What Is The Difference Between Public and Private

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1. What is the difference between public and private?

Difference between public and private administration

Criteria Public Administration Private Administration

Public administration is Private administration relates

governmental administration to administration of
What does public and private concerned with achieving state private/business organizations
administration purposes. which are more concerned
with the achieving of its own
Public administration works for Private administration works
social services and social for profit.
Goal development.

Accountable to the public. Accountable to the owners of


General public satisfaction is Profit is bottom-line

the gauge in the improvement
Measure of performance in the quality of life

Open to all Availability based on one’s

ability to pay
Nature of goods and services

Subject to public scrutiny, Less exposed to public

Public demand and inspection; internal processes
Relations to environment expectations, Political are kept from public; response
pressures to public guided by market

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2. What is public administration?
ANS: Public administration is governmental administration concerned with achieving state purposes.
Public administration works for social services and social development. Public administrators are fixed
by a set of constitutional practices, laws, rules and regulations. Public administration accountable to
the public/

Public administration is the study of the management of the public agencies that carry out public
policies in order to fulfill the state purposes in the public interest. Also Public administration describes
the structure and the functions of the power of the public. It is a procedural and operational
instrument of the state. In this sense, public administration encompasses every type of public service
and organization.
3. What are the different approaches public administrations?
Ans: There are three main approaches to the study of public administration. That is:
 The Managerial Approach
 The Political Approach
 The Legal Approach
The Managerial Approach: Managerial Approach emphasizes the management and organization of
public organizations. It suggests that management in the public sector is very much like that in the
private sector, in that it is primarily concerned with efficiency.
The Political Approach: Political Approach is related to the legislative function in government. It
concerned about assuring constitutional safeguards. According to this approach efficiency becomes
less a concern than effectiveness or responsiveness.
The Legal Approach: Legal approach Is related to the judicial function. It emphasizes the
administrator’s role in applying and enforcing the law in specific situations
4. What is Policy?
Ans: A policy is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics,
economics, or business. An official organization's policy on a particular issue or towards a country is
their attitude and actions regarding that issue or country.

5. What is the public policy?

Ans: Public policy can be generally defined as a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action,
and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity or its

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6. What is the step of public policy? (optional)
Ans: Steps of public policy:
1) Identify issues
-Problem defined
-Problem articulated
2) Policy Analysis
-Collect relevant data and information
-Clarify objectives and resolve key questions
-Develop option and proposal
3) Undertake consultation
4) Move towards decision
5) Implement
6) Evaluate

The policy making process usually regarded as a sequence of closely inter-related and inter-defendant
activities which, together, form a cycle towards the progressive improvement of outcomes. Here is
policy cycle.

Understanding the
problem - defining
outcomes, resolving
stakeholders and
deciding their roles

Solutuion- collecting
testing success- evidence,appraising
evaluating success option,consutations,
and adjusting actions working with

Putting solutions into

policy, supporting
those who
different options.

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7. What do you understand by public policy?
Ans: I understand public policy is the set of policies (laws, plans, actions, behaviors) of a government
plans and methods of action that govern that society: a system of laws, courses of action, and priorities
directing a government action.
8. What do you understand by public policy making process?
Ans: Public policies are developed by officials within institutions of government to address public issues
through the political process. When it comes to creating public policy, policymakers are faced with two
distinct situations. The first situation, and the ideal one, is for policymakers to jointly identify a
desirable future condition, and then create policies and take actions to move toward that desired
future state, monitoring progress to allow for necessary adjustments. The alternative, and less
desirable, situation occurs when policymakers are unable to reach a consensus regarding a desirable
future condition. In this later instance, policymakers try instead to move away from present situations
judged as undesirable, even though no consensus exists about the preferred alternative.
9. Characteristics of public policy?
Ans. Characteristics of public policy:
 Publicness-meant to protect interest of public
 In line with Constitution
 Consistent- with international laws, norms and conventions
 Reflects political commitment- of the party in power
 Normally Compulsory- for all,not always
 Goal oriented and purposive
 Reactive or Proactive

10. What is the stage of public policies?

Ans: Policy Cycle:

Policy Demand for

evaluation policy action

Policy Agenda
impementation setting

Enactment of
policy Policy
Document/ formulation

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Slide policy
Stages of policy:
 Agenda Setting/Identification of Issues or Problems
 Policy Formulation
 Policy Adoption
 Policy Implementation
 Policy Evaluation
11. Difference between formal and informal organizations? (12)

Formal Organizations Informal Organizations

Formal Organization is an organization in which job Informal Organization is formed within the formal
of each member is clearly defined, whose authority, organization as a network of interpersonal
responsibility and accountability are fixed. relationship when people interact with each other

Formal organization is created deliberately by top Informal organization is formed spontaneously by

management members.

Formal organization is permanent in nature; it Informal organization is temporary in nature.

continues for a long time

In a formal organization, all the members are bound All the members of an informal organization are
by the hierarchical structure equal

In the formal organization, the rules and regulations In contrast to informal communication, there are
are supposed to be followed by every member norms, values, and beliefs that work as a control

The size of a formal organization keeps on increasing The size of the informal organization is small

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12. Main idea of the fayol?
Division of Work – When employees are specialized, output can increase because they become
increasingly skilled and efficient.

Authority – Managers must have the authority to give orders, but they must also keep in mind that
with authority comes responsibility.

Discipline – Discipline must be upheld in organizations, but methods for doing so can vary.

Unity of Command – Employees should have only one direct supervisor.

Unity of Direction – Teams with the same objective should be working under the direction of one
manager, using one plan. This will ensure that action is properly coordinated.

Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest – The interests of one employee should
not be allowed to become more important than those of the group. This includes managers.

Remuneration – Employee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration for everyone. This includes
financial and non-financial compensation.

Centralization – This principle refers to how close employees are to the decision-making process. It is
important to aim for an appropriate balance.

Scalar Chain – Employees should be aware of where they stand in the organization's hierarchy, or chain
of command.

Order – The workplace facilities must be clean, tidy and safe for employees. Everything should have its

Equity – Managers should be fair to staff at all times, both maintaining discipline as necessary and
acting with kindness where appropriate.

Stability of Tenure of Personnel – Managers should strive to minimize employee turnover. Personnel
planning should be a priority.

Initiative – Employees should be given the necessary level of freedom to create and carry out plans.

Esprit de Corps – Organizations should strive to promote team spirit and unity.

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13. Main ideas of Frederick Taylor?

14. Difference between fayol and taylor?


Henry Fayol Fredrick Taylor

Place of origin French American

Working process Managerial level Shop floor level

Importance given by them Gave importance to planning & Emphasized on time & motion
controlling study

Recognition of approach Recognized as a managers approach Recognized as an engineer’s


Difference of approach Confined to overall managerial job Confined to production


Their contribution Emphasized on administration Scientific based management

System of wage payment He emphasized on profit sharing for Differential payment system

Results Personal experience translated into Scientific observation management

universal truth

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15. Max weber?
Ans; Max weber is the classical theorist. Max weber look for organization as Bureaucratic organizations.
He thought that Bureaucracy is the ideal of best form in the organization.
16. Ideas of the Bureaucracy?
Traditional authority- resting on an established belief in the sanctity of immemorial traditions and
customs and the legitimacy of those exercising under them. TA gives rise to patrimonialism and its
various manifestations. Exm: feudalism

Rational-legal Authority- provides the basis for the more. Impersonal and formal structures of which
the most highly developed form is the bureaucracy

Charismatic Authority-resting on devotion to the specific and exceptional sanctity, heroism or

exemplary character of an individual person and of normative order ordained by him or her

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