B3 - Computer Systems

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B3 - Computer Systems

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1. [2010 Q6] Shenteng 7000, which is a supercomputer made in China, was put into use in
2009. It can execute more than 106 trillion floating point operations per second. In which
area(s) should this kind of computer be widely used?

(1) Staff payroll calculation

(2) Weather forecasting
(3) DNA analysis
(4) Transportation management *

(2) only

(1) and (3) only

(1) and (4) only

(2), (3) and (4) only

正確 1/1 點數

2. [2011 Q3] In a real-time information processing system, which of the following attributes
is most important? *

WiFi connection

Response time

Program size

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3. [2011 Q35] Software X can be used in a mainframe computer and a personal computer.
What does this imply? *

The two computers use the same operating system.

Software X is written in low level language.

Software X is translated by an interpreter.

Software X is machine independent.

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4. [2012 Q16] Why do many readers like using mobile devices to read books?

(1) The ergonomic design of mobile devices helps relieve eye strain.
(2) Mobile devices provide various functions which make reading convenient.
(3) It is convenient for carrying a lot of books. *

(1) and (2) only

(1) and (3) only

(2) and (3) only

(1), (2) and (3)

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5. [2013 Q23] A charity organization wants to donate laptop computers to the children in
developing countries for elearning. With a limited budget, only one item in the original
specifications can be upgraded, as shown below. Which of these is the most appropriate?

Original specifications Upgraded items *

No network card 802.11n network interface card

Built-in graphics card graphic card with 2G RAM

Dual-core CPU Quad-core CPU

DVD disc drive Blu-ray disc drive

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6. [2014 Q20] A car is equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) such that the driver
can get the location and time information when driving. Which of the following best
describes the mode of operation of the system? *

Batch processing

Real-time processing

Distributed processing

Interactive processing

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7. [2014 Q22] Joseph installs network-attached storage (NAS) in the office network that
operates as a file server. If he installs more cache memory in the NAS, which of the
following can be greatly improved? *

Storage capacity

Flexibility of users' access rights

Network bandwidth

Data throughput

正確 1/1 點數

8. [2016 Q17] A booking system consists of several booking counters in different locations
in a city. Customers can buy tickets for theatres through one of the booking counters.
Which of the following best describes the booking system? *

Real-time system
Batch processing system

Distributed processing system

Parallel processing system

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9. [2017 Q22] Bank customers can withdraw cash from their accounts through automated
teller machines (ATMs). Which of the following systems best describe(s) this operation?

(1) Interactive system

(2) Real-time system
(3) Batch processing system *

(2) only

(3) only

(1) and (2) only

(1) and (3) only

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