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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Kamran Mehmood

NEBOSH learner 00775111
Learning Partner name 1428-Abacus International Training and Consultancy

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Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 1 of 13

Task 1: Emergency response

Question 1
In this scenario, DSO effectively handled the emergency in several ways:
Act quickly:
DSO acted quickly when it realized the NSO was missing and unresponsive. They
immediately attempted to contact the NSO by phone and radio, which is the standard and
appropriate first response to check on a colleague’s wellbeing.
Use of digital logs:
DSO used electronic surveillance system digital logs to verify NSO’s last known
location, at Wind Turbine 9 at 03:00.This information helped narrow the search area and
determine where to begin searching for NSO
Call emergency services:
Realizing the severity of the situation, DSO called emergency services as a precaution.
This is an important step to ensure that professional medical assistance can be sent to
the scene quickly.
Provide basic first Aid:
DSO assesses the condition of the NSO’s condition clear snow off them and places a
blanket under them. This rapid response to cold exposure and providing basic first aid
has proven essential in preventing further damage, especially in cold and snowy
Remain with injured colleague:
DSO remains with injured NSO until emergency services arrive. Staying with the injured
co-worker helped ensure he was not left alone in a potentially life-threatening situation.
Contact the regional office:
DSO promptly informed the regional office about the accident, which was necessary to
inform management and organize the necessary follow-up actions.
Managing the emergency:
Although DSO operations are generally effective in handling emergency situations, it
should be noted that the first aid materials available in the first aid box are limited.
However, the DSO used what was available to provide initial support. Additionally, DSOs
had difficulty reaching emergency services due to intermittent mobile phone signals,
which was a challenge in remote areas but was mitigated through the use of radios.
DSO communication:
Overall, an DSO’s quick thinking, communication, and basic first aid skills play an
important role in effectively responding to emergencies and ensuring the NSO receives
the necessary medical care.

Task 2: Managing risks for those working on site

Question 2 (a)
Education and licensing requirements:
One of the strengths of the organization’s approach is the requirement that its security
officers (SOs) complete training to obtain a government license (RGL). Necessary. This
ensures that SOs have the necessary skills and qualifications to carry out their duties
safely and effectively. Additionally, SOs are trained in first aid, which can be very
important in emergency situations, like the one illustrated.
Regular live events:
The organization organizes face-to-face meetings twice a year between SOs and
regional office directors (ROMs) at their regional offices. These meetings provide a
platform to discuss progress, receive feedback and address local issues. This approach
promotes open communication and helps identify potential risks or concerns within the
Electronic monitoring system:
The highlight is the implementation of an electronic monitoring system that requires the

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 2 of 13

operating system to scan ID cards at various locations throughout the wind farm. This
system monitors operating system activities and ensures that regular patrols are
performed. It also provides a digital log that can be used to track their activity and
response time.
Emergency response protocol:
The organization has established an emergency response procedure, as evidenced by
the ASM actions in the scenario. This includes contacting emergency services when a
colleague is missing or injured, and emphasizes the importance of acting quickly in life-
threatening situations.
Review and audit:
Following the accident, the organization launched an investigation into the accident and
then held a comprehensive health and safety inspection of the wind farm site by an
external consultant. This demonstrates a commitment to learning from incidents and
continuously improving security measures.
Participate in risk assessment assessments:
MT’s decision to invite SOs at each facility to participate in annual risk assessment
reviews represents a proactive approach. It ensures that those working directly on the
installation are actively involved in identifying and managing site-specific risks, leveraging
their practical knowledge.
Response to winter conditions:
The DSO’s actions during a winter emergency, including providing shelter and
accommodation for injured colleagues, demonstrate a level of preparedness for adverse
weather conditions, demonstrate concern their concern for the safety and welfare of their
These assets show that the organization has taken a number of measures to ensure the
safety and welfare of SOs working at the wind farm. However, it is important to note that
their approach also has weaknesses, and addressing these is important to further
improve security and risk management.
Question 2 (b)
The organization’s approach to managing risks affecting operating systems working at
wind farms also has a number of weakness:

Limited first aid supplies:

A significant weakness is the shortage of first aid kits provided to DSOs in emergency
situations. The kit contains only safety pins, disposable gloves, and small bandages. This
lack of essential first aid supplies can have dire consequences in more serious medical
emergencies, highlighting the need for better equipped first aid kits.
Lack of training:
The DSO cited a lack of refresher training. This is a weakness because regular training
and updates on security protocols are necessary to ensure SOs are always aware of
best practices and ready to handle emergencies quickly. Effectively. Insufficient snow
and ice removal:
The scenario describes the consultant having difficulty on the road due to snow and ice
that has not been completely cleared. This shows a weakness in the organization’s
approach to maintaining the site in adverse weather conditions. Failure to maintain safe
walkways can increase the risk of slips, trips and falls.
Communication challenges:
Cell phone signal was intermittent at the guard station, and the complete absence of cell
phone signal further up the hillside caused communication problems. This weakness can
hinder the ability to contact emergency services and coordinate a timely response.
Limited health and safety documentation:
The health and safety documentation provided by the ROM during the inspection was
limited. This is a general risk assessment and guidance document for remote and lone
working activities. The lack of site-specific risk assessments is a significant weakness as
it may not adequately address wind farm-specific risks.
Report a crash problem:
The ROM expressed doubts as to whether all accidents and incidents had been reported.

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 3 of 13

This indicates a weakness in the organization’s incident reporting culture, potentially
leading to underreporting of security issues or incidents that need to be investigated and
Lack of site-specific risk assessment:
The risk assessment provided is general and does not refer to specific locations. This is a
weakness because it may not accurately capture special risks associated with the
location of the wind farm, such as risks related to weather conditions and terrain issues.
Lack of location-specific winter preparation:
Although DSO mentions trying to work faster during inclement weather to return to hot
guard stations, there is no evidence of a comprehensive winter preparedness plan or
specific guidance for SROs Work in cold and snowy conditions.
Delayed emergency response:
DSOs had difficulty reaching locations with mobile phone signals to call emergency
services, causing delays in response times. This weakness highlights the need for better
communications infrastructure, especially in remote areas. Limited safety equipment:
 The scenario does not address the availability of safety equipment such as helmets or
high-visibility clothing, required for working in potentially hazardous environments such
as wind farms. The absence of such devices constitutes a security weakness.

 These weaknesses highlight areas where the organization’s approach to safety measures
and risk management could be improved to better protect the welfare of SOs working on
wind farms. Addressing these weaknesses is essential to improve overall safety and
reduce the risk of accidents and incidents.

Task 3: Active and reactive monitoring measures

Question 3 (a)
Reactive monitoring:
Measures that concentrate on assessing the organization's performance in terms of
health and safety using historical data and prior occurrences. The following reactive
monitoring techniques may be used as part of Secure National:
Incident reporting and analysis:
Creating a systematic incident reporting system where all occurrences, accidents, and
near-misses are recorded is something Secure National should do. This includes
disclosing any accidents, damage to property, or safety issues. Then, organizations can
examine this historical data to spot incident patterns and trends and pinpoint problem
Root cause analysis:
To identify the underlying reason of an occurrence, a thorough root cause analysis
should be carried out. By identifying potential systemic causes of the issue, this
technique enables the implementation of corrective measures.
Accident investigation:
As in the scenario, keep conducting a thorough accident investigation. This enables the
business to create strategies to stop similar occurrences from happening in the future by
better understanding the precise circumstances and causes that contributed to the

 Reporting near-misses or near-misses is always encouraged. These are instances that do

not currently cause harm but may in the future. Near-miss analysis can shed light on
prospective threats and weak spots that may need to be addressed.

 Assessment of emergency response measures the efficiency of emergency response

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 4 of 13

protocols and procedures in the wake of genuine emergencies, such as the one portrayed
in the scenario. This includes evaluating the emergency's communication difficulties, the
first aid supplies' sufficiency, and the response time.

 Continue conducting recurring health and safety inspections by internal teams or outside
consultants. Based on data and past observations, these audits can spot compliance gaps,
security problems, and places for development.

 Examine all health and safety documents, including risk assessments, safety rules, and
procedures, on a regular basis. To ensure that these materials address known hazards
and lessons learned from prior accidents, compare them with historical incident data.

 Encourage staff members, including those in social groups, to offer comments on health
and safety issues in light of their prior encounters and events. Employee feedback can be
used to find problems that may not be visible from data alone.

 Maintain records of injuries, illnesses, and time missed from work due to occurrences
involving health and safety. This data can be utilized to monitor changes in employee
health and pinpoint areas that require preventative action.

Comparative analysis:
Evaluate the health and safety performance of your company in relation to best practices
and industry standards. Benchmarking can be used to pinpoint the security performance
gaps in an organization. Secure National will be able to learn from past incidents and
make wise decisions to stop similar incidents in the future thanks to these reactive
monitoring techniques. To identify and resolve potential risks before accidents occur, it is
crucial to combine these measures with proactive (modern) monitoring ones.
Question 3 (b)
Some of the proactive (primary) monitoring techniques that Secure National might
employ in this case are as follows:
Regular safety checks:
Perform routine safety inspections on the infrastructure and locations of wind farms. This
calls for routinely scanning for dangers, equipment maintenance problems, and potential
security threats. This inspection shall be conducted by competent professionals as

Risk evaluation for every location:

Make a site-specific risk assessment, taking into account the special qualities and
difficulties of the wind farm area. Potential dangers, risks associated with the weather,
and other elements that might have an impact on the operating system's safety must be
identified via these assessments.

Weather monitoring:
To keep track of the changing weather, install a weather monitoring equipment or sign up
for a weather service. With the use of this proactive technique, businesses may anticipate
bad weather conditions, such as storms or periods of heavy snowfall, and prepare

Fostering and training:

Give TCs thorough training, including particular instruction for operating in arid or remote

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environments. To ensure that SOs are knowledgeable about security procedures and
well-prepared, frequent refresher training should be planned.

Maintenance and replacement of equipment:

Implement a preventative maintenance program for cars, communications equipment,
and safety equipment. Equipment should be regularly inspected and maintained to
guarantee optimal performance. To prevent safety hazards, make plans to replace
outdated or defective equipment.

Infrastructure improvement:
To address communication issues, rural communities should invest in better
communications infrastructure. This can entail enhancing cell phone signal reception,
offering satellite phones, or making sure two-way radios function effectively.

Winter preparation plans:

Create and implement thorough plans that specify the safety precautions and procedures
to be followed by SOs when operating in cold and snowy circumstances. This involves
offering winter-appropriate gear and equipment.

 Establish a framework for employees to report security risks and provide suggestions for
improvements, including social organizations. Encourage feedback and actively seek it
out to spot any security risks before they get out of hand.

 Exercises and simulations for emergency response should be conducted on a regular

basis to make sure that SOs are prepared to handle a variety of emergencies. This
proactive training can speed up and increase productivity.

 In order to promote health and safety, you should foster a culture of continual
improvement. Encourage workers at all levels to proactively spot possible risks or safety
improvements and report them. Establish a procedure for assessing and carrying out
these suggestions.

 To proactively identify and reduce risks before they result in incidents or accidents, these
active monitoring strategies are crucial. By putting these precautions in place, Secure
National can make its operating systems safer to use and lessen the possibility of future
crises or mishaps at the location of the wind farm.

Task 4: Considering the impact and management of change

Question 4 (a)
A Management of Change (MOC) team's proficiency is essential to the efficient planning
and implementation of changes within a company. Here's why it's critical that they are

Knowledge of Change Management Principles: Effective MOC team members should

be well-versed in the theories, techniques, and best practices of change management.
They must be knowledgeable with the procedures and tactics that support effective
change implementation.

Risk Evaluation and Mitigation: A skilled MOC team can efficiently evaluate any risks
connected to a modification that is being suggested. They are skilled in recognizing both

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anticipated and unforeseen difficulties and can create mitigating plans to deal with these
risks before they arise.

Engagement of Stakeholders: Managing change frequently entails engaging a variety

of stakeholders, including staff, management, and outside partners. Stakeholder
analysis, communication, and engagement skills are mastered by competent team
members to guarantee that all pertinent parties are informed of and participating in the
change process.

Effective communication is a crucial component of successful change management.

Competent team members can create clear, consistent, and targeted communication
plans that explain the change's benefits, the reasons behind them, and how they will
affect people and the company.

Training and development: When a workplace undergoes a change, employees

frequently need to pick up new skills or adjust to modern methods of operation. A
capable MOC team can evaluate training requirements, create training plans, and make
sure that workers get the assistance and tools they need to grow their skills.

Monitoring and evaluation: Skilled team members can create metrics and key
performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the development and effects of the change
endeavor. To keep tabs on the implementation process and make any necessary data-
driven adjustments, they can set up monitoring systems.

Flexibility & Adaptability: Change efforts may change and run into unforeseen
challenges. Competent team members can update the change plan as needed while
keeping the long-term objectives in mind.Team members with experience in change
management can use their past successes and lessons learned to influence the current
change endeavor. To increase their chances of success, they can put knowledge from
comparable changes to use.

Resolution of disputes: Skilled team members are adept at seeing and resolving
disputes that could develop throughout the change process. They have the ability to
resolve conflicts, address issues, and foster a supportive environment.

Sustainability of Change: If a change cannot be maintained over the long term, it is not
regarded as successful. A capable MOC team can make sure that changes are adopted
by the organization's culture and become into long-term habits rather than quick fixes.

Knowledge of Compliance and Regulatory difficulties: The team should have a

thorough awareness of the laws and regulations to guarantee that the firm remains in
compliance if the change entails compliance or regulatory difficulties.

conclusion, the proficiency of a Management of Change team is crucial since it directly

affects the organization's capacity to successfully manage change. A capable team can

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 7 of 13

reduce interruption, improve employee buy-in, and raise the possibility that the change
initiative will produce the desired results. Their knowledge makes it easier to control risks,
promote a culture of positive change, and make sure that adjustments are in line with the
organization's strategic goals.
Question 4 (b)
According to the scenario given, management of change (MOC) controls would be
advantageous for numerous different types of change at Secure National. These consist
Changes to the Emergency Response Protocol: In the wake of the incident, Secure
National may have updated its emergency response processes. MOC controls should be
used to properly manage emergency response plan modifications to guarantee that all
staff members are informed of and trained in the new protocols.
Site-Specific Risk Assessments: The MT's choice to include a SO from each site in
annual risk assessment reviews points to changes in the methodology for conducting risk
assessments. To direct the review process, identify new risks, and guarantee that the
assessments are updated as required, MOC controls are required.
Introduction of New Technology: The wind farm has undergone a substantial
technological advancement with the installation of a new electronic monitoring system.
MOC controls are essential for assessing how this technology will affect operations,
ensuring that staff members are trained to utilize it, and resolving any technical difficulties
that may develop as a result of its deployment.
Safety Policy and Procedures: In response to the results of the accident investigation
or the health and safety audit, the company may have revised its safety policies and
procedures. To successfully convey and implement these changes across the business,
MOC controls are required.
Organizational reorganization: The scenario makes note of a reorganization that
Secure National faced after being acquired. This kind of change frequently entails
adjustments to company procedures, roles, and reporting structures. To guarantee a
seamless transition and resolve any potential disruptions or concerns that may develop
throughout the restructure, proper MOC controls are crucial.
Site Expansion: The scenario illustrates how the wind farm site was increased by the
installation of five additional wind turbines. A site's expansion may bring about additional
dangers, security issues, and operational difficulties. To successfully analyze and
manage these changes and guarantee that the expansion is completed safely and
effectively, MOC controls are required.
Plans for Winter Preparedness: In response to the difficulties brought on by
unfavorable weather, the organization may create and put into action plans for winter
preparedness. To create, share, and manage these plans, MOC controls are crucial.
Increasing Mobile Phone Signal Coverage or Providing Satellite Phones: If Secure
National chooses to increase mobile phone signal coverage or provide satellite phones in
remote locations, these infrastructure changes should be managed through MOC
controls to evaluate their effectiveness.
Training and Refresher Training Programs: MOC controls should be in place to govern
the creation, launch, and monitoring of these training initiatives if the business decides to
improve training programs or add refresher training for SOs.

Conclusion, the sorts of change that Secure National considers to be subject to MOC
controls cover a wide range of topics, including organizational changes, technology
changes, safety-related changes, changes to policies and procedures, and infrastructure
upgrades. To guarantee that these changes are carried out successfully and with the
least possible disturbance to operations and safety, MOC controls are required for
evaluation, planning, implementation, and monitoring.

Task 5: Policy review

Question 5

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 8 of 13

Depending on the details of the circumstance, Secure National's health and safety policy
may need to be evaluated for a number of reasons:

Incident or accident:
The occurrence of an incident or accident, like the one at the NSO wind farm, is one of
the main causes influencing health and safety policy evaluations. When a significant
incident takes place, it motivates policy reviewers to find any gaps and make the required
adjustments to prevent future occurrences.

Results of accident investigations:

After the accident, Secure National launched an investigation into the accident. The
results of this investigation may reveal deficiencies or gaps in current health and safety
policies. Any identified gaps will require a policy review to address and remediate these

Results of the health and safety inspection:

An external consultant's health and safety audit may have found flaws in the
organization's health and safety procedures, including the policy itself. Reviewing and
updating policies to conform to best practices and legal requirements is strongly
encouraged by audit findings and recommendations.

Modifications to regulatory requirements:

Health and safety-related legal requirements are subject to change throughout time.
Organizations must abide with evolving legal requirements. The policy should be
reviewed to ensure compliance with any updates or modifications to health and safety
laws or regulations that have an impact on Secure National's activities.

Organizational change:
After the acquisition, Secure National underwent a considerable restructure. The
management and implementation of health and safety rules can be impacted by changes
in organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities. The policy might need to be revised
to fit the new organizational structure.

Increasing the scope and scale of operations entails adding more wind turbines to an
existing wind farm site. Health and safety rules must take into account the potential risks
that this expansion may pose. The review makes sure that these new components are
fully integrated into the policy.

Employee comments and concerns:

The DSO brought up the issue in one-on-one meetings, citing a lack of refresher training.
Comments and worries raised by employees regarding security procedures should be
treated carefully. It could be important to examine the policy in order to address these
issues and make the required adjustments.

Improved cell phone signal coverage

, for instance, might improve communications infrastructure in remote places. If Secure
National decides to make this adjustment, updated policies could be needed to reflect the
improved communication capabilities and procedures.

Plans for winter readiness:

Implementing plans for winter readiness to handle unfavorable weather conditions may
entail amending health and safety regulations to include particular safety precautions and
operating procedures for the winter.

Culture of continuous improvement:

It's critical to regularly evaluate and update policies to reflect changing best practices and
the organization's dedication to security excellence if you want to foster a culture of
continuous improvement in health and safety.

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Conclusion, a number of variables, including as incidents, legislative changes,
organizational changes, inspection results, employee feedback, and the need to take into
account adapting to new challenges and operational situations, may necessitate
reviewing Secure National's health and safety policy. Regular evaluations make ensuring
that rules are still relevant and in line with the organization's dedication to compliance
and security.

Task 6: Monitoring and measuring (audits)

Question 6
The Secure National method of in-scenario testing provides the following benefits:

External health and safety consulting:

The choice to hire an accredited member of a professional health and safety body as an
external health and safety consultant was a noteworthy accomplishment. Outside experts
and consultants frequently add new ideas, skill, and objectivity to the auditing process.
Their specific knowledge lends weight to the recommendations and audit findings.
Provide complete documents:
A file including documentation pertaining to health and safety was given to the consultant
by the ROM during the inspection. A health and safety policy, a general risk assessment,
and recommendations for safe behaviors when working alone or remotely are all included
in this paper. The provision of these records displays openness and a readiness to assist
with the audit process.

Visit on-site:
ROM arranged a meeting with the consultant and a tour of the wind farm. The consultant
can learn firsthand about the conditions, difficulties, and operations of the site thanks to
this practical approach. It gives the audit factual context, enabling a more thorough

Interaction with the DSO:

During the visit, the DSO actively took part by outlining his responsibilities and offering
his opinions on the most recent accident findings. Employee participation in the audit
process is advantageous because it enables auditors to obtain crucial data from
individuals who are actually responsible for facility operations.

Determine if there is a potential reporting problem

: The ROM questioned if all accidents and events were reported. This open admission of
potential reporting issues shows a readiness to recognize problem areas and a
commitment to solving them. It places a focus on organizational openness in identifying
possible gaps.

Assemble and evaluate data:

The consultant actively participated in conversations with the ROM and DSO and asked
to see all pertinent health and safety documentation. A comprehensive audit must include
this in-depth information gathering and analysis in order for the consultant to make an
informed evaluation of the organization's health and safety initiatives.

Objective evaluation:
Secure National proves its dedication to carrying out unbiased and objective audits by
engaging outside consultants. Outside consultants are less likely to have conflicts of
interest or personal biases that could taint the audit's results.

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Feedback and objectives for improvement:
Following the audit, the consultant gave the management team feedback and
suggestions. This feedback-based auditing strategy implies a dedication to ongoing
health and safety practice improvement based on audit findings.

Secure National's audit approach exhibits a number of positive traits, such as the
inclusion of an external consultant, transparency in the paperwork provided, on-site
participation, employee involvement, and an emphasis on feedback and development.
These resources help to create an audit process that is more thorough and insightful,
which can enhance health and safety protocols and an organization's overall resilience.

Task 7: Financial arguments to improve health and safety

Question 7
Presenting convincing financial justifications that emphasize the possible costs and
advantages of investing in improved health and safety measures is crucial to persuading
Secure National's Management Team (MT) that improvements in health and safety are
necessary. The following financial justifications could be used:

Reduced Insurance Costs:

Secure National can show that it is committed to risk reduction by putting strong health
and safety standards into place. This may result in decreased insurance expenses overall
and cheaper insurance premiums for the organization, which would immediately save

Lower Workers' Compensation Claims:

Increased health and safety procedures can prevent accidents and injuries at work. As a
result, there may be fewer workers' compensation claims, which can cut related
expenditures such as medical bills, disability payments, and legal fees.

Reduced Absence and Lost Productivity:

A safer workplace may result in fewer employee injuries and illnesses. Through
improved operational efficiency, this lowers absenteeism rates and guarantees that
workers are regularly present and productive, ultimately resulting in cost savings.

Increased Employee Retention:

Investing in employee safety and wellbeing can raise morale and increase job
satisfaction. This can thus lower turnover rates and related hiring and training expenses.
It is frequently less expensive to keep experienced staff than to hire and train new ones.

Avoiding Fines and Penalties:

Breaking health and safety laws can result in exorbitant fines and penalties. Such costly
setbacks can be avoided by ensuring compliance and aggressively resolving safety

Improved Reputation and Client Retention:

Secure National's reputation as a responsible and dependable security services provider
can be enhanced by a strong focus on health and safety. This may draw in new
customers and aid in keeping hold of current ones, resulting in more earnings and the
expansion of a business.

 Legal issues, lawsuits, and related legal expenditures might result from inadequate health
and safety safeguards. The organization may save a lot of money on legal fees by making

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 11 of 13

an investment in increasing health and safety.

Reduced Risk of Property Damage:

Safety precautions can also lower the possibility of property damage, such as equipment
damage or incidents that necessitate facility repairs. Saving money is directly correlated
with preventing property damage.

 Processes that prioritize safety frequently result in increased operational effectiveness.

Through greater productivity and less operational waste, streamlined workflows and
decreased downtime can lead to cost savings.

Enhanced Competitive Advantage:

Secure National may have a competitive edge in the security services sector by
demonstrating a commitment to health and safety. Increased market share and revenue
growth may result from this.

Long-Term Cost Avoidance:

By improving health and safety procedures, an organization can avoid the costs
associated with managing and recovering from mishaps, which can reduce long-term

 Having strong health and safety procedures in place can increase investor and
shareholder confidence. A safer company may be seen by investors as a more reliable
and lucrative investment, which could result in better stock performance and greater
access to cash.

 These monetary justifications will help Secure National's MT comprehend the real
advantages of making changes to health and safety. These advantages improve the
organization's overall financial stability and growth prospects in addition to helping to
reduce costs.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and sources Task 1

of information you used From Scenario
in your examination
Task 2(a)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 2 Page (2-13)
From Scenario

Task 2 (b)
RRC International Unit IG1 – Suggested Answers to Study
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 1 Page (1-8)
From Scenario

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023 page 12 of 13

Task 3 (a)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 4 Page (4-3)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 4 Page (4-9)

Task 3 (b)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 2 Page (2-10)
From Scenario
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 3 Page (3-13)

Task 4 (a)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 3 Page (3-46)
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 3 Page (3-47)

Task 4 (b)
From Scenario

Task 5
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 2 Page (2-14)

Task 6
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 4Page (4-26 to 4-28)

Task 7
RRC International Unit IG1 –Element 1 Page (1-4 to 1-6)

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All Open Book Examination guidance
documents can be found on the NEBOSH website:

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