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NAME: ______________________________COURSE: 70_ DATE: ______________ TEACHER: NATALIA MATEUS

Metodología: Los estudiantes que presentan plan de mejoramiento deben realizarlo en casa en las dos primeras
semanas del tercer período (agosto 16 – 25). Traer terminado hasta la página 3. El resto se realiza durante las clases de
las dos últimas semanas (agosto 28 – septiembre 8). En cada clase deben entregar los avances del proceso y en la última
clase de la semana 4 debe presentar evaluación escrita. Deben realizar los ejercicios en inglés y en español.

1. Fecha _________________________ Entrega _________

2. Fecha _________________________ Entrega _________
3. Fecha _________________________ Entrega _________
4. Fecha _________________________ Entrega _________



There is a car There isn’t a car

There is an apple There isn’t an apple

There are two cars There aren’t cars

There are three apples There aren’t three apples


Is there a car?
Yes, there is. How many cars are there?
There is one.
Is there an apple?
No, there is not. How many apples are there?
There is one.

Are there two cars?

Yes, there are How many cars are there?
There are two
Are there three apples?
No, there are not. How many apples are there?
There are three.
EXERCISE 1. Identify the vocabulary of places of the city

EXERCISE 2. Look at the picture and answer TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.

1. There is a church next to the National Museum
2. There are two hospitals
3. There is a parking lot
4. There are three restaurants
5. There is a shopping mall next to the University
6. There is a theater
7. There are some trees in the park
8. There is a library
9. There are many schools
10. There are some animals

Example: There is one hospital

2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 3. Match the pictures to complete the puzzle and write sentences using there is and there are.

Example: There is one lion

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________
EXERCISE 4. Look at the picture, write the names of these animals and count them.
1. Leopards ______

2. Elephants ______

3. Giraffes ______

4. Hippos______

5. Lions______

6. Zebras _____

7. Monkeys ______

8. Rhinos______

EXERCISE 5. Make questions and answers about these animals using HOW MANY and THERE IS / THERE ARE.

1. How many leopards are there? There is one.

2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 7: This is a classroom, check the things you can see

1. Computers
2. Pencil
3. Ruler
4. Pens
5. Notebooks
6. Colors
7. Scissors
8. Glue
9. Books
10. Erasers
11. Basket
12. Desk
13. Chair
14. Students
15. Robots

EXERCISE 8: Write affirmative and negative sentences about the things in the list.

Example: There are four computers

There is not a pencil

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________
11. ____________________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________________
13. ____________________________________________________
EXERCISE 9. Complete the next sentences with THERE IS or THERE ARE. There are affirmative, negative sentences or

1. ___________________ one elephant. 10. ___________________ two pencils.

2. ___________________ a hippo. 11. _________________ a zoo in the city.
3. ___________________ three restaurants. 12. __________________ a library next to the cinema
4. ___________________ not a car in my house. 13. _________________ not a hotel in the town.
5. ___________________ not four students today. 14. How many dogs _________________ in my house?
6. __________________ a cat on my bed? 15.__________________ a penguin in the zoo?
7. __________________ two chairs in the office? 16. _________________ a lion on the tree?
8. How many drugstores _____________________? 17. How many teachers ______________ at school?
9. How many notebooks ________________________? 18. How many evaluations _____________ ?

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