-metals.
d. False: Not all elements found naturally as liquids are metals. One such element is
bromine, which is a non-metal.

a. Magnesium
b. Fluorine
c. Potassium
d. Argon


4. For reference, the elements labelled are as follows:

A — neon
B — lithium
C — boron
D — oxygen
E — caesium
F — sulfur
G — magnesium
H — manganese
I — krypton

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J — silver
K — selenium
L — astatine
a. Any two of A, D, I
b. Any two of B, G, E, H, J
c. H and J
d. A and I
e. Any of the following pairs:
 two of D, F, K
 A and I
 B and E
f. Any of the following:
 B, C, D, A
 G, F
 H, K, I
 E, L
g. B and E
h. L

5. Group 18, the noble gases, are exclusively gases at room temperature.

6. The mass number for an atom is the number of protons and neutrons and therefore is a
whole number. The relative atomic mass is a weighted average of the mass numbers of all
isotopes of the element.

7. The metallic character of the elements decreases as you go across the periodic table from
left to right.

8. When elements are arranged (by increasing atomic number), repeating patterns appear.
Gaps in the periodic table indicate undiscovered elements. Elements in the same group
also have similar properties. Therefore, Mendeleev was able to predict the properties of
elements based on their group and other trends in the periodic table.

9. To answer this question, students should recall that the atomic number is equal to the
number of protons. This is equal to the number of electrons in an atom. The mass number
is equal to the number of neutrons + the number of protons. This should be used to
calculate the missing information. The nuclide symbol should be in the notation
Z X where A is the mass number, Z is the atomic number and X is the atomic symbol.
Nuclide Name Atomic Mass Number Number Number
symbol number number of of of
protons neutrons electrons
a. 7
Li Lithium 3 7 3 4 3
b. 65
Zn Zinc 30 65 30 35 30
c. 40
Ar Argon 18 40 18 22 18
d. 197
Au Gold 79 197 79 118 79
e. 238
U Uranium 92 238 92 146 92

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a. Increasing atomic radius from right to left.
b. Electrons are the particles furthest from the nucleus (note that it is both electrons
and protons that affect the atomic radius).
c. Protons attract electrons.
d. The number of protons increases. Across a period, all elements have the same
number of electron shells. As you move across the period, atoms have more
protons forming a stronger attraction to electrons. This reduces the radius of the

a. It is a non-metal as it doesn’t conduct electricity. Both metals and non-metals may
be solids at room temperature.
b. It is sulfur. The information provided states that the element is a solid (ruling out
oxygen). As it is in the same group as tellurium, it must be in group 16. We also
know it is more reactive than selenium. Since the reactivity decreases as you move
down a non-metal group, the element must sit above selenium. Therefore, the
element must be sulfur.

12. Student responses will vary. An example of part of a response students may write:

Hydrogen makes up about three-quarters of the mass of the universe. At standard

temperature and pressure, hydrogen is non-metallic, odourless, tasteless and colourless.
Hydrogen is a highly reactive gas, containing only 1 outer shell electron. It is the lightest
of all elements. Over 99% of all hydrogen is 11H containing one electron shell and only
one electron and one proton. There are also two other isotopes, 21H and 31H . Hydrogen is
often found in nature in a diatomic form (H2). It is also able to form bonds with many
other elements. It exists as a gas, with very low melting and boiling points (-259 °C and
-252 °C respectively).

13. Student responses will vary. An example of part of a response students may write:

Stars begin as a cloud of hydrogen gas (nebula), the lightest element. This hydrogen gas
forms a very very dense cloud. This gas continues to heat up and become more and more
dense, forming a protostar. Eventually, it heats up further and becomes heavier. This
squeezing and condensing causes the star to become around 10 million °C.

Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction where two or more atomic nuclei are fused to form
one or more different atomic nuclei. Due to the high temperature and nuclear fusion,
hydrogen atoms are converted to helium, making the first new element. As the core of the
star becomes hotter, more nuclear fusion reactions occur. This eventually leads to the
fusion that forms elements such as carbon (from the fusion of three helium atoms) and
oxygen (from the fusion of four helium atoms). Bigger stars can reach even higher
temperatures, producing other elements through this fusion process.

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Therefore, stars, with their massive temperature and pressure, allow for the formation of
many elements. Without stars many elements would not exist, and thus they are the
element factories of the universe.

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4.3 Exercise Electrons, electron configuration and shells

1. Electron shells

a. 2 electrons
b. 8 electrons
c. 18 electrons
d. 32 electrons

3. A. Aluminium has the electron configuration of 2,8,3.

4. The group indicates the number of electrons in the outer shell.

5. The period indicates the number of electron shells.

Number of
Element name Atomic number electrons Electron configuration
a. Carbon 6 6 2, 4
b. Phosphorous 15 15 2, 8, 5
c. Helium 2 2 2
d. Potassium 19 19 2, 8, 8, 1
e. Boron 5 5 2, 3
f. Neon 10 10 2, 8
g. Calcium 20 20 2, 8, 8, 2
h. Silicon 14 14 2, 8, 4

a. One valence electron indicates that it is in group 1 so is a metal.
b. Seven valence electrons indicates that it is in group 17 so is a non-metal.
c. They are noble gases and are stable so do not readily undergo chemical reactions.

8. The maximum number of electron shells in the known elements is seven as there are
seven periods and each period indicates an additional shell. This would hold up to 98
electrons (however, when it is the outermost shell, it would only hold a maximum of

a. It is barium. It is in group 2 and has two valence electrons. Based on the two
elements with a green flame, this matches barium not boron.
b. They are qualitative: they are categorical observations (colours) not numerical
c. The element is likely to be calcium. The difference between the energy levels is
the same if an electron is falling or being excited. If orange light is emitted when
an excited electron falls down to a lower shell, then the same energy/light will be
absorbed to excite the electron to a higher shell.

10. A flame test will show the existence of electron shells. A light is emitted when electrons
fall from a higher to a lower shell/excited to ground state. There are many ways to

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conduct a flame test. One example is using nichrome wires dipped in hydrochloric acid.
This can be dipped into different salts and placed in the blue flame of a Bunsen burner.
This will lead to the production of a coloured light. Due to this coloured light being
emitted, it shows the presence of different energy levels or shells.

11. This element is given the tentative name of unbinilium and is a hypothetical element.
Based on periodic trends, it is likely to be in period 8 in group 2. Therefore, it will be an
alkaline earth metal — as such, it will be a reactive metal. As a metal, it is likely it will
have very high melting and boiling points. However, based on trends in metal, it will
likely have a lower melting point than other elements. It is likely to be more reactive than
other elements in its group. The likely electron configuration of this element is

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4.4 Exercise Ionic bonding — Give and take

1. Chemical particles are more stable when they have a full outer shell. For all elements
except the noble gases this requires electrons to be gained or lost, thus producing charge
particles called ions.

a. Cation
b. Anion

3. A. Group 13 atoms will produce +3 ions (they will lose three electrons)

4. Students may answer any three of the following:

 Solids at room temperature — due to the presence of strong ionic bonds and
lattices, they have a higher melting point which is likely above room temperature;
therefore they are solids.

 High melting points — as the electrostatic force of attraction between the ions is
very strong.

 Brittle — when a force is applied to the lattice the ions with like charges align and
actively repel each other, shattering the lattice.

 Usually dissolve in water — the different ions can dissociate in water to form an
aqueous solution.

 Aqueous solutions normally conduct electricity — due to free moving ions in

solution, they are able to conduct electricity.

5. Metals and non-metals

a. Be2+ b. Br-

a. Lose four
b. Gain one
c. Lose three
d. Gain two

Ion symbol Ion name Gained or Number of Total number
lost electrons of electrons
electrons? lost/gained in ion
a. F- Fluoride Gained 1 10
b. Na+ Sodium Lost 1 10
c. N3- Nitride Gained 3 10

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d. Al3+ Aluminiu Lost 3 10
b. 2,8
c. All the ions have the same electron configuration as a neon atom. They all obey
the octet rule (eight valence electrons) so are stable.



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10. The bonding present is ionic, caused by the electrostatic attraction between potassium
cations and fluoride anions in a lattice. This is formed as the potassium atom donates its
one valence electron to fluorine, causing the formation of the potassium and fluoride ions.

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a. The independent variable is what the experimenter chooses to vary. In this case it
is the metal sample.
b. Quantitative because it is numerical data that is obtained (the amount of oxygen
was measured and used to determine the ratio).
i. Li+
ii. Mg2+
iii. O2-
d. Sample A is lithium as the ratio of lithium to oxide ions is 2 : 1. The charge on a
lithium ion is + and the charge on an oxide ion is 2- so two lithium ions are
required for each oxide ion.

12. Student responses will vary and may display different levels of complexity. This question
involves extension concepts. A simplified sample response is provided:

Many transition metals can form different ions. Many transition metals cannot lose or
give up enough electrons to be noble like other metals and cannot always gain a full outer
shell. It is also complicated by the fact they have unfilled inner shells that contain more
than eight electrons.

Iron can be considered as an example. Iron usually has the electron configuration of
2,8,14,2. Due to the additional electrons in the third shell, it sometimes loses electrons
from the third shell after electrons are lost from the fourth shell. This is linked with
different energy levels known as orbitals, which are energy levels that electrons can
occupy within cells. Due to this, it is often just as easy to remove electrons in an earlier
shell (known as the d orbital) as those in the outermost orbital in the next shell (the s
orbital). This enables the transition metals to form ions. The charge on the ion depends on
the number of electrons lost.

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4.5 Exercise Covalent bonding — When sharing works best

1. Non-metals because they share electrons.

2. The electron dot diagram shows the valence/outer shell electrons.

3. Chlorine has seven outer shell electrons. Therefore the electron dot diagram is as shown:

4. Answers may include any two of the following:

 They exist as gases, liquids or solids with low melting points. This is due to
weaker forces between the different molecules (they have strong forces within but
weaker forces between them).

 They generally do not conduct electricity as they do not have free ions.

 They are usually insoluble in water as the atoms are not able to dissociate and
separate in water.

5. Single covalent bonds contain one pair of electrons. Triple covalent bonds contain three
pairs of electrons.

a. Double
b. Single
c. Triple and single

a. The electron dot diagrams are shown below. Note: The electrons are not always
shown in pairs in the initial diagram to allow for the compound to be shown.
i. Both atoms require one electron, so each share one valence electron.

ii. Carbon requires four electrons and hydrogen requires one. Therefore, each
of the four hydrogen atoms share one electron with the carbon. Note that
the atom requiring the most electrons is in the centre.

iii. Phosphorus requires three electrons and chlorine requires one. Therefore,
each of the three chlorine atoms share one electron each with the
phosphorus. Note that the atom that requires the most electrons (the
phosphorus) is in the centre.

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iv. Sulfur requires two electrons and hydrogen requires one. Therefore, each
of the hydrogen atoms shares one electron with the sulfur. Note that the
atom requiring the most electrons (the sulfur) is in the centre.

v. Nitrogen requires three electrons and hydrogen requires one. Therefore,

each of the three hydrogen atoms share one electron each with the
nitrogen. Note that the atom requiring the most electrons (the nitrogen) is
in the centre.

vi. Carbon requires four electrons and each sulfur requires two. Therefore,
each sulfur shares two electrons with the carbon. Note that CS2 forms
double bonds.

b. Each pair of bonding electrons is a single line in a structural formula. As such,

there are twice as many bonding electrons as lines in structural formulae. So two
bonding electrons (one pair) form a single bond. Four bonding electrons (two
pairs) would form a double bond.
c. Bonds i–v are single bonds while bond vi is a double bond.
i. Three pairs of non-bonding electrons
ii. No non-bonding pairs
iii. Ten pairs of non-bonding electrons
iv. Two pairs of non-bonding electrons
v. One pair of non-bonding electrons
vi. Four pairs of non-bonding electrons

8. They already have a full outer shell so don’t need to gain additional electrons via
formation of covalent bonds. An atom of neon is shown below. It has a full outer shell of
eight electrons.

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a. Carbon as it can make bonds with four different atoms, and therefore can form a
large variety of compounds.
i. Each chlorine and hydrogen atom shares one electron with the carbon. In
the structural diagram below, the non-bonding pairs are not shown, but
students may include these.

ii. Each chlorine atom shares one electron with the carbon. In the structural
diagram below, the non-bonding pairs are not shown, but students may
include these.

iii. Note that no hydrogen atoms are sharing electrons with chlorine. The
chlorine and hydrogen each share electrons with the carbon atoms. The
carbon atoms also share an electron with each other. In the structural
diagram below, the non-bonding pairs are not shown, but students may
include these.

iv. Note that no hydrogen atoms are sharing electrons with chlorine. The
chlorine and hydrogen each share electrons with the carbon atoms. The
carbon atoms also share two pairs of electrons with each other. Note that
the position of the chlorine atoms change.

v. The two carbon atoms are forming a triple bond. In the structural diagram
below the non-bonding pairs are not shown, but students may include

a. Groups 16 (for the pink line) and 17 (for the blue line)
b. HCl
c. Period 2; this includes the H2S and HCl

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d. H2O/water
e. Red (O, S, Se, Te)
f. H2Po is predicted to have a higher boiling point than HAt because polonium (Po)
is in group 16 (below tellurium) and astatine is in group 17. All group 16
compounds have had higher boiling points than those in group 17, so the trend
would be expected to continue for the next period.

11. Student responses will vary. An example of some key findings students will make is

The silicon dioxide molecule is shown below:

Silicon dioxide also exists in many different crystalline structures, known as polymorphs.
Many of these structures are network lattices. These have many strong covalent bonds,
which contribute to its very high melting point. Some examples of structures that silicon
dioxide can form are shown below.

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4.6 Exercise The reactivity of metals

1. Hydrogen

2. Iron is reactive so iron atoms will have reacted with other elements to form ionic

3. The more reactive metal appears earlier in the activity series.

a. Lithium
b. Manganese
c. Magnesium
d. Sodium

4. Displacement reactions are when a more reactive element displaces another element in a
compound through a reaction. An example of this is when sodium reacts with hydrogen
chloride. Since sodium is more reactive than hydrogen, the sodium displaces the
hydrogen to create sodium chloride.
2HCl + 2Na  H2 + 2NaCl

5. The reactivity of metals decreases from left to right as they have more electrons to get rid
of. This requires more energy and in turn makes them less reactive.

6. Magnesium would produce the most hydrogen because it is the most reactive (zinc would
also react to produce hydrogen gas; copper on the other hand would not produce
hydrogen gas).

7. The magnesium (which is more reactive than copper) will displace the copper from the
copper chloride to create solid copper and aqueous magnesium chloride.

a. Answers can include any two of the following:
 Formation or metal crystals
 Reduction in size/change in appearance of the piece of metal
 Change in colour/appearance of the solution indicating that ions were
reacting or being produced
 Change in temperature
 Production of a gas
b. Sodium/Na — it reacts with all the other metal solutions.
c. Magnesium(s) + zinc chloride(aq)  magnesium chloride(aq) + zinc(s)
d. Based on the evidence, sodium must be more reactive. Magnesium, iron and zinc
must be less reactive as no reaction occurs. Looking at the activity series, this
would suggest the metal is calcium (which sits between sodium and magnesium).
i. No, as iron is less reactive than all the metals in the solutions.
ii. The iron may have begun to rust (the formation of iron oxide). The rusting
of iron is common when it is in water (or in this case other aqueous

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9. Copper is more reactive than silver. When copper is placed in an aqueous silver salt (such
as silver nitrate), it will displace the silver, leading to the production of copper nitrate and
silver solid. Experiments will vary; an example of a process is provided.
a. Collect a 20 cm piece of copper wire.
b. Curve this into a coil to increase surface area.
c. Place this in a 250 mL beaker.
d. Fill a beaker with 100 mL of 1 mol L-1 silver nitrate (or enough to cover the coil).
e. The more reactive copper should displace the ions in the solution.

The expected observations over a few hours would include the solution becoming bluer
(due to the production of copper nitrate) and silver solid being formed (as it is displaced
from the solution).

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4.7 Exercise Finding the right formula

1. A chemical formula shows the elements present in a compound and the ratio of these

2. Sodium: Na

Hydrogen: H

Potassium: K

Lead: Pb

Iodine: I

Sulfur: S

a. Hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen
b. Sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen
c. Iron and sulfur

a. The valency is the number of electrons that each atom needs to gain, lose or share
to fill its outer shell (for example, the valency of both chlorine and sodium is one,
whereas the valency of carbon is four).
b. The electrovalency of an element is equal to the charge on the ion (for example
the electrovalency for chlorine is -1 and sodium is +1).

Valency Electrovalency
Type of bonding Usually associated with covalent bonding (however, Ionic
both metals and non-metal atoms have valence
electrons, so have valency)
Is a sign for charge No Yes

6. The valency of chlorine and sodium is one as they gain and lose one electron,
respectively. Chlorine forms an anion with an electrovalency of -1. Sodium forms a
cation with an electrovalency of +1. The valency is not affected by charge; therefore
chlorine and sodium have the same value. However, electrovalency is affected by charge
and whether electrons are gained or lost.

7. Sodium: 1

Hydrogen: 1

Lead: 4 (in group 14)

Iodine: 1

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Magnesium: 2

Sulfur: 2

a. Two (to form CaCl2)
b. Three (to form AlCl3)
c. One (to form AgCl)

a. Two Cl- ions balance the charge with one Fe2+ ion, so the electrovalency of iron is
b. Two O2- ions balance the charge with one Sn4+ ion, so the electrovalency of tin is

10. H2S: dihydrogen monosulfide (common name is hydrogen sulfide)

KBr: potassium bromide

PF3: phosphorous trifluoride

CCl4: carbon tetrachloride

a. O2
b. Cl2
c. Pb
d. NO
e. ZnO (The zinc ion is Zn2+ and the oxygen ion is O2-.)
f. K2SO4 (The potassium ion is K+ and sulfate ion is SO42-.)
g. Ca(OH)2 (The calcium ion is Ca2+ and hydroxide ion is OH-. Note: Brackets are
required around the hydroxide, as there are two hydroxide groups. CaOH2 would
be incorrect.)
h. Mg3(PO4)2 (The magnesium ion is Mg2+ and phosphate ion is PO43-. Note: brackets
are required around the phosphate, as there are two phosphate groups.)

a. Ammonium chloride
b. Potassium iodide
c. Aluminium nitrate
d. Iron(III) hydroxide
e. Potassium hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-)
f. Magnesium carbonate
g. Hydrogen nitrate (or nitric acid)
h. Ammonium phosphate

13. Student responses will vary but may include the following:

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 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

 Sodium chloride (NaCl)

 Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3)

 Iron(III) sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3)

 Lithium nitride (Li3N)

 Lithium oxide (Li2O)

 Copper(II) chloride (CuCl2)

 Copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4)

 Aluminium nitride (AlN)

 Aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3)

14. Valency is the number of electrons that need to be gained or lost to fill the outer shell.
Noble gases (group 18) already have a full outer shell so their valency would be 0.

15. Student responses will vary. Some examples:

 Sodium laureth sulfate: CH3(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)nOSO3Na — it contains both ionic

bonding (due to the sodium) and covalent bonding.

 Sodium benzoate: C7H5NaO2 — it contains ionic bonding between the sodium

hydroxide and covalent bonding within the benzoic acid.

 Phenoxyethanol: C8H10O2 — it contains covalent bonding.

 Propylene glycol: C3H8O2 — it contains covalent bonding.

 Glycol distearate: C38H74O4 — it contains covalent bonding.

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4.8 Activity Thinking tools — Concept maps and mind-maps

a. Student responses will vary. A sample response is provided.

2. Student responses will vary. The following is a simple concept map that links the
structure of the atom and the periodic table. However, students may choose to show these
as separate mind-maps.

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3. Student responses will vary. The following is one possible response; students may elect to
relate the three concepts to positions in the periodic table.

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4.10 Exercise Review

1. The arrangement of elements in the periodic table groups similar elements together. This
allows for trends to be easily observed and similar properties to be seen.

2. Group numbers indicate the number of valence electrons and, hence, the valency,
electrovalency and charge on ions of the elements. Period numbers indicate the number of
occupied electron shells.

3. The periodic table arranges elements such that repeating patterns emerge, and gaps in
these patterns suggest the presence of undiscovered elements. For example, if there was
no element with the atomic number of 113, chemists can suggest the likely properties and
structure of this atom before it was discovered. Mendeleev predicted the properties of
many unfound elements due to periodic trends.

4. The periodic table is a systematic arrangement of elements. Water (H2O) is a compound

containing two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, and thus does not appear in the periodic

5. Group 18/noble gases

6. Answers may include any three of the following:

 They can be polished to produce a high shine or lustre.

 They are good conductors of electricity and heat.

 They can all be beaten or bent into a variety of shapes. We say they are malleable.

 They can be made into a wire. We say they are ductile.

 They usually melt at high temperatures. Mercury, which melts at -40 °C, is one

7. Answers may include any three of the following:

 They cannot be polished to give a shine like metals and they are usually dull.

 They are brittle, which means they shatter when they are hit.

 They cannot be bent into shape.

 They are usually poor conductors of electricity and heat.

 They usually melt at low temperatures.

a. Metals become more reactive.
b. Non-metals become less reactive.

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Nuclide Atomic number Mass Protons Neutrons Electrons
symbol number
a. 28 14 28 14 14 14
b. 55
Cr 25 55 25 30 25
c. 197 79 197 79 118 79
d. 207 82 207 82 125 82
e. 244
Pu 94 244 94 150 94

a. Increases: there are more protons as you move across a group.
b. Increases: there are more protons and usually more neutrons as you move across a
group, leading to a higher bass number.
c. Decreases: the melting temperature decreases as you move from the metallic
elements to the non-metals.
d. Decreases: as you move across the groups you move from metals to non-metals.

11. They have properties of both metals and non-metals. For example, germanium is lustrous
like other metals, with high boiling and melting points. Like other non-metals, it is brittle.

Name Symbol Atomic Electron
number configuration
a. Lithium Li 3 2,1
b. Carbon C 6 2,4
c. Oxygen O 8 2,6
d. Neon Ne 10 2,8
e. Sodium Na 11 2,8,1
f. Aluminium Al 13 2,8,3
g. Phosphorous P 15 2,8,5
h. Chlorine Cl 17 2,8,7
i. Potassium K 19 2,8,8,1
j. Calcium Ca 20 2,8,8,2

a. Pb
b. C
c. O2
d. Al2O3
e. NaF
f. CaCO3
g. ZnCl2
h. FeS
i. SO2

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14. It is important to note that this question asks for ions — as such, they will have noble gas
Ion name Ion symbol Atomic Electron
number configuration
a. Lithium ion Li+ 3 2
b. Sodium ion Na+ 11 2,8
c. Magnesium ion Mg2+ 12 2,8
d. Nitride ion N3- 7 2,8
e. Fluoride ion F- 9 2,8
f. Sulfide ion S2- 16 2,8,8

a. Neon, Ne
b. Answers may include any two of the following:
Sodium ion, Na+
Magnesium ion, Mg2+
c. Answers may include any two of the following:
Fluoride ion, F-
Oxide ion, O2-
Nitride ion, N3-
Carbide ion, C4-

Name Formula
a. Lithium fluoride LiF
b. Potassium nitride K3N
c. Magnesium oxide MgO
d. Copper(II) chloride CuCl2
e. Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2
f. Sodium sulfide Na2S
g. Ammonium chloride NH4Cl
h. Iron(III) oxide Fe2O3

a. Hydrogen chloride

b. Dihydrogen monoxide/water

c. Nitrogen trichloride/ammonia

d. Carbon tetrahydride/methane

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e. Carbon dioxide

18. Ionic compounds have a high melting point due to the presence of strong ionic bonds.
Covalent molecular compounds have a low melting point due to the weak bonds between
the molecules.

a. Copper is more reactive. As such, copper atoms are likely to have reacted with
other elements to form ionic compounds.
b. Gold mines in Australia include Lake Cowal in NSW, Agnew Gold Mine in WA
and Carosue Dam Gold Mine in WA (a majority of Australia’s gold is mined in
Copper mines in Australia include Olympic Dam in South Australia, Mt Isa in
Queensland and Cadia Mine in NSW (which also mines gold).


Cu Ag Sn Ca
Cu(NO3)2   
AgNO3   
Sn(NO3)2   
Ca(NO3)2   
b. Copper, tin and calcium could all be added to a solution of silver nitrate to
produce silver crystals as they are all more reactive.
c. Copper + silver nitrate  silver + copper nitrate
Tin + silver nitrate  silver + tin nitrate
Calcium + silver nitrate  silver + calcium nitrate

a. 12
b. 24 (12 + 12)
c. Different isotopes of magnesium atoms exist, each with a different number of
neutrons. This causes differences in the mass.
d. The answer is 25 — the relative atomic mass is 24.3 (which is closer to 25). We
know 80% of magnesium atoms have a mass number of 24. In order to raise the
relative atomic mass above 24, it is expected that more magnesium atoms have
more magnesium isotopes with a mass number of 25 than those with a mass
number of 23.

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