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This is where you can get to know more abut



This was filled with all my daily thouhts

Filled with my delusions


composed of a real life story of someone that
special to me.

The learnings that I have gained throughout
the first quarter


I was born on a warm, sunny day in
August in Masbate City. I still live in
Masbate, not literally in the city. It was
like a municipality, which we called
"Mandaon". And I go to school at Masbate
National Comprehensive High School,
which is located far from my home. I live
with my mom, Cathy; my two brothers,
Rex and Kenneth; and my dad, Rex. When
I was born, my brother Kenneth was four
years old and hid under the table from me.
Kuya Kenneth was sweet, and he would do
anything for me, but like all brothers and
sisters, we fight like cats and dogs.
Sometimes, when no one was around,
Kuya Kenneth would come up to me and
punch my hand. When I started crying, he
eventually cheered me up and gave me a
bunch of his chocolates or something
sweet in order for me to be quiet and not “You‘re on your own
be heard by our parents. I still love him, kid”
but only because he is my brother. My -Taylor Swift
name is Kate.
My name was derived from my mother’s name,
which is Catherine. I don’t know why they named
me after her. I started school when I was three years
old. I went to kindergarten two times because my
teacher wouldn't allow me to move to grade 1
because I was too young at the time. I studied at San
Juan, Mandaon, and Masbate, where my mom
teaches, and while I was there, I won an award for
perfect attendance. I also won an award for honor
roll. I also won a couple of awards, one for being in
third place on the division level (masining na pag
kukwento) when I was in grade two. And for being
the 2nd placer in the Science Quiz Bee. My
elementary school journey was a roller coaster ride
because there were a lot of plot twists in every part of
it. I studied at Milagros National High School when I
was in grades 7-9. When a pandemic arose, I
transferred to MNCHS because the educational
system at my previous school was far from what I
expected at MNCHS. And I think it was a good
decision that I’ve made.
“You‘re on your own
-Taylor Swift
When I am in grades 10 and 11, I become an honor
student. Becoming an honor student was a journey
fraught with numerous challenges and obstacles.
In the early days, I struggled to balance my
academic aspirations. It was a constant battle to
maintain high grades. Financial limitations often
meant sacrificing personal time and leisure, as I
poured countless hours into studying and
assignments, leaving little room for social activities
or relaxation. Additionally, I encountered the
challenge of self-doubt, questioning my abilities
and whether I was truly capable of achieving
academic excellence. I persevered in the face of
these obstacles because I was driven by a strong
desire to succeed.

Late-night study sessions, sleepless nights, and times of

exhaustion paved the way to honor student status. I eventually
overcame the obstacles that stood in my way by developing my
time management skills, asking for assistance when I needed it,
and finding resilience inside myself. My perseverance eventually
paid off; I became an honor student, which is a testament to both “You‘re on your own
my perseverance and the strength I found within myself during
this tough path. To me, life means friends and family who you can
trust and who trust you. I am pretty much on the happy side of life, -Taylor Swift
but like all teens I do I have my days off." That means I do have
some sad days or depressed days. I have a few friends here that soit
of look out for me and when I am having a bad day, I have someone
here at school to talk to. I make my school days go by thinking of
either the next hour or what I will do when I get home or on the
Growing up, I became the so-called, “jolly” kid. I'm
the kind of girl who is quiet in large groups, or around
people I don't know: you only see the real me if we're
close. I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most
inappropriate times. I'm a hopeless romantic. I trip
over air, up stairs and over people's feet. I'm the
hardest person to offend but it's all too easy to make
me feel horrible. I only tell people I trust about my
problems. I believe people should not be judged
before one takes the time to get to know them.
although I'm guilty for doing that exact thing. I love
to think rather than talk. I'm clumsy, shy and strange
but this is me.Despite what I have been through.

I am proud of myself for having the courage to keep bringing

happiness to other people's lives. I am proud of myself for having
the courage to believe that genuine connection still exists because
life is meant to be lived. Just like what my mom says, “ You have to “You‘re on your own
chase the things that ignites you”, “You have to do things that bring
you joy because your existence is finite.” I am proud of myself for
being this person in this world. The way that I love others is -Taylor Swift
inspiring and no one can ever stop me from being like this because
the world needs me. Take it or leave it. No one knew the battle she
fought inside of her every day, but no matter how dark it got, she
kept her smile and shined her light for anyone who needed it, even
though she knew she was the one who needed it the most.
The world needs happiness and softness and someone
who will remind them that joy still exists. All I can say
right now is I am braver than most. And no matter how
many times I have let down, how many times I have
searched for myself in others and found nothing, I
refuse to stop being the real me. It requires strength to
keep taking another step, even if you don’t know if
you’re in the right way. There is nothing more powerful
than to keep giving happiness, even if there’s nothing in
return. As the time went by, the girl that is used to bring
joy and happpiness to other people have changed. She
began to distance herself from people, she always cry at
the corner of her room for no reason.

And became dependent into herself. I helped myself. I

wiped my own tears. Plastered over fresh wounds and
parts of my heart that were hurting. I gave myself time. I
listened to music that calmed my nerves. I watched
movies that made me smile. Piece by piece, I put myself
back together again. And keep on bringing the shine
that people needed. As I end this autobiography all I can “You‘re on your own
say is that, You were never meant to be a superwoman,
dashing from place to place, saving everyone, having it
all and being everything at once – you are simply here to -Taylor Swift
have a happy life full of health, love and laughter,
whatever that means to you and not everything in life is
meant to be a beautiful story.
let your
you. October 10

Dear Diary,
I Love mornings. It is 5:33 am as I write this, and I Am filled with…
the potential of a new day. Gone is the tiredness and frustration
of last night, the slate of failed To Do's has been wiped clean, and
the "I'm not looking forward to tomorrow' has been replaced by
the possibility and energy of a new day. Given the choice, I
would make up my whole day with mornings-they are by far my
most productive time and I'm sure it's no coincidence that they
are where my powerful daily habits have been built. Every day
begins with a new morning, and every new morning heralds a
new day of possibility - the only question is, what are you going
to do with yours..?

October 11

Dear Diary,
Yesterday turned into a pretty rubbish day-nothing
major or upsetting, just lots of little things that went
wrong, one of which frustrated me immeasurably.
Today I have a choice -to let the frustrations of
yesterday carry over and ruin today, or put them
behind me, learning what i can and putting my efforts
into making today a good day. I choose the latter.
Venting frustration might make us feel better in the
moment, but learning from the experience and finding
ways to improve our own performance will make us
feel land do) better for much, much longer..
let your

October 12

Dear Diary,
I have always loved early mornings for the peace and quiet.
I have had some of. my best ideas before 6:00 am, and when
i was training for triathlons, I always loved being out while
everyone. was still in bed. Early mornings are a time. to
think, or a time. to get a head start on the day. They can be a
time for great reflection or a time for. great crest utt, And
they do go very well with coffee.
October 13

Dear Diary,
The other day I sat down with my notebook and wrote about my
perfect day -random Monday, three years from now. I wrote in
Free-flowing detail about what my day would be like if I achieved
all of my goals - the time I would wake up, the work I would do,
the people I would meet, and even the view from my desk – and
I'II be honest, it has given my focus and motivation a real boost.
Looking to make today a perfect day is probably an impossible
task, but designing the perfect day for our future-selves? I think
that's a page worth writing.
let your

October 14

Dear Diary,
Life goes on… It was saturday. There are plenty of things that can
upset our carefully considered plans - the sudden phone call, the
unexpected opportunity or even the stroke of good fortune - but
all around us, life goes on. It goes on for our Family and for our
friends, it continues as normal for the stranger sitting next to us,
and the people all around us go about their normal daily work.
Sometimes we are the one in the eye of the storm, but sometimes
we are the family, the friend, the stranger or the worker, because,
all around us, all of the time, life goes on…

October 15

Dear Diary,
I have pages and pages of ideas, strategies and goals stored on my shelves -
all useful exercises, and in some cases completely necessary to help
develop and refine the original thought, but it is only the ideas I work on
every day that have a chance of leaving the page to become reality. A
dream, a plan, or a goal written on paper is just little black marks on wood
8 to
pulp too -only action. can bring it to life, and give it, and you, a chance
realize all that untapped potential.
let your
October 16

Dear Diary,
I remember the Mondays of my corporate days-the start of a long week,
thoughts about all of the things I needed to get done, and worries about the
unseen things that would inevitably go wrong (and whether I would be able
to fix them). The rest of the week was always a bit of a slog. I wonder what
my weeks would have been like if I had decided to approach every Monday
as an opportunity to get ahead, as a way to spot the opportunities while
everyone else was still napping after the weekend, as a chance to be
excellent. I wonder what my weeks would have been like then.

October 17

Dear Diary,
There is great satisfaction in finishing a day where you got things done. I
don't necessarily mean a day full of flow, where time flies by and your
creativity knows no bounds, I mean those days where the work is hard,
the ideas don't come so easily, but you have a quiet determination to
finish what you started. Tranquility is sometimes found in the most
ordinary of places - a long walk will undoubtedly get you there, but hard
work will get you there too..
let your

October 18

Dear Diary,
It is so important to keep reminding yourself of your dreams. For the last
few months, things have been going really well. well for me. business, and
so it becomes all too easy to get lost in the day to day ‘busyness’. But on my
walk this morning, I spent a lot of time reminding myself. of the dreams 1
have mapped out for this Whole thing, and it has given my whole mood a
massive boost, and renewed my energy.

October 19

Dear Diary,
Today was my brother’s birthday. I almost forgot it because I
was too busy with my school works. When my mom gritted
him that was the time that I remember it. Even if that day was
kinda exhausting I immediately found ways to make myself
happy on that day. I and my brother celebrated his birthday
because our family wasn't here at the city.
let your
October 20

Dear Diary,
life lately. I've been thinking about what person I actually am, like what type of
human I consider myself as. And I don't know. Every thought was negative. I
think people consider me as someone who's shy at first, who later becomes
annoying. I'm not really a talkative person, nor lim willing to be one. I like
listening. I don't have many close friends or friends that are ,, just mine", who I
don't shove with. I'm pretty boring to just hang out with.I don't have many
topics to talk about, especially for hours, and small talk is considered as
stressful by me. It's kinda sad when I think about it. No one was trying to be my
friend, only mine. l’m tired of being the second option, which I usually am, of
being on the other side of the camera-taking the pictures instead of being on
them. I don't know if it's one of the reasons why I feel unlovable but I suppose
its kinda related.

October 21

Dear Diary,
Tonight is one of these nights where I feel this anxiety in my chest
about going up because I’m not ready to wake up tomorrow. And I
can't seem to get rid of it. And I’m not sure what to do about it.
let your

Date: October 10
Time: 9 pm - 5 am
Theme: The beach

On the empty beach where I found myself, tears were

being shed over old friends, and the waves were
smashing. Every wave shouted the names of people I
used to be with, filling me with longing and sorrow.

Date: October 11
Time: 9 pm - 5 am
Theme: Love Letters

I dreamt of receiving a stack of love letters from my past

crushes, each containing heartfelt words and
confessions. However, as I opened them, the ink faded
away, and the letters dissolved, representing the
ephemeral nature of romantic connections
let your
Date: October 12
Time: 8 pm - 4 am
Theme:The Crush

On a rainy day, my crush and I show up at the door and

spend the day cuddling, drinking hot chocolate, and
enjoying each other's company.

Date: October 12
Time: 8 pm - 4 am
Theme:The pathetic me

In my dream, I made an attempt to cross a bridge and get

close to my crush. The bridge, however, fell apart
beneath my feet, signifying all the wasted possibilities
and failed relationships in my love life. It served as a
moving example of blind affection.
let your

Date: October 14
Time: 8:30 - 4:30
Theme: Family bond

I dreamt of a weekend getaway in a cozy cabin, where I

and my family can disconnect from technology and
reconnect with each other. We have picnic in a beautiful
park, enjoying delicious food and playing games under
the sun.

Date: October 15
Time: 7:45 pm - 5:34 am
Theme: My delusions

I found myself on a never-ending ferris wheel ride with a

crush. It was a cycle of highs and lows, symbolizing the
ups and downs of romantic relationships. We laughed,
argued, and made up, but the ride never stopped,
illustrating the complexity of love.
let your

Date: October 16
Time: 7 pm - 5 am
Theme: The unknown person

I had a dream about a famous historical figure who had died

centuries ago. We were having a conversation about the world
today. I dreamt of my grandmother, who passed away years ago.
We were sitting in her old kitchen, and she was giving me life

Date: October 17
Time: 8:25 pm - 8 am
Theme: Reunited

My late pet dog named Pepper appeared in my dream,

running happily in a field. It felt like a joyful reunion.

Date: October 18
Time: 9 pm - 3 am
Theme: My adventure with my crush

My crush and I find ourselves on a mountaintop, gazing

at the world below, and as we turn to each other, we
share a perfect, dreamlike kiss.
let your

Date: October 19
Time: 7:20 pm - 6:10 am
Theme: Bond with my cousin

My cousin and I were dancing under a starry sky, lost in

each other's eyes, feeling an intense connection that's
beyond words.

Date: October 20
Time: 10 pm - 6 am
Theme: The garden of roses

I wandered through a garden filled with beautiful roses,

each one representing a different crush from my past.
However, as I reached out to touch them, they withered
away, symbolizing the fleeting nature of infatuations.
let your

Date: October 21
Time: 9:30 pm - 10 am
Theme: The silent cries

I I found myself alone in the corner, crying and didn’t know what to
do. I look so exhausted and hopeless but I don't know where this
came from.

Date: October 22
Time: 9 pm - 8 am
Theme: Remenisce

the wind carried noises of earlier crushes as I stood on a hill. They spoke
softly, like lost memories. It was a dream that left me feeling nostalgic but
also saddened by the expertise that time had separated me from the people
I once cherished
My father's life was turned
upside down by a false
accusation in the peaceful, lovely
town of Mandaon. He was a
devoted parent who earned the
respect of his friends and
neighbors for his honesty and
commitment to his family.

Up until the day he was charged with

being a member of a group involved in a
shooting event, the dedicated father of
three was living a life of calm peace. He
was shocked and confused by the claim
because he was not only innocent but
also completely unaware of any such
event. His personal and professional
lives were shaken by the charges, which
resulted in a complicated fight to
establish his innocence.

My father had to leave his own house in a desperate attempt

to avoid law enforcement's endless pursuit as a result of the
malicious and false accusations. Every day turned into a
painful trip marked by anxiety and uncertainty. My father
had always believed in the rule of law, and what followed
court proceedings was a difficult journey into unfamiliar
grounds. To clear his name, my dad had to hire a defense
lawyer, which significantly exhausted his assets. 6
His life became used to the
judicial proceedings, which
included close examination, the
presentation of evidence, and

He struggled to free himself from

this gossip, but the burden of
proof lay completely on his
shoulders. He was determined to
find the truth and clear his name
because the accusations were

The baseless claims against my

dad were ultimately dropped
after years of mental suffering.
Although there was a tangible
sense of relief, the encounter left
lasting scars. Both his personal
and professional lives had been
seriously harmed by the
unfounded accusations. 6
After having his
reputation and name
cleared, my dad could
finally go home.
Although it was a happy
occasion for him and his
family, his ordeal had
left lasting wounds. He
had discovered that the
system did not always
uphold justice and that
the truth was frequently
concealed. The sad story
of my dad demonstrates
the terrible
consequences of false
allegations, especially
when people are accused
of significant crimes they
did not commit.

It highlights the critical need for a just and humane legal

system that protects the rights and dignity of persons who
get caught in a web of untrue charges. My father's journey
serves as a stark reminder that lives are at risk and that such
charges have wide-ranging and lasting effects. In dealing
with these situations and making sure that justice is served, 6
compassion and empathy must be at the forefront.
Exploring the first quarter was an
incredible mix of anxiety and
anticipation to get through the first
quarter of my senior year as a G12
student. There was an actual sense
of approaching change as college
applications stood huge in the
distance, requiring carefully essays
and thorough test preparation.

There was, however, a strong sense

of camaraderie among my class, and
we were all determined to help one
another as we explore the difficulties
last year of high school, despite the
academic difficulty. This quarter was
a significant fusion of enthusiasm
and nostalgia, signifying the start of
a transforming journey toward
adulthood, from late-night chats
about our future objectives to the
grief knowledge that our time
together was drawing to a close. 12
I explored the interesting field of
general biology. I gained a basic
comprehension of biological sciences
thanks to the subject. I gained
knowledge of genetics, cell structure,
and how science operates within us.
The lab work was very interesting
since it gave me a practical way for
exploring these ideas. From
comprehending diseases to
appreciating the complexity of
ecosystems, biology has a direct
impact on our daily lives, and I found
this to be fascinating. Creative writing
was a breath of fresh air to write
creatively. It inspired me to let my
imagination run wild and
communicate my ideas using words. I
tried out several types of writing and
techniques, which expanded my field
of creativity.

The subject of applied
economics was difficult
but rewarding. I
discovered how economic
concepts influence the
environment we live in.
Making educated
decisions and analyzing
actual economic realities
were essential objectives.
My critical thinking skills
improved, and this subject
gave me useful resources
for problem-solving.
Supply and demand,
inflation, and other
related ideas were crucial
to my whole education.
My learning of philosophy
was thought-provoking.

It forced me to think critically,
explore ethical issues, and
examine the profound ideas of
philosophers throughout
history. It was quite beneficial
to learn about logic and critical
thinking. I now approach things
with a more open mind and
analytical thinking because it
enlarged my perspective. The
study of personal development
transformed individuals. Self-
awareness, goal-setting, and
resiliency were stressed.
Through a variety of exercises, I
identified my advantages and
growth areas. I found that
setting and monitoring my own
goals was a helpful habit, and I
want to keep doing it. It was
also focused on personal
development in addition to

Physical education was a
welcome break from the
academic journey of mine.
Staying active and maintaining
a healthy lifestyle is essential,
and this subject reinforced that.
In general, my first quarter
offered a diverse range of
possibilities for learning. My
knowledge, talents, and
perspectives have all been
expanded by the variety of
topics. Each discipline, from the
complex world of biology to the
depths of philosophy, was
essential to my intellectual and
personal growth. As I move
forward with my studies, I'm
excited to put these teachings
and insights into practice.


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