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I would like to express my gratitude and
appreciation to all those who gave me the
possibility to complete this project within the
limited time frame. Special thanks are due to
my English Teacher Ms. SUNAINA
SABHERWAL whose substantive help,
stimulating suggestions, and encouragement
helped me during the time of investigation and
fabrication of this project. I also sincerely
thank him for the time spent proofreading and
correcting my many mistakes.
I would also like to acknowledge with much
appreciation the crucial role of the staff in the
Biology Laboratory, who permitted me to use
the lab equipment and other necessary tools.

I would also like to express my gratitude

towards my parents and Classmates for their
active participation, kind cooperation, and
encouragement as they helped me a lot in
completing this project.
This Project is a result of the integrated efforts
of all the above-mentioned individuals and
hence I have made sincere efforts to
acknowledge their respective contributions.
This is to certify that Ritesh Kumar Gupta
and Vaibhav Gupta of the Class of Nehru
World School, Ghaziabad have completed
this project under the guidance and
surveillance of an English Teacher. He has
expressed deep interest and has shown
utmost sincerity in the completion of this
I certify that this project is up to my
expectations and as per the guidelines
issued by CBSE.
S.N Topic Teacher
o. Sign
1 Objectives
2 Acknowledgment
3 Certificate
4 Action plan for Project
5 Questionnaire for
6 A report on "Corona
Pandemic and Fallout
on Families"
7 Bibliography

1. To studCOVID-19-relatedVID-19 related
experiences among people from different
2. To assess the impact of COVID-19 on the
social life of people.
3. To see assess the impact of Kuwait 19 on
health human behavior and their learnings.
4. To study the impact of the log down on family
relationships and the financial condition of
5. To study the behavioral impact of our overall
society impacted by COVID-19.

● Selection of the topic.

● The approach of the topic by the teacher
in charge.
● Preparation of questionnaire.
● Invitation of participants via Facebook,
WhatsApp, and Social media to fill out
the questionnaire.
● Data collection and analysis of data.
● Preparation of a detailed analytical
report and conclusion of all the facts and
figures about the topic.

Survey through google forms
Ques asked in google forms?

1) How did you feel when the first lockdown was announced?
2) Has covid-19 affected your income or the income of any of your
family members -(for working people only)
3)Did you feel cut off from your friends due to the lockdown?
4)What life lessons have COVID -19 taught you?
5)Did you lose any of your near or dear? One due to COVID-19.?
6)How did your daily routine and eating habit change during
7) How has it affected your academic life?
8)Did you take up any exercise during a la lockdown?
9)Did you find online education effective for yourself (or work from
10)what problems did your family face when all of you were at
11)How did you feel when your mobility outside the home was
12) Do you feel that your post-pandemic life is completely different
from your pre-pandemic life?
13) Rate your experience of going through the pandemic:-

6)How did your daily routine and eating habit change during
lockdowns? 1
This period of almost two years completely changed the way I spent my days..
Getting up in the morning to attend online classes.. staying indoors all day long..
working on my laptop throughout the day.. spending more time with family were
some changes which occurred during the lockdown
It did not change much
The things were same , it just became in online mode
My eating habits got many fluctuations from healthy eating to somewhat junk
and it continued
Going towards an health life . And even tried a lot to cook food .
My family nd me spent a grt time nd we had lot of fun....In morning we used
to have breakfast together nd so on...
Sleeping and eating routine got messed up
Stared eating healthy
Taught me that home cooked food was the best
Being full day at home makes me hungry very much and I supposed to
eat 2-3 times more than u used to eat earlier .
My study affected and I was more addicted to eat but I eat more healthy food
I had time out office my busy schedule so i could learn some yoga online and
appreciate small things in life that we often neglect
This period of almost two years completely changed the way I spent my days..
Getting up in the morning to attend online classes.. staying indoors all day long..
working on my laptop throughout the day.. spending more time with family were
some changes which occurred during the lockdown
ate at odd times, often slept through the day and stayed up at night
Inspite of junk food from outside... Each and every thing was home made, eating
habit didn't changed a lot or I can say not at all. Talking about routine so...getting
more time to sleep watch TV and play games during lockdown.
11)How did you feel when your mobility outside the
home was restricted?

i was alone locked in a dark room
It has both good and bad effects. GOOD:- We were getting
good sir to inhale and BAD: was stucked at a place
It was fun initially but sooner it became a nightmare
Very fustrated and complete disorder
It just make irritated as being whole day at home is not our
It was really hard time being at home and a sudden change
in mobility effected people both mentally and physically.
life became very limited and was stuck in a house just
irritated and annoyed

By Vaibhav Gupta
The spread of COVID-19 in India began with the first case being
reported in Kerala on January 30, 2020. In a year’s time, more
than twenty-eight million people were tested positive for COVID.
Around five million people – the highest recorded number of
diagnosed cases – were from Maharashtra; the next in line was
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu with more than two million cases
each, followed by Andhra Pradesh with over one million cases.
Owing to the widespread increase in the number of deaths, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi announced a nationwide lockdown until
further notice. All schools, colleges and offices were closed.
Schools, colleges, community halls and convention centers were
turned into isolation wards as hospitals were overflowing with
patients. Healthcare professionals, along with many volunteers,
worked day and night to treat patients and reduce the number of
After almost a year, vaccinations such as Covishield and Covaxin
were launched in India. These vaccines were first administered to
people above the age of sixty, followed by people from the age of
forty to sixty, above eighteen and then younger kids. Vaccinations
were given in two doses with an interval of one and a half to two
months in between. With the government making vaccinations
mandatory for travel and other purposes, almost all people had
taken the vaccinations. A third dose of the vaccine (booster dose)
also has been launched. The government has taken efforts to set
up multiple vaccination booths in government schools and hospitals.
With continuous efforts from the government, medical and police
officials, and cooperation from the citizens, India has successfully
seen a decrease in the number of cases and deaths, and an
increase in the number of recoveries.

A virtual survey was administered by me to understand the

effects of coconut 19 on families belonging to different strata of
the society in my city Ghaziabad. The data work was collected via
online survey between 15th October to 15 November 2022. Some
interviews were also carried out online or by telephone. A few
interviews took place in person in concordance with social
distancing rules. The interview frame was very simple. The
families were asked what had changed in their lives compared to
the situation before lockdown, what had improved or got worse.

In this respect I have endeavored to provide valuable insight into

the cumulative effects of the pandemic as it progressed on family
life in my city.

The families who lived in the city were affected in many ways such
as mentally and emotionally. For many, this change took place
positively while for others the case was not the same. Many
families made their best out of the pandemic by spending time
with their partners, parents, and children which are not possible
before. While others who found parenting and spending time with
their partners a difficult task tended to become more stressed.
This resulted in high-pressure dealing with the children as their
needs were left uncompleted resulting in them to mishave to vent
out their frustration.

As per the survey results, it was observed that psychological

distress like depression, anxiety, stress, and post-traumatic
distress cause increased rapidly through and after the pandemic.
One of the main reasons for this was the disturbance in the daily
routines and restrictions on the people to only stay at home. One
of the major effects of the pandemic on families was the sudden
increase in the average screen time of a person especially children
due to the introduction of the online mode of education due to
which the daily routine of the children was encircled around the
digital devices which not only affected their health but also
resulted in learning losses.

Many families were financially also very much affected. As per

the survey, the average household income has been dramatically
affected due to the pandemic. Low-income families suffered the
most as they found it hard to pay rent, pay for groceries, and
daily necessities, and to get the basic healthcare facilities
needed. They found it difficult to provide devices to the children
of the family due to which they suffered major educational losses
also. Many families needed to cut down on their expenses as some
members of the family lost their jobs or suffered income
reduction due to the pandemic. The people in the retail business
suffered the most due to the closure of shops and reduced sales.
Over 82% of small businesses experienced negative impacts and
70% nearly got listed a year.

This all indicates that the pandemic affected the lives of families
both negatively and positively in every aspect. To some pandemic
proved to be a time to bond and spend time with their loved ones
while others struggled mentally and financially and unfortunately
lost some of their loved ones. Some people suffered through
mental problems, and difficulties with adapting to the new norms
formed while others adapted to the changing time slowly and
accepting the reality and overcoming the daily difficulties they
were facing.
By Ritesh kumar Gupta
While plague, cholera, and flu were pandemics of the past, the
current COVID-19 pandemic has put the whole world in a fix.
With the first case of COVID-19 reported in Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China in December 2019, life on Earth had changed
forever. Since then, everybody was locked inside, asked to cover
their noses and mouths, wash their hands, keep themselves
clean, use sanitizers every time they step out and step back into
their houses, eat protein-rich and hygienic food, inhale steam,
drink hot water and so on. For many, everything changed with
the outbreak of the pandemic. A huge number of people lost
their loved ones, some their jobs, and some were even disturbed
mentally rather than just physically. Life simply switched to a
new normal.
The commonly found symptoms were fatigue, severe headaches,
common cold, breathing difficulties, reduced oxygen levels, loss
of appetite, taste,e, and smell, and so on. The government and
the medical community continuously asked people to be on their
guard, stay indoors and report to the nearest hospitals in case
they identify any of the above-stated symptoms in themselves or
the people around them
As of December 2021, around 1 million new cases and around
7500 deaths were reported and the daily moving average of
cases rose to 390 in the first week of December. However, with
the development of vaccinations by scientists and doctors, the
number of cases as well as the number of deaths has been
reduced. Still, people have been asked to take precautions even
though vaccinations have been administered to most people
around the world.
A virtual survey was administered by me to understand the
effects of covid 19 on families belonging to different strata of
society in my city Ghaziabad. The data work was collected via
an online survey between 15th October to 15 November 2022.
Some interviews were also carried out online or by telephone. A
few interviews took place in person in concordance with social
distancing rules. The interview frame was very simple. The
families were asked what had changed in their lives compared to
the situation before the lockdown, and what had improved or
gotten worse.
In this respect, I have endeavored to provide valuable insight
into the cumulative effects of the pandemic as it progressed on
family life in my city.
The COVID-19 pandemic has uniquely affected children and
families by disrupting routines, changing relationships and roles,
and altering usual child care, school and recreational activities.
Understanding the way families experience these changes from
parents’ perspectives may help to guide research on the effects
of COVID-19 among children.
Children and adolescents with chronic psychiatric and/or
neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism-spectrum
disorders, psychotic disorders, intellectual disability, especially
those who had been receiving a significant proportion of their
mental healthcare and services in-person during pre pandemic
times, may be affected . The mental health of children and
adolescents hospitalized to inpatient facilities where parents’
visitations are restricted because of physical distancing
measures, may be affected
The families who lived in the city were affected in many ways
such as mentally and emotionally. For many, this change took
place positively while for others the case was not the same.
Many families made their best out of the pandemic by spending
time with their partners, parents, and children which are not
possible before. While others who found parenting and spending
time with their partners a difficult task tended to become more
stressed. This resulted in high-pressure dealing with the children
as their needs were left uncompleted resulting in them to
misbehave to vent out their frustration.
As per the survey results, it was observed that psychological
distress like depression, anxiety, stress, and post-traumatic
distress cause increased rapidly through and after the pandemic.
One of the main reasons for this was the disturbance in the daily
routines and restrictions on the people to only stay at home. One
of the major effects of the pandemic on families was the sudden
increase in the average screen time of a person especially
children due to the introduction of the online mode of education
due to which the daily routine of the children was encircled
around the digital devices which not only affected their health
but also resulted in learning losses.
Many families were financially also very much affected. As per
the survey, the average household income has been dramatically
affected due to the pandemic. Low-income families suffered the
most as they found it hard to pay rent, pay for groceries, and
daily necessities, and to get the basic healthcare facilities
needed. They found it difficult to provide devices to the children
of the family due to which they suffered major educational
losses also. Many families needed to cut down on their expenses
as some members of the family lost their jobs or suffered
income reduction due to the pandemic. The people in the retail
business suffered the most due to the closure of shops and
reduced sales. Over 82% of small businesses experienced
negative impacts and 70% nearly got listed a year.
This all indicates that the pandemic affected the lives of families
both negatively and positively in every aspect. For some,
Pandemic proved to be a time to bond and spend time with their
loved ones while others struggled mentally and financially and
unfortunately lost some of their loved ones. Some people
suffered through mental problems, and difficulties with adapting
to the new norms formed while others adapted to the changing
time slowly and accepting the reality and overcoming the daily
difficulties they were facing.
The novel CoronaVirus (COVID-19) pandemic
impacted everyone, some more drastically than
others. Not only have individuals and families been
dealing with threats to their health from COVID-19
itself by trying to avoid and survive the infection. but
there have also been so many versatile impacts on
For most families which participate in the survey, it
means big changes in everyday, routine due to
financial hardships, closure of Schools and colleges,
dealing with quar the ante, or, the loss of a family

In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Social-

Isolation, the instability created difficult health
conditions for families raising children at home.

Coping with the new normal was challenging for all

log town altered lifestyles and disrupted the
enjoyment of living in a society
For almost all families long down meant that many
parents were unable to go to work due to the
temporary closure of their workplace schools closure
resulted in children moving overnight to distance
learning many homesteads to overpopulated
multifunctional places
24/7 with both positive and negative reports. Impacts
on relationship homes functioned simultaneously on
school office living place, parents were finding
themselves in a bind.
The children who were at boarding school enjoyed
their prolonged stay at home with family their family
members doing gardening and maintenance work
around the house helping younger siblings to manage
work while some children occasionally become free
with their siblings
About a third of children reported an increase in
anxiety and tension in the relation sips to sip at home

Parents report finding taking care of their children's

learning, finding space and time for themselves, their
partner, the Children, and the activities they used to do
before the lockdown More difficult. Well, More Stressed.
Even though parents now had more time for their children,
the pressure to juggle Multiple Holes was Stressful and
they were unable to devote time to parenting, Mou
stressed parents found it more difficult to understand
their child's needs and to respond sensitively. Thus,
Children in tense families felt less understood of their
Child’s needs,s and the Children remained confined to their
homes during the pandemic they were unable to meet their
friends there were restrictions from playinoutdoorrs games
or enjoying an evening in the park, as a result, they got
stressed and misbehaved to vent out their frustration.
It has been observed that covid-19 situation reported a
high presence of psychological distress such as depression,
stress, irritability, and post-traumatic stress symptoms
associated with quarantine.

The closure of schools further multiplied problems for

parents who were left alone to deal with their Children's
education and learning. The covid-19 pandemic has made
parents the de facto home school, teachers, and tuition
teachers, unfortunately, found it difficult to keep their
children on track and help them with their assignments.
The difficulty became multiplied if the children happened
to be indifferent grades, ensuring that the children attend
the online classes as per the timetable, complete their
homework and send it to the teachers and prepared for
the next day’s class had been a cause of worry for many
Impact of covid lockdowns on the
routine of families

It has also been observed that covid-19 pen to make

influenced family routines relationships and
technology use (smartphones, tablets, and
computers) among families with school-going
children. As the pandemic continued the burden of
household and professional work continued to
increase, and parents and children were neglecting
their normal daily routines. As a result, children
followed the same haphazard habits and routines.
It has become especially difficult for parents to
maintain a routine for their children, finding time for
meals, studying, and sleeping.
In The current situation, parents were unable to
restore structure and as a result, children lost interest
in everything and became aggressive.
Low-income group families found it difficult to provide
devices to their children who failed to attend online
classes. Many times children failed to attend online
classes resulting in learning losses.

Household income has been drastically impacted due

to the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown as of April 12,
COvID-19 forced 30% of families into financial
hardships and threw them. off their feet, impacting
their ability to pay the rent, buy groceries, and pay
bills. access needed healthcare services and See their
way through a crisis-About 30% of families had to cut
down these expenses as some family members lost
their jobs or had failed to borrow money from their
relatives or take loans for their daily expenditures. It
was very difficult for the people to pay the rent of their
houses and the land or want to rent on time and
served an eviction, notice to a tenant who was unable
to pay on time the pool Sections the society were
worst hit by the low-income Group whose Monthly
income was less than 15000 suffers the Most due to
Such unplanned expenses as they did not have
adequate Savings to cope up and this pushed them
into further financial Crisis. It has been observed that
30 percent of respondents from the Medium group --
lost a job or income due to could-19 Host these jobs
or income losses well due to being furloughed or
experiencing reduced"; Work hours. The people in the
retail business. were most affected due to the closure
of Shops and reduced sales. Over 82% of Small
businesses had experienced a negative impact and
70% being got listed them nearly a year. Even the
richer households suffered losses.
CORONA pandemic has negatively influenced
people’s general health and quality of life physical
activities, and personal contact with colleagues,
friends, and family have been limited due to public
health. Measures to club the spread of COVID 19
such as quarantine, lockdown, self-isolation, and
maintaining social distance people experience a
general decline in well-being determination in
mental health. This, in turn, increases the children's
problem living in a more at-risk area, the quality of
the home environment or the relation they have
with the pandemic consequences, do not have an
effect on families well being.


This paper has presented a study of the" Coronavirus

Disease (COVID-19) outbreak in India the spread of
COVID-19 in India depends on a lot of factors
especially religious gathering people, which can act
as a super spreader of COVID-19. Any such gathering
in the future will be detrimental to the health of people
in India, lockdown proved to be a good decision and it
should be extended further. Many unknown
parameters can cause large uncertainties in the
prediction that is supposed to help the Government in
further decision-making and in coping with the
ongoing coronavirus transmission in India. As
predicted by this Study. More focus should be given
to the Control Measures such as speeding
the testing rate, Maintain Social distancing, avoid
unnecessary gatherings. If all these efforts are taken
into Condition, then the Severity of COVID-19 in India
May be controlled at a relatively low-level finally. The
finding of this study increases the knowledge level of
nurses, which will enhance their willingness to work
with high Misk patient groups. The result of the paper
will be useful in Managing healthcare resources in
advance and for the development of good nursing.
Newspapers ( The Hindu and Indian
Photos ( Google)

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