Lec 7-A Western Philosophers

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Topic: Western Philosophers
Instructor: Muhammad Adeel Irshad
Email: adeelsociologist@lgu.edu.pk
Lahore Garrison University, Lahore
Karl Marx
 Karl Marx believed in the labor theory of value to
explain relative differences in market prices.
This theory stated that the value of a produced economic
good can be measured objectively by the average
number of labor-hours required to produce it.
 Marxism is a political and economic way of organizing
society, where the workers own the means of production.
Socialism is a way of organizing a society in which the
means of production are owned and controlled by the
proletariat. Marx proposed that this was the next
necessary step in the progress of history.
Society and Conflict - Karl Marx
 Social inequality, different of high and low class.
 Struggle between segments over a valued resources.
 Focuses on class conflict.
 Material products create class conflict.
 Own and operate the factories having other business in pursuit of capital,
making more money.
 Inevitable situation between worker and owner.
 Social institution supposed to fulfill basic human needs.
 Economy is super structure.
 False consciousness: it is the weakness in the system instead of weakness
of individual, a way of thinking that prevents a person from perceiving the
true nature of their social or economic situation.
 Communism: more or less people own food and products.
 Church and state defend feudal system.
Emile Durkheim
 power relationship, cultural analysis.
 Emile try to analyze the moral, political and psychological
impact of modern division of labor.
 No material but modern values.

 Marx and Emile gathered on a view point ‘capitalism

abolished from the society’.
 Emile wants the harmony in modern society.

 Social solidarity is much more difficult to achieve – main

danger in modernity.
 Anomie lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an
individual or group.
Emile Durkheim and Society
 To love society is just like loving someone beyond but
within us
 To love society means to love yourself

 Human made structure and it will be functional later on

 Society is a part of ourselves

 Structure and function

 Society as a system

 These factors become social factors

 Social Factor: Way of acting, thinking and believe

Max Weber
 People have their own understandings which may
or may not be compatible with social world (self-
 Weber basically look cause and effect of social
issues at vast level.
 People want to achieve the desired goals at the
end (whatever they are doing).
 Everyone derive society by nurture.

 Understand and prefer the society by historical

actions and structure of society.
 Ideal types
– Everyone hold partial reality
– Thinking create essence of anything (Marxist view)
 Religion and Rationalization
– Religious leaders provoke and produce
– One school of thought: Emphases on the worldly efforts
– Second school of thought: Luck decide earlier each and
everything and men are performing actually
– Capital creates more capital
– Efficiency and production
– Thoughts also generate capital (ideas, vision)
 Enlist
any two Eastern philosopher with their

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