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Business School

Accounting and Finance Department

Accounting Information

Module Leader: Sally Wang

Autumn Term, 2020-21
Duration of the module: 12 weeks
Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Online location of handbook

This handbook can also be accessed via My Learning at:

Other formats available

This handbook is available in a large print format. If you would like a large print copy or have
other requirements for the handbook, please contact the Disability Support Service


The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production. You will be
notified of any minor changes promptly. If there are any major changes to the module you
will be consulted prior to the changes being confirmed. Please check the version number on
the front page of this handbook to ensure that you are using the most accurate information.

Other documents

Your module handbook should be read and used alongside your programme handbook and
the information available to all students on My Learning and UniHub, including the Academic
Regulations. Your programme handbook can be found on the My Learning programme page
for your course.

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Table of Contents

1. Welcome ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. The module teaching team ................................................................................................. 4
3. Communication with the teaching team ............................................................................ 5
4. Module overview ................................................................................................................ 5
5. Learning resources .............................................................................................................. 7
6. Expectations of studying this module................................................................................. 8
Professional behaviour........................................................................................................... 8
Academic Integrity and Misconduct ...................................................................................... 9
Extenuating circumstances: ................................................................................................... 9
7. Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 9
Formative assessment............................................................................................................ 9
Summative assessment ........................................................................................................ 10
7.1.1 Assessment 1 ............................................................................................................... 12
7.1.2 Assessment 2 ............................................................................................................... 13
7.1.3 Online Test .................................................................................................................. 14
7.2 Feedback on your assignments ...................................................................................... 15
7.3 How is your assignment mark agreed? .......................................................................... 15
Anonymous Marking Assessment Policy.............................................................................. 16
8. Learning Planner ............................................................................................................... 17

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

1. Welcome
Welcome to module ACC1135. This module is designed to introduce you to the significant
role that the accounting information plays in each of the fundamental business transaction
process. You will learn to analyse and handle accounting information using accounting
systems and advanced IT techniques that are regarded as essential skills by the employers.

At the end of the module, you will have the opportunity to receive a CIMA accredited Sage
User Award if you have performed well in the summative exam. This achievement is highly
recognisable by the prospective employers.

You will also have the option to study further for CIMA accredited Sage certificate over a
flexible learning plan after completing this module. CIMA is a professional accounting body
recognised worldwide.

A Sage prize is awarded to the five top performing students in this module.

A Sage award is awarded to the top performing student in year 1.

Sally Wang (Module Leader)

2. The module teaching team

Please see below details of the teaching team for this module. ]

Module leader: Mrs. Sally Wang

Room number: W226
Telephone number: 020 8411 3250
Office hours: TBC
Lab Tutor: Dr. Chandima Chandima Hettiarachchi
Room number: TBC
Telephone number: TBC
Office hours: TBC
Lab Tutor: Dr. Yun Dai
Room number: TBC
Telephone number: TBC
Office hours: TBC

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

3. Communication with the teaching team

The module leader and other module tutors are likely to send urgent and/or individual
messages about the module to you by email, so it is important that you read your University
email regularly.

It is not necessary to book an appointment to see the tutor during the above office hours;
you just need to drop in.

Any overall module and course feedback can also be given to the student voice leader for
your programme which will be included in programme feedback session .

Our most important consideration is your health, wellbeing and safety as well as our staff and
people related to the University. Remember that you – as part of #TeamMDX – can stay up-to-
date with the guidance on Coronavirus at

4. Module overview
This module aims to introduce students to the significant role accounting information plays
in each fundamental business transaction process. Students will learn to analyse and handle
information using accounting systems and advanced IT techniques.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1. Define characteristics of useful information to the organisation;
2. Describe different business transaction process where accounting information needs
to be captured (revenue, expenditure, cash, payroll/HR, general ledger);
3. Identify accounting system fraud and recommend appropriate control mechanisms;
4. Read and interpret information presented using system documentation techniques;
This module will enable successful student to:
5. Prepare financial accounts using off the shelf accounting software;
6. Perform data audit using advanced Excel functions;
7. Collect, process and summarise relevant data;
8. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of an accounting information system;

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

The following areas of study are covered in this module:
 Characteristics of information
 Business transaction cycle
 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
 Systems documentation techniques
 Fraud
 Control and audit of accounting information systems
 Cloud accounting, XBRL, off the shelf software

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategies

Weekly lectures will explore and discuss major themes covered in the syllabus. Weekly
computer labs will provide students with guidance on how to collect, process, summarise
and evaluate financial information using Sage and Excel.

Assessment Scheme

Formative Assessment
Students will be expected to complete post lecture questions each week, answers will be
discussed at beginning of each computer lab. These exercises will allow students practice
using advanced Excel functions in independent learning, thereby helping students to
complete the coursework.

Summative Assessment

3 hours Online Test (50%)

Students are required to produce a set of accounting reports and financial statements using
Sage software and complete a test consists of 35 questions in learning week 12. The aim is
for students to learn how to collect and record source documents from each business
transaction process, and produce relevant, accurate high level accounting information. This
addresses learning outcomes 5 and 7.

Individual Coursework (50%) – made up of two components:

1. Online assessment (20%): complete online activities throughout the learning weeks
using a chosen accounting software. This will altogether prepare students for the
exam and addresses learning outcome 8.

2. Data audit (30%): Students are required to perform a data audit using reconciliation
skills in Excel, and present findings and recommendations using Excel in learning
week 7. This addresses learning outcome 1 – 4, and 6.

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

In order to pass the module students must achieve both a minimum of 35% in the
coursework and in class test and a minimum of 40% overall.
KIS Teaching and Learning Data

Hours per week

Scheduled teaching 3.5 (1.5 hour lecture, 2 hour computer lab)

Independent study 9.0

12.5 x 12 learning weeks = 150 hours

The teaching, learning, assessment and research activities undertaken in this module have
been considered and are not likely to require ethical approval.

5. Learning resources

Core textbook

The core textbook for this module is: Romney, M., Global Edition, Accounting Information
Systems, Published by Pearson. Accessible at:

Sage learning materials

Sage VLE (Virtual Learning Environment):

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Sage VLE is an online portal that provides you with comprehensive, high quality teaching
materials, practice questions, and mock exam case study. We will use Sage VLE extensively
during computer labs.

You will have been emailed a Sage VLE account password at beginning of the module. Your
login ID is your University’s email address. Please refer to ACC1135 Study Manual for detailed


The University’s computers have the latest version of Excel and Sage installed. You can use
the software for learning purpose on campus.

You can also install Sage software on your Windows laptop for a free period of up to 180 days.

The Sage software is incompatible on Apple computers. If you have an MacBook, please
contact Unihelp Desk to arrange for a Windows laptop to be collected.

6. Expectations of studying this module


Engaging with online and remote learning and activities is integral to your
success. Middlesex University supports students, enabling them to achieve their full

We provide this support through a number of strategies, all of which provide our students
with a supportive learning environment online, remotely, face-to-face, or blended.

Further information on engaging with your programme will be available at your Induction
and updates online at UniHub

Professional behaviour
The programme of study you are undertaking is underpinned by developing professional
behaviour and attitude. You are expected to behave in a professional, supportive manner to
your peers and teachers. You must come to sessions prepared and ready to contribute where
appropriate. Please remember that your University ID should be carried with you always and
you must be able to identify yourself if asked to do so. Please conduct your email
communication with fellow students, tutors and all relevant staff in a formal and courteous

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Academic misconduct is a breach of the values of academic integrity, and can occur when a
student cheats in an assessment, or attempts to deliberately mislead an examiner that the
work presented is their own when it is not. It includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, self-
plagiarism commissioning or buying work from a third party or copying the work of others,
breach of examination room rules.

Students who attempt to gain unfair advantage over others through academic misconduct
will be penalised by sanctions, according to the severity of the offence, which can include
exclusion from the University. Links to the relevant University regulations and additional
support resources can be found here:

Becoming a successful student Course which includes Academic Integrity

Access to course. (You will have to log into to MyUniHub and then MyLearning to access the
Section F: Academic Integrity and Misconduct:
Referencing & Plagiarism: Suspected of plagiarism?:
Referencing and avoiding plagiarism:
The MDXSU Advice Service offers free and independent support face-to-face in making an
appeal, complaint or responding to any allegations of academic or non-academic

Extenuating circumstances:
There may be difficult circumstances in your life that affect your ability to meet an
assessment deadline or affect your performance in an assessment. These are known as
extenuating circumstances or ‘ECs’. Extenuating circumstances are exceptional, seriously
adverse and outside of your control. Please see link for further information and guidelines:

7. Assessment
Formative assessment: Formative assessment is completed during your year of study and
provides the opportunity to evaluate your progress with your learning. Classroom assessment
is one of the most common formative assessment techniques although other activities and
tasks may be used. Formative assessments help show you and us that you are learning and
understanding the material covered in this course and allow us to monitor your progress
towards achieving the learning outcomes for module. Although formative assessments do not
directly contribute to the overall module mark they do provide an important opportunity to
receive feedback on your learning.
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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Formative assessment Deadline

Practice test – Introduction Unit You have unlimited attempt to these
Practice Test – Unit One tests on Sage Online Portal
Practice Test – Unit Two throughout the 12 learning weeks.
Practice Test – Unit Three

Summative assessment: Summative assessment is used to check the level of learning at the
end of the course. It is summative because it is based on accumulated learning during the
course. The point is to ensure that students have met the learning outcomes for the course
and are at the appropriate level. It is the summative assessment that determines the grade
that you are awarded for the module.

There are 3 assessment components in this module.

The table below specifies the associated deadlines:

Summative Weighting Deadline

Excel data audit 30% 11.59pm, Sunday, 15/11/2020
Sage Learning units 20% Introduction unit: 11.59pm, Sunday, 11/10/2020
(5 submissions) Unit 1: 11.59pm, Sunday, 25/10/2020
Unit 2: 11.59pm, Sunday, 22/11/2020
Unit 3: 11.59pm, Sunday, 06/12/2020
Practice Simulation: 11.59pm, Sunday, 13/12/2020
Sage Test 50% W/C 04/01/2020, Timetable to be released

In order to pass this module, you need to pass all assessment tasks with a minimum 35% and
40% overall.

Before you submit your work for final grading, please ensure that you have accurately
referenced the work. It is your responsibility to check the spelling and grammar. If you have
submitted a formative or draft assessment, you will receive feedback but no grade. The
comments should inform you about how well you have done or tell you about the areas for
improvement. All assignments should be submitted online unless specified in assessment

Reassessment for this module normally takes place in the following way:

Reassessment for this module will be informed by the module leader after the result is
published via email. Make sure you check you University’s inbox regularly for update.

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Further information is available at

We now look at each component of assessment for this module in detail. Each of the following
tables provides an overview of the requirements for each component. The support provided
for each component along with the feedback arrangements, is also detailed below.

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7.1.1 Assessment 1: Excel data audit

The following table provides an example of the overview of the assessment requirements.
Please note that the grey text is editable.

Assessment – Excel Data Audit

Module code ACC1135
Module title Accounting Information Systems
Submission 11.59pm, Sunday, 15/11/2020
date, time
Feedback type Electronic written feedback will be provided by: 15/12/2020
& date
Word count N/A
Assignment You are required to submit the Excel worksheet that contains all your workings
type and formula used to complete the coursework.

Assignment Refer to coursework specification on My Learning for detail.

format and
1. Define characteristics of useful information to the organisation;
2. Describe different business transaction process where accounting
outcome (s)
information needs to be captured (revenue, expenditure, cash, or
payroll/HR, general ledger);
3. Identify accounting system fraud and recommend appropriate control
4. Read and interpret information presented using system documentation
Perform data audit using advanced Excel functions;
Assessment 30%
weighting %
Key reading Romney, M., Global Edition, Accounting Information Systems, Published
and learning by Pearson.
Excel bite size learning videos available on My Learning -> Excel Resources

Assessment marking criteria rubric (Excel data audit)

Section 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20
70%+ 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 40% - 49% 40% and
Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

The following table details the support you will be receiving for this assessment and the
feedback opportunities you will have.

Support and draft feedback sessions

Coursework briefing
This coursework consists of 4 sections. You are required to follow the section instructions
in the Excel workbook and work through all the activities using Excel skills taught on this
Draft feedback opportunities
Continuous feedback is offered in online workshops, online lecturers, and one to one
appointments with the module leader and lab tutors.
Additional support
Please use the online recording series to work through this coursework.

7.1.2 Assessment 2 - Sage report submissions

The following table provides an example of the overview of the assessment requirements.
Please note that the grey text is editable.

Sge report submissions

Module code ACC1135
Module title Accounting Information Systems
Submission Introduction Unit - 2 reports: 11.59pm, Sunday, 11/10/2020
date, time Unit One - 22 reports: 11.59pm, Sunday, 25/10/2020
Unit Two - 21 reports: 11.59pm, Sunday, 22/11/2020
Unit Three - 17 reports: 11.59pm, Sunday, 06/12/2020
Practice Simulation Test (mock test) - 12 reports: 11.59pm, Sunday,
Feedback type Model answers are available prior submission for self-check.
& date
Word count N/A – all reports are generated from Sage software
Assignment Case Study
Assignment All submissions are via Sage online portal. All reports should be in PDF form.
structure and
1. Collect, process and summarise relevant data.
2. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of an accounting information
outcome (s)
Module 20%
weighting %
Key reading Sage eBooks available from:
and learning Sage video recordings available on My Learning -> Sage folder.
Assignment marking criteria rubric – Sage Report Submissions

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

Learning Unit No. of Mark Grade Marks obtained

Introduction 2 2 (1 mark per 1-4 70%+
Unit report)
Unit One 22 22 (1 mark 5-8 60% - 69%
per report)
Unit Two 21 21 (1 mark 9-12 50% - 59%
per report)
Unit Three 17 17 (1 mark 13-16 40% - 49%
per report)
Practice 12 24 (2 marks 17-20 40% and below
Simulation Test per report)
Practice N/A 14
Simulation Test
- Quiz
Total 100 Marks

7.1.3 Online Test

Online Test
Module code ACC1135
Module title Accounting Information Systems
Week commencing 04/01/2020: attend the in-class test according to your
Test date
Feedback type
Immediate feedback from completing the test.
& date
The structure and format of the test is identical to the mock assessment.

1. Download and unzip the Start File from Sage online portal.
2. Restore the Start File to the Sage software. Now you have the
dataset to complete a series of tasks and activities given in the
Description of
case study.
3. Upload all the PDF reports you downloaded from the Sage
software from completing the tasks and activities onto the Sage
Online Portal.
4. Complete the quiz (35 questions) in 45 minutes.

Duration of
3 hours
Assessed Prepare financial accounts using off the shelf accounting software.
learning Collect, process and summarise relevant data.
outcome (s)
Module 50%
weighting %
Key reading and
learning Sage online portal materials.
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1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20

Marking criteria
70%+ 60%-69% 50%-59% 40%-49% 40% and

The following table details the support you will be receiving for this assignment and the
feedback opportunities you will have.

Support and draft feedback sessions for Insert assessment

Coursework briefing
Please attend weekly webinars to resolve issues you encountered.

Please refer to online coursework recording series to work through coursework 1 and
coursework 2.

Practice Simulation Test (part of coursework 2) is also a mock test to prepare you for the
Sage online test in January 2021. Please attempt this test as many times as you need to
ensure you can pass the test within 3 hours.

Sample assignments
Coursework 2 model answers are available on My Learning, please ensure you check your
work before submission.
Draft feedback opportunities
Continuous feedback is available throughout the 12 learning weeks.

7.2 Feedback on your assignments

You will be provided with feedback on all coursework that is helpful and informative,
consistent with aiding the learning and development process. The nature of the feedback
shall be determined at programme level but may take a variety of forms including: written
comments; individual and group tutorial feedback; peer feedback; or other forms of
effective and efficient feedback.

7.3 How is your assignment mark agreed?

The following diagram provides an overview of the marking process for your module
assessment. Further information on the role of external examiners can be found at.

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Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

• You submit your assignment


• The first marker grades the work and provides feedback; this could be completed
2 anonymously depending on the assessment type.

• A moderator or second marker reviews a sample of the work to quality assure

the grades and feedback, to ensure they are accurate. A final mark for the work
3 is agreed between the first marker and the moderator or second marker.

• Your final grades are submitted to the subject assessment board.


Anonymous Marking Assessment Policy

We have worked with the MDXSU to create an anonymous marking policy, in response to
student feedback. Anonymous marking ensures that your identity (your name, student
number and other personal/identifiable information) is not made available to academics
when they are marking your work. This means that you can have confidence that your
assessments will be marked fairly and consistently. However, there are some forms of
assessment for which anonymity cannot be guaranteed and these are recognised in the
policy. We believe that it is important to provide you with the support and guidance
needed to help you develop and prepare for your final assessments (those which count
towards your final grades i.e. summative assessments). Therefore, anonymous marking will
not apply to learning activities and assessments that do not contribute to your final grades
(i.e. formative assessments). If you require further information and support to understand
how anonymous marking works in your programme modules please contact the Module
Leader for more information.

The Anonymous Marking Assessment Policy is available at:

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8. Learning Planner

Date Wk Key concepts (Online) Computer Lab Reading and online Link assessment
(online) activities
28/09/2020 1 L1 – Accounting Information Introduction to Chapter 1, Romney, M.,
Systems: An overview assessments Accounting Information
Sage: Let’s Get
Started and Sage online portal – Let’s
Introduction Unit Get Started learning Unit

Excel Bite-sized videos

(My Learning)
05/10/2020 2 L2 – Transaction processing Sage: Unit 1 Chapter 2, p50 – 60, Coursework 2: Introduction Unit
overview and systems Chapter 3 submission deadline (4% assessment):
documentation techniques Romney, M., Accounting 11.59pm, Sunday, 11/10/2020
Information Systems

Sage online portal:

introduction unit eBook
12/10/2020 3 L3 – Transaction processing: Sage: Unit 1 Chapter 12
Revenue Cycle Romney, M., Accounting
Information Systems

Sage online portal: unit

one eBook
19/10/2020 4 L4 – Transaction processing: Sage: Unit 1 Chapter 13 Coursework 2: Unit 1 submission
Expenditure Cycle Romney, M., Accounting deadline (4% assessment): 11.59pm,
Coursework 1 (Excel briefing) Information Systems Sunday, 25/10/2020
Accounting Information Systems ACC1135

26/10/2020 5 L5 – Transaction processing: General Sage: Unit 2 Chapter 16

ledger and reporting systems, Romney, M., Accounting
relational database Information Systems
Sage online portal: Unit
Two eBook

02/11/2020 6 Webinar: Coursework 1 (Excel) Q&A Sage: Unit 2 Sage online portal: Unit
Coursework 1 feedback (by online Two eBook
Excel Bite-sized videos
(My Learning)
09/11/2020 7 Coursework 1 feedback (by online Sage: Unit 2 Coursework 1: Excel data audit
appointment) submission deadline (30% assessment):
11.59om, Sunday, 15/11/2020
16/11/2020 8 L6 – Computer fraud and abuse Sage: Unit 2 Chapter 5, 6, Coursework 2: Unit 2 submission (4%
techniques Romney, M., Accounting assessment): 11.59pm, Sunday,
Information Systems 22/11/2020
Sage online portal: Unit
Two eBook
23/11/2020 9 L7 – Control and audit of accounting Sage: Unit 3 Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10
information systems Romney, M., Accounting
Information Systems

Sage online portal: Unit

Three eBook
30/11/2020 10 L8 – Systems design, Sage: Unit 3 Sage online portal: Unit Coursework 2: Unit 3 submission
implementation and operation Three eBook deadline: (4% assessment): 11.59pm,
Chapter 20, 21, 22 Sunday, 06/12/2020
Romney, M., Accounting
Information Systems

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07/12/2020 11 Live Webinar: mock test briefing Sage: Practice Sage online portal: Coursework 2: Practice Simulation
Simulation Practice Simulation submission deadline (4% assessment):
11.59pm, Sunday, 13/12/2020

Festive Break
04/01/2020 12 Online Test (50% assessment)

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