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Harald Pretl and Matthias Eberlein

Fifty Nifty
of Two-

A tribute to the versatility of MOSFETs

e pr e s e nt a tor (MOSFET) is an exceptionally ver- power-supply rejection or show other
compendium satile device, operating as a switch, deficiencies, and some circuits use
of two-metal- current source, resistor, diode, and the body connection as active termi-
oxide-semi- capacitor, depending on bias condi- nals, which might not be feasible in
conductor tions. For fun and to demonstrate the some CMOS technologies. Generally,
(MOS)-transistor circuits, which span sheer infinite possibilities in circuit one has to be aware of the body ef-
the range from simple standard con- design using MOSFET, we present a fect and its impact.
figurations to ingenious arrange- collection of simple (and sophisti- Many more two-transistor circuits
ments. Using these building blocks, cated) circuits that employ two tran- are yet to be discovered. An exhaus-
circuit designers can assemble a sistors (not counting fixed-bias and tive search of graphs using one or
vast array of complex analog func- supply voltages and fixed-bias cur- two voltage-controlled current sourc-
tions. This (incomplete) collection rents). Often, circuit designers con- es (which are well-approximated by
shall serve as a reference and in- struct complex circuits from these MOSFET) resulted in 150 potentially
spiration to junior circuit designers basic building blocks. useful circuits [1]. One of them was
and hopefully contains at least one This compendium is a tribute to identified as a valuable new ampli-
unexpected example for profession- all of the ingenious minds out there fier configuration [2]. By pushing this
al engineers. and the circuit design giants on idea further, a study identified 582
whose shoulders we are standing possible circuit topologies using two
Overview today. This sample of practical two- transistors. Repeating this exercise
Analog circuit design is wonderfully transistor circuits, to the best of the using three transistors, a whopping
creative. The MOS field-effect transis- authors’ knowledge, contains benefi- 56,280 elementary configurations
cial and often-used configurations. have been found [3].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2021.3088968 A few circuits are of a more curious To keep our overview reasonable,
Date of current version: 25 August 2021 and academic nature; they might lack we do not include complementary

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­ ircuits that can be constructed by
This (incomplete) collection shall serve as a
swapping n-MOSFET (NMOS) for p-
MOSFET (PMOS) devices (or vice versa). reference and inspiration to junior circuit
designers and hopefully contains at least one
Logic Circuits
First, we present simple circuits that
unexpected example for professional engineers.
operate on logical inputs, like the
inverter (Figure 1), and an improved
low-voltage version that exploits the world, like the current mirror displayed or without a tail current source, which
body terminals in a DTMOS inverter in Figure 7. The differential pair (Fig- is often called a pseudodifferential pair.
(Figure 2). Terminating an unused in- ure 8) is constructed alternatively with The source follower in Figure 9 is one
put of a logic gate to a logical one or
zero, an ESD-safe tie-zero or tie-one,
respectively, should be utilized, like Ibias
the one presented in Figure 3. Using
M1 Vout
the unusual arrangement in Figure 4,
we can implement an XNOR logic
function while the implementations Va M1 M2 Vb
of NAND and NOR as presented in M2
Figures 5 and 6, respectively, are the
fundamental building blocks of the
digital universe. FIGURE 6: This circuit complements the logic
gates implemented in Figures 4 and 5 and
FIGURE 3: An electrostatic discharge
realizes a NOR function (Vout = Va 0 Vb).
Basic Circuits (ESD)-safe tie-zero for unused CMOS logic
inputs (no MOSFET gate is tied directly to a
This section presents the basic circuits
supply rail). The tie-one can be constructed
constituting the fundamental building Iin Iout
blocks of the analog and mixed-signal

M1 M2
M2 Vout (W/L)1 (W/L)2

Vin Vout (or Iout)

Va M1 M2 Vb
M1 FIGURE 7: The basic current mirror
achieves a simultaneous copying and
sizing of Iout = (W/L)2/(W/L)1 · Iin according
FIGURE 4: Using a current source Ibias
to the dimensions of M1 and M2 [7].
with finite output impedance to bias this
FIGURE 1: The ubiquitous digital inverter.
structure, this circuit implements an XNOR
The input voltage Vin switches one of the
logic function (Vout = Va 5 Vb). The logic in-
transistors on while the other is off [4]. Iout,n Iout,p
puts Va and Vb must be driven by low-ohmic
logic levels between VDD and VSS [6].

M2 Ibias M1 M2
Vin,p Vin,n

Vin Vout Vout

M1 Ibias (or VSS)
Vb M2
FIGURE 8: The ubiquitous differential
Va M1 pair, like the current mirror in Figure 7, is a
fundamental building block in integrated
FIGURE 2: The dynamic-threshold-voltage circuits [8]. The pseudodifferential variant
MOSFET (DTMOS) inverter achieves an im- spares the tail current source’s headroom
proved current drive at low-leakage current. It FIGURE 5: This series connection of two in exchange for reduced common-mode
needs to be operated at low supply voltages MOSFETs realizes a logical NAND function rejection but with the benefit of class-AB
to avoid a forward bias of the well diodes [5]. (Vout = Va / Vb). action.

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also be employed as an excellent
The generation of a bias voltage is a
low-voltage amplifier (Vout) or trans-
task that is often encountered in analog conductance stage (I out) when both
circuit design. transistors are biased in saturation.
Shorting Vin and Vout, a replica bias
is readily available [9].
of the elementary circuits that is use- Improved Basic Circuits Several low-voltage circuits can
ful in many situations, just like the It has been realized that the digital be implemented using the body ter-
common-source amplifier with active inverter presented in Figure 1 can minal of a MOSFET as an additional
load (Figure 10). Adding a cascode to a
circuit is a powerful technique. For
example, a common-gate combined Von
with a common-source stage is de-
picted in Figure 11, and the cascade
of two common-gate stages is illus- Vbias M2
trated in Figure 12. Of course, the M2
essential common-gate stage quali- V1 or I1 V2 or I2
fies as a two-transistor circuit as well
(Figure 13). Vin M1
The transmission gate (Figure 14)
is an essential building block, allow-
ing switching voltages and currents (a
feat making the MOSFET such a valu- FIGURE 11: The cascoded common-source
FIGURE 14: The transmission gate switches
able device). With a straightforward stage boosting the output impedance of M1
between V1/I1 and V2/I2 for both voltage
considerably to rout ≈ gm2/(gds1 · gds2).
extension, a multiplexer can be con- and current (and it works rail to rail, too).
structed (Figure 15). However, in most
practical implementations, a set of Iout Vsel2
transmission gates will be applied for
this purpose.
Vbias2 M2

Vbias1 M1
Vin M1

Vout V1
Iin M1

Vbias M2 FIGURE 12: The cascoded common-gate FIGURE 15: The two-to-one multiplexer
stage. Note that Iout ≈ Iin, but the impedance connecting either V1 or V2 to Vcom. Depend-
level changes drastically, creating gain or a ing on Vsel1 and Vsel2, the MOSFETs are
high output impedance at the output node. alternately switched on or off.
FIGURE 9: The source follower (or
common-drain stage) utilizing M2
as a current source to bias M1. Iin Iout

Vbias2 M1
Vbias M2 M1 M2
Vin or Iin
Vin M1

FIGURE 16: This circuit is an improved

version of Figure 7 in that it allows a low-
FIGURE 13: The common-gate stage em- voltage operation of the current mirror,
FIGURE 10: The common-source amplifier ploying M2 as a current source to the bias requiring a voltage headroom substantially
with active load. transistor M1. less than VGS1 [12].

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control input, like the low-voltage Some arrangements allow for precise voltage-gain
current mirror depicted in Figure 16.
Some arrangements allow for precise and high-speed operation.
voltage-gain and high-speed opera-
tion, as demonstrated by the circuits
displayed in Figures 17 and 18.
Figure 19 presents an enhanced Iout,p Iout,n
version of the source follower,
also known as a class-B (push/pull)
Vbias M2
amplifier. Degeneration is a primary
Vin Vout
method to improve matching, noise
figure, or output resistance. Differ- M2
ent MOSFET-only implementations Vin M1
are feasible (Figures 20 and 21), with
the implementation in Figure 21 al-
lowing the performance to be tuned
FIGURE 19: The class-B push-pull follower
during operation by varying Vbias. can be considered an enhanced version FIGURE 22: A common-gate, common-
Combining a common-source stage of the simple source follower presented in source topology offering impedance-
with a common-gate topology [10], as Figure 9. Lacking a class-A bias component, matched, single-ended input and differen-
illustrated in Figure 22, results in a this structure is subjected to crossover tial output while simultaneously canceling
distortion. noise and distortion [11].
differential-output transconductance
stage with a single-ended low-ohmic
input. It can thus be used under im-
pedance-matched conditions, also Iout
providing some noise and linearity
Vin M1

M2 Vbias M2
M1 Ibias
Vin FIGURE 20: The MOSFET-R degenerated
(W/L)1 common-source stage. By appropriately
sizing M2, the degeneration can be adapted FIGURE 23: This low-noise amplifier was
[13]. This arrangement using two transistors discovered by using an exhaustive search of
can also increase the length of a (com- potential two-transistor, wide-band amplifi-
FIGURE 17: The common-source amplifier
pound) device (for example, in current mir- ers. For practical implementation, M1 requires
with diode load is sometimes called a wide-
rors) as, otherwise, a MOSFET with different an ac coupling (and proper biasing) in its
band amplifier due to its potentially high-
L will not match well. gate connection to keep M2 in saturation [2].
speed operation. Here, the gain is set pre-
cisely at A v = Vout /Vin = - (W/L) 1 / (W/L) 2 ,
depending only on the transistor sizing
(and neglecting the body effect).

Vin M1 M1


Vin M1 M2 Vbias M2 M2 Vbias

FIGURE 18: The folded version of Figure 17, FIGURE 21: A variation of the implemen-
which has the advantages of a removed tation displayed in Figure 20, where the FIGURE 24: A (simple) bias-voltage gen-
body effect in M2 and a ground-referred degeneration of M1 can be adapted by erator using the current source M1 to bias
output node [13]. tuning Vbias. M2 so that Vbias = VGS2.

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cancelation under the ideal bias [11]. stage, resulting in a useful amplifier are based on obscure second-order
In yet another twist, a source follower configuration (see Figure 23), which effects, like charge trapping in the
can be combined with a common-gate has been found by systematically gen- Si–SiO2 interface traps, which are
erating graphs consisting of two trans- used in the clocked circuit displayed
conductance stages [2]. in Figure 27 and can create pA-cur-
rents in an area-efficient manner.
Biasing Circuits
M1 The generation of a bias voltage is a Diverse Circuit Elements
task that is often encountered in an- The various operating modes of a
alog circuit design. When the require- MOSFET can be utilized differently
ments on stability are moderate, a and lead to practical circuit elements.
M2 Vref
simple configuration, as displayed The cross-coupled differential pair
in Figure 24, might be s ­ufficient. A (see Figures 28 and 29) synthesizes
surprisingly stable voltage reference a negative resistance, which can can-
FIGURE 25: A constant bias-voltage can be constructed from two MOS- cel losses, for example, in oscillators
generator (M1 and M2 must have different FETs with different threshold volt-
threshold voltages Vth1 ≠ Vth2) [14]. ages, as demonstrated in Figure 25.
Occasionally, a bias voltage with a Vbias
well-defined proportionality to tem-
Ibias perature is needed, for example, in
temperature-sensor circuits. This ef-
fect can be achieved by a PTAT volt-
M2 age generator like the one depicted Vp M1 M2 Vn
K · (W/L) in Figure 26. Sometimes, circuits
FIGURE 30: The varactor (the capacitance
between Vp and Vn depends on the bias volt-
Vp Vn
(W/L) age Vbias) is often used in voltage-controlled
oscillators. In most technologies, the NMOS
can be put inside the n-well so that the
varactor works in accumulation, providing
FIGURE 26: A proportional-to-absolute-
an optimized tuning range and high Q [19].
temperature (PTAT) voltage generator
if M1 and M 2 are kept in subthreshold M1 M2
operation [15].

Vbias1 M2
Vp Vn
FIGURE 28: Two transistors with cross-cou- M1
pling form a negative resistance between
Vp and Vn and are mainly employed in
M1 oscillators and comparators. As in Figure 8,
Vclk the bias-current source can be replaced by
FIGURE 31: The antiparallel diodes can
a fixed potential.
be employed for many things, for example,
voltage clamping.

Vbias2 M2

M1 M2
Vbias Vbias M2
Vp Vn
FIGURE 27: This pA current source is based
on the periodic filling and flushing of Si– Vn M1
SiO2 interface traps by alternating M1 be-
tween accumulation and inversion (through
the proper choice of Vbias1 and Vbias2 and the FIGURE 29: This circuit is a low-voltage FIGURE 32: The antiparallel MOSFET capac-
switching levels of Vclk). It can operate with version of Figure 28, where the body con- itors make the differential capacitance more
reasonably high clock frequencies and still trols the MOSFET, avoiding the significant linear and symmetrical. As in Figure 30, an
create tiny currents [16]. VGS drop at Vp and Vn [18]. NMOS in n-well is an option.

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or Q-enhanced LC filters. Since the
A surprisingly stable voltage reference can be
effective capacitance between the
gate terminal and the source/drain constructed from two MOSFETs with different
connection of a MOSFET is a function threshold voltages.
of biasing conditions, the arrange-
ment demonstrated in Figure 30 can
be employed as a varactor. An active inductor can be simulated (as in Figure 7) or the advanced us-
Using local feedback to create by transistors using gyrator principles age of the Bult current divider (pre-
a MOSFET “diode,” two antiparal- [17], offering a significant area reduc- sented in Figure 35)] can become
lel diodes can replace conventional tion compared to what’s offered by a handy. In most implementations
pn-diodes, for example, in voltage passive implementation based on a coil of an analog-to-digital converter,
limiters (Figure 31). The gate oxide of constructed from the metal layers. An a sample-hold stage is required,
a MOSFET usually offers the highest exemplary implementation based on which often exploits the excellent
capacitance density in a given CMOS two MOSFETs is displayed in Figure 33. switching capabilities of the MOS-
technology, so an antiparallel pair of FET, as demonstrated in Figure 36,
MOSFETs (see Figure 32) can substi- Analog Signal Processing where a MOSFET configured as a ca-
tute a linear capacitor with one that The processing of analog signals pacitor stores the sampled voltage.
has mediocre linearity but is much is often needed when devising cir- Sampling can be used for frequen-
smaller. This structure has the ad- cuits. The area-efficient division of cy conversion, which can also be
ditional benefit of symmetrical para- voltages (see Figure 34) or currents achieved through the arrangement
sitic capacitors at both terminals. [either employing a current mirror in Figure 37, where the time-variant

Ibias Iout1

VIo M2
Vbias M2
Vbias Iin
Vrf M1

Iout2 FIGURE 37: In the dual-gate MOSFET (a

similar arrangement as in Figure 11), the
FIGURE 33: This circuit, which is a similar FIGURE 35: The Bult current divider (if periodic local-oscillator signal Vlo causes
configuration of the flipped voltage fol- M1 and M2 are of identical size, then Iin is the time-variant change of the transconduc-
lower in Figure 47, can function as an active precisely split in half between I out1 and tance of M1, resulting in a frequency conver-
inductor, providing L = CGS1/(gm1 · gm2) [20]. I out2) [22]. sion from the input Vrf to the output Iout [21].

Vin Vbias

M1 Vin Vout
Vin Vout M1
Vout M1


FIGURE 34: An area-efficient voltage FIGURE 38: The circuit of Figure 36 be-
divider. If M1 and M2 are the same size, comes a continuous-time, low-pass filter
then Vout ≈ Vin/2. Often, a PMOS version is FIGURE 36: A sample-and-hold circuit if M1 gets a fixed bias instead of a clock
a better choice since it can avoid the body implementing the gate capacitance of M2 signal. Note that this circuit transforms
effect by tying the body to the respective as a storage capacitor (a low to zero Vth into a high-pass filter when M1 and M2 are
source for M1 and M2. would be an advantage in this case) [23]. swapped.

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change of the transconductance of
Circuits working with the body terminal as a
M1 causes a mixing effect [21].
fourth control input can add many possibilities. Realizing the MOSFET operating
as a controlled resistor in the triode
region, Figure 36 can be easily trans-
formed into a (programmable) low-
pass filter, as illustrated in Figure 38.
Vin By rewiring the sampling switch into
the diode-equivalent MOSFET config-
Vp Vn
M1 M2 uration, a voltage-peak detector (Fig-
ure 39) and an approximate voltage
M1 FIGURE 42: This arrangement creates an doubler (Figure 40) can be built for
enormous resistance between Vp and Vn,
ac signals.
Vpeak although it is also susceptible to tempera-
ture and process variations [25].
Simple Circuits With a Twist
While most CMOS processes pro-
vide thin-film resistors, it is often
­difficult to realize values in the MΩ
to GΩ range. The MOSFET in triode
Vp Vn or off-state (Figures 41 and 42) is a
M1 M2 good alternative at a much smaller
FIGURE 39: A voltage-peak detector,
where Vpeak = Vin,max − Vgs1. silicon area. An improved version of
FIGURE 43: The ultralow-power diode a diode-connected MOSFET is dem-
(ULPD) with reduced leakage in the reverse onstrated in Figure 43. This two-
direction [26].
transistor construction, called the

Vin M1 Vout

Vp M2 M1
M2 Vin Vout


Vn M2

FIGURE 40: A similar circuit to Figure 39,

which can function as an approximate volt-
age doubler when driven by a sinusoidal
input voltage. On negative swings of Vin, FIGURE 44: The floating level shift (or FIGURE 46: This circuit shifts a digital
the capacitor M1 gets charged to |Vin| − Vgs2, “floating battery”) effectively shifts a bias input voltage Vin to an output voltage Vout
which is added to Vin during positive point between Vp and Vn as Vshift = Vp − Vn = swinging around VSS [28].
swings when M2 is off. As with any circuit VGS1 + VGS2.
with negative voltages, proper connection
of the wells is required [24].

Vbias M1
Vin M1
Iin Vout

M2 M2


Vp Vn FIGURE 45: This circuit is a perfectly linear

M1 I-to-V converter with Vout/Iin = [nCox · (W/L) ·
(Vbias − 2Vth)]−1 if we assume a square-law FIGURE 47: The flipped voltage follower is
behavior, and M1 and M2 are the same size an improved version of Figure 9, employing
FIGURE 41: The controlled (high-imped- and kept in saturation (and neglecting body feedback to lower the output impedance to
ance) floating resistor. effect) [27]. rout = gds2/(gm1 · gm2) [29].

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ULPD, considerably lowers the leak-
Compensating for the low b of the parasitic BJT
age current in the reverse direction.
A level shift is often needed in a can be achieved by implementing the structure
signal path, which can be imple- depicted in Figure 50.

Ibias Iout mented as pictured in Figure 44. erated when an analog circuit designer
Sometimes a simple circuit shows a is given a handful of these fantastic
surprising property, and the linear transistors.
M1 I-to-V converter illustrated in Fig-
ure 45 is such an example. Acknowledgments
Circuits working with the body We thank the reviewers for their
terminal as a fourth control input many mindful suggestions. We want
can add many possibilities, like the to thank our colleagues at the In-
logic-level shift implemented in stitute for Integrated Circuits, Jo-
Vbias Iin Figure 46. Feedback is an essential hannes Kepler University Linz, for
tool in a circuit designer’s box: The their support in preparing this man-
FIGURE 48: The regulated cascode f l i p p e d v o lt a g e f o l l o w e r (d i s - uscript and for their many enlight-
increasing the effect of the cascode M1 by played in Figure 47) and the regulated ening discussions.
gm2/gds2 due to feedback. Note that the
cascode (see Figure 48) are signifi-
source of M2 can be tied to the ground if References
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[20] Y Wu, M. Ismail, and H. Olsson, “A novel J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. parallel, he studied at the Johannes
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GaAs MESFETs,” in Proc. 1977 7th Eur. About the Authors kaw Award for Circuit Elegance in
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electrical engineering from TU Graz,
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Circuits, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 1730–1735, Austria, in 1997, and his Dr.techn. de-
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gree from the Johannes Kepler Uni-
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