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Competency: Conducting/Facilitating User Training

LO2: Identify IT system training needs

Name____________________________IDNo _______________________

Choose the correct answers

1. Question: What is the primary purpose of conducting a needs assessment for IT
system training?
A) To justify budget allocations C) To create promotional materials
D) To identify skill gaps and training
B) To evaluate employee satisfaction requirements
2. Question: Which method is commonly used to gather information for a needs
assessment in IT system training?
A) Social media analysis C) Performance evaluations
B) Marketing surveys D) Historical weather data
3. Question: What should be considered when analyzing the target audience for IT
system training?
A) Their skill levels and learning preferences
B) Their preferred vacation destinations
C) Their favorite movie types D) Their shoe sizes
4. Question: Why is it important to align IT system training with organizational
A) To organize team-building activities
B) To contribute to the success of the business
C) To improve office aesthetics D) To create a competitive sports team
5. Question: What does assessing the relevance of IT system training content involve?
A) Reviewing the content's applicability to participants' roles
B) Measuring the number of words in the training materials
C) Evaluating the popularity of the content on social media
D) Analyzing the color schemes used in the training materials
6. Question: What is a key consideration in instructional design for IT system
A) Using the smallest font size possible
B) Ensuring a high number of slides for each module
C) Including irrelevant information to test participant attention
D) Clarity of learning objectives and effective instructional methods

7. Question: Which factor enhances the effectiveness of IT system training through
engagement and interactivity?
A) Lengthy and monotonous lectures B) Lack of participant involvement
C) Interactive elements such as discussions and practical exercises
D) Reading lengthy text-only materials
8. Question: How can the impact of IT system training be measured?
A) By defining key performance indicators (KPIs)
B) By counting the number of training sessions held
C) By evaluating the satisfaction of trainers
D) By assessing the availability of parking spaces
9. Question: What role do feedback mechanisms play in IT system training?
A) To track the popularity of training venues
B) To collect feedback from participants and identify areas for improvement
C) To monitor the weather during training sessions
D) To evaluate the quality of office furniture
10. Question: Why is continuous improvement important in IT system training?
A) To maintain outdated training materials
B) To create a sense of nostalgia among participants
C) To eliminate the need for further training
D) To adapt to changing technology and learning needs
II. True or False questions
1. The relevance of IT system training content is more important than covering a broad
range of topics to ensure comprehensive learning.
2. Once IT system training is designed, there is no need to reassess or update the
program over time.
3. Engagement and interactivity are more important in soft skills training than in IT
system training.
4. Assessing IT system training can be done through formal exams and quizzes.
5. Feedback from participants during and after IT system training is valuable in
improving future training programs.
6. Measuring the impact of IT system training should focus on the number of training
sessions conducted.
7. A needs assessment for IT system training is necessary if the organization is already
using the latest technology.
8. Target audience analysis is essential in IT system training since all employees should
receive the same training.

III. Fill in the blank(each question has 3points)

1. What is the primary purpose of identifying IT system training needs?

2. How can we conduct a needs assessment for IT system training?
3. What are suitable assessment methods for evaluating learning outcomes in IT
system training?

4. How can organizations collect feedback from participants during and after IT
system training?

Set by: Asnake Bogale


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