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NĂM HỌC 2011-2012

Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: 18/11/ 2011
SECTION I: Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:



Write your answer here:

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Questions 18-20: Complete the sentences below.
18. Up to______________________ people attend garden parties at the palace each year.
19. The garden contains more than______________________ species of wild flowers.
20. The public can visit the nineteen______________________ in August or September.

II: LEXICO - GRAMMAR (7 points)

Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A,
B, C or D) in the numbered box below.

1. He's so ________ that he always expects other people to do the work.
A reserved B lazy C apathetic D passive
2. She's not very…….. She's never quite sure what she wants to do.
A energetic B lively C active D decisive
3. Even though they don't agree with what's happening, they're too…….to protest.
A outgoing B subdued C quiet D apathetic
4 He wasn't very ......... tonight. In fact he hardly said anything.
A active B decisive C talkative D energetic
5. I'm sure he enjoyed the evening. He didn't say much because he's nature.
A passive B subdued C inactive D quiet
6 He's always been very he hates not being able to do anything now that he's ill.
A decisive B active C outgoing D loud
7. I don't feel ……….. enough to go for a walk now.
A energetic B extrovert C outgoing D sociable
8. He's a ............sort of person. He doesn't really care what happens to him.
A quiet B passive C reserved D subdued
9. The school has just appointed a(n) .......... new headmaster, whose job it will be to
improve falling standards of education.
A sociable B active C dynamic D lively
10. It's always difficult to know what she's thinking because she's so ……...
A apathetic B inactive C subdued D reserved
11.The job involves working closely with the public, so we're looking for someone with
a(n) ………. personality.
A talkative B outgoing C dynamic D active
12. I had to ............ before the situation got worse.
A act B do something about C have go D be on the go
13. She hasn't got enough ............... to really try to get what she wants.
A action B activity C go D decision
14. They're very ... and regularly invite people to their house.
A good company B lively C active D sociable
15. He seemed rather .............. Was he upset about something?
A unsocial B apathetic C passive D subdued
16. She's very …………….. She can't sit down for long.
A lively B decisive C impassive D good company
17. Things are never boring when he's there. You could say he's ...
A energetic B active C sociable D an extrovert
18. She's ................. She tends to think a lot and not to say a lot.
A an introvert B inverted C inturned D subdued
19. The successful candidate must have ...……as he or she will have to work without
A action B a go C initiative D decision
20. I'm not …….. I don't mind at all where we go.
A careful B cautious C wary D fussy
Part 2: Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word.
1. Don't keep asking other people what to do. ……………………. your initiative!

2. We just hung …………………… in the park because we had nothing else to do.
3. They're really ……………. company. I always enjoy spending an evening with them.
4. Do you want it or not? Come on, …………. up your mind.
5. Make sure you're not late. I don't want to have to stand ..................... waiting for you.
6. The party was rather boring at the start, but everyone livened ……………. later.
7. The problem won't just go away. You'll have to do something …………………. it.
8. She's always ........................ the go. I don't know where she gets her energy from.

Part 2: Supply the correct form of each bracketed word to complete the text. Write your
answer in the numbered box below.
Part 3: Match one clause from 1-15 with one from a-p to make a complete sentence. Write your
answer in the numbered box below.
Part 4: Think of ONE WORD only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
Write your answer in the numbered box below. 0 is an example.
0. If you are ______next weekend, perhaps we could get together then.
This seat is _____ if you want to sit on it.
Feel _____ to stay with us any time you need a place to stay.
Part 5: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( ) at the end of
the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of the line.
There are two examples at the beginning.
Part 6: Join the words together to make compound adjectives that fit the sentences below.
There are two extra words which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered
box below.
III: READING (5 points)
Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
space. Write your answer in the numbered box below. (0) has been done as an example.
The first traffic signal was (0) _____by a railway signalling engineer. It was installed (1)_____
the Houses of parliament in 1868. It (2)_____like any railway signal of the time, and was
operated by gas. (3)_____, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident (4)_____
further development until cars became common.
(5)_____ traffic lights are an American invention. Red-green (6)_____ were installed in
Cleveland in 1914. Three-colour signals, operated (7)_____hand from a tower in the (8)_____
of the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The (9)_____ lights of this type to (10)_____
in Britain were in London, on the junction between St James’s Street and Piccadilly, in 1925.
Automatic signals were installed (11) _____ year later
In the past, traffic lights were (12)_____. In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los
Angeles the lights did not just (13)_____ silently, but would ring bells to (14)_____the sleeping
motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been replaced by standard models which are
universally adopted.
0. A. invented B. created C. originated D. started
1. A. outside B. out C. out of D. outdoors
2. A. resembled B. looked C. showed D. seemed
3. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
4. A. forbade B. disappointed C. avoided D. discouraged
5. A. New B. Recent C. Modern D. Late
6. A. methods B. ways C. systems D. means
7. A. by B. with C. through D. in
8. A. middle B. heart C. focus D. halfway
9. A. original B. primary C. first D. early
10. A. show B. appear C. happen D. become
11. A. a B. in the C. in a D. the
12. A. various B. particular C. rare D. special
13. A. change B. alter C. vary D. move
14. A. rise B. raise C. wake D. get up
Write your answer here:
0. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Part 2: Fill each gap in the passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the
numbered box below. (0) has been done as an example.
Many people believe that watching television (0)____ resulted in lower reading standards in
schools. (1)____, the link between television and printed books is as simple as that. In many
(2)____, television actually encourages people to read: for example, when a book is turned into
a TV series, (3) ____ sales often go up.
One study of this link examined six-year-old children who (4)____viewing a special series of
15-minute programmes at school. The series was designed to encourage love of books, as (5)
____ as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading. Each programme is an animated film
of a children’s book. The story is read aloud (6)___ certain key phrases from the book appear
on the screen, beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read, it is also highlighted on the TV
One finding was (7)____ watching these programmes was very important to the children. If
anything prevented them (8)____seeing a programme, they were very disappointed. What’s
more, they wanted to read the books (9)____the different parts of the series were based on.
The programmes also gave the children (10)____confidence when looking at these books. As a
result of (11)_____ familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read the stories aloud
to (12)____ other. On (13)___occasion, the children showed great sympathy when discussing a
character in a book because they themselves (14)____ been moved when watching the character
on television.
Write your answer here:
0. has 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13. 14.
Part 3: Read parts of the leaflet below about the Youth Hostels Association (YHA),
choose the most suitable heading from the list A-J for each part of the leaflet. There are
two extra headings which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered
box below the leaflet.
A. Group facilities. F. Travel the world!
B. How do we keep the prices so low? G. What about the accommodation?
C. Group prices. H. What does the price include?
D. Local groups. I. How to book.
E. The countryside matters. J. Taking commission.
1 To avoid disappointment, especially during the summer months, it is best to enquire and
make sure in advance that a bed is reserved for you. Just telephone the hostel (before 1000 or
after 1700 hours). At most Youth hostel you can now pay by Visa and Access credit cards.

What you pay to stay with us entitles you to use Hostel facilities such as showers and
washrooms, drying rooms, lounge, self-catering kitchen and dining areas.
3 Sleeping is in comfortable rooms which vary in size-from 4-6 beds to larger dormitories
with around 8-16 beds. Blankets and pillows are included in the price for your overnight stay.
You will need to either hire or buy a YHA sheet sleeping bag or you can bring your own sheets
and pillow case.
4 When staying at a Youth Hostel, we do ask you to help with some of clearing up; usually
something routine such as sweeping a floor or helping wash up. You also need to remember that
Youth Hostel close for a period during the day- usually between 1000 and 1700 hours- and
close for the night at 2300 hours. This helps to keep our running costs down.
5 YHA is one of the leading environmental groups in Britain, helping to conserve Britain’s
unique landscape features and wildlife.
Members with an interest in conservation have the chance to carry out practical work-clearing
out ponds, opening up footpaths and planting trees. So if you’d like to put something back into
the landscape, now’s your chance!
6 We specialise in budget residential facilities for groups of young people, 28 of our
Hostels offer field facilities and many have classrooms. Datapack is a publication designed for
group leaders and contains details of those Youth Hostels which are particularly suitable for
7 If you like meeting people with similar interests and getting out and about in the
countryside, then why not join the YHA group in your area? YHA groups organize regular
social events and weekend activities-from discos and barbecues to theatre trips and country
walks. Details of your nearest group can be found in the YHA accommodation guide.
8 YHA is a member of the international Youth Hostel Federation and this means that once
a member in England and Wales, you can stay at any Hostel showing the YHF sign. So whether
you choose Europe or Australia, India or Peru, you can still stay with YHA. All you need to do
is attach a recent photograph to your membership card and it becomes valid worldwide. And for
recognised groups it’s even simpler: International leader cards enable groups of non-members-
aged between 10 and 20 years- to stay in Youth Hostels, as long as they are accompanied by a
YHA member who is aged 18 years or over!
Write your answer here:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Part 4: Read a magazine article about the best way to see certain artistic masterpieces in
various buildings. For questions 1 to 14, choose from the buildings (A-F). The buildings may
be chosen more than once. Write your answers in the numbered box below.
Smart Art
The queue-buster’s guide to the world’s greatest masterpieces
Early openings, private viewings – here’s everything you need for a magic moment with the
world’s most famous masterpieces.
A. The Birth of Venus
Uffizi, Florence, Italy
The Florentine master Sandro Botticelli created one of the most grateful and joyful images of
the modern age, and the single most popular painting in the Uffizi. To see it at its best, you need
to pre-book a ticket for timed entry at 8.15 a.m., courtesy of the Firenze Musei booking service;
don’t be put off if you can’t get through on the phone first time. Once inside, head straight for
the suite of rooms 10-14, where the Botticellis are displayed. Then take in the other highlights
of the collection- the Da Vincis in room 15, the Raphaels in room 26, and the Caravaggios in
room 43- staying ahead of the hordes as you go. If there are any gaps you want to fill in, work

backwards towards the entrance: by now, the crowds will be unavoidable, but you’ll have
already had the masters to yourself.
B. The Death Mask of Tutankhamun
Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt
It is, of course, impossible for one object to embody the vigour and sophistication of ancient
Egypt’s culture. But the funerary mask of the boy-king Tutankhamun comes close. Eleven kilos
of solid gold, inlaid with lapis lazuli, glass paste and semi-precious stones, it’s the undisputed
star of the Egyptian Museum- which, given the array of mummies, colossi, thrones and
jewellery on show here, gives you an idea of its charisma. What ever the season, there are
people clamouring to see it: hefty groups from the cruise liners and Red Sea resorts in the
summer and a steady stream of culture-vultures on Nile tours in the cooler months. At least the
museum’s policy of not allowing guides to talk in front of its display case, in room 3 up on the
first floor, means that the flow of visitors doesn’t get too congested. But if you want some
proper quiet, you need to come at lunchtime. There are fewer independent travellers about, and
it’s changeover time for the tour parties too. The quietest time is between 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m.
on mid week days in July and August, when the bus tours take all the tourists away for their
C. The Sistine Ceiling
Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy
The really smart way to see Michelangelo’s masterwork is on a private tour. At first sight, this
looks prohibitively expensive. But form a group of like-minded friends, and suddenly you have
the experience of an art-loving lifetime for the price of dinner for two in a posh restaurant. If
that’s not an option, then you’ve got to be first in, which means arriving at the vast Vatican
Museums complex at least an hour before the doors open, armed with a good map (most Rome
guidebooks have them) and a pair of binoculars. Once you’re inside, hurry to the chapel- it’s at
the far end of the complex, and most people will be distracted by some of the other world-class
exhibits. The binoculars, by the way, are essential Michelangelo’s forms hover some 20m
D. Girl with a Pearl Earring
Mauritshuis, The Hague, The Netherlands
Vermeer’s delicate, deeply ambiguous portrait is one of the most finely observed in all western
art. Its home, the Mauristshuis, is some way off the tourist map- even though it’s one of the best
small museums in Europe- but Dutch school kids make the pilgrimage in droves. A Monday in
summer is your best bet for a private view- it’s closed that day in winter, and locals assume it’s
a year-round day off.
E. The Kiss
Belvedere, Vienna, Austria
Vienna may now be second only to Paris as art-history capital of Europe, but city-breakers have
yet to realize this fact, and many of its wonderful exhibits are mercifully uncrowded. Klimt’s
ravishing Kiss, beloved of student bedrooms, does draw a devoted following, though, Go in the
early morning, or on Thursday evening, to be sure of the best viewing conditions. While you’re
there, don’t miss Klimt’s other great painting, his 1907 portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. It’s as
dazzling and sensual in effect as The Kiss.
F. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
Museum of Modern Art, New York, US
Picasso’s confrontational and revolutionary painting was by no means considered a masterpiece
when he showed it to his friends in 1907. Matisse laughed out loud when he first saw it. Others
were stunned into embarrassed silence. There’s no doubting its value now: the Museum of
Modern Art’s curators call it “perhaps the single most influential work in the history of modern
art”. Few would argue. Your best strategy for a crowd-free view is to join a private group

before the doors open. If you don’t want to do that, book a timed-entry ticket for 10.30 a.m.
Gallery 2, on the fourth floor, is your goal.
Of which building are the following stated?
1. Different categories of visitor are anxious to view the masterpieces.
2. Some people have the wrong idea about when the building is open.
3. You may have some difficulty making your arrangements for your visit.
4. There are plenty of excellent books of art in the building that do not attract many viewers.
5. On your return journey through the building, you can look at works of art you missed earlier.
6. People who work there make a big claim about the masterpieces.
7. You will be able to get to the masterpieces before other visitors, because they will stop to
view other works of art.
8. Holidaymakers do not normally visit the building but it is an excellent place.
9. There is another work of art in the building apart from the masterpiece that is equally worth
10. A rule prevents people from viewing the masterpiece that for too long.
11. The masterpiece has not always received the praise it currently receives.
12. It is possible that visitor numbers to the museum will increase.
13. Make sure you remain in front of the crowds of people as you go through the building.
14. There is a period when most visitors have left the building.
Write your answer here. You can write the letter A, B, C, D, E or F.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
IV: WRITING (6 points)
Part 1: Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence before it.
1. I am fed up with doing homework tonight.
I have had ____________________________________________for one night.
2. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th.
The ____________________________________be submitted must be on June 18th.
3. Help was urgently needed in the flooded area of the country.
They were in ____________________________________________________ country.
4. Can I speak to someone about my problem?
Would it ______________________________________________________ problem?
5. John’s inability to make decisions dates from his accident.
Ever_____________________________________ unable to make decisions.
Part 2: Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence before it,
using the word given in capital. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use
between TWO AND FIVE WORDS, including the word given.
Example: I last saw him at my 30th birthday party. SEEN
I haven’t seen him since my 30th birthday party.
1. I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me. (THANKFUL)
I’d like to say ___________________________ am for everything you have done for me.
2. I found this film quite disappointing. (LET)
I felt quite ________________________________________film.
3. There’s no way we can agree to this solution. (QUESTION)
This solution ________________________________________as far as we are concerned.
4. Our organization has made every effort to get rid of age and gender discrimination. (STAMP)

Our organization has made every __________________________________ age and
gender discrimination.
5. We are noticing a rise in the cost of living again. (APPEARS)
The cost of living ____________________________________again.
6. Being rich has no connection with being happy. (NOTHING)
Being rich _________________________________being happy.
7. The fate of the two climbers is unknown. (MYSTERY)
It is _________________________ what has happened to the two climbers.
8. The motorbike only just missed the dog. (SPARE)
The motorbike passed the dog ____________________________________.
9. The new sports centre takes all age groups into consideration. (CATERS)
The new sports centre ____________________________________________.
10. The people I stayed with tried hard to make me feel at home. (WAY)
The host family I stayed with ___________________________to make me feel at home.
Part 3: In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of
pressure to work hard on their studies.
- What do you think are the causes of this?
- What solutions can you suggest?
Write about 220-250 words to express your ideas.
The end


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