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Jun Juhaizi Juhari

1. Define the 2. Explain the roles 3. Explain the role 4. Explain how 5. Explain the six 6. Discuss the
marketing and types of of public relation in sales promotion major sales force major forms of
communication mix advertising in the promotion mix campaigns are management steps direct marketing.
promotion mix developed and

Promotions is the marketing process ‘that
informs, persuades and reminds buyers on a

A promotion mix is the particular combination
MARKETING of promotional methods that a firm uses in its
COMMUNICATION MIX promotional campaign to reach a target

It is refer to the specific mix of advertising,

personal selling, sales promotion and
public relations a company uses to pursue
its advertising and marketing objectives.

▪ Advertising is any paid form of
nonpersonal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods or
services by an identified sponsor.

▪ Advertising is any paid form of non-

personal communication sent through
ADVERTISING a mass medium by an organization
about its products or services. media
such as television, radio, the internet,
direct mail, outdoor advertising, transit
(vehicle) advertising, newspapers,

(a) To e.g. tell customers about a new product . Informative
inform advertising is the delivery of advertising messages
through mass media with the intent of informing a
target market about the benefits offered by a product
or innovation

(b) To e.g. encourage customers to switch to a different brand.

persuade Persuasive advertising is a component in an overall

advertising strategy that seeks to entice consumers into
purchasing specific goods or services, often by
appealing to their emotions and general sensibilities

Advertising (c) To e.g. remind buyers where to find a product. Brief

Objectives remind messages designed chiefly to keep a product in the

mind of the consumer once the product is already

(d) To The purpose of this objective is to point out a brand’s

compare unique benefits compared to the competition.

Advantages Disadvantages ( Limitations)
• It reaches millions of people at a • Cost per viewer might be low
relatively low cost per person.
• Target audience might not be in
• It can reach geographically the right place to receive the
diverse people at the same time message

• It can use of color, print, sound • Advertising’s impersonal nature

Advantages & and motion ( it is very expressive

form of promotion)
(it communicates to you but you
cannot respond immediately.
Limitations • It can repeat the message to you
many times

• Good for building awareness

1) Online Online advertising or digital advertising as a form in which the message is
Advertising conveyed via the internet.
2) SMS advertising SMS marketing is the major source of mobile advertising. Once mobile phones
got access to internet all internet advertising flowed to mobile
3) Television Ads About a decade ago television was the most popular form of advertising.

4) Ads in Theatres The advertisements in movie theatres before all the movies start or during the
intimation are called movie ads.
5) Product Product placement is called covert advertising wherein a product is quietly
Placement embedded in the entertainment media.

Types of 6) Radio Radio advertisements are the ones that are broadcast it through radio waves and
heard on radios all over the place

Advertising 7) Print Advertising Printing is the slowly decreasing form of advertising

8) Magazine These are also known as periodical advertisements in which a weekly fortnightly
advertising or monthly magazine are used for advertising
9) Brochures or Brochures are specific advertising materials used to promote a particular product
handouts usually given at a point of sale are handed out at different locations.
10) Newspaper Newspapers were the extremely popular form of advertising in the early 20th
advertising century and to some extent it still is.
11) Outdoor Outdoor advertising consists of displaying large posters banners or hoardings
advertising with the advertisement

12) Outdoor Blank It is a newer form of advertising which ensures a large reach of audience.
Space Advertising Occupying the empty spaces for advertisements is known as space advertising
◦ Public relations is defined as “building good
relations with the company’s various publics
PUBLIC by obtaining favorable publicity, building up
a good corporate image, and handling or

RELATIONS heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and


◦ Publicity is also a way of mass
communication. It is not a paid form of mass
PUBLICITY communication that involves getting
favourable response of buyers by placing
commercially significant news in mass media.

Build and maintain a positive image

Inform target audiences about positive associations with a

product, service, brand, or organization

Functions of Maintain good relationships with influencers—the people

who strongly influence the opinions of target audiences
Generate goodwill among consumers, the media, and
Relations other target audiences by raising the organization’s profile

Stimulate demand for a product, service, idea, or


Head off critical or unfavorable media coverage

Public Relations
Role and Description Examples

Generate positive news coverage about the Press release, press kit, and interview leading to
Media Relations organization, its products, services, people, a news article about a new product launch; press
and activities conference

Maintain strong, beneficial relationships with Product review published by a renowned blogger;
individuals who are thought leaders for a company profile by an industry analyst; celebrity
market or segment endorsement

Provide information about the organization, Organization’s annual report; newsletters; white
Publications and

Public Relation
showcase its expertise and competitive papers focused on research and development;
Thought Leadership
advantages video case study about a successful customer

Tools Events
Engage with a community to present
information and an interactive “live” experience
with a product, service, organization or brand
User conference; presentation of a keynote
address; day-of-community-service event

Co-sponsoring an industry conference;

Raise the profile of an organization by
Sponsorships sponsoring a sports team; sponsoring a race to
affiliating it with specific causes or activities
benefit a charity

Winning an industry “product of the year” award;

Generate recognition for excellence within the
Award Programs nominating customer for an outstanding
organization and/or among customers
achievement award

Oversee customer communication during a

Manage perceptions and contain concerns in
JJJ Crisis Management service outage or a product recall;
10 execute action
the face of an emergency situation
plan associated with an environmental disaster
Advantages of Public Relations
The opportunity to amplify key messages and milestones.

• When PR activities are well-aligned with other marketing activities, organizations

can use PR to amplify the things they are trying to communicate via other channels.


• Because publicity is seen to be more objective, people tend to give it more weight
and find it more credible..

Employee pride.

• Organizing and/or sponsoring charitable activities or community events can help

with employee morale and pride (both of which get a boost from any related
publicity, too).

Engaging people who visit your Web site.

• PR activities can generate interesting content that can be featured on

your organization’s Web site., etc.
JJJ 11
• Although publicity is usually less expensive to
organize than advertising, it isn’t “free.”
• A public relations firm may need to be hired to
develop campaigns, write press releases, and
speak to journalists.

Disadvantages Lack of control.

• There’s no guarantee that a reporter or industry
of Public influencer will give your company or product a
favorable review—it’s the price you pay for
Relations “unbiased” coverage.
Missing the mark.
• Even if you do everything right—you pull off a
worthy event and it gets written up by a local
newspaper, say—your public relations effort can fall
short and fail to reach enough or the right part of
your target audience.
JJJ 12
◦ Sales promotion is a marketing strategy where the
product is promoted using short-term attractive
initiatives to stimulate its demand and increase its
◦ This strategy is usually brought to use in the
SALES following cases –

PROMOTION • to introduce new products,

• sell out existing inventories,
• attract more customers, and
• to lift sales temporarily.

JJJ 13
Advantages Disadvantages
• Can stimulate quick • If used over the long-
increases in sales by term, customers may
targeting promotional get used to the effect
incentives on particular
• Too much promotion
Advantages products
may damage the brand
and • Good short term image
Disadvantages tactical tool
• Higher Cost
• Use to support other
parts of the
promotional campaign

JJJ 14
Sales Promotion Tools

1. Samples
Samples are one of the most important
tools of sales promotion.
Samples are defined as offers to
consumers of a small amount of a product
for trial.
Free samples are given to consumers to
generate their interest in the product.
Samples help consumers verify the quality
of the product.

JJJ 15
2. Coupons
A coupon is a certificate that fetches buyers a
saving when they purchase a specified product.
Coupons are generally issued along with the
product. They entitle the holder to either a specified
saving on a product or a cash refund.
Coupons are designed to:
◦ i. introduce a new product
◦ ii. to promote the sale of an established product
◦ iii. to sell a product in large sizes
◦ iv. to stimulate customers to switch brands; and
◦ v. to encourage repeat sales.

JJJ 16
3. Demonstration

◦ Demonstration is required when products

are complex and of a technical nature.
◦ Customers are educated as to how to
make proper use of the product.
◦ Demonstration of products induces
customers to buy.
◦ Demonstrations are provided free of
JJJ 17
4. Contests
◦ Contests are the promotion events that give
consumers the chance to win something such as
cash, trips or goods.
◦ Contests are conducted to attract new customers.
They introduce new product by asking the
prospects to state the reasons for the purchase of
the product.
◦ The buyer purchases the product and submits the
evidence of purchase with entry form for contest.
◦ Entry forms are duly filled by the buyers. A panel
of judges selects the best and buyers are given

JJJ 18
5. Cash refund offer

◦ Cash refund offers are rebates allowed from

the price of the product.
◦ It is an offer to refund part of the purchase
price of a product to consumers who send a
proof of purchase to the manufacturer.
◦ Moreover, if the purchaser is not satisfied
with the product, the whole price or part of it
will be refunded.
◦ Cash refunded offer is stated on the
JJJ 19
6. Premium
◦ Premium refers to goods offered either free
or at low cost as an incentive to buy a
◦ A premium may be inside the package,
outside it or received through mail.
◦ The reusable package itself serves as a
◦ Premium is generally offered for consumer
goods such as soap, toothpaste, etc

JJJ 20
7. ‘Price off’ offer

◦Goods are sold at reduced

prices during slump season.
◦Reduction in prices stimulates
sale of goods.

JJJ 21
8. Consumer sweepstakes

◦ A sweepstakes calls for consumers

to submit their names for a draw.
◦ Names of consumers are included
in a list of prize winning contest.
◦ The lots are drawn and the winners
get prizes.

JJJ 22
9. Buy back allowances

◦ Allowances are granted to buyers on

the basis of their previous
◦ In other words, buy back allowances
are given for new purchases, based
on the quantity of goods bought

JJJ 23
◦ It refers to Person to person communication with
potential customers in an effort to inform, persuade,
or remind them to purchase an organization’s
products or services.
◦ Personal Selling is an effective way to manage
PERSONAL personal customer relationships. The sales person
acts on behalf of the organization. They tend to be
SELLING well trained in the approaches and techniques of
personal selling. However sales people are very
expensive and should only be used where there is a
genuine return on investment. For example
salesmen are often used to sell cars or home
improvements where the margin is high.

JJJ 24
Advantages Disadvantages
• Highly interactive - lots of • Costly - employing a sales
communication between force has many hidden
the buyer and seller costs in addition to wages

• Excellent for • Not suitable if there are

Advantages communicating complex / thousands of important
and detailed product
information and features

disadvantages • Relationships can be built

up - important if closing the
sale make take a long time

JJJ 25
Steps in the Selling
◦ There are many steps involved in
the process of personal selling:
prospecting, pre-approach,
approach, sales presentation,
handling objectives, and follow up.

JJJ 26

• The first step of the personal selling process is called ‘prospecting’. Prospecting refers to locating potential


• The nest step in the personal selling process is called the ‘pre-approach’. The pre-approach involves preparation for
the sales presentation. This preparation involves research about the potential customers, such as market research.

The Approach

• The approach refers to the initial contact between the salesperson and the prospective customer.

Steps in the Sales Presentation

• The sales presentation involves the salesperson presenting the product or service, describing its qualities and

Selling Process
possibly demonstrating features of the product. Ideally the sales presentation will be individualized to match the
needs and desires of the potential customer.

Handling Objectives

• In some cases, after receiving the sales presentation, the potential customer will have some questions or concerns.
In order to secure a sale, the salesperson must address these questions or concerns; this step is referred to as
‘handling objectives.’

Closing the sale

• The next step in the personal selling process is referred to as ‘closing the sale’. ‘Closing the sale’ refers to finalizing
the sale and persuading the potential customer to make the purchase.

Follow up

JJJ 27
• The follow up involves the salesperson contacting the customer after the sale to ensure that the customer is satisfied.
▪ Direct marketing is a form of
advertising that reaches its
audience directly through
DIRECT multiple channels including
MARKETING email, direct mail, social media,
catalogs, online advertising,
interactive television, etc.

JJJ 28
The most
common Internet marketing
forms of
marketing Face-to-face selling

Direct mail
Types of Direct Catalogs

Direct-response advertising

Kiosk marketing
JJJ 29
1) Internet Marketing

The Internet has revolutionized direct marketing for

promoting the sale of products and services to
targeted audiences.
Access to the Internet provides users with services in
four basic areas:
✓ Information
✓ Entertainment
✓ Shopping
✓ Individual and group communication
Online channels can eliminate geographic

JJJ 30
2) Face-to-Face

◦ The most traditional direct marketing involves the

in-house sales force personally contacting
potential and established consumers.
◦ Examples of organizations that use face-to-face
selling include:
◦ Mary Kay
◦ Avon
◦ Amway

JJJ 31
3) Direct Mail

▪ Direct mail is described as sending

information about a special offer,
product or sale announcement, service
reminder, or some other type of
communication to a person at a
particular street or electronic address.

JJJ 32
4) Catalogs

▪ Product catalogs are another version of direct

mail where the catalogs are the communication
▪ The most common use of this approach involves
featuring a variety of products that target the
needs of a specific audience who have shown a
propensity to order from catalogs.

JJJ 33
5) Telemarketing

▪ The process of contacting people on a qualified

list to sell services over the phone has grown in
popularity to the point that the average
household receives 19 telemarketing calls each
▪ Successful telemarketing campaigns depend on
a good calling list, an effective script and contact
structure, and well-trained people that are
compensated and rewarded for making calls
that result in sales.

JJJ 34
6) Direct-Response

▪ Direct-response advertising is communicating with

potential buyers through television, radio,
magazines, and newspapers.
▪ The prospective consumer watches, hears, or
reads about the product or service and initiates a
call to a toll-free number to place their order.
▪ Television, for example, offers a wide range of
exposure, from a 30-second commercial to a 60-
minute infomercial.
▪ For example: Go Shop, CJ Wow Shop

JJJ 35
7) Kiosk Marketing

▪ Customer order machines, versus vending machines

that actually provide products, are another form of
direct marketing.
▪ Examples are: your bank’s automatic teller machines
(ATMs) placed in convenient and high traffic areas
are another example of kiosk marketing.

JJJ 36
“Jika engkau ingin hidup tanpa kehinaan, agama dan kehormatanmu sentiasa terjaga. Maka, janganlah terucap
darimu keburukan seseorang… Ini kerana setiap yang ada padamu adalah aib, sedangkan orang lain juga
memiliki lisan. Jika matamu menampakkan padamu aib-aib orang lain, maka tinggalkanlah dan katakan
padanya mereka juga punyai mata…” Imam Syafie

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