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IBM Software Group – Event Processing technologies

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture


Producers Agents

Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

Producers Agents

Transform validate

Retrospective pattern

if the customer has breached his credit limit the second time within the last 48
hours then divert the workflow based on policies that relate to the history of
credit violations in the last year.
Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

Producers Agents

Detect Pattern


If a customer sends three requests over the last hour on the same topic and
the requests have been handled, notify immediately to the “unhappy
customers officer” and include count of “unhappy” detections for this customer
in the last year
Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

Producers Agents

Detect Pattern


I am interested to know whenever my investment portfolio is down 2 percent

within the last couple of hours

Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture



Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture


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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group – Event Processing Technologies and Architecture

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Event-Driven Processing in IBM © 2007 IBM Corporation

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