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student's name ---------------------------- Date: ----- /12 / 2023

1- Circle the correct word ?
1. New York City is very exciting, but it’s (boring / interesting / stressful).

2. Lisbon is an interesting city, and it’s (beautiful / noisy / polluted), too.

3. My cousin lives in a safe city. It’s (clean / crowded / dangerous), though.

4. My hometown is pretty boring. It’s very (interesting / relaxing / ugly),

2- Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t, or can’t ?

1. This city can be dangerous at night. You _____________ stay out too late.

2. You _____________ travel by subway late at night. There are no trains after

3. In Hong Kong, the weather is nice in the fall. You _____________ go there

3 -Answer the questions with the advice.?

Example: A: What should I do for a fever?
B: It’s sometimes helpful ________________
1. A: What do you suggest for a sunburn?
B: It’s a good idea __________________________________________ .
2. A: What should I do for sore muscles?
B: It’s sometimes helpful ___________________________________ .
3. A: What should I do for a toothache?
B: It’s important ___________________________________________ .
4 - write 10 verbs in 3 past form and put 5 of them in a sentence
with present perfect?

5 - Read Wendy‘s Blog. Then check (P) four things people

suggested that Wendy should do ?
I visited one doctor, and she gave
Isn’t it amazing? You have a health
me some vitamin C. It didn’t
problem, and everyone gives you
work. So I went to another
different advice. For several months, I
doctor, and he suggested I take a
felt tired all the time. Some people
vacation. That didn’t work either.
suggested I sleep longer, but others said
A third doctor told me to pick up
I was sleeping too much. One friend told
some medicine from the
me I was working too hard, and she said
drugstore. I felt even more tired!
it’s important to relax. Another friend
Finally, I went to the doctor of
suggested that it’s helpful to get a lot of
traditional Chinese medicine. He
fresh air. His advice was that I should go
gave me some medicinal plants.
for a long walk every day after work. One
He advised me to heat them in
co-worker told me, “You’re not tired, just
water and then drink the herbal
lazy!”Even different doctors gave me
mixture. It worked! Now I’m never
different advice for the same problem!
tired, but I can’t sleep at night!
Who should I ask for advice this
time ?

Ask someone for advice. ( ) Try some medicinal plants. ( )

See a doctor. ( ) Sleep less. ( )

Go on a vacation.( ) Walk before work. ( )

Take some pain medicine.( ) Sleep more. ( )
Never sleep at night.( )
Work longer hours ( )

By: T,Anis

Good lucky

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