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Grade 4 January 2020

TD Theme : Who We Are

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our
appreciation of the aesthetic.
Central Idea: The effective interactions between human body systems contribute to health and survival.
An inquiry into:
 Body systems and how they work (Function)’
 Body systems work together (Connection)
 Impact of lifestyle choices on the body (Responsibility)

Key Concepts : TD Skills : Learner Profile :

 Function  Balanced,
 Cinnection Self-Management Skills-  Reflective
 Responsibility Communication skills-  Knowledgeable
Related Concepts : Thinking skills- Attitudes :
B Systems
Homeostasis  Respect
Interdependence  Cooperation
Health  Commitment
Strength, endurance and stress to be covered by PE

UOI Language ( English) Numeracy

Week 1: 6th to 9th January Week 1: 6th to 9th January Week 1: 6th to 9th January
Tuning into the TD Theme - Brainstorming and Mind Map in in
groups on “Who We Are”  Introduction of degrees of comparison Probability
(adjectives) Learning outcome:
PKA-Reflect on your life and write down 2-3 unhealthy habits
you have. What effect does it have on your body? Also write  Learners will sort out and complete a table on Understand that probability is based on experimental
down what healthy habits you promise to develop and how events.
they will they benefit your body.
Table for Degree of Learning engagements:
PKA continues- Create a KWL chart for the classroom. The comparision.docx
the degree of Adjectives PKA- The learners will be shown events card and they
learners will fill the KWL chart on the human body. (What do
will guess the probability
you Know, What do you Want to know, What do you want to
Introduction to Probability
PPT on healthy habits. A PPT of health pictures will be shown
Prompt for discussion:
to the students and they have to analyze. Provocation
template for 1) What do you understand by the term
questions will be asked on the pictures shown. Build the word activity.docx
probability (Form)
bank on the board.
 They will go outdoors and collect various items Probability line is a kind of number line where
to show comparison, after which they will the probabilities of an event is represented. An event
UOI prior assessment- What are Human Body systems?
create sentences for the same in groups can be categorized as impossible, unlikely, likely and
Graphic organizer on health and Survival. Students will be
 Discussion on rules of comparisons of sure event based on the probability obtained.
shown pictures on healthy living, which will make them think
Adjectives. 2) How does probability line work? (Function)
about what they are going to learn.
Unscrambling of Central Idea and discussion of central idea
and key words adjective-compariso
Cracking the Central Idea - The words of the central idea will n-degrees-.pdf
be written on the board (jumbled). In groups, the students will
Home reinforcement on adjectives: degrees of
use the same to create their own CI. They then will connect
comparison (practice sheet)
the CI to the TD Theme. Followed by a class discussion.
Discuss the various sentences 3) How will you connect your understanding
Show students the CI and discuss G4 HR Language G4 HR Language LL with your current unit of inquiry, and the
(Vocabulary: Systems, vital, vital role) 9.1.20.docx 9.1.20.docx
concept decimals and fractions? (Connection)
Discussion on LOIs related to key concepts.
Basic internal organs will be discussed and sheet on internal
 Chapter read: Show the below and some links are for teacher
organs will be pasted in the CW books.
Discussion of the novel charlotte’s Web reference:
Week 2: 13th to 17th January
G4 HR template=/kids/mw/help/
Language_charlottes_w eb_13-15_7.1.20.docx
 Introduction to the Skeletal System eh_popup.thtml&grade=3&chapter=7&lesson=3&titl
 Students are given a jigsaw of bones. In groups,  Spelling Challenge- unit based e=Outcomes+and+Probability&tm=tmfd0703e
they have to cut and create a skeleton.
 The teacher will begin the lesson by asking a out/
Week 2: 13th to 17th January
number of questions. What parts of your body do
 Learners will solve task on degree of ep4_08.html
you use to move? Do you know the body parts
comparison to strengthen their understanding
underneath your skin that help you move? Why
are bones important? Where are your bones? Are of the rules.
they hard or soft? How do you know? What do  Novel discussion on the novel Charlotte’s Web
 FA on degree of comparison of Adjectives
you think would happen if we didn’t have bones?
 Spelling challenge
What mineral do you think your boned need to ep4_08.html
remain strong?
 Students will be shown video links on the skeletal Create your own probability events.
 FA- Quiz- The learners will write the options in their math note book and check their understanding. They
 After which the teacher and students will label will create their own checklist and for the formative
and discuss the different bones and joints in the
body. This sheet can stuck in the CW books.

 1. Learning objective: Applying different strategies
 Skeleton to be bought from the Biology Lab. in Multiplication.
 Discussion on the functions of the different 2. Perform model multiplication whole numbers (3
bones. digits by 3 digits). Model multiplication using
 Quiz and song links different strategies
 3. Select and use appropriate operations to solve
word problems. Show step wise working.
Learning engagements:
 Day 1: PKA: Multiplication prompt will be given and
v=aUHh8uMdBso& students will present their understanding in the
 Discussion on bone maintenance. Key concept- Form- Key words of multiplications in
 UOI HR on labelling and research on the skeletal the note-book in pairs. Students will form their own
system. definition of multiplication
 By the end of the inquiry into the skeletal system,
students should be able to identify the different
bones and state their functions.
Quick Mental math: Multiply numbers with multiples
of 10(for e.g. 12x 10, 23x 100)

Day 2: Prompt would be shown and the students will

be posing their questions or will share the different
strategies of multiplication.

Introduction to multiplication strategies-

(Traditional/Long Multiplication method, Area model
and lattice )

Students will be solving questions given to them or

they can form their own question and will solve.
4 station Activity: Students were given puzzles on
different multiplication strategies
Students will solve the problems and identify that
they can solve these problems using repeated
addition but shorter way is multiplication

Multiplication as repeated addition:

Ask students to identify the facts about

 Game Time:
Explore multiplication board game in pairs-by
rolling the dice and multiplying the numbers
on the dice and completing the houses.
Students play crossword on times table.
Quiz on times table
Multiplication strategies-(Traditional/Long
Multiplication method, Area model and lattice) and
solving sums from workbook, in the note-book and
worksheets for practice.

Key concept-Connection- Word problems on

multiplication-real life situations and related to the

FA on multiplication

2D shapes:
PKA - Making connections with real life examples you
have come across on 2D shapes in school and at
home and demonstrate your understanding in 2D
shapes in note book. Learners will be asked to be
observant and hunt for real life examples on 2D
shapes in the school (Nature walk and places/rooms
in school) from morning till lunch and will record their
Create shape riddles and draw some 2D shapes in
(Checklist: Your understanding, real life examples
and attributers of 2D shapes)
Show them the PPT on polygons, triangles and
Reflection- Write the properties of 2D shapes in the
FA-Learners will draw 8 2D Shapes on an A4 sheet
and draw/list real life examples and write its
properties (corners, sides, vertices)

Factors and multiples

Learning objectives - Students will be able to find all
factor pairs for a given numb

Introduction-Discussion time
(5 minutes)
Write the number 12 on the board.
Ask students to shout out factors (i.e. what numbers
go into 12?)
Write the factors around the number and prompt
students as needed to get all factors (1,2,3,4,6,12).
Explain, "These are all factors of 12. Factors are
numbers we can multiply together to get another
number. For example, 3 x 4 is 12, so 3 and 4 are both
factors of 12."
Write the definition of factor on the board (a whole
number that divides exactly into another number)
ell students, "You helped me find the factors of 12.
But when we list factors, we have to be sure we don’t
forget any. It can be easy to miss a factor if we just
list them from memory."
Explain, "One way to ensure that we have listed all
the factors of a number is by finding factor pairs: a
set of two numbers that, when multiplied together,
result in a given product."
Tell students that we can use factor rainbows as a
way to list factor pairs and find all the factors of a
number, in order from least to greatest.
Make a rainbow with the factors of 12 (see resources
for examples).
Write another number, like 15, on the board.
Remind students that 1 and the number itself are
always factors of every number.
Draw a factor rainbow for 15 starting with 1. Draw a
big arch from 1 to 15, leaving room for other factors
inside the first arch.
Ask students, "Is 2 a factor? Is 3 a factor? What times
3 is 15?" Draw an arch from 3 to 5 to continue the
Tell students that when making a factor rainbow,
they should keep counting up from 1 and adding
factors until reaching a factor that is already listed (5
in this case). When they reach a factor that is already
listed, the factor rainbow is complete.
Guide students through an example of a square
number, like 16, and demonstrate how to make a
rainbow when a factor is used twice (i.e. write the
factor once as the center number in the rainbow
without an arch drawn above it).
Optional Extension: Display factor rainbows for 12
and 16 side by side. Circle the common factors (1,2,
and 4) and explain, "When two numbers have factors
in common, we call these common factors. The
term greatest common factorrefers to the largest, or
greatest, common factor between two or more
numbers. In this case, 4 is the the greatest common

Provide a multiplication table for students to refer to
as needed.
Provide partially completed factor rainbows for
students to finish.
Allow students to use a calculator to find factors
during independent practice.
Have students make factor rainbows for larger
Have students find the greatest common factor of
two numbers (see resources).
 FA on Multiplication, Factors and Multiples
 Mental Math

 To be mindful of the TD theme, CI, LOI, key and related concepts, td skills and LP
 Plan for integrated teaching
 Concept driven teaching
 Clear, mindful and regular assessments
To use:
 to be made weekly or per line of inquiry – whatever works best for the individual
 highlight the line of inquiry, concept/ related concept, TD skill and learner profile being targeted
 planning not according to dates – flexibility remains with the teachers – but work to be completed within the week/ time frame


 Prior Assessment— What are human body systems? Graphic organizer on health and survival.

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